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Latest revision as of 05:38, 26 September 2022

Hazelduck the Brave
Date of Scene: 25 September 2022
Location: Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost
Synopsis: Gabby comes upon Phoebe curled up on the floor of the rec room. Things go from good to better upon the realization that there is a duck. Hazelduck McQuack now lives in the rec room of the Outsiders Roost, as checked over by Bart Allen to make sure the quacker is in good health. Phoebe expresses pain about why she left the JLD, and the guilt she still carries.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Gabby Kinney, Bart Allen

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It's not often Phoebe takes refuge in the Rec Room, but in all honesty after having one of her normal best friends kidnapped off a mountainside, contending with a Demon whow ants to bloodily destroy her best friends in front of her and is physically holding her larynx captive, admitting that she was completely out of her depth, then waking up, being drug out to a desert in Mexico by janky helicopter and then f ighting a murdered-and-possessed zombie pilot to the point where she was almost completely out of oomph, portaling her way to the Curio in GOtham, catching two busses, accessing the Roost via the fire escape door to the kitchen and then a short elevator ride to the rec room where there was a plastic kiddie pool with some water and dried peas for the duck she won on Friday after fighting the PESTACHIO ONOMONOPEANUT... in all honestly who wouldn't be just worn out?

    So Phoebe, was on her side, in the middle of the Rec room floor, grasping a pillow. Idu was curled up behind her with his head on her waist, ears back and whining.

    Hazelduck, the duck of Hazelnuts, was making happy duck noises because had she been won by anyone else at that festival her goose might have been cooked.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
After about a week of working to meet new JLD potential recruits, old JLD members who might be willing to return, and an old witch she talked out of retirement into doing some heavy lifting with leadership, Gabby was equally tired.

Which is why she'd crashed at the Roost. Hard. It had been easily a full day since she'd laid down, maybe a bit more, as her body decided it needed to catch up on sleep healing factor or not. Now she was awake, hungry, and shuffling around in a set of yoga pants and a t-shirt along with some slipper-socks in the form of kitty faces.

With a large coffee cup in one hand and a PB&J sandwich in the other, she heads into the rec room curious at the sound of... was that quacking?

"When did we get a duck? Why did no one tell me we had a duck? Hello duck!" Gabby croons only to switch her attention away almost immediately. "Hi Idu, hi Phoebe you look terribad. Need a hug? A sandwich?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It was, indeed quacking. Happy quacking, in fact, because Hazelduck was no longer in a tight little pen or a cat carrier, it was warm and there was a kiddie pool for her to swim in.

    Idu, however, seems Less Enthused(TM) than the anatine new friend. HIs blue eyes turn up to Gabby and say 'fix this PLEASE', though it's not clear if it's the duck that needs l'oranged or if it's Phoebe that is the issue.

    Phoebe points to herself, and then makes the sign for 'evacuated my stomach with much urgency' as an explaination for why she was laying on her side in the rec room.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney makes a noncommital noise of apparent understanding at the gesture. Everyone knew that gesture even if they didn't speak sign language. Though she was picking up a few here and there just from repitition at this point. Without a word she turns to go.

Only to return a few minutes later with a tray bearing a cup of tea, a slice of plain toast, and a banana. Just in case. It's set down and she turns to Idu holding out a spoonful of peanut butter for the puppy to shlorp up. She may also have something in her yoga pant pockets for the duck. For now though the mammals were seen to.

"Okay. You want a blanket, too? It's some of that North African Mint tea, too. I kinda like that one and mint is supposed to be good for stomachs, right?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe signs 'yes'. Mint is good for stomachs. She doesn't move though, other than the sign for a full minute before she grunts in a most unladylike fashion, and then slowly pushes herself up.

    Idu abandoned his post ONLY because there was another human there, and there was peanutbutter.

    Hazelduck (there was a notecard on the pool with her name on it and a brief explaination of 'It's Lonnie's Fault' written in Phoebe's impeccable handwriting) quacks in curiosity, and comes to investigate the peanutbutter with the 'plutplutplutplut' of webbed feet and the ruffle of feathers.

    <She set a trap>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The duck has come out. Oh no. Little wet flippy flappys. Gabby sucks in a breath, bouncing her weight from foot to foot while watching the TAIL WIGGLE with glee. "Oh my gooooooood I love the duck. I will kill for you, duck. Not you Idu, you're a good boy, you wouldn't want anyone dead unless they really need it." So saying she lets him get that mouthful of PB before taking the spoon which still had a little but on it to set down in front of the duck. "It's that healthy sugar-free stuff Tim likes," she assures.

With the feeding of the animals done, Idu gets some ruffled ears. Then she moves to sit now that Phoebe has levered herself up. Her arm slides around her back to give a sidelong hug for as long as allowed.

"Who set a trap?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Idu finishes the peanutbutter (even better that it's being 'stolen' from Tim!, and draws up, stretching in front of Phoebe and stealing Hazelduck's spot.

    Hazelduck is flippity flapping, tail going back and forth and begins to peck at the peanutbutter in curiosity, continually making those happy duck sounds.

    <The demon. She laid a trap knowing Tim and I would respond.> Phoebe replies back. Even via that magical telepathy, she sounds exhausted and sick, and as Gabby wraps an arm around her, Phoebe leans into the embrace.

    <She was able to manifest herself. Tim *saw* her. Conner *saw* her.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans her head to the side to rest her cheek against the top of Phoebe's head as she listens to that tired telepathy. The news garners a slow, deep breath from her as she feels her stomach sink in the process. Thankfully she wasn't liable to get sick so much as worry.

"I'm sorry I wasn't around to help. Don't know if I could have," she adds honestly, "But still. Are they okay? Are YOU going to be okay?" The hug squeezes just a bit tighter only to relax again just holding her friend.

While watching the amazing cuteness of both animals quietly. At least it was distracting and cute, maybe such wholesome things would be a, ahem, balm to Balm.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Tim got shot. I fixed it.> Phoebe replies, and then after a long moment, there might be a little dampness to Gabby's shirt.

    <Zatanna said she is getting Constantine to help. It'll be over soon. The Proper Constantine taking care of this demon. He was right. I'm just useless unless it's putting a bandaid on something. Should just stay with what I'm good at.>

    Phoebe's thoughts float over, lazily and coming in and out like an old speaker. <I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you with anything.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Hey." Gabby gives another little squeeze, more gentle than before. Nothing is said about the dampness. She'd had those moments before herself after all. It helped to get it out at times.

"Don't underestimate a bandaid. Bandaids help keep things from getting worse until it can be dealt with properly. So maybe you're not at that level yet--There's no shame in admitting that. That doesn't mean you can't or won't get there in time."

"Those 'bandaids' will get better and better until it isn't just a way to keep things from getting worse. Until they become something that lets things *heal*."

"Also, don't compair yourself to Constantine. If you've read half of the stories of him that I've had in the past few weeks you'll realize he was a complete shit show until about a decade ago."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe goes quiet. Her arms wrap around herself further, her eyes closing tightly. She lets her shoulders rise up as she slowly pulls away from Gabby, and shakes her head.

    <You're right. I don't know who he is, really.> she replies after a moment. <And after next week it won't matter. It'll be over. He and Zee will finish what got started in the bar a year and a half ago. And then I can just bury myself in coursework.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"OR... take a much needed vacation instead of trying to drown yourself in work again." Gabby suggests with a wry grin. Reaching up she gives Phoebe's hair a little ruffle. Or more accurately a rub, it was hard to ruffle her thicker hair usually.

"Maybe Bart could use some volunteer help at the zoo. Get to see all the animals! ... Smell them too but I mean that comes along with it," she mumbles thoughtfully.

"Or whatever tickles your fancy. Just not *alone*, okay? We miss you enough as it is."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's hair was growing back in and was in cottony poofs all over her head. They can be ruffled, and they stuck out even more as Phoebe delivers a Look to Gabby.

    <Schoolwork. And there's stuff at Wayne I could be doing. Training. Batman wants me to focus less on magic more on my physical training. He's probably also still angry about the stunt I pulled over the summer.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"He's Batman. Is he ever not angry?" It was a mild jest as she offers a wry grin. Still she did understand a bit. "Okay. Seriously though, try to set at least one or two days a week to doing something for yourself. With friends or family. YOU need healing too."

"Could do a poker night?" She asks wistfully. "Honestly I need a day myself. It's... woo. Man. I took on a lot all at once," she admits with a difficult to read expression. Maybe realization about it all.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <When he's singing Jimmy Buffet.> is a passing thought from Phoebe to Gabby. Phoebe keeps her gaze looking out, and then she shakes her head.

    <How is that, by the way? Herding cats that are on fire unless you have something big to point them at.> Phoebe gives a wry little smile.

    She knows.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney can only offer a faint smile in return. She was tired, but there were good moments too. "Hard. I don't know if it was because we were all so distracted with other things, or what, but there's a lot of catch up to do. Relationships to mend, new ones to build. I know I'm generally easy to get along with so that's a bonus, but it's weird too."

"It's leveling out a bit. Zatanna agreed to come back which is great. And some others too. Plus new folks and allies."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <You are disgustingly easy to get along with, even if you ratted me out to Tim.> Phoebe opens one dark eye and looks over to Gabby. <Happy you did. I don't know how long the bindings would have held her, and Kansas was *boring as shit*.> Phoebe adds with a tired smile. Idu comes over, and just sprawls across Phoebe's lap.

    Hazelduck waddlewaddles to Gabby, flat-flip-flappitys her way to Gabby's lap, and announces she's happy with a loud (and unechoing) quack.

    <... I'm glad. Zatanna's a good resource. The Ghost Riders. Lyds. Jubilee... even if they fought in my hospital room. There's another one that's out there that's powerful in magic, he's our age... Billy something or other. Met him at the tail end of last year. Haven't really had the chance to get out much.> Phoebe replies.

    <Sara. Patience. Heck, even Red. Detective Chimp.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I know sometimes you have to do things on your own. Or at least that's what most of my family keeps telling me. Even I've considered it at times... But to be fair, things seem to work out better all around when I don't do it alone. Even going after old enemies."

Gabby's suddenly silenced by damp duck in lap but it's accepted with a little squeak of supressed happiness. Duck blessed! The arm not around Phoebe lowers to geeently place a hand over the duck's back to give several pets, working up to the head, and those itchy itchy ears.

"Billy Kaplan," Gabby informs with a nod of thought. "He was on the prospective list but withdrew his name when I reached out to him. Apparently some family stuff came up. And Robbie quit awhile ago," she mentions of the ghost riders. "Though Danny's still around. Also met Jason Blood, the demonologist. Nice guy, bit rough around the edges." She grins again warmly. "Yeah, I haven't seen Red in awhile either. Lots of good folks so I'm sure we'll work things out one way or another."

"And so will you," she adds with another little squeeze.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <I'm not coming back.> Phoebe answers, and she crosses her legs. She scritches Idu's stomach, the desher-iwiw wriggling a little bit as he gives a tail wag. Person is slowly getting fixed.

    <Pretty sure it's in the bylaws that if you're willing to hurt little kids that you're not supposed to be in the good guy group.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins faintly at that only to shake her head. "I wouldn't have asked. If you wanted I'd love it, but I won't pry either. You've been through a lot and you know what's best for you. I get that."

"We didn't have bylaws actually. Kind of... yeah anyway," Gabby mutters reaching up with her duck-petting hand to pinch at her temple and drag her fingers over her eyes. "I know people who have done some awful things. I continue to know them because I see they feel guilty about it, and want to do better, and not continue to do that. If it were otherwise? Then they're not friends."

"YOU want to be better, and do better. You feel remorse and guilt. It hurts. It sucks. But that's how I know a person is worth giving a chance."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Removing the memories of me, even to use them to power a curse that would destroy my soul so that the demon couldn't corrupt me, would have affected the League. Superman, Wonder Woman, Constantine and Zee. All the Outsiders. Caroline Beacon. Nick and Jayjay and Nacho... Tim and Cass... would have also affected Geraldine. Chas's bio-kid.> Phoebe leans back, and looks up at the ceiling.

    <His /actual/ daughter with a woman named Renee. My little sister. She's like, ten. I think she's still ten. He told me he'd do anything to protect her, including making sure I couldn't hurt her.>

    Phoebe looks over to Gabby. <And I was told if I wanted to leave, to go, but I wasn't allowed back.> she shrugs.

    <Can't get much more binding than someone who literally went to scold The Presence.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney listens to what Phoebe says with a slow nod here and there to show she was listening. Listening and thinking. Finally, she clears her throat a little awkwradly.

"Well. The reason he's not aruond anymore to lead the JLD is because he ran off with my sister to 'explore their feelings for each other' in the astral plane. Quite frankly I'm not sure what's up with his kid at this point. But, ah. Pretty sure he was thinking with his supernatural dick there just a bit. And same for the sister," she adds to show she wasn't blaming just ONE of them for abandoning their post without warning.

"And that's a dick ass move. Angels are dicks at times. Demons are dicks at times. I don't think there's really anyone who isn't at times."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Out of the two of them Chas was not the one I thought would think with his dick.> Phoebe pauses a moment, and then she stares up at the ceiling, her eyes narrowing. <... my John thought more with his liver I Think. Well. Neither here, nor there. And I resent being called a dick.> Phoebe closes her eyes.

    She crosses her arms over her chest.

    <I'm an asshole; it's unisex and everyone has one.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds up a hand, finger raised... But it drops as she nods solemnly. "No, no, you're right. My sister was probably leaning more on that side. She went *all* in with the insta-love for Robbie and probably with Chas too. Still, she's very convincing," she has to admit with a wry grin. "Much as she is my sister."

The correction earns a laugh from her in agreement. "Okay good point. Asshole it is. I know I can be at times too. And it is unisex."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <It's literally impossible for you to be an asshole. You're like, this never-ending spiral of positive and common sense. If I could magically bottle it I could probably destroy the market for self-help products.> Phoebe replies through her little mental magic spell. She's laying on the floor. Idu is flopped half over her stomach and seems content to lay across something warm.

    There is a small kiddie pool with water in it, and there is a happy looking white duck sitting on Gabby's lap, making happy duck noises.

    Phoebe reaches over, and she plucks up a slice of toast.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has not been about as much as he used to be but he does make daily stop ins at least. Checking on his snails, and the other animals and their foods. So the blur of Bart is seen and he stops at the doorway to the kitchen, bags in his hands, and brow raising looking over at the girls and the duck.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I..." Gabby pauses, unsure of what to say at that. She just smiles a little while looking down to the duck in her lap to give a few loving pets. "I'm not always cheery. But I've seen what 'worse' is, and I know as long as we're alive we can keep moving things toward 'being better.' Just can't give up. It's hard. I just know I can keep moving on if others find it hard so why not drag them with me?"

"Okay that sounds lame." At least Phoebe was nibbling on the toast she'd gotten her, that was good. Seeing Bart she lifts a hand to wave. "Bart! We have a duck! She's adorable!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Could sound worse. At least you're not going on about the power of friendship or what Darth Maul calls his Little Darth after he gets a robotic torso! I've not been able to get that out of my mind for DAYS!!> Phoebe replies, her arms splaying out, sending some crumbs about the recroom.

    And then Idu sees Bart. His tail wags, and he hops up, giving that long-bodied stretch that dogs and cats do, and then he pads over to Bart.

    And Yes. It's TWo Girls. one Duck.

    Hazelduck, who is a white Pekin duck, quacks at Bart, and hops off Gabby's lap to flappity-flap-feet around for the crumbs of toast.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will squat down setting the bag behind him for a moment, and will give Idu the scritches he is owed, and looks over towards the duck "Did you free her from someone who meant her harm?" He asks as he has done with many a chicken from the noodle bar. I will need to study up a bit on birds

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"But Phobe, friendship IS magic!" Gabby gushes only to give a laugh immediately after. "Okay I can't do that with too straight a face. It is pretty good though." Grinning she watches HazelDuck hop off to flap feeties against the floor. "I want to make her spats." Not that she needed them, but... maybe? She was going to have to look into that. Before she can though she gives a wide yawn.

"Bah, after some more sleep. I may have been pushing myself a bit much lately." With that she gets to her feet to stretch arms overhead as well. "So I'm gonna go crash but if something pops up and you need me just come knocking. Good to see you again, Bart." Looking back she grins at Phoebe. "And don't beat yourself up so much. Got plenty of others to do that for us, especially in Gotham!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Anarky was flung into a rubber duck pond by a guy who could manipulate reality with onomonopoeia. He gave the winning duck to me. I won a duck on the duck. Her name is Hazelduck.> Phoebe states, and she gives a wave of her hand. As Gabby goes to retreat, after the Friendship is Magic statement, Gabby now has Dark Purple hair with lighter violet and pink highlights.

    She's not getting away with that reference.

    <Goodnight Gab. Consider Spats for the Hazelduck MacDuck.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit to this listening and continues petting and even giving Idu a bit of a snack he has on him "So, was she a rubber duck turned into a real duck?" He asks a bit confused.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pauses a moment as she looks to Bart, and she smiles, and gives a small laugh, and then shakes her head <Just a farm duck. If I could take something fake and turn it real... we wouldn't be in so much of a mess.> she replies, and she raises a hand to ripe a palm to her eye.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney traipses out with all the colorful hair! Unaware. Until next day.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "I thought maybe the guy who you said could manipulate reality, might have done it." He will give Idu a bit more snack and then blurs off to put the food up and is back heading to sit on the couch. "So why hazleduck?" He asks

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <It was a nut festival. Tim called an alert. Me, Con, and Lonnie answered it. Got to fight against a guy who used onomonopoeia against us. Weird stuff. And Hazelduck sounded enough like 'Hazelnut'.> Phoebe replies, giving a shrug.

    Idu omnomnoms the snacks, and tailwags.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit to this and pulls out his phone scanning through something for a moment, and hmms "Are you plan on her flying or clipping her wings so she does not fly out into Gotham and get hurt? Also you should make sure her nest has plenty of material she may lay some eggs for you.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe did not consider all the new responsibilities of duck ownership. Her eyes open wide as she looks up at the ceiling.

    Idu (who is *so* much easier to care for than a duck, and he knows it) muttley-laughs.

    <... I might have to change her name to Hazelduck McQuack> Phoebe considers. <I made a nesting box in my room, but I'm pretty sure I'll move her to Shadowcrest.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises a bit and says "Shadowcrest?" HE will ask and he moves to pick up hazleduck if she does not protest to much, so he can give her a look over.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Hazelduck quacks happily at gentle movements. Much better than being in a little pen!

    <... Zatanna's home.> Phoebe gives a smile. <I have a room there. A hold over from when--> she shakes her head, and she shrugs her shoulders <Zatanna's agreed to help me with the remaining demon issue, with getting my voice back.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, a bit to this and says "Well you know if there is anything I can do to help, all you need to do is let me know where you need me." He says as she does not even need to ask, just tell him where. He will pet the duck, but also gives it a full check over and sees how she is "She can't fly a lot, well not right now, later depends on how you take care of her.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <I know, Bart.> Phoebe replies, and she scritches on Idu, who definitely is not jealous that everyone thinks Hazelduck is cute.

    The duck passes with flying colors! Other than not being quite strong enough to fly more than a little awkwardly. She quacks happily, ruffles her wings, and happy-flaps her feet.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and will give the duck some attention with petting and says "Well she looks healthy I will add some duck snacks to the weekly cooking session." He offers

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <I have no idea how you keep up with everything, Ba--> Phoebe begins, and then she straightens a moment, then exhales, and flops bonelessly back. <Right. Superspeed.>

    Phoebe looks up at the ceiling a moment.

    <Bart. Thank you. For everything. But especially for beleiving in everyone.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smirks a bit and says "It does help." He admits, and at the last bit, he raises a brow and says "You guys are my friends of course I believe in all of you."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <... heh, yeah. Power of friendship. Careful, or you and Gabby will have matching Pony Hair.> Phoebe gives a grin to Bart, looking up at him from the floor.

    <But I'm serious. Ever since we met in the sewers. You've always been ready to help at the drop of a hat. And I know I haven't been the easiest person to be friends with the last year. I'm going to find some way to make it up to you. TO make it up to everyone.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her, and says "No need to make it up, everyone is allowed a bit of a rough time, we are there when you are having them, and you will be there when some of us are." He offers as it is just something he takes as facts.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks up at the ceiling of the rec room.

    <The first thing I'm going to do when I get my voice back is apologize to Tim. If I had listened to his advice last year, we wouldn't be in this mess.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I never did find out what happened with you and him, but figured you two would make it through it;

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe puts her lips together tightly.

    <When I found out my cousin had been dragged to Hell, instead of going through Duat, I thought the same fate might wait for me.> she admits and she looks at the shadows interplaying on the ceiling far above. A moth flicks. A stinkbug is crawling against the wall.

    <I had a backup plan for if Tim got hurt during the business in NYC. I thought I could adapt the spell. Instead of using my memories and sacrificing my knowledge of magic and the Outsiders, I could steal everyone's memories of me. Yours, Gabs's, Lauras and Tim's. Chas and Jon. Maybe even the puppet. Batman and Diana and Donna. That way... it wouldn't hurt. You wouldn't remember meeting me in the sewer, getting an apartment at the Curio. Meeting Scout. Taking me to the zoo. Tim knew the risks I took with him. I made sure he was aware.>

    Phoeb then brings one arm up and crosses over her eyes. She was beginning to get vertigo. Way too much expendature.

    <On top of that, I took off, removed all my trackers, threw my helmet into a river. Tim lost track of me. He was worried sick. When he found me I'd lost almost twenty pounds because I couldn't regulate because I had no thyroid. We had a fight. I thought...>

    She's quiet.

    <I thought for a while he would tell me I couldn't come back here. But, he's Tim.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "I told you that all along." He offers her a smile and then adds "I don't know if that type of magic would work on me or not to be honest. My memory is an odd thing even amongst the flashes.""

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <All of you speedsters are weird. W E I R D.> Phoebe actually signs out the letters, but she gives a smile. She's got her eyes closed, but she can hear Bart's grin in his voice.

    <And you might have missed the previous conversation Gabby and I were having, but I am an asshole.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head and says "Na, may strike out abit when your scared or hurt, but when your yourself again you feel bad about it, hence not an asshole."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Totally an asshole. Pretty sure all of my adopted parents have given me a horrible quality along with their last name. I got the Painful Heroics from Charles Beacon. Asshole from the Other One. Probably 'punch first' from Chas maybe. Dunno. Batman called me his daughter. At least legally he's not wrong.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head abit and says "Well we will have to disagree." He offers and says "So, what have you been working on besides the demon thing?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe presses her lips together.

    <. . . dark magic book that some girl in New York Disappeared with. Mostly the demon thing, since she tried to kill Tim and Con.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "I need to talk to Nadia, I have an idea, on a magical defense, but would need her help with it."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <I can see why you would talk to Nadia.> Phoebe states, and her voice sounds a bit put out. She rocks to her shoulders, and then she does the roll-to-her-feet thing. Unfortunately this upsets Idu, who gives a bark of alarm and hops to HIS feet as well.

    <I did what I should have done months ago. I went to Zatanna. She's pulling the real Constantine on it. By this time next week I'll be talking so much you all will be sick of my voice.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her, and says "It is not for the magic itself, it if for shrinking and enlarging." He tells her. "I thought we could fill hulahoops with salt have her shrink them down and then pull them out enlarge and instant salt circle

Phoebe Beacon has posed:

    Phoebe just stops. And stares at Bart. She opens her mouth, as if to protest, and then she just sits back down, her eyes getting that thousand-yard stare look.

    <Salt-filled Hula-Hoops... what kind of serialized magic bullshit is THAT?> she asks -- and her lips part. She is tearing up, and she actually falls backwards.


    <That is crazy enough to work.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her and offers a smile, and says "See you teach me stuff, and I look at it from a totally different view, and we figure out new and neat things."