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Latest revision as of 14:53, 27 September 2022

Any 'Port in a Storm
Date of Scene: 27 June 2022
Location: Reed's Labs - Four Freedom Plaza
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Reed Richards, Ray Palmer, Bando George

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards is working in the lab tablet in hand some large piece of machinery whirring. He is making some fine adjustments and monitoring output with his tablet in real time. He mutters under his breath. "This doesn't make sense, it's like it has a mind of its own." The little robot lad assistant comes over to Reed beeping and chirping, "Sentient energy is not a thing, Herbie! Well, except for Ray... and Monica, and theoretically Box... It's not a thing here, in this situation." He frowns a moment and does some quick analysis. "No, yes, yes, there we go not sentient."

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer had called ahead to request some help for his 'friend' the Atom. That had gotten him a line to the lab. In costume and ridiculously tiny, Ray watches as the gargantuan and relatively retro phone auto dials. The metronome is already set up and he hits his size control and shrinks even tinier to be propelled along the phone line at the speed of light.

It had better be a line. He's wrecked a couple of cell phones and they didn't do his head much good. Ray follows the mad stampede of electrons, nearly merging with it, but still conscious. Does he become a kind of energy when he does that? Sentient energy, there's a wild concept.

He did ask for a land line, right?

Bando George has posed:
    That signature does seem to have something strange. There's a presence about it at least. It moves around the city, almost like a person would. It follows sidewalks. And every once in a while it suddenly appears somewhere else. It's now outside the lab, maybe half a mile away. Not too far, really. But that signature seems to be fluxuating. Agitated perhaps? Something is altered by it. Whatever it is, it certainly just temporally changed the makeup of something else. Is it attacking something?

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards pulls power from a couple of low priority systems to bolster the signal, and enhance the renonance and confinement beam even the attentions of the device on the activity trying to pull it in.

     For Ray the electron flow shifts and gets more turbulent. As they veer off and enter the larger space of the device. Within the quantum fields Reed has created a quantum singularity designed to draw the travellor's back

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer thinks, "I have left the grid completely! What'd I pass through? Where exactly did I end up. The energy forms of the place are amazing -every bit as wonderful as the Micro Worlds he started to explore. However, he can take only so much of this buffeting. A cloud of Kirby dots hits him like a barrage of softballs. He engages his control and increases size.

Bando George has posed:
    The force seems to be unaffected initially. It moves around as it normally would. But then, suddenly it vanishes again, and with a *fwump* sound, and...a teenage boy appears. Dressed in a blue and yellow uniform, form fitting, with a utility belt, among which has three energy drinks strapped to it, appears. He's in mid punch, and clearly surprised at his sudden change in environment, he whiffs forward, missing the swing at whatever he was punching, and spins with remarkably little control of his direction.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards steadys the child as he take shim in, already scanning him and checking the readings, "Hello, my little anomaly. I am Doctor Reed Richards, may I ask what you were doing in the quantum field? Playing with the building blocks of the universe?" Head titls and he is in full Dad voice now. I am impressesed you manages to recororate your attre, "Excellent concentation." He moves over to a wall console, "Oh, dear, I need to tend to this, swiftly, he purges the re-organiztuoion and dumps the buffer back into the overarching flow so that he jettisons Ray out into the lab. "

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards says, "Atom so glad you could drop by, to check up on everything."

Ray Palmer has posed:
Jettisons? Ray pings of several walls before getting control and coming to a stop, growing in size and mass to slow his velocity. He's about normal size. The good thing about being that tiny is that impacts make you ricochet, and not go smush. He gets up, adjusts his uniform and mask and sticks out a hand. "So glad you could see me Dr. Richards. I need help with teleporting, maybe a a simulator to practice on?" He's pretty sure Ant-Man never had a problem like this.

Bando George has posed:
    As Reed catches him from falling, Bando glances around. "Wha..." he spins around a little wildly, more to take in his surroundings. "Wait, where am I? Where's that guy? He totally stole that purse! Who are-YOU are Mr. Fantastic!!!"

    Upon recognition of whose lab this is. His shock and bewilderment almost seems to fluidly shift into giddy excitement. "Is this the Fantastic Four HQ? No! Is it your lab? It's your lab isn't it! I'm in Reed Richards' Lab. Oh man oh man oh man. " He stares around. The critical dad voice seems to have been lost on his absolute star struck behavior. He turns to watch as Ray is shot out and about the lab and grow to full size. "Am I getting asked to join a super hero team?" Yes, that can be the only possible reason. All that training with Gwen has finally paid off! "Janet told you about me, didn't she? This is so dope. The answer is yes. It's yes! Definitely yes!"

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards smiles and takes the hand easily, "Sounds like an intrguing problem, I'm sure we can set up something. You had an appointment?" He checks his tablet sheepishly, "Ahh, yes, you did. Let me just pull up you work." as Bando catches up to his surrounding the barrage of questions, "You're, oh you that one, what guy? Purse? I am. it is. Yes, my Lab. Umm, what? Janet?" Muses that it seems about her speed. Reed holds up his hands in a wait gesture, "The Fantastic Four has a pretty set roster with a few subs built into the schema, and family. I would not say no, but it is... well, not knowing your name, or understanding your powers would be a start."

    Reed considers, "Well, I am starting a SpaceCorp, to work in cooperation with the spoceport and with ... Dagger? Mace? No, no, S.W.O.R.D. Would you be interested?"

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer is boggling a bit as he looks around the lab... and needs a couple of finer points explained. He turns slowly aropund, certain he can figure it all out with a little time... that's a coffee machine. Or was. "Is that your Reducto-craft?" He asks, walking over to it for a better look. Geeze, everything is either space future streamlined or emitting weird energy blobs. The stuff is a century ahead of ESU's lab.

Bando George has posed:
    "In SPACE!?" Bando's brown eyes are like saucers. "Yes! A million times yes! Oh wow. Wow wowowowow. He takes a breath. Did he not breathe in previously after his litany of questions? It seems possible. "Oh yeah, yeah I get it. No problem, Space if fine though, really. Bando," he eagerly reaches out to forcibly take Reed's hand, and looks over at Ray. "Bando. Bando George." He makes sure to shift his attention to also shake his hand. "Phew, I have dreamed of this day for so long." Powers question? He seems to have forgotten to answer that one.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards smiles remembering his time at ESU, Reed nods, "Yes, it is, a few generations removed from the one I made back at ESU, are they still using it?" Reed, picks up a cup and fills the coffee mug beside the machine, he hands it to Ray/Atom already in a commemorative mug, embossed with the FF's eponymous logo. "The coffee is imported from Earth-1492, best in the multiverse. It's the one where North America and Africa discover Europe and Asia." Reed smiles at Bando, actually warming to his exuberance, "Yes, in space, Okay, that was easy. There a few formalities, physical, some testing of your powers to establish frameworks and limits." Reed chuckles as his hand is shaken, there are times being nearly boneless is a blessing. "Good, if you just fill out this application, Or I can email it to you?" He offers the tablet to Bando, once he is down assaulting the Atom.

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer takes a sip of the plain coffee and finds it wonderful. "I've been using a singularity field to manipulate my volume and density. It's a sort of waveform where Pym particles are transmission particles. They don't go well together, though. Like mixing AC and DC currents together. I had to use my tech to jumpstart a knock off Pym particle synthesizer... to get She-Hulk out of the Microverse. That lady is tough. Anyway I sort of jump started the Pym reactions but... it hurt. I had to do some back of the envelope calculating..." And there you go. There were about six people who could do that calculation and Ray Palmer was one of them. He probably outed himself since Pym and Richards were two, one was from Wakanda and female, one was 80... "I mostly guessed and went with what hurt the least," he finishes.

Bando George has posed:
    "Ok yeah sure I can..." Bando looks down at the tablet. "Do I gotta be eighteen?" he asks cautiously. He probably shouldn't ask questions he doesn't want the answer to. "My powers are kinda whack, really. Not really sure exactly how they work, but I think it has something to do with quantum..." he stops. "Something." There, now he doesn't say something that one of the smartest men in the world will know is absolute fiction. "So what are your powers?" he asks Ray. "I mean, are you a new recruit for this too?"

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards grins and nods enthusiastically, "It really is inspiring work Atom, I have a friend Dr. Palmer who you should speak with, he's doing work of equal caliber and complexity and he is a born collaborator. Would you mind if I included him on the research? It might help up reach conclusions more quickly." Did Reed just wink at Atom, superheroes really are weidos. "That is impressive work, if you would like I can take a look at what you're doing and compare it to my own work, I tend to use unstable molecules in place of the more robust Pym particles, it's just a different way of achieving the same goal. Have you met Nadia or Janet, yet? You should. "Nadia would no doubt have a word or two about your process and technique." Reed smiles good naturedly.

    Reed smiles, "Well, we also have an internship program, which you can apply to but if accepted we would notify your parent or legal guardian. You are totally welcome to choose that route as well." Reed rasies his eyebrows at the mention of the word quantum and then laughs at the 'something' he nods, "There are a number of us that fall into that category sadly. What have you been able to do so far?"

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer shakes his head at Bando. "I thought Dr. Richards could help me teleport without nearly killing myself. I'm not much of a joiner, I mean I still need to get a handle on what I can and can't do. I doubt I'd be much help on a team of heavy hitters like the Fantastic Four. Of course I'm there if I'm needed. I can get messages through ESU." He sips his coffee and looks at... "That's a potato powering something... a wormhole detector?"

Bando George has posed:
    "Oh," Bando answers, realizing that he has been paying little attention to what Atom and Reed were actually talking about this whole time. He glances between them, waiting for a break before asking his next question. "So...if it doesn't say anything about superhero stuff, I'm sure they'd be thrilled. I'm a fantastic student!" By that he means he passed all his classes. Hardly a straight A student, though. "My powers, I can teleport, but it's like. I dunno, something weird. If I'm not focused, sometimes I change colors, or things turn into stuff. I had a spider monster that I teleported once and it was suddenly made out of yarn. For like, ten minutes. Which was good, since it is hard for yarn to attack you very well, but don't ask me how it happened."

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards chuckles, "We weren't always such, I mean some of us are still the stretchy guy. Mr Fantastic was more a way to humanize me, the doctor title sort of turns people off and fantastic was a call back to the team name. Doesn't really specify what my powers are." He considers Bando, "is that your actual name of your superhero name? Reality manipulater? Interesting, potent and dangerous power I have worked wth others liked you. But it will take real work and concentration." Reed nods, "I appreciate you willing ness to help, Ray. We will let you know when we need to.

Bando George has posed:
    "Uh, well, I think it's like, a product of doing it wrong, actually," Bando explains, "Most of the time it's temporary, but not always, and only when I teleport things. I'm guessing it's like..." he moves his hands as if to illustrate, "Like somethings not aligned properly, and maybe it's some alternate dimension quantum influence somethingorother? Is that a thing?" he asks. "And no that's my name, I am still...thinking about what I should have for a superhero name. Well, really it's Brandon, but my little sister called me that when she was a baby, and it just kinda stuck." He seems distracted by one of the pet projects off to the side as he talks, his attention waning as he speaks. So many shiny things in here.