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Latest revision as of 14:53, 27 September 2022

Dinner... and a show
Date of Scene: 20 June 2022
Location: <text>
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Felicia Hardy

Sara Pezzini has posed:
After the sparring between Sara and Felicia resulted in a debate and fight, Sara had requested dinner and then they would watch more of The Office. A relaxing night out to a specific place that Sara loved, something she wanted to share with Felicia.

The hot dog and burger place was once a hot dog cart on a corner before the angelic invasion, now with all the rebuilding and repairing, the cart owner had moved himself and his family into a small corner cafe. Sara would swear by this man's hot dogs, his family have been making them in New York for over eighty years now, so where better to get a truly authentic New York hot fog then an expert with that sort of experience.

Sitting on the back of her bike outside the cafe, she'd send Felicia the address and a time, and was presently removing her helmet to strap to her bike.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia desperately wanted to show up in costume, and arrive via swingline, but she knows better than that, and as such, she doesn't even drive herself. No, Felicia instead is full New Yorker and took an uber.

    Stepping out of the black car with her phone in hand, she leans her head back into the cabin and gives a thumbs up, "Five stars Enrique."
    "My name's Erik."
    "That's right. Five star trip Emilio. Big tip tonight." She says before shutting the door and turning around. Tucking her phone into the small clutch she wears, Felicia fans her white hair around to her back with a big smile.

    She wears a summer friendly white v-neck t-shirt tucked into a pair of jeans that should be shorts, but they remain jeans with so many holes and cuts across the thighs and down to the knees and even a few nearing the shins over a pair of black and neon pink converse.

    "There you are!" The thief says smiling towards Sara as she approaches.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Swinging her leg over the bike, Sara frees herself from the machine and walks over to greet Felicia with a light hug. No, she makes no comment over the poor Uber driver's name changing two times, and neither being right. He got a tip, he'll survive.

Because she was coming from work, she is presently wearing a pair of newer blue jeans with her combat boots on her feet, and a white sleeveless tshirt. Over the shirt is a light weight denim jacket, but as she moves the shoulder holster with side arm is visible beneath it.

"You're looking good," she offers with a smile, stepping back from the brief hug. "I hope you're prepared for /the/ best hot dogs in New York."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia hugs back and even does the customary two cheek kiss to Sara's cheeks, pulling back, but keeping an arm touching her friend at the elbow. "I hope this place is ready for the best hot dog eater in New York." Felicia says with a devilish grin before she gawks. "Is that Joey Chestnut?!" She says, pointing behind Sara, and then acting like normal people might know that name. "I'm quite hungry. This place better be as good as you say it is." The new-avenger says with a smile.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara accepts the hand on the elbow, ready to escort Felicia inside but she pauses to look directly at Felicia's face. She was still curious she is talking about, but she wasn't falling for it.

"Joey Chestnut?" Is asked as she looks right at the woman. The thief tactic was obvious. Distract with pointing out a celebrity or something happening, such as 'That woman is fainting', then make your move. "Did you think that would work?"

A smile plays over her lips before she just indicates the door and starts to head toward it. "If you are looking for a true New York Hot Dog, with Hot Dog with sauerkraut, onion sauce, and spicy brown mustard, this is the place to get them. They use Wegmans White Bockwurst Style Hot Dogs, with natural casing... you can't beat that."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "You had me at natural casing." Felicia reports, holding up a finger to press against Sara's lips in a playful way of silencing the woman briefly. "And no, of course I didn't expect Joey Chestnut to work, that's the stupidest name I could remember related to hot dogs. Okay, it was the ONLY name I could remember related to hot dogs, but... it's still kinda dumb." The woman smirks and continues into the restaurant.

    Standing next to Sara while reading the menu, she allows and urges Sara to order first so Felicia can pay attention to what Sara orders, as well as buy herself more time to menu browse.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
As the two enter and start looking at the menu, the girl behind the counter waves to Sara with a cheerful, "Officer Pezzini!"

No sooner had that happened then a young man who looks a lot like the girl, comes out of the kitchen with an order on a tray for the group in front of them. With him is an older gentleman, carrying the drinks in a bag for the same group. "Good to see you Pezzini," he comments, then looks to Felicia and offers a nod. "And friend."

Sara looks from the menu to Felicia, then to the man. "Alessandro, this is Felicia... Felicia, this is Alessandro Russo, the owner of this fine establishment."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia pauses and gives Sara a sidelong glance while standing behind the cop and yet she cracks a smile when Alessandro gives a nod to her. "Hello... Ah, Alessandro." Felicia says with a nod and a smile to go with. "Sara was bragging about your hot dogs and insisted we grab one." Felicia shrugs her shoulders and then motions for Sara to move forward and order so Felicia can think and ruminate about what she is hungry for. "I think I have an idea, but I want to see what you're getting first." Felicia warns.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
As the group gets their order, to go, and move out of the cafe, Sara moves up to the counter and offers her hand to Alessandro.

"You know I'm always drumming up more business for you Alessandro," she comments as they shake hands. "I'll try to get more Avengers in here, maybe even Tony Stark."

The twins working behind the counter keep themselves busy with a phone order, prepping buns for the hot dogs to be passed through the window from the kitchen.

"We are considering adding Chicago dog to menu," he states flatly. "They think it would be good to add, I do not think so."

And that was it, that was all the socializing that the man did. He offered a nod to Felicia with a polite, "Thank you for coming, hope you enjoy." then he returns to the kitchen.

Sara chuckles quietly before leaning to whisper to Felicia, "He likes you."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Of course he likes me, everyone likes me." Felicia says, casually and confidently as anyone would dare to admit aloud. "Nothing wrong with adding a Chicago dog, some people like them. Not me, but I assume someone does." Felicia responds so only Sara can hear, after Alessandro has left.

    Still standing in line, Felicia's eyes divert back to the menu, and she continues to wait to hear what Sara orders before placing her own. "Whatcha gettin' Sara?" Felicia asks just as they arrive to the counter. One curious cat.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"I don't even need to look at the menu," Sara states with a grin. "Two New York dogs, tater tots and a large coke, no ice. Standard order, which as you can see," she gestures to the twins. "They already know."

Instead of looking at the menu, she keeps her eyes on Felicia. "Alessandro doesn't like everyone he meets, but he's always polite. The twins here, Andrea and Angelo, are the real face of the front."

Both of them look over, offer a wave with the smirk on their faces, then get back to work. "Such lovely faces, don't you think?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "They're cute." Felicia replies in regards to the twins, but then back up to the menu, and Felicia squints briefly with a glance to Sara as if to confirm her idea being a good one, or to prepare her opening arguments for a trial. It's hard to tell with Felicia sometimes. She's so expresive, but also, sometimes in repititious ways.

    Pressing herself against the counter and bending to look closer, Felicia asks, "I'd like... one hot dog, meat bun cheeze, and ketchup. An order of tots, and a small cherry coke." Felicia nods. "Please, thank you and that's all."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Angelo is a young adult male, just twenty, and Felicia's lean against the counter has him staring for a moment, which immediately gets him punched in the arm by Andrea and she says something in Italian to him. His face goes redder than ketchup and he looks away. They both get back to work, a nod from Andrea to Delicia with a polite, "We're on it."

Sara goes right on chuckling, poor kid, his sister never let him have any fun. Offering her hand to Felicia, she then heads to a table. None of the furniture looks new, but it is all well taken care of and clean, the level of clean is almost hospital clean.

Pulling a chair out for Felicia first, she steps to the other side of the table to claim her own seat. "They'll bring it all around, we pay on the way out," she explains.

From the kitchen a female voice, sounds like an older woman, screams out something in Italian, which is answered by Alessandro in Italian, ending with the word madre.

"Whoa, Piera is here," Sara says quietly. "Alessandro's mother. Woman is ancient, community leader type. My dad used to hit on her just to make her smack him."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia is led by her hand and arm towards the spot they're going to share dinner, sitting carefully while Sara does the work of being the 'gentleman'. Felicia looks up with a smile and then back over her shoulder towards the younger children and she smirks, "Poor boy." Felicia whispers to herself before looking back at Sara. "Ah. gotcha." Regarding the pay.

    "You dad sounds like he was quite the character, not that you aren't yourself, but I guess it was him who you got it from." Felicia says with a playful wink.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Once they've both settled, Andrea brings out their drinks and sets them on the table. The glasses are real glass, and even though Felicia went with a small and Sara got a large, they are clearly from the same set. The straws are set beside them before she scoots back behind the counter.

"My father never really planned to remarry after my mother passed," she says quietly. "But he would flirt. Most of the time no one responded to it, considered it harmless flirting from a widower, but Piera would get riled and smack him."

A soft smile plays across her face as she remember the first time her father got that reaction. He was surprised and laughed, not what Piera had expected at all.

"My aunt tells me that I got my forwardness from my mother, but in her eyes her baby brother, my dad, was perfection in a uniform. He could have stabbed a kitten and she would explain it away as the kitten attacked him, it was self defense." She picks up the straw to remove the paper, then sticks the plastic tube in her coke.

"Truth is though, she never saw that side of him. I did get it from him, and I'm proud of it."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "That's some heavy stuff Sara." Felicia says, frowning as she picks up her glass and takes a sip sans straw. Felicia seems to melt when the drink hits her tongue and she savors it for a bit longer than most would as she sinks into her chair slightly. "It seems to me you really loved your dad." Felicia notes.

    "I'm sorry he's gone." She says after a pause and then looks back down to her drink and then back up to Sara. "This place is something special he and you shared..." Felicia then reaches out a hand towards Sara, "Thank you for sharing it with me too."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara turn her hand over so she can take Felicia's hand, a gentle but sort of sad smile on her face. "I loved my dad," she says softly. "He was everything good in this world all rolled up into one man. He inspired me, encouraged me, and started me on the path I'm on."

She gives Felicia's hand a light squeeze, "He would have loved this place, but our interaction was at the cart. Set up every day in Manhattan, with portable tables and chairs. So the food is the same, but the place is new."

Taking her hand back as Angelo comes over with a tray, he sets the hot dogs and tots down, the correct ones to the right people, then a stack of napkins is added to the table. "If you need drink refills, let us know," he offers, then heads back behind the counter.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Thank you." Felicia whispers to Sara just as the food arrives and the thief grins hugely. "And Thank you!" Felicia says up to Angelo. "This looks perfect."

    Felicia quickly scoops up her simple as can be hot dog and takes a bite. Slowly. Patiently. Carefully.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Thank you for agreeing to come," Sara replies, then the process begins.

First you carefully wrap the paper sleeve around the hot dog, to help maintain integrity. Then you lift to the mouth for a bite. There is nothing dainty or delicate about this bite, it gets mustard on your face and you must accept it. Then the chewing and savoring, as a little peice of heaven has just touched your mouth.

At least that is what is looks like when Sara takes a bite. Only when that bite is swallowed does she take a tot and pop it in her mouth

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia picks up her own tot and motions for Sara to come closer where she scoops the mustard off her friend's face with said tot and pops that into her mouth. "You're right." Felicia says after having a full real bite of hot dog, and tot and sode. "This is some of the best hot dogs I've had." Meaning next time she comes she'll try something more complex, but Felicia tends to try the basics at new places to see if they can get those right or not and makes her decision on wether or not to come back based on that.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
We have a winner! Sara seems extremely pleased that Felicia likes the hot dog, She does scoot closer and blinks once as the mustard is stolen for the tot,
sheacrilege!" she teases with a laugh.. "You have destroyed the balance, that mustard was needed for the next bite."

She then shakes her head, "Nah, I just forget that happens. You're welcome to try a bite of the other hot dog, I haven't touched it yet, Usually wrap it up and take it home, but by all means..." she slides the other New York style hot dog toward Felicia.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "No no. I wouldn't dare take money AND food from the same person in the same week." Felicia says with a raised eyebrow and a cheeky grin. "I'll come back and try something more complex next time. This however..." Felicia says, holding up her dog into the light in a reverent sort of way, "Is exactly what I needed." She explains before taking another mannerless bite.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara offers a nod. That was acceptable, and it meant that there would be more business for the Russo family.

For a short time, she takes time to just enjoy the hot dog and tots. Sometimes talking and eating didn't work, and this was one of those times. Only when the hot dog is gone, and only a few tots remain does she fish into jacket pocket and pull out two twenties and ten dollar bill.

"There you go," she states with a smirk. "Illegal bet paid un full.... so, think you can ride on the back of a motorcycle?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia takes the twenty and the ten, leaving the twenty to pay for their food and drinks. "Should cover everything." The thief notes and then stands up with a smile. "I'm sure I can, but I tend to hold on tightly. Two wheels kinda scare me."