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Latest revision as of 14:55, 27 September 2022

Sharing The Past
Date of Scene: 05 June 2022
Location: Hammer Bay
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Tom McCarthy

Lorna Dane has posed:
After taking a few days away to deal with matters of office, Lorna had invited Tom to Genosha proper. The city was in full swing packed with residents going about their day, while at the same time not really rushing. It really was true what they said: Things moved slower the closer to the Equator you got. It was a warm day with a cool breeze coming down off the mountains to help chase away the heat in the most refreshing manner.

At the palace it was a veritable tropical paradise. The gardens were luxuriously filled with native plants, flowers, and trees. It's here that Tom has been invited, and where Lorna waits. Even here in the palace she had a desk open to the air and public to walk up should they need. Most were very respectful of the fact that she was busy however, and the wary eyed guards that were here ensured no one tried anything funny.

Though really, here in Genosha, there was an odd sort of reverence toward the Queen. They really did seem to respect her.

Tom McCarthy has posed:
This was wholly different for Tom - going to a country as a tourist, as opposed to a mission. He was dressed for the warmer climate - a nice polo and some khaki board shorts. He'd cleared up his schedule, not wanting to be pulled in on duty for anything in particular. Just a nice bit of time in the sun.

He'd wandered a bit, checking out the city around the castle and getting to know some of the cultures and people. It was fascinating to him - seeing a new 'world' he'd never been to before.

Eventually he made his way to the palace - making sure to arrive at the appointed time. Tom studied the architecture as he walked in, checking in at the desk as was proper. He waited, then - not sure what to expect from the guard, or the day.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Your Majesty, your guest has arrived," announces one guard who nods with a polite stiffness toward Tom even as she eyes him over repeatedly. Gaudging him. Assessing him. Possibly not approving of him--but who was she to question the Queen?

Lorna makes a non-commital noise as she lifts a hand in a 'one moment' gesture. A quick scribble of her pen finishes off a stack of documents she'd been going over. It's all gathered up with a deep breath as if she were about to sigh, but she stifles it in favor of smiling toward Tom.

"Welcome to Genosha. I apologize for not meeting you directly, I was wanting to finish these off so I'd have one less thing to worry about for awhile." The papers are offered to the guard who had announced him along with a quick, "This is the list of the current funerals we'll need to hold. Select the ones with next of kin to notify so I can make those calls later."

The guard nods taking the papers with both hands. "My Queen." Then off she goes.

Lorna smiles again at Tom looking just a bit weary. "Not the cheeriest thing to come in on. How are you enjoying Genosha so far?"

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom was used to scrutiny, of many different sorts. He smiled politely to the guard, not offended or upset in the least. He kept a relaxed posture, no sudden movements - no reason to aggravate anyone. There's a smile for Lorna too, once she's done signing off on her paperwork.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." He offers, as the guard is likely still present. No need to get cuffed for using informal names! "Totally understandable - I am sure there are a lot of things to handle with that situation." It had been mentioned briefly, after all.

"Anything I can do to help? Genosha, thus far, has been wonderful. Plenty to see, and the weather is perfect." A wry grin. "I should have brought a bathing suit."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane chuffs a quiet laugh at the remark while her gaze skims past to glance outside. She kept most things open-air when she could though there was security to think about in many cases. "I'm sure we could find you one easily. It would be a great day to take a dip at the beach or in one of the pools." There were both around after all. Not everyone enjoyed salt water. Plus there was always the occasional issue with jelly fish.

Ignoring what others might think she reaches out to slide her hand in his giving it a quick squeeze trying to reassure him that all was well. "Did I tell you about what we'd found? That the Magistrates had left behind." Her nose crinkles faintly, gaze slipping away again. "Mm. I could use to get my mind off of it for awhile. If you'd like we can go upstairs and have some refreshments, or otherwise as I said, we can find you a swimsuit."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom grins. "I'd like that. Either works for me - I had my fair share of swimming in oceans." The man muses, returning the clasp to her hand. "How many pools do you have in the palace?" He wonders, still glancing about every so often, a bit in awe of the lifestyle.

"You touched on it being something bad, yes. Nothing too detailed, as you did not want to upset dinner." Tom responds. "I'm all for getting your mind in a better place - I'll be glad to help in that, anyway I can!" A wry grin. "Snacks, swimming, my badly synchronized dancing..." He chuckles.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane draws a deep breath while simply indulging in the presence of his company a moment. "I'll explain but not here. Let's get more comfortable first." A glance is cast toward one of the other guards as she requests, "If you could find some swim wear for our guest, please?" The mutant in question just gives a lazy thumbs up before flashing out of existance--apparently a teleporter. Chuckling at the abrupt departure she looks back to Tom. "A small enough errand. There's two actual pools: One chlorinated and one salt filtered for those who can't take the chlorine." She pauses before adding, "Then there's this stupid large infinity bath tub that may as well be a pool in my chambers. I think the pool will work though," she adds giving a wink.

It's here she pauses again her smile slipping just a bit. Though she'd mentioned she would tell him later, now that the immediate eyes of guards were off of them she leans into him resting her forehead against his shoulder. "... We found a mass grave. There's so many. They just threw people in there."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
There's a nod of thanks to Lorna, and the guard - who dissappeared. Huh. "Very nice... one of each. I don't mind either, whichever is your favorite." A slight quirk of Tom's smile when she mentions an absurdly large bathtub. "And here I thought I was killing it when I found an apartment with a separate shower and tub." He teases her.

As she leans in, his arms go around her to comfort. "They were monsters." He assures. "I fear you might find more terrible secrets, but I am sure that you and Genosha are strong enough to handle them, and do the country right." He says, quietly. "I'll help where I can, Lorna. I don't want you shouldering the weight of this on your own."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane lets her arms slip around him in return while he consoles her over the situation. A single nod is given, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder in the process. At least she wasn't crying. She'd already done that. It was just an empty agony now that she felt the need to aire before it built up again. "Thank you, Tom." Lifting her head to smile at him she allows her gaze to roam over his face before withdrawing from the embrace.

"I'm sorry to just dump that on you. I just really needed a break." Her hand runs back through her hair with a wry chuckle as she shifts the conversation at least slightly to better topics. "That is quite the find in a city. This is... Rather extravagant but they rebuilt it without my input. They were attempting to rebuild what was here before. I did manage to get them to not build it QUITE so ostentatiously as before."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
The man nods to her, smiling as she pulls back. "Of course, Lorna. Any time." He says, letting her step back as she likes. His eyes rest on hers for a moment, making sure she's all right. No tears, that's good.

As she apologizes, Tom chuckles. "It's a lot for one person to hold, Lorna. No need to apologize, yeah?" He grins as she explains the tub building. "I had to do a lot of shopping around in Gotham. Especially since my price range was limited. I couldn't get a foot in the door, some places." A chuckle. "So you got to help design your room? That's... pretty cool. I think I'd like to design something like that. I enjoyed making a foamcore house model in shop class."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"A little bit. I may have insisted on some hidden rooms just because." Lorna's eyes twinkle with amusement as she points out, "Who doesn't want a few secrets in their place? The rest I let the security detail handle though. This place does have to be actually functional after all. My specialty is geology oddly enough." At least she had a degree.

"Come on, I'll show you the pools." Reaching again for his hand she tugs him along, relaxing enough to at least seem that she's enjoying showing things off a bit. "Porter will bring your things there no doubt. And yes, that is actually his name, not a codename. Though it does fit oddly enough."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom gives her a chuckle. "Hidden rooms. Panic rooms? Or just rooms to get away from the bustle of things?" He wonders, taking her hand and following as she leads. "I suppose it functions for all sorts of things. I am sure there is even a ballroom, right?" He guesses.

"Porter... fancy name on any number of levels. Fitting, yeah." He grins, looking around as she leads them towards the pool of her choice. "Do you have staff here at all hours?" He figures they do, after all - but he's still curious.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane grins at the number of questions around the entire place. "Of course there's staff at all times, working in shifts. Just like anywhere of importance." Here she pauses to chuckle quietly. "If Mystique were here she would likely assume you're attempting to get information as to how well the place is guarded. While I'm uneasy around her due to her past, she is an excellent head of security." A gesture is made off down a hall and already the dampness in the air can be felt while they approach the salt water pool.

It's done in a Roman bath style with decorative tiles all over. "A few panic rooms for myself and others. Though I have a secret reading nook, too."