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Latest revision as of 14:56, 27 September 2022

Incursions and in-roads
Date of Scene: 01 June 2022
Location: Starling City, back roads and alleyways (can be changed later!)
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Felicity Smoak, Oliver Queen, Vic Sage, Helena Bertinelli

Felicity Smoak has posed:
'You have until midnight'

It sounds ominous, doesn't it?

If it doesn't, it should.

A message has been received by numerous companies in the lower tri-state, detailing various forms of corporate espionnage and damages. Within the threat, numerous souls have been mentioned, complete with a short but accurate dossier of movements and habits that show just how well the targets have been researched and surveilled.

Each happens to be CFOs from the companies, running from the tech giants down to the smaller but still notable corporations.

The singled out 'targets' had gone to their respective police departments, and while they can offer the services of one police officer, no real, concrete promises had been made.

Thankfully, luckily, or however things are done these days with archer-y, vigilante types, they too have heard about the threats. There is one thing that those bow-types have (well, okay, many, but one in particular!), and that is someone(s) who know and understand tech, and how to use it to best advantage.

Cue, Overwatch.

Okay, fancy name, but it does sound cool!

It's a warm day; not quite as bad as the day before, but there are definite hints of summer in the air, mostly thanks to rising humidity. The evening allows it to cool off some, thankfully, and it's just a week away from mosquitos. Here, under the falling darkness is where Team Arrow works.

"Okay," Felicity begins. "I really, really wish that people who don't know what they're doing don't go to a 'safe house'. It's never, ever safe." The blonde with the mostest sits behind her computer screens, a finely chewed pencil tapping against the table as she watches her monitors. She's in a summer dress; short sleeved, mid-length skirt with sandals. Of course, her hair is up in a pony tail- it's time for work! "Seriously. They think it's all James Bond, and it not. So horribly, sadly not."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I mean, it's safer for them than their own home, if they don't have years of training, a bow, and their own private hacker to make sure they are covered." Oliver's voice floats over from behind Felicity as he steps up to peer at the screen, as if the data on it will mean something to him. He gently places a hand on her shoulder in greeting.

"So what's going on that is sending all of these people to safe houses, and what do we need to do about it?"

Vic Sage has posed:
"If we don't act fast, a lot of millionaires could lose a lot of their money," remarks The Question from behind Ollie and Felicity. When the hell did he show up? Now that's The Question.

"I broke into one of the targets' offices. Got a look at the blackmail material. It's really good work," Question. His voice, as always, is monotone and quiet. Soothing in a 'completely unaffected' sort of way as he recognizes the talents of the clearly professional group that's taken it upon themselves to start throwing threats around.

He's dressed, as always in his blue slacks, black vest, and yellow shirt with black tie. Of course, one mustn't forget the blue coat and fedora.

"Hello, Arrow. And woman I don't know." He probably knows her, but it's an unsettling thing to just go around introducing people for themselves. He's learned that much, at least.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
And then there is the predator not in the room.

"They have full profile, movements and itinerary weeks in advance. They're intent on making this work to their desired end." The voice is Huntress, coming in across comms. She's not here. Because, for one, she doesn't know where 'here' is. She's just the loose cannon brought in when it helps to have someone crazy enough to help even despite the level of crazy brought to the table. At least her brand of crazy is the predatory sort rather than the psychotic sort. That counts for something. Uusually.

"What's the plan?"

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"What, away from everything they know?" Felicity doesn't turn, but there's a smile that settles on her face at the touch of a hand on her shoulder. She looks back and up briefly from her seat, raising her brows, "Think I should leave my card for later?" She's joking, of course.


There's a pause before she nods her head and looks back at her monitors, "Right. Two jobs is enough. Who needs another side hus-"


Felicity jumps and turns around, blue eyes widening behind frames and thick lenses. "What the-" She looks up at Oliver, back at the well dressed, but.. lack of visaged.. man. Man? Yes. Obviously.

"I.. uh.. really don't know who-"

And there's another voice in the coms now. Felicity holds up a finger, glances at Oliver to determine threat assessment- not that she can do a whole lot! But, the thought is there, right? She's all good for field work! (Not.)

She comes back to herself, and after clearing her throat, opens coms. Across then, to Helena, is a female voice, "Oh, hey.. welcome to the party. Not sure what to call you, but this is Overwatch." She glances back at Oliver with that 'okay, still cool!' expression before getting back to the topic at hand. "Profesional group, apparently. Can have a meet and greet at the corner of Elm and Fourth," and she looks back once more at Oliver. It's //away// from the van, but she's always on coms. "Apparently there's a little more. Between us all, we might get the targets to bed on time tonight? After, you know.. the Late Night. And the Late, Late Night.."

*sighs* There goes 'cool'.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Not quite jumping the same way Felicity does, Oliver is nonetheless surprised to be addressed, and turns to regard Vic quickly. "Uh, hi?"

He glances over at Felicity in moderate confusion. "How many other people did you invite to this thing?"

The hand falls away and he moves to adjust his belt, and then reaches up reflexively to pull on the leather over his shoulder holding the quiver in place.

"Let's get everyone together, and then brief us, Overwatch."

Vic Sage has posed:
"Less a who, more a what. An idea. Or an inquiry," remarks Vic, gloved hands slipping into the pockets of his trench coat. "I felt someone digging around in the same places as me. Thought I'd find a lead. Seems I've found some allies," Vic says, voice still level and featureless as his countenance. "Call me Question," he offers to Felicity by way of introduction, nodding his head a touch to her in lieu of a hat tip.

"There's a coffee shop there. Fat Joe's Donuts. Pretty good," Question remarks to the selection of Elm and Fourth.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
"Huntress" the voice over comms clarifies. "We've met before. When you hijacked my cell phone." She remembers.

"Elm and Fourth" is confirmed, the sound of an angry motorcycle engine revving as it is made to speed across the city toward the rendezvous.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity looks over her shoulder again and her gaze flickers up, "One," and she taps an ear to indicate it was the one on coms. "I liked her style and she uses a bow." Not to mention she was able to contain herself and back off when she needed, even if she wasn't happy, which speaks to being able to work in a group, albeit it a small one. Like, oh hey.. their own!

She lifts her shoulders in a shrug, though it's not dismissive. Not by a long shot. It's more an honest, 'I don't know!'. Still, she's the one they rely on //to// know, so that passes, and she settles down and gets into her work mode. She's a mix of business and sheer.. well, still very Felicity. "Question. As in.. no. Never mind. Perfect. That works for me." She takes a deep breath and spins back around to her screens.

"Right. Showing is easier than telling. I'm tracking," and she points to a monitor as she keys up a display, "One of the cars, and they're going to be at Elm and Fourth in the next few minutes. Thus.. my need for you guys to be there. They're heading for 7th and Larchmont, which happens to be Signal's 'safe house'." She uses her fingers to air-quote it, looking deliberately at first Arrow, then the other. "Safe houses aren't." Just for the audience, that is.

For Helena, her words are on open mic, deliberately. She needs to know what's what and why.

She smiles, and fingersnaps at Huntress' words, even though the other woman can't see it. "Exactly. Just like.." Pause. "Yes, this isn't something just thought of on the spur of the moment. This is planning." They're all agreed, then!

"Huntress," now it's easy to at least hear a smile, "Pleasure."

Oliver Queen has posed:
It take a while for Oliver to catch on. "So this car we're tracking, this is a threat, yes?" He looks from The Question to Felicity, tilting his head. "You need us to go out there and bolster the forces there, or ... " he reaches up and rubs at his chin, trying to think this whole thing through.

He looks over to the Question, a thoughtful expression on his face. "We can trust you, right?" Always a good question to ask.

Vic Sage has posed:
Leaning over Felicity to see the monitors, Question's featureless face twists into what is very clearly a frown. He doesn't like working with a time limit, but thems the breaks.

Felicity uttering the name 'Huntress' manages to draw forth some kind of emotion from the man, though it's not quite clear which one, as he responds with a soft 'hrmmm' to the news.

"Do you see a reason not to trust me?" Question asks, turning his head to look at Oliver. "You can trust me," he says, nodding to the man.

"If we're lucky, our strongarms will stop for a snack at Joe's before they set in," he says, sliding his sleeve back to have a look at his watch. "There's not a goon alive that likes to work on an empty stomach."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:

Just what Huntress is being vaguely reassuring of? well.

"En route to the intersection, Overwatch. Should be on site in just under three minutes. Sooner if cross-town traffic would cooperate. No different here than in Gotham, I swear."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Yes," Felicity leans back and her head is turning up and over her shoulder. "The safe house is their first target." She gives an encouraging smile and lowers her voice, "They put Sergeant Collins on." One of their few 'friendly' contacts in the force. An affable kind of guy, but very able. Also only a couple of years from retirement.

Blue eyes lift towards Question, and her voice lowers, "If we can't?" Is there an unvoiced threat in there? How scary can she be, really? Not very. Not a scary person at all.

Leaning forward, and turning her attention towards the Huntress, Felicity smiles, "Right. Remind me later to fit you with a red-light pass, because this'll get tiring really quickly."

As Huntress scoots through traffic, as she approaches, lights flicker from red to green. Each. Intersection.

For the car with the soon to be murderers, extortionists turned executioners, well.. they're stuck behind the occasional car, or a truck that belches smoke from a bad oil job...

Oliver Queen has posed:
Pausing to regard the Question, Oliver nods. "I don't see anything on his face that makes me not trust him." Ah, yes, an Oliver Queen joke.

He looks to Felicity. "I'd say suit up, but we are already suited up. Do we need to get anything out of these guys, or just hit them, hit them hard, and move onto the next." His fingers tighten around his bow as he prepared for the impending action.

Vic Sage has posed:
"I guess that's The Question, isn't it?" he asks Felicity. With that, he's whipping around and stepping out of the van on his way to his car that's just around the corner. You might not know it by looking at him, but Vic Sage is a helluva driver. The black 1966 GTO he drives also has a helluva engine.

He slides easily into the street and cranks the engine, the car rolling up a little bit so he wave for Oliver to hop in.

Location's only two miles away in heavy traffic, but there's a few laws Question has no qualms about breaking.

Driving on sidewalks, for instance.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
"The jokes never get any better."

Huntress swears immediately after. "What is WITH your fire departments around here?! That's the third run I have seen since getting here that blew through an intersection BEFORE hitting the sirens and rumbler. Do they make a habit of trying to kill the people they're supposed to be saving?" Another curse under her breath this time in Italian. If she weren't incensed, it might sound sexy.

"But thanks to the firetruck with a deathwish, my ETA is now thirty seconds. What make vehicle are we looking for? Color? Any details on numbers?"

She was accustomed to how a particular red head handled mission operations. It wasn't so very different. But it was different.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Just.. get out," Felicity deadpans, but she does glance back at Oliver with a quick look followed by a smile before she turns around, the headset around her head. "I'd love to know why and track it back, but the chances are better than even that it's not gonna happen. Instead, just pull an ID, and I'll track it back that way." Dead or alive? Of course she'd rather them alive!

"Thirty seconds to contact at Elm and Fourth. I see them. They'll be coming up out of the south, Huntress." She exhales in a soft sigh, and shakes her head, "I tried. Not my fault someone found a cat in the drain." Felicity pauses, then, "Seriously. It'll be up for adoption later this week."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Shaking his head at all of the jokes, Oliver moves out to hop on his bike. "Let's do it hard and fast," he says, peeling out as he leans forward on the sports bike. <<Overwatch, do you copy?>> he asks, testing out the Comms.

He pauses. <<What do you make of the faceless guy?>> He speeds off towards intercepting the car, mentally ticking off how the encounter might go.

Vic Sage has posed:
Watching Oliver peel off on the bike, Question just stares at the man's ignoring of the free ride in his very cool car. He shrugs and utters another 'Hrmm' before he grabs the stick shift, pops it into gear and wheels off after him.

Whipping the GTO through a hot dog stand, Vic lifts the earpiece that he'd just swiped from Felicity and tucked in his pocket and pops it into his ear.

The car's tires squeal as he slides around a corner, doing so again shortly after as he threads the needle on the way down an alleyway. All it took was a single look at the map to memorize the layout of the city.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
"Make sure it finds a home. Here. If I find it in my place? I WILL find you."

It seems likely there won't be a Christmas Card involved.

"I'm coming up on the intersection now, from the east." A pause, "I have visual" Huntress commented.

"Falling in behind. Won't be long before they realize I'm here." A black and purple clad woman in a purple domino mask with a cape fluttering behind as she speeds after them on a custom Ducatti? What's so unusual about that? In Gotham at least, that's just Tuesday afternoon.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
<<Overwatch here,>> It's so hard to say that with a straight face! Overwatch! <<I hear you, Arrow.>> Hee. This just doesn't get old! If it all weren't so dangerous, it'd be fun.

But it's not.

<<I... I don't know. I'll have to do some checking on him while I'm doing this. Huntress is behind the car now, and she thinks she's going to get made.>> There is most definitely concern in her tones. <<I think she'd appreciate it if you checked on her, like you do Red.>> After all, she's 'not from around here'.

Felicity has an idea of where Question is going, and she's setting it in markers on her screen now, tracking live.

Felicity laughs, regarding the kitten, the lingering grin evident in her tones, "I'll give you a bag of catfood with it. Promise."

Still, work is to be done!