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Latest revision as of 14:57, 27 September 2022

To be announced
Date of Scene: 13 May 2022
Location: The George Residence - Queens, NYC
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Bando George, Lara Croft

Bando George has posed:
    It's about 8pm on Friday night. A nice warm breeze reminds everyone that summer is here, and at the George house, the grass is growing. It looks like Bando is a few days overdue in cutting the grass, but it's hardly massively overgrown.

    The garage attached to the house is open, his father working on cleaning out the garage. A pink bicycle is on its side in the driveway, and the smell of lasagna is in the air. Overall, your all American suburban home here in Queens. As the sun starts to set, one by one, the street lights are starting to flicker to life to keep the streets safe and well lit, and the sky has taken a pinkish-orange hue to it.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara's motorcycle drives up. She's not wearing a helmet, this time. It's not that she can't afford a new one, more that Bando has hers. She kicks the kick stand out and leans the bike as she gets off of it. She drinks in the clues at the scene as she walks toward the man in the garage. "Hello, sir," she says. "My name is Lara Croft. I taught one of the classes Bando was in last semester. I hate to bother you at your home, but he ran off with my helmet and something else that belongs to a friend of mine."

Bando George has posed:
    Bando's father, Michael, glances up from his work. He could be Bando in twenty-five years or so. He tosses a cardboard box to the side that's filled with trash that needs to be cleared out from winter. "Michael," he offers. "Ms. Croft, yes, I think I remember him mentioning you. He said you gave him some strategies to help him with his studies. We really appreciate that." He turns back toward the house. "BANDO! Your teacher's here!" he bellows into the house. "Did you say he ran off with your helmet?" There's a quizzical look. "That seems a bit out of character. Was this a prank at school?" he asks. As of yet, Bando hasn't answered the summons.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Miss Croft shakes her head, not correcting him that it is, in fact, LADY Croft. She's not entirely sure that even Bando knows that. "This happened off of school grounds. I'd rather handle this privately. Is he in his room? Do you mind if I go talk to him?"

Bando George has posed:
    "Yeah of course," Michael grants to the door. He opens the door from the garage which leads through the mud room and laundry, into the kitchen where his mother, Morena, is cleaning dishes from dinner. She has a bit of a mediterranean look, explaining Bando's more olive looking skin. "Oh, hi there," she says, joining the entourage. Michael explains to his wife. "Sure, he's right in his room I think. Playing video games or something."

    Michael leads to the door which lacks any decoration, much different from his sister's which as every Disney princess plastered from various magazing clippings across it. He knocks, but there's no answer.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara smiles at Michael and gently says, "If he's playing video games, he's probably wearing headphones. I'll take care of this. Let's not embarrass him; I don't want him branded as a thief." Once his dad goes away, Lara shows she is impatient. She turns the handle and opens the door. "Bando!" she says, loudly enough to wake him up if he's sleeping, shutting the door heavily behind her.

Bando George has posed:
    Michael shrugs, though is mildly skeptical it seems. "Well, if he gives you any lip, let us know," he says, leaving her to it. And...the room is empty. His window is open. Where is he? The helmet is sitting in the corner. His room is...well, it's a trainwreck. Clothes are strewn everywhere. A video game is in fact turned on, but it's been left in the menu, circling around a nordic looking warrior.

    His bed hasn't been made, and there is the general stench of a teenage boy that can be easily detected. Superheroes are all over the walls, from the Justice League to the Avengers, and some lesser known ones. Spent energy drinks prevent any clear landing space for new items that might need to be placed on the desk.

    It's several seconds, but without warning, there's a *fwump* in the air, and there is Bando. Well, a version of him. He's purple. Why is he purple? And he's wearing a purple with purple uniform that looks very much like one that would be used by a superhero. "Fifty-two! He declares, looking at a sticky note on the wall. He didn't even notice that Lara is in there at first, then turns around to almost bump into her. "Agh!" he exclaims, jumping back with wide eyes. "Ms. Croft? What are you doing here? Why are you in my room?" He glances around, spotting some underwear on the floor. He kicks them under the bed.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara isn't getting more used to that. She blinks a bit, then narrows her eyes at Bando. "Okay, grape soda," she says, obviously not great at insults. "Where did you put it?" Yeah, there's a reason she's sent to ancient, abandoned temples and not interrogation rooms.

Bando George has posed:
    "Do my parents know you're here?" Bando asks, still a bit confused. "Grape soda?" He looks puzzled. He doesn't get the joke. Then he looks at his hands. "Oh, weird. Thought I did it right that time. At least I got the distance, though!" he notes in victory. "Um, it's right over here," he goes to the corner, picking up the helmet from a collection of random objects that have been shuffled to his corner. "Kept it safe, don't know why you gave it to me and drove off, though. What was that all about, anyway?" he asks. Apparently he doesn't even realize that it's the object that he had collected is the reason for her visit.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara takes the helmet and looks inside it. "Where's the other thing?" she asks. "Bando, the thing you took from that guy in the park. You know, the pickpocketed thing."

Bando George has posed:
    "No no," Bando's eyes go wide. "I didn't pickpocket it," he clarifies. "I took it AWAY from the pick pocketer." He wants to be clear. He's no thief. "And I don't really know what's the big deal about it. "I opened it up? It's like, a piece of broken metal." He shrugs. "I don't even know what to do with it." I put it in my desk. Do you know what it is?" He goes over to his desk, opening the drawer. He shoves things around in it. No, not that drawern. Second drawer?

Lara Croft has posed:
    "Stealing from a thief is still stealing," Lara tries. "Prevent the thief or let the police handle things, Bando. It's..." She rubs the bridge of her nose with her right thumb and index finger. "Just give it to me," she finally sighs out.

Bando George has posed:
    "It's not stealing!" Bando argues, rifling through the second drawer defensively. "I was trying to give it back to the guy that it was stolen from, he just like, disappeared into thin air. I don't know where he went."

    He pauses, thinking. He points at the window, and slowly seems to be tracing his steps for what he did when he came in. "Okay okay, I came in the window. I was tired so I didn't teleport..." he says. "And then...I put it...I KNOW I put it in the desk." He snaps his fingers. "Oh wait, no I took it back out, and checked it out. It kinda feels weird, not sure what kind of metal it is," he admits. "Oh, and I put it on TOP of the desk." Which...it's not there.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara begins looking through Bando's drawers (no, not those) also looking for the thing. "Bando, do you have any idea how dangerous it is to just grab random stuff from strangers? That guy was armed! You were lucky he didn't see you!"

Bando George has posed:
    "He was?" Bando apparently never noticed that. "It's fine, I took it from him like twenty feet away, he'd never know. I can teleport more than just myself. Besides, I'm a superhero, what could go wrong?" Famous last words. "But you didn't answer my question," he points out. "Do you know what it is?" He goes over to his backpack, and starts checking to see if he put it in there.

Lara Croft has posed:
    "No, I don't know what it is, Bando," Lara says, impatiently rifling through another drawer, taking this one out and dumping the contents on the desk. "I've been watching it for days, waiting for it to come to the people I work for. I was planning on studying it." She doesn't find it. She looks at the window and hesitates. "Do you always leave your window open?"

Bando George has posed:
    "Hey!" he complains as Lara dumps the drawer contents. "You're making a mess out of my room!" Well, maybe more of a mess, he can't claim it was clean before you got here, that's for sure. Bando looks at the window. "I mean, when it's nice out." Pop. What was that noise? Oh, it was Bando. His skin just went back to normal. Along with it, his costume changed to a blue and yellow montage rather than purple. Is that Unstable Molecules? Yes. It is even well designed, like something a Van Dyne might make.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara moves to the window. She looks all over it. "No signs of forced entry," she says. "Of course, they wouldn't need to, since you left it open." She sighs. "Bando," she begins, but doesn't finish the sentence. She climbs out the window and drops to the ground, starting to look around for footprints.