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Latest revision as of 05:58, 28 September 2022

The Harvest Moon
Date of Scene: 27 September 2022
Location: Fledging Space
Synopsis: What started as a ritual to keep Gabby Kinney's claws in the light of the moon ends with Mortal Kombat with Tynan in Ireland. Nettie is thrilled with Charlie's progress. Things got weird.
Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Gabby Kinney, Tynan Ireton, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    O Full moon above shining so bright
        Guide us on this darkening night
    The Harvest Moon of Equal Light
        Blessing Badgers' Clawful Rite

    Nettie amuses herself easily; you learn to do so after so long alive. She had penned the little ditty in one of her notebooks, for better refinement later. She had given the other Justice League Dark leader room in the Fledging Space to perform ritual, she had made sure the circles were Good and the cobwebs were cleared physically -- mentally it's probably a long shot. She takes out a handrolled from the silk-lined cigarette case, and lights it with a cheap bic as she gives a soft hum.

    "So, every turn of the season you must refresh the spellwork?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney had brought a few supplies of her own which she had kept in good order, as she was told by her elder sister. The whole ritual was designed so that it could be done easily and without much fuss. A low, yet wide crystal cut bowl is carried in safely kept in a velvet carrying bag, and with it are some of those really fat candles that Nettie sold out front. Just white, no other color was needed she was assured, but they were sturdy seeming and that was just fine with Gabby.

The other things she'd brought to help was a good solid legitimate compass (not one of those junk ones), a laser level, and some chalk. She's currently hunkered on the floor with the compass at the center of a circle to determine the cardinal directions which she makes sure are JUST RIGHT using the laser level to draw out the line where she should put the candles. At least she was being diligent with being accurate.

"It's a modification of the spell on her own claws. Unfortunately for me, that spell was cast by her entire clan on her mom's side. Since she was the only one controlling the spell casting she couldn't make it permanent." A notch is made on the ground with the chalk just so, and she plops one of the candles down ontop of it. Pauses. Then nudges it to the side just-so.

"My other sister and my dad had scientists adhere metal to their claws to make them sharp and unbreakable. Not a pleasant experience I'm told. Mine are just what they should be naturally, bone, same as Rien's. So the spell makes them harder, stronger, and sharp with the added bonus of being able to deal damage to magical sorts."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie was sitting on a bookshelf, watching and smoking. She was wearing an old, brown sweater and black leggings, her hair pulled back in a midling ponytail. She looked a bit like her namesake, and she makes another couple notes in her composition book. The cheap ones you can get at a dollar store, not the fancy ones out front that people buy up on Amazon and sell on Etsy as 'hand tooled leather Book of Shadows'.

    "Y'know, there's enough of us old hands in the group that we could research the effects and alter it further. Though in my case, it would probably require a few pints of blood to get the job done. The Crowes weren't very creative with their hereditory magic, I'm afraid, and some of it's still rather macabre. An' seein' as I'm the only Old Crowe left... mmph. No, that's not righ'. Bertie died in the forties, I think. He had six sons and four daughters. Prolific jerk. I think one of my nieces is still alive, but not really in any condition to pick up the family art. Grand nephews had kids -- I think Alice just had a grandchild?" she pauses, and squnts "Or is it Alice with a Y? A-L-Y-C-E? Should have given them all Hindi names. Rukmini didn't value her culture, certainly for her very valid reasons, but their names are better than 'James' or 'Bert' or god forbid *Hunter*."

    Nettie makes another couple of notes.

    "Also could have told you which way was east, as the crow flies."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"And people complain my family tree is complicated." Honestly it was kind of nice to hear that others could be just as complex. She moves exactly the opposite of the direction she had just planted a candle to arrange it on the other side of the laser pointer. It was all nicely done, properly so, and... and it did match up with any prior markings that were on the floor to begin with.

"Yeah, probably, but if I ever need to do this by myself I want to know how to do it properly. It's like using a gun. Any idiot can use a gun, but it takes practicing the proper technique until it's second nature for it to be used *safely*."

Dusting her hands off she returns to the first candle where she starts to light them. "And she did make this as simple as possible even for me to do." It's caught alight, then the others, as she moves around the circle widdershins, then moves to the center to pour water from a plastic pitcher into the bowl.

"We could look up your relatives if you want?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "You're wise beyond your years, young padawan." Nettie comments with a bright smile and around the hand-rolled cigarette. This one smells weirdly minty.

    "And you're right. Like I explained to our Sara, there's a difference in learning use of magic and how it all works, driving a car and recognizing the chemical components of an internal combustion engine. Almost no one knows the latter." she snorts. "And it's good that you want to do it yourself; I had to learn how to be independant earlier on in life than I'm sure my mother would have liked." she ives a wry smile, and then she flicks her eyes over to Gabby.

    "What makes you think I want to know? Maybe they're safer that way. Last time I saw any of my kin, he was on his way to a Nazi Prisoner of War barracks. Liberated him an' everyone else on that train and then went to another camp."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney finishes filling the bowl up to a suitable depth. It was all set and down, now was the worst part: The waiting. She settles down to sit cross legged on a pillow so she'll at least be comfortable while doing this as she speaks to Nettie for company during the process. Her hands are held out in front of her only to clench the muscles that let her claws pop out the back of her hands.

They still bore a dim blue glow, but it was fading as if it were a glowstick at the end of it's lifespan. If anything it seemed like there was just a little fuzziness around the claws itself, maybe a trick of the candle light, as opposed to anything else. Her hands lower into the bowl letting the claws and most of her hands soak up to the wrist.

With this done she glances over to Nettie blinking slowly at her. "'Maybe they're safer that way,'" she repeats, quoting, "And then you go on to tell a tale of how you had to save them from Nazi's the last time you looked them up. That's not a hugely convincing argument, Nettie. In fact it's kinda the opposite. I just thought I'd offer. I mean, at the very least if you know who they are and where they are, if you DO need to get to them for some reason you'll have the info ready."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie looks down to Gabby as she soaks her hands, and she leans her head back a moment, and then she swings her legs out.

    "Gabriella Marigold Kinney," no, she has no idea what Gabby's middle name is, she's just making it up "There are things far, far more dangerous than Nazis. And you know that is true; you have seen darkness in your young life that most mages never get the chance to see. But here is the thing:" Nettie begins, and she waggles a finger "Sometimes if I say 'yes my family is better off not knowing I exist since they're four to five generations removed from my nonsense' it is coming from a place of experience. And the sole reason I allow you to question me, really, is because it *amuses tha heck* outta me." she gives a soft chuckle, and she leans back against the wall from where she perches on the bookshelf.

    "After a time, trying to use necromancy to summon my sister's soul from whatever devilry had captured it, my home was attacked by witch hunters. They're still a thing. Not as popular, but dangerous enough that most self-taught mages don't get to a happy old age." she gives a small smile. "My parents, my uncle, and most of the rest of my family were killed. My younger brother Bertie and I escaped, with Corvax's help. The Crowes used to be a very powerful magical bloodline."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Zelda." Gabby shifts just a bit as she was kind of hunched over. It didn't really matter a lot, her youth with her healing factor meant she wouldn't be feeling the pain of being in an awkward position. Though she does make a mental note to include a TABLE next time. Duh.

"I mean it's ultimately up to you, and I get it. Dad uses the same excuse for keeping away from most of his kids half the time. I've apparently got a brother out there that's part Japanese and I have no idea where he's at. They don't get along," she adds quieter, eyes narrowing, as she wonders just which one of them made the 'not getting along' part happen. Hard to tell with Logan.

She shakes the thought off quickly as her gaze drops down to watch her claws which have begun to brighten with a moonlit glow. "It's working, that's good. Just got to wait." More.

"Sorry you had to go through that, though. It's never good being hunted."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "No, it's not. And my grand-nieces and nephews have no idea who I am. Or what they are. They've been bred-out to regular, normal humans enough that I hope it covers our 'scent', as it were." Nettie states, and she looks down at Gabby.

    "I'll never use your full name except for binding or magic, poppet. My students I came up with odd replacements every time. It was a bit of fun. You need to know that anything that has your full Name can very much hurt you in magic. That's why we're a dodgy untrusting lot that tend to do everything ourselves." she states to Gabby. "But I promise, your name I shall not use unless it's dire. About the only stronger thing I would need is blood. Or... other... bodily fluid that we shall not discuss due to the fact of 'ew gross'." Nettie states, getting a thousand-yard stare to her as she pauses her note-taking. "Zelda is a lovely name, though. One of my students was named Zelda."

    "Do you want me to grab a bench to put the bowl on, dear? My shoulders hurt looking at you."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ohgodyesplease," Gabby blurts out at the suggestion of a bench as she drops her head forward. "I did this on a table last time. I should have realized. I mean I'll live but it is not comfy," she agrees with a chuckle as she sits upright again, and glances at the candles curiously. Still a lot to burn down sadly.

"Zelda was my sister's name. She was ... I think the sixth? There wer others before her, older than her, but she was as much our leader as anyone was. It's because of her efforts that we escaped the labs." Her lips purse together in a grim line. "We weren't able to save her in time, but she saved us. She wanted me to try and be good. Not what they wanted us to be. So I took her name as part of mine to always remind myself of what she's done."

Smiling a bit she looks back up to Nettie, "Not sure if that counts then as my 'real name'?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Do you address yourself as it?" Nettie asks as she finally hops off the bookshelf, and walks over to the storage area of the fledging space, and after a moment's time she comes out with a very plain looking, wooden footstool, smoke trailing after her as she goes about the room, coming clockwise around the area and standing at the East, she questions "May I pass through the circle?" -- asking permission.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney dips her head in a nod, and states simply, "You may enter." Sure she could have said it in her usual laid-back way, but it seemed a very concise answer was best in this case. Magic stuff right? Right. The question has her lost in momentary thought though.

"I guess? I don't really ever tell people my full name, and very few ask. Just to be safe though I'll keep it secret from magic sorts in the future, though," she decides with a simple nod. Sometimes it didn't hurt to be cautious.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Magic stuff is weird. Same reason why Nettie had come around clockwise. Some things are Just So.

    Nettie brings the foot stool up, and very carefully sets it in front of the bowl. She then reaches for the bowl, and very gently lifts it, with both hands, and slides the footstool underneath with her foot, and then settles the crystal bowl back on top, very gently, giving enough time for Gabby to adjust to the movements.

    "Never give the full information of your name to anyone magical. Unless you trust them body and soul, because both can be destroyed depending on who has your name." Nettie warns quietly, and she finally sits, crossing her legs and sinking into a quiet state of repose.

    "My older sister's name was Ellen. She had hair about your coloring, but rich brown eyes, like fresh bread out of the oven. She was warm in heart, and had a kindness to her that I've found lacking in nearly everyone this day in age." she gives a small smile.

    "What was your Zelda like?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney shifts to lift her hands up as the bowl is raised to keep it in the water the entire time. For all she knew, she could get away with a quick out of the water motion, but she wasn't going to take the chance. Right now she needed to ensure every magical advantage she had was at her disposal. This was really the only one besides her little necklace that she could count on.

"That's a nice name, too," she responds with a soft, knowing smile. The sort of someone who was familiar with the pain of losing a sister.

"Zelda was..." A slow, deep breath is drawn. "Calm. Not relaxed, not the forgiving sort, but she was calm. Her anger was reasonable and restrained. When Captain Mooney was messing with us, she'd try to keep me from getting the worst of it. She kept me from having to kill on missions."

It's here her eyes drop back to the bowl staring at the shallow waters. "I knew what they were doing. It was hard not to. She made sure I never had to see it though. Never had to do it. She wanted at least one of us to not have that riding on them, and I was the youngest, so."

A little twitch of her lips come as she smiles. "We had every reason to hate, and she did hate the labs. She was often fond of saying 'they can bring us into this world but they can't OWN us.'"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Sounds like she was a Good Sister, looking out for her family." Nettie replies with a smile. "There was Ellen, Richard and William, then me. A few years later, Bert. I would animate cutlery to amuse my younger brother in the cradle. The maids found me horrendous, ungovernable, and above all too clever for my own good, but a word from Ellie and I could be sent scrambling for better behavior, because I respected her. Richard and William..." Nettie makes a face "... eeeeh. We'd sling minor hexes at one another. I had mouse ears for a week growing out of my cheeks."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Still sounds like a fun family," Gabby has to admit with a little grin as she tells the tales. "Even if it's a bit dangerous in retrospect." Looking back to her hands she sighs, and lifts her head again.

"Thanks for the space, Nettie, and the bench. It does help a lot. The candles are mostly done so I should be good for another quarter at least. Honestly, all I wanted was something to make my claws glow so I wouldn't have to worry about not having a light."

"The rest is awesome too though."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie sets her face into a flatline.

    "Not the ones on my cheeks. Being normal children is bad enough. Siblings with magic powers--" she trails off, and gives a small grin.

    "Of course, poppet. This space is for everyone to use as needed. I wanted to be able to... just give back a little. I've been rather lucky the past year, haven't I?" she asks, though the question may be rhetorical.

    "... wait. For *light*? You couldn't have gotten a headtorch?" she asks, looking rather incredulous. "Is your on-hand tech fellow so poor that you can't have a head torch?!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows herself a little grin at Nettie's reaction to that. "Yeah, but it never hurts to have a backup. Besides I've been kidnapped before. You don't always have time to grab gear. Having a surprise never hurts." Though this was still way better than just a built-in glowstick.

Is seated in the middle of a circle at which there are half-burned candles set at each cardinal direction. She's seated on a pillow on the floor with her hands currently sunk into a wide cut crystal bowl filled with water. It's on a stool so that it she doesn't have to hunker over while she soaks her claws. Which are out, subtly glowing with a bright moonlight hue, as she chats with Nettie across from her.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Well, Ty was told that this was a practice area, and that is exactly what she's doing as she walks in. There's a soft breath, and then a focus. The magic around her starts to subtly change around her, cloaking her presence. This is the first time that Ty has really practice this spell away from the one who taught her it. The woman moves slowly and carefully as she walks around. Ty takes a seat, watching things. If the spell is working correctly, as long as she doesn't do something flashy, she should be cloaked...

    Ty starts to look around for a certain crow. She has a special treat planned for him. Of course, Ty can't help things though as she whispers, "Never hurts to keep things hidden." The woman wonders how they'll take to the surprise voice....Hopefully not with a fireball to the face....

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie is way too distracted with having spoken to Gabby about their respective families. She was comfortable on the floor, in a lotus position when suddenly there --

    "TYNAN MCNALLY IRETON!" she squeaks, dropping her cigarette out of her mouth, and nearly tumbling over before a twisted piece of wood makes an appearance, and NEttie is *POINTING HER WAND* at Tynan!


Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was still getting used to this place. The scents were a bit overwhelming though not as bad in the back room. Still that doesn't mean she manages to catch a whiff of Ty... which is why when she speaks, and Nettie reacts, so does she.

A dinosaur-esque SKREEEE comes from her as she starts to move and forces herself to stop while water sloshes in the bowl. She'd ALMOST taken her hands out.

"Oh come ON I have to wait another three months if this doesn't work!"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty squeaks a bit! She does uncloak, but redirects the magic a bit. This is a bit more complicated spell. She gets up, but another Ty...is sitting on the chair, while a third Ty moves off to the side. Each...Ty seems to move on their own. Of course, its easy to spot the real Ty at the moment. The magic around her at the second seems to cloak her a bit, giving her a ghostly aura of a kitsune, with the fox ears on her head, a small fang poking out her mouth, and 2 ghostly tails wavering behind her.

    The spell doesn't last very long as the other two Tys move around a bit while Ty waits for the magic to slowly fizzle out. "Guess I'm going to have to work on those two spells a bit.", she mutters as she watches the other two fade out. Ty slowly raises her hands. "And lets not get too magical here. I'm still working on defenses..."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Tynan -- you should know better after the crab legs incident to walk in and do magic -- or any ability -- unannounced. ESPECIALLY as a veteran of many fights." Nettie replies, seething a little bit at the beginning, but she looks to the multiple Tyanans about. She can't cancel from inside Gabby's circle where she's parked her butt -- that could hurt Gabby's spellwork.

    "At the moment we're in the middle of something."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
There's so much going on at once. Ty there. Then another two Ty's. All shifting around as the magic being used sets the necklace Gabby wears alight warning her of MOAR MAGIC in the area. It was a light only she could see, but it was rather bright in comparison to the low glow it had held while performing the rite her sister had taught her to recharge the enchantment on her claws.

One which could only be performed every solstice or equinox. On this night only.

With Nettie so close she may be able to hear a low creaking from Gabby's position as her teeth grind together so hard they almost crack. What she could most definitely hear is the growled out breath of air hissed between her teeth as her eyes SNAP over toward Tynan to stare, dialated, as if she were about to attack in spite of her seated position.


Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Tynan sheepishly coughs a little bit. "Sorry, sorry. I'm still getting use to wyld magicks, and kitsune style. Its not like I have a place to go where I can practice it.", she tells. The woman looks at the set up. Ritual enchantment? She raises an eyebrow at that. Ty scratches the back of her head while watching things, curious to the circle. The woman is careful to avoid the circle, but pauses a bit.

    Ty settles a bit as she looks at the air, and looks around the room. Its like she's tracing things. She stretches a little bit, and then focuses a bit as her eyes take a far away look for a second. The woman takes in a deep breath, and calms her mind. "...Oh, the water...Sorry...", she mutters. The woman moves back a bit.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Aye, but do would you come make popcorn int he middle of someone making cake in a kitchen, Tynan? Or walk into canonfire?" NEttie asks, and it's clear that she's quite cross with her student, and she takes a breath, and breathes it out.

    "I thought I would have tought you better than that. Obviously, I have been *remiss* in a lesson." Nettie states as she draws herself up from her seat, and she pulls up the sleeves of her arms. She's covered, beneath those sleeves, with different tattoos and a lot of burn scars.

    A Lot of scars.

    "What if this ritual had been for extraction of a deadly poison? Or to heal some malady? What if it had been a exorcism?" she questions to Tynan. "Tynan I do not have any issue with you using the fledging space for practice, but if there is someone in here already working magic, your wildness may cause them harm. And that I cannot permit. This is a warning. No crab's legs. This time. " she states, but she is obviously quite angry and disappointed in Tynan. "You need to consider what is going on around you, kitten. Even in the relaxed and safe places."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney draws a rather deep breath that she holds tight in her chest while letting her eyes shut. It's held one. Two. Three. Clearly there's a count going on while Nettie chastises Tynan over the situation. It's finally let out in a rush after what was likely a mental eleven or twelve.

"I have to do this until those candles are burnt down," she states, evenly, with her eyes still shut. "Otherwise I will lose the enchantment on my claws that allows me to actually fight supernatural and magical beings." Finally an eye opens to peer at Tynan, a bit calmer but still annoyed. "I don't *have* magic, otherwise, and I'm one of the leaders of the JLD. I need *something* to keep up with things."

"The clone thing would be helpful in the future in a fight though if you figure it out."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty thinks on things for a few moments, before looknig at Gabby before talking to Nettie. "So...Nettie didn't tell ya?", she asks. "I'm no different then you are. Probably even weaker. Unlike another student, I was the D- one. Had to learn the hard way on everything. Took me a year to learn five spells, and that was with a Demoness, Sorceress, and a Avatar to a God teaching me.", she tells Gabby. "The A+ student was getting herself possessed, and messing with higher level magics. Don't know what happen with her. I still don't even know if one of my spells is effective or not until I either get hit, or if something is effected by it.", she tells.

    "Nettie, look. Sorry. Just that I've been around so many high level mages and magical beings for so long now. Thats an issue, since magic is sopposed to be hard for humans to do, yet I watch all this upper level stuff like its child's play. I don't know whats upper level or normal anymore. I've even seen Hell, which strangely..looks like a safer version of Home.", she tells. "THen again, company I had at the time could have effected that.", Ty says as she thinks on that.

    "Maybe Lang was right, and I am nothing more then a damn trigger puller. A year to learn such basic stuff when it took the other a few weeks...if that. Also, the clones...arn't real. They're just preceptions of reality given form by magic to look like me, and do anything I can do." Then again, Ty really doesn't understand the magics she's using either...

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie stiffens.

    "Mairin was not the "A+ student." she whispers, though her voice sounds like it's being ground on rock.

    "She was the student who was hot for teacher she took risks and insult when I chastized her for it and when I realized her feelings for me I had to stop teaching her. She was the reason I left, because why in the world would I want to break her heart every time she did something well. She went to demons and vampires and cadavers stitched together with a wink and too much whiskey and found herself with magics beyond what I was comfortable teaching. With skills that shouldn't have been possible, that in my time I had not seen someone who was just a human use." Nettie replied, her voice going dark... and showing hurt.

     "Magic isn't learned at all at the same level, or even the same process. I opened the doors for you both, but you got to make your choices, what skills you chose to learn, from others who desired to study from. That doesn't mean you're free from the consequences of your choices, Tynan." Nettie warns.

    She takes a deep breath, the old British witch tilts her head a moment, "If you feel like you don't need me nor this space and you're beyond what I can help you with, why come back? It can't be the sparring with Corvax."

Gabby Kinney has posed:

The words spill out from Gabby as she sends an annoyed glare at Tynan. "This isn't about YOU for fucks' sake! This isn't about your woe is me tale or 'oh my gosh I'm not as good as others' self-depreciation! This is about you almost ruining what I'm trying to do because you felt like playing a GODDAMN FUCKING PRANK!"

"And I *tried* to calm down in spite of it, I *tried* to see the good side of things, and all you are going on about is what other people fucking think of you? I am the LAST person that should have to say this but: Grow Up. Own up to your fuck ups, learn from them, or otherwise fuck right off! Because what's the point?"

With the majority of her rant out of her system she draws a deep breath again, and glances to the candles. Thankfully they were almost done burning down. The last bit was left, the wicks were flickering, and she could almost taste the freedom she would have once the ritual was done.

"Some people can run for miles, some people can breath under water, some people can cook a souffle right on the first try. But not *everyone* can. Expecting that you're going to learn at the same pace or speed or way as someone else is stupid." Of course her anger tapers off with Nettie's own additions of who this person was. So much drama.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie pauses in her more gentle reproach, and just leans away from Gabby, aqua eyes going wide, ash from her cigarette falling.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty takes in a dep breath. A second. There's a cackling of energy that Ty's restraining around her eyes, and its coursing under her arms. The woman is physically trying to restrain her mutant power with force of will versus her irish temper. Her eyes go several shades colder. The woman is trying to keep from opening up the portals that normally, she wouldn't hesitate to open. She's fighting every instinct in her body to not just let loose. Frustration, rage, and just being half irish and half pirate does not help with keeping her temper as some of the charges seem to roll along her arms. The scent of cooked meat starts to fill the air...as burn marks appear on Ty's arms. Not magic though. Maybe a good fight, and some steam blown off might do Ty some good but this might not be the best of times...

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I think that has been quite enough of that, kittens. Let's sharpen claws where there's less chance of incidental damage! CORVAX! Houslgang toucaman me thronas! And bring the popcorn!" she yells, magic staining upwards from her fingertips, past the scars on her arms.

    And there is an ear-splitting POP sound, just as the candles burn out for Gabby's spellwork and her claws are safe for another season. The two appear in a yard, with a few standing stones and a stone fence separating it from an old barn. A red door, two chimneys and a pair of windows with happy yellow windowboxes break up the gray stone of the cottage somewhere in the Irish countryside, and atop the roof, beneath an oversized, brilliant green umbrella, the old crow herself sits and has a large tub of popcorn at her lap, and Corvax (wearing a pirate hat) on her shoulder.

    "All right kittens. Mortal Kombat. Yadda, yadda, fight."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney watches as Ty starts to flicker with her powers. Whether it be magic or otherwise doesn't matter much, it's obvious what the situation is. Perhaps not the best reaction happens just then: She rolls her eyes upward.

Just in time for the ritual to end, and for Nettie to teleport them to somewhere entirely different. She rises to her feet with a little exhaled breath as she rolls her shoulders back a time or two. There's no crack or pop. Likely there never would be from her unless she were already injured.

"Fine, let's do this. Come at me, bro."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie was just stepping into the Fledging Space probably to check it out, see who is there, maybe well who knows now because she is swept up with the teleport squeeking. "Holy Carp!"

    She doesn't like it when she is in other people's teleports, preferring her own so much more to it. She wobbles a little looking just the tiniest bit green around the gills since she had no chance to fortify herself. "Urp."

    She looks sidelong to Nettie and then over at Tynan and Gabby "what the frack is going on?" confused.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Oh. Tynan almost destroyed a ritual meant to make Gabby's hands all glowy, then accused me of rampant favoritism, and went on a bit of an emotional bender then flopped and started to cook herself from the inside out, so I teleported everyone to my old house so they couldn't wreck my new house. Charlie, yes? Been a while, dear. Popcorn?" Nettie inquires with a bright grin.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty doesn't hesitate as two Ty's split off. The three Tys are running in diffierent directions. One seems to pull a shotgun out of midair while one is aiming a colt .45, and firing on the move. The third one has her hand behind her back while running next to the one with the shotgun. The third Ty seems to have a gauntlet on her hand. The big thing is that Nettie would feel a very familiar pulse of energy flowing off the ground, and expanding a bit. No real energy behind it though. It feels...like a sonar pulse. Those who are magically sensitive will feel it too, every time Ty takes a step with her right foot.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney responds in the way she was trained to do, using all her new senses an abililities at once. She'd already been warned that the clones 'weren't real' by Ty's prattling on about it. Thus, they're paid little mind as she launches herself toward the 'real' Tynan with a quick leap, and... feint to the side.

Every punch thrown is without her claws, every kick is meant to just set her off-balance. None actually hit because she pulls them before they do only to spin away just out of reach again. Annoyingly so.

She was a leader of the JLD, she wasn't supposed to get into fights with people who were supposed allies. That didn't mean she couldn't work out some frustration.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie is mostly following. She is wearing her usual mystic gear, which is to say street clothes. Stompy combat boots. Tough looking jeans. A wonderwoman hoodie, and some orange goggles pushed up onto her forehead. The gloves and utility belt are tucked out of sight under her hoodie over her bat underarmor.

    "Uh..." she blinks. Then looks at the multiple Tynan's breaking apart over there. "Well.. okay that is a neat trick... are they all real or is it like.. illusion copies... because all real would be pretty slick..." she siddles closer to Nettie and the popcorn now reaching for a handful.

    "What would glowy hands do?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Illusionary. But Gabby's got some tricks up her sleeve." Nettie replies.

    "Five quid on Gab." The crow states, pecking a couple pieces of popcorn.

    "You're on, Corvax." the witch replies, and she turns to give a smile to Charlie.

    "Well, I'm not about to tell all her secrets, but she needs them for most of the tasks that lay ahead for the Justice League Dark. On account of the subject matter of 'we tend to deal with the weird stuff." she gives a bright smile.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    The merc takes a few hits, but gets annoyed at the pulled strikes. "AVALON!", Ty yells out, activating the shield. She puts it up between her and Gabby. Ty snaps her fingers, and the clones...explode into illusionary flash bangs. Ty stiffens up a little bit as she sucks in a breath. There's a little bit of blood coming out of her nose, and she makes another tiny portal to draw out her irish leaf sword. Ty makes a quick motion with her fingers, drawing a rune, making the sword glow a slightly reddish color, much the color of Ty's skin at the moment as it starts to turn a crimson color.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Ah. A sword. That was unexpected and yet... The whole 'pulling a weapon from somewhere' situation wasn't new to her either. Illyana had her Soul Sword. Megan had her Soul Dagger. Everyone had something it seemed hidden up their sleeves.

Including her.

The bobbing, weaving, annoying motions are stopped as there's a shield put between them. It's now she moves forward, straight to the sheild, with a leap. Both feet come down ontop of it using it to push off into an aerial flip. Pulling her legs up close, much like Spiderman might, she instead swings her arm out. The claw snkkkts from the back of her hand glowing moonbright with a blue light as she slices for the sword withdrawn from that portal intending to send it skittering out of Tynan's grasp.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    The sword gets knocked out of Ty's grip with ease, but seems to dissappear rather quickly. There's...a fairly large amount of burn marks on Ty's arms. Some are already up to the 2nd degree burn mark. Ty rushes forward, figuring bone claws would come out sooner or later. She tries to do a rather simple Spartin kick as Gabby lands. Ty makes another slashing motion with her fingers behind her back, opening up another portal, and pulls out her colt 1911MA3....Her hands are starting to look like fire and brimestone...Mostly from the burns, and a little bit about the runes she's casting to enchant.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie eats some of the popcorn andf tilts her head. "Oh.. illusions.. that is still very cool but a bit less cool than splitting into multiple people and being able to fight dirty like that."

    She snags some more popcorn and then nods lightly. "I bet they are like my gloves, useful for a bunch of stuff. Well one thing really. But still cool." she smiles and peers back to the fight. It is... well Gabby is very good at what Gabby does.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Aye, but splitting into multiples using magic takes up a lot of magic, concentration,a dn let's face it, it's a bit like watching three TV's at once with one set of eyes. I'd get horribly motion sick while trying it, I should think." Nettie replies breezily to Charlie, and she looks over at the girl with a wry smile. "An' what do your gloves do again, dear? Fresh up this old witch's memory, if you're so kind." she smiles.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty starts to enchant the gun, but then falls over, vomitting blood. She's been drawing too much natural magics into her, too fast. Her body can't take anymore of it, especially when her cooking herself form the inside. It seems she's...never had a fight with her powers and magics at the same time before, and its pushed her body past its breaking point at the moment.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "That doesn't look healthy.. is she okay... she does not look okay." about the whole vomitting blood. Understatement maybe. Still Charlie doesn't know how Ty's stuff works.

    This notably doesn't stop her from getting more popcorn. "Oh.. my gloves. Well I worked with Zee's books and sewed runes into them and did an enchantment. When I charge them... they work really well against stuff that doesn't normall feel punches from teenage girls. Demons. Angels. Spooky shit you know?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Ah, I see! How remarkably clever of Fancy Pants's student!" Nettie gives a friendly smile to Charlie, and then looks out to Tynan and Gabby.

    "Well. They needed to let off steam. And The particularly angry one needed to learn a lesson." Nettie's eyes narrow, and she looks to Corvax, and then hands up a five pound note with a grump. The crow on Nettie's shoulder, the one with the pirate hat, laughs, and takes off.

    And Nettie turns back to Tynan.

    "Oh, Kitten. I failed you." she murmurs slightly. Both girls have worked out their aggressions and cooled off, and Nettie can now safely separate them.

    Ty is put to bed in the cottage, just one moment she's in the dirt and the next she's in a clean bed with a wool blanket, snug as a bug in a rug and no longer covered with mud and blood.

    Mostly because Witch's cottages don't like being dirty. Why do you think they all have magic brooms?

    Gabby is removed from the pond and sent back to the Crow's Nest's overstuffed couch to recover.

    And Nettie brings her wand back down, and shakes her head. She looks to Charlie.

    "You seem like a good kid. Stick with Zatanna. She's one of the most responsible adults I know."