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Artemis and the League
Date of Scene: 28 September 2022
Location: League of Assassins Safehouse
Synopsis: The League of Assassins takes the captured Artemis Crock, and tortures and interrogates her for information. WARNING: This scene has torture, pain, and abuse. It can be very triggering. Read at your own discretion.
Cast of Characters: Talia al Ghul, Artemis Crock

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The heavily drugged form of Artemis Crock would wake up after however long it had been with her encounter with her sister. She's dangling over from a wall in a dark cell. Dangling in restraints, her arms up and over above her head in some sort of magnetic cuffs holding her there, bulky around her hands to the point she couldn't move her fingers. She's dressed in some sort of surgical smock dangling down her body. Any sort of hidden items, weapons, or gadgets on her would be gone.
    Her feet would have on heavy, bulky restrtaints that would cover them, heavy magnetic clamps anchoring them together. A further set of blocked, heavy metal clamps holding her on to the wall by the knees, elbows up above her head, ankles, around her waist.. And finally a shock collar around her neck wiht pincers dug into it and needles along. Keeping her fed with a steady drip of drugs. The room was barely lit, and she would likely be disoriented. Having no idea as to where her location was. Was she aboveground? In a warehouse? In the mountains?

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock had the worst hangover she's ever experienced after the jellyfish toxin worked it's way through her system. She had fought tooth and nail against it but in the end, she was helpless to fight what was to come..And she was dreading what lay in store for a deserter, a betrayer and countless other things.

But she would still be defiant, no matter what Jade warned her. Of course, when she wakes up, she groans as her vision comes into focus, peering around and gasping as she feels her arms held in restraints against the wall.

"The hell did you do to me!?" she shrieks, struggling uselessly against them. she tries her feet neck, realizing she is equally helpless to escape there too..And that thing around her collar..What is it?

"Where am I..?" she groans as she peers around, still disoriented. But of course she was once raised and trained in a place just like this. She had seen what they did to other traitors and prisoners. And her heart instantly sinks with fear. "No..."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There's a voice from the darkness. A blot of someone humanoid but with her brain too fuzzy to make out the specifics. There's an almost static, mocking tone as someone speaks to her. Taunting. She's unable to quite identify it, even as the tone rises up.
    "My, my. What an interesting little background you have. You're going to tell us what we want to know.." We? Disorienting no doubt. Are there more in the room? Or is that just possibly her head spinning?
    "The more useful things you give us, the better we treat you." Some level of drugs still being pumped by the needles into her neck, keeping her on a constant drip of some level of disorientation. If she moved her head too much she might snap them, embedded in her neck. That wouldn't go well.
    "And.. Ms Crock, isn't it? You have the most ~interesting~ family."

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock squeezes her eyes shut again, trying to focus, trying to come to her senses. If she can figure out the setup of this place..Maybe she can..Break free or..Something. The voice causes her head to jerk up, staring blankly around.

"H-huuh..Who..Are you?" she frowns, "Why should I tell you anything?"

Her tone is angry, defiant. She is a fool, perhaps. And then she gasps, "You know who I am?!" shit. Her mom..Could be in trouble. And Jade..Does she know about Jade too? Dammit. Her dad must have set her up.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There's a mocking laugh. The tones of it, almost staticy, making it impossible to tell who it was. Not even their gender. Just someone standing in the shadows with her. "You do not get to ask questions, little meat puppet. You can answer mine. The better you answer them and the more easily, the less inclined we are to hurt you. We'd start with your hands. Break each bone in them. Then we'll move to your knees. Then your ankles. Then your shoulders. Each limb in turn."

The voice would go on. "We can cripple you to start with and go from there."

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock gasps a bit at the threats, still trying to focus, trying to discern the identity of the shadowy figure as she tilts her head a bit, groaning at the pain in her neck. Dammit.

She swallows and licks her lips, pondering how to answer, how to get out of this. Flinching visibly at the threats. Shit. This is not good. Definitely not good..

"Depends..What..Do you want to know..?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There's the sense of a blade being pressed up against her neck. But she can't tell where it's from, or who's holding it. "Well, for starters, who taught you. Let's call it a gesture of good faith." Her neck, hairs on end, can feel the blade pressing to it.

This is already just for fun. They've already checked her DNA.

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock gasps a bit at the feel of cold steel against her neck. She swallows, not sure how to ask that question, but does it really matter at this point? "Okaaay...If you must know.." her dark eyes narrow, still trying to make out that fuzzy shape. "His name was Weng Chan.."

The name might mean nothing to the casual person on the street, but some may recognize the name as a notorious and exceptionally skilled criminal, and another henchman of the League of Assassins no doubt.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
That is filed away over for later use. "Good." The blade is drawn away from her neck. The tightness of the needles holds her neck in place. "And your parents? How are they doing. Should we send them a hello?" She doesn't need to be able to tell who is behind the voice that it's coming off as pleased.

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock breathes a bit more rapidly, tensing visibly at mention of her parents. "I could care less about my dad." she practically spits the words. As for her mom, she hesitates, dark eyes narrowed angrily on the woman. "Leave her out of this. You already got me. She's nothing to you.." still, her voice trembles just a bit. She is clearly scared, even though she's putting on a good front. Heck, Art hasn't quite broken down yet..

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The blade once again goes to her neck. Then the restraints on her hands start to crush inwards. Her fingers are in extreme pain as clamps on her wrist go to cut off circulation. HEavy metal barings press into her knuckles, her wrists. They're starting to give.

"That is not for you to decide." Voice building up again. The sound of servos winding, the restraints on ehr ankles starting to slowly squeeze again, forcin gher on tiptoe as her hamstring would stretch painfully.

Artemis Crock has posed:
Her eyes widen at the crushing, gasping, crying out, struggling not to pass out as the ankle restraints force her on her tiptoes. "N-no! Please Dont! Please...I'll tell you whatever you want..." she gasps, breathing more rapidly, tears glistening in the corners of her eyes. "I...I have information..I..."dammit, not good. Maybe she can fib her way out of this. But..CAn she afford to..?

Talia al Ghul has posed:
As if reading her mind, the voice goes, "I expect the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." MOre mocking static filling her. The crushing stopping for now - but still there, a reminder. Small little pincers go down over to her eyelids.
    "First of all, who are your mother and father?"

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock licks her lips, and nods, knowing a mistake could cost her her life..But only after a world of pain. And maybe they'll leave her mom alone if she tells them what they want to know. "Uh, My dad is..Crusher Crock. Better known as Sportsmaster. I'm sure you're well acquainted. He gets around.." she smirks. "My mom is uh..."

She hesitates again, trying to buy herself some time. "Uh Bertha Brooke.." it's a lie of course, but Art is pretty good at lies. But if they know Crusher Crock, they probably know his infamous villainous wife already. She realizes this too late, however, and bites down on her lip, hoping they might not notice the slip up.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There's the digging of a needle into her neck. "What did I just say about lying?" SHe's pumped with more drugs. Ones that are designed to massively increase physical sensitivity and awareness. The manacles diggin ginto her body likely in turn become far more agonizingly painful as they start to crush again. Needles in her neck perhaps making her spasm.

Eyelids yanked up by the pincers, drawn up and high as two high intensity lights are flashed into each pupil, blinding her while also making it so she couldn't close them.

"I don't like liars, when I've been so nice. You seem a smart girl.. So what can one do when the bones in their hansd are crushed to a fine powder?"

Artemis Crock has posed:
Damn. Of course they'd see through it. What an idiot she is. But maybe it's worth it..Maybe...Her eyes widen and she screams, struggling helplessly against the restraints even as she feels her strength fading away.

"N-no! Please! It's...P-Paula. Paula Brooks..Tigress...Please..." more tears stream down her eyes. "Please don't hurt her..." she practically begs, slumping a bit tiredly, as much as allowed with the restraints which isn't much.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There's more thoughts over, the sound of tapping feet over going along. "I can't promise that but since you've been so forthcoming.." The voice would go on. "And where are mommy and daddy last time you heard?" That's the kind of thing the League no doubt already knows. So she possibly can't lie to them.. And also hopefully telling them what they want to know can't hurt them; or at least her mother. She's just confirming what they already know if anything.

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock swallows, panting heavily by now, a look of true fear in her eyes. But the question, the one that can lead them right to her mom...She shakes her head. "I lost touch with my dad back in Gotham a few years ago. As for my mom..." she smirks, "I'll never tell..."

Yes, yes, she's gonna regret this. But maybe it's worth it..Maybe..

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The clamps go down harder. Digging into her wrists. Her fingers are starting to feel crushed. The lights flashing in her eyes are brighter. Pupils hyper-dilated. Unable to blink, unable to try and stop the agonizing dryness and overwhelming light.

"So unwise.."

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock draws a deep, shaky breath, feeling the clamps on her wrists. She knows what might come next, or worse. But...Her mom..she could die. And it would be her fault. Her body shivers, knowing that this could be the last breath she takes. But if she ever did something good in the world, if she ever did something that was worth all of it, this was it.

She stares blankly out at the blurry figure, laughing weakly. "Do whatever the hell you want to me, gimme your worst shot. But...I will never, ever let you murder my mother in cold blood. Go. To. Hell."

She give s her attacker one last defiant smile even though she's shaking inside. Stupid, stupid fool..

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Tsk, tsk. She can hear the clucking of a tongue. "Why.. You first." now the beams go fully into her eyes. She's blinded. She can't blink. The needles dig into her neck. Each litlte motion has her spasming more.

The clamps go onto her ankles. She'll have them sprained but not broken. The crushing goes on at her wrists. THey're sprained as well. The clamp goes tighter around her neck. She can barely breathe. Needles seeming to go in deeper.

The heavier restraints on her making it so that she's not shaking so much as to have them thrust in and do damage.

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock's eyes widen, panting as the lights blind her to oblivion, screaming madly now as the restraints squeeze her tendons, spraining them if nothing else. She cries loudly now, sobbing as tears spill out of her dazzled eyes. "Please..Please don't..H-hurt her..She's useless to you..In Jail...Please! I'll t-tell you anything else..Please.."

She pants weakly, sobbing uncontrollably as the unbearable pain hits her all at once..Just wanting it to be over.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There's a sigh over, "That's for us to determine." Us? Again, not knowing how many were there. "Tell us where she is. Then we'll see. If she's more cooperative than you are, then we will not. We just want to -talk- to her. We presume that she's going to be reasonable. We have no long term.. Difficulties with her unless she gets in the way of things. Like you did. You should follow her example."

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock sobs, gritting her teeth, feeling numb in her hands and feet. Dammit..Is it..Broken or...? She shakes her head, trying to refocus her vision but just getting spots and blurry shadows. "G-gotham..County jail.." she might give more details, like the general address, they might already know where that is. There's one very big prison in Gotham where a lot of major criminals are sent. "Please.." she whispers again.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There's a pause, and a consideration. "Good." The lights go out. The lcamps pull away. She's just dangling from the wall now. In pain, but not broken. Needles still in her neck. But knowing she's given up her mother.

And now passing out.