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Latest revision as of 04:52, 10 October 2022

Survived Death
Date of Scene: 09 October 2022
Location: Sif's Ranch, Upper New York
Synopsis: Sif returns home after the adventure in Niflheim to reunite with Jimmy.
Cast of Characters: Jimmy Hudson, Sif

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    It wasn't the first time.
    Not that it had become a habit yet, that was clear. But this was... the second time? Third? Maybe. Not that he minded, but Jimmy Hudson found himself out in the wilds of upstate New York definitely not for the first time. And alone. Though the chuff of a nearby mare let him know he wasn't entirely alone.
    "Don't get impatient, girl." The Canadian Texan X-Man said as he walked along the fence. He had a handkerchief in his hands and was wiping some of the mud off his fingers as he slogged through the grime along the border of Sif's ranch. Was a tough time getting the fences to sit right out this way, since it was almost wetlands. Not quite wet enough to be labelled as such by the government, but it played hell with the fence posts.
    "Should just take me a minute, gotta..." He steps into the puddle and tucks his shoulder under the long wooden slat and /lifts/ with his legs, the heavy piece of lumber digging into his shoulder as he winces and then gets his hands under it to shift it back into the groove of the fence post with a _clonk_.
    "Appreciate you not runnin' off while I do this, much obliged." He chats amiably with the steed that's calmly eating some of the rather rich grass that's here at the edge of the property, though now with the fence mended...
    He ducks under the fence and grimaces as he wipes at some of the mud on his jeans. "Man, gonna have to change before I head on back."

Sif has posed:
With the return to the Embassy, Sif had finished up the necessary tasks there. Once everything was complete, she pulled out her telephone and opened the messaging to send off a quick text to Jimmy.


She wasn't sure where he might be at the time so she left it at that, tucking her phone in a pouch on her belt then moving toward her chambers there. Not to stay there. Simply to have a little privacy to pull out her sword for the trip back to her ranch.

She could use the Bifrost. Heimdall obviously wouldn't mind. But needless to say, it had been learned long ago the light and sound show that was the bifrost did not agree with equine sensibilities.

With a slice at the rift of space, Sif stepped through to the grounds in front of the ranch house. The blade was sheathed as she took a deep breath of the clean, crisp air. It had those backtones of horses, hay and leather. Home.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Stepping back up and out of the mud, Jimmy was still wiping his hands on that kerchief and then tucking it into the pocket of his jean jacket. No cowboy hat was worn, at least not this time, but he did have boots and blue jeans on mainly in case he took a fall or had to do some heavy work.
    It was only once he was out of the grime that his phone buzzed inside the other chest pocket and he shook his head as he laughed a little, since was just fitting that he'd have to delicate hands the cell out of his pocket trying not to dirty it up.
    Once it's in hand and swiped to life he gets that message, then grins. Tapping out the code to get into his phone he adds a few more taps to send a message.

< Hey. Fixin the fence. >

    Then he was walking up to the mare who tossed her head a little, needing a little mollification as he pat her mane then typed out another, knowing that if Sif knew where she might be able to get to him faster.

< Forest side, west of the house. >

    That said he tucks the phone back in.

Sif has posed:
A quick consultation of her phone and Sif smiled to herself. She set her bag down on the porch. Then she unfastened her heavy cloak with the fur trim, adding it to the pile. Her sword was /not/ left there because that wasn't something she was leaving just laying around.

She turned west as she tucked the phone back in her belt. Walking with a purposeful stride, it didn't take long to reach that particular pasture. She opened the gate then closed it behind her as she started across the field.

In the distance she was able to see him with the mare. She raised a hand to wave, so he would know she was on her way. In full armor. With sword at her side. It wasn't an everyday sight as she didn't often use it here on the ranch but she hadn't wanted to waste time changing when she wanted to see him.

And let him see she was unscathed. She knew he worried.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    He had waited there with the mare, lightly patting her neck to let her know everything was ok as she munched away on an apple that had somehow found its way out of a saddle bag. But when Jimmy saw her his smile spread and he lifted a hand as well to offer greeting from far off and away.
    Then when she closed the distance she heard his voice as he called out, "Welcome home, stranger." That twang to his voice as he smiled and started to step away from the horse.
    It just took a handful more of strides for them to close that distance and when she got close enough he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big ole hug, strong arms tight and then he leaned back to touch a small kiss to her cheek, then her lips. Lingering for a time as his hands rested on her hips...
    But before it could wander toward something more passionate he draws back a little and asks, "How did it go? Everyone alright?"

Sif has posed:
His smile mirrored hers as Sif stepped in close. She wrapped her arms around his torso to hug him tightly and the kiss was returned, lingering for a quite a time. Admittedly, she'd have been happy with longer but knew he would have question so wasn't surprised when he pulled back enough to speak.

"It went well enough. I learned that those lessons from my youth were helpful after all, as I was able to interpret some old runes. Which led to us retrieving the prize, once the wizards among the group solved the riddle." She seemed a bit proud of that.

But then her smile shifted and there was mischief in her eyes. "Though I was sorely tempted to accept a bounty on Thor. I knew he would be able to escape on his own from such so there was no danger. But the look on his face would have been worthy of songs."

She slid her hand down to claim his, wanting that little bit of physical contact with him as she was speaking. "How did you fare in my absence? All is well?"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "There was a riddle in the land of the dead?" He asks as his eyebrows rise, but then his hand slips into hers and they start walking, but not before he reaches over and grabs the reins for the mare and he starts leading her along with them as the couple start to walk.
    "See you shoulda accepted the bounty, tough fella like that he coulda busted out of wherever they took him." Ever the pragmatist, Jimmy continues that stroll, but then his attention is shifted back as she asks about what passed in her absence.
    "Oh not much, Rose had a little cough and I got her some of that apple paste and it cleared right up." He looks sidelong at Sif and smiles reassuringly, "Family of raccoons tried to take up residence in the loft in the barn but I was able to get them to scoot, had to board up a few holes I found."
    Shaking his head, "Nothing as exciting as your trip, but I kept busy."

Sif has posed:
"I missed you." Sif admits it quickly but drops her gaze a little, feeling silly in needing to make the admission. But she moves past it hurriedly and focuses back on the conversation.

"I have heard raccoons are wily foes so I am certain your trial with them took more than you are admitting." Okay, it wasn't a trip to the land of the dead but it still sounded interesting to her!

Sif shrugged about the riddle. "If one does not make it to Valhalla, they face trials to prove themselves. We were presented with situations and choices had to be made. At this time, there is a power struggle as Hela is gone and many fight for her throne, to rule in the Niflheim. Thankfully, we managed to avoid them. Though we faced a giantess--she is the one that offered bounty for Thor--who demanded an offering. The hound guarding the gates of Hel." She lowers her voice. "Tell none but Garmr was quite adorable." Then back in normal tone. "A choice made at a fork in our travel. Then the riddle. Oddly, it was without conflict outside the threats by the giantess."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Hey," Jimmy smiles sidelong then squeezes her hand again, "Me too."
    But then she tells him about the trials that raccoons can inflict on someone and he laughs a little, shaking his head. "Oh I felt guilty, the momma one had a lil critter hugging her chest as I scooted them out. I felt horrible, but you let them stay somewhere and a few months later there're hundreds."
    Though that might be a bit of an exaggeration.
    He continues along, walking with that slow steady pace, the light thump-tha-thump of the horse's hooves in the grass and dirt following along with them. "A hellhound was adorable? That's cute, did it have three heads and all that or is that... is that some other myth?"
    Then his head bobs as he murmurs, "Well I'm glad that there was no fighting. I mean I know you're probably all grumpy about it. But purely for selfish reasons I'm glad you're back safe and sound."

Sif has posed:
"I admit to being surprised. I do not know that disappointed is the right term but perhaps? I am glad I was able to assist with the runes but I feel that I mostly stood around taking up space." Sif gave a little shrug to dismiss that.

The fact that one might end up with hundreds of raccoons if one family of them was allowed to remain became a fact in her mind, filed away as something important to remember should more raccoons be seen on the property.

The three headed thing again? "Why do so many Midgardians know of the Olympian myths but not the Norse tales that were based from Asgard?" she asked curiously. She had no idea that Olympian tales were taught in school in this country, while other pantheons were not typically. "Cerberus guards the realm of Hades."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    A small chuckle comes from Jimmy as he shakes his head, but before he can add more to the conversation he steps ahead a little and says, "Careful. Small hole here under the grass. Not a rabbit hole, no idea what it is. Badger? Heck dunno."
    But once that emergency is covered he falls back into step with her, shushing the horse's protesting neigh with a pat on her neck. Then he looks back to the Goddess of War, "See that's how I sorta feel when I'm on missions with you folks, and the X-ers, to be fair. I take up space like nobody's business. Second to none." His lip twists.
    "Though yah we don't get taught Asgard stuff much in school. Though with you all being real I imagine the curriculum has changed. Though I know back when I was in graduate school there were some historians that wanted to sit Thor down and ask about the details of things. Which myths had an element of truth to them, which didn't."

Sif has posed:
At the warning, Sif pauses and carefully steps around the hole in the dirt. If he doesn't know what made it, there is no way she is going to guess. It is far beyond her knowledge of Earth fauna. "I know you do not simply take up space. You are a great help the times you have helped in our quest for relics," she tells him, dismissing his self-deprecation.

But now that he mentions they were taught in school about Olympians but not Asgardians? That sort of had her paying attention. "All of the stories have some elements of truth. Though we tend to make our songs perhaps a bit grander in sound than they are in truth at times," she admits. Their dirty secret. "Not lies as that is not our way. Just making them sound more appealing so they will be told in the future. Though, as time passed and we were gone from this realm, I can see they will have changed in tellings over generations."

She does pause a moment and tilted her head. "As we are real. You do realize Olympians are as well?"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Well," Jimmy says as he strolls along, pausing to make sure she gets around that hole alright, not that he imagines Sif of Asgard would be laid low, more just it's in his upbringing to look out for folks when they're out in the field. It's called being thoughtful.
    "I know that Hercules is real, and has been running around. I don't know any of the others. I saw in the newspaper there were some satyrs once, but I figured those might not be like, exclusively Olympian?" Though they might very well be. Though there are Beast People throughout various planets and worlds.
    "Honestly with some of the things I've seen as an X-Man and some of the things you and yours have shown me... I sort of believe there's almost anything out there."

Sif has posed:
"A good viewpoint. Even after millenia, I am still surprised," Sif admits. She doesn't often refer to how long she's been alive but this is one of those few exceptions. To still be surprised after that long meant there was a lot out there in the vastness of existence.

"Perhaps the schools should no longer teach of Olympians if they are not also teaching of others pantheons. They are many and varied. Not just those of Midgard but other worlds as well. Seems rather..." She searched for the word but was finding nothing that was as polite as she wanted. "Egotistical to only be taught of Olympians. Though that is befitting of Zeus. I suspect he is behind it in some way," she added in a mutter. Then another thought came to her. "I should research what stories they tell of me from the past."

She shouldn't. She really, really shouldn't.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "To be fair I've never read any of the stories about you," Jimmy says as he grins a little while walking with her, then they get to that gate and he steps ahead to open it up for them holding it for her once he's got the horse clear and then closing it up once they're out of the way.
    "I mean, ok that's not entirely true. I looked up one about Loki and yourself ages ago. But then I sort of..." He tilts his head a little to the side, "I sort of didn't want to go into this. With us. With you know, preconceptions, right?"
    He shrugs a little then heads toward the barn, likely going to put the mare in her stall as he steps around the larger water trough on the outside.
    "Honestly though, about the Olympians, I can't tell you why those are taught more and others aren't."

Sif has posed:
"Zeus. Or Apollo. He is an arrogant bastard," Sif said with a sage nod of her head. She trailed along with him to the barn, the main door already sitting open to allow the easy comings and goings during the day when working. It would be closed up at night for the safety of the horses from any sort of predators. Be they animals or humans.

"I do appreciate you wishing to learn about me from experience, as opposed to simply reading. Though if you read, I am certain you would be impressed." She grinned, obviously teasing. And if she knew that in Norse myths she was /nothing/ like in reality? She might lose her mind. She was barely a footnote with little known and nothing related to her prowess as a warrior.

"It should be addressed in the educational system." Which may just be a comment or may be a statement that she intended action. Difficult to tell with Sif.

"To change topics, you were mending the fence again?" She glanced westward, though it wasn't possible to see that way through the barn wall. "We may need to find a better solution to that area though I have no suggestions at this time."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Well, darlin'. Maybe this was... a pleasant series of events." Jimmy says as he walks along, "And maybe not a bad thing. I mean if you look at it a certain way, if I knew too much about ya... I mighta been too intimidated to act in that oh so charming way that you found so entirely irresistable."
    Now that last has his smile looking positively wicked even as he pulls open the door to the barn and walks the horse inside, flipping the switch on causing the lights to flicker into life. "But you're prolly right, I'm sure I'd be totally impressed."
    Then she mentions going to the school board and he nods, "You could, you could." He walks the mare into her pen with a clop-ca-clop and starts to divest her of her gear. "But to be fair you and yours have gotten a lot more interest and press these last few years, loads and loads more than the Greeks so I think you're comin' out ahead."
    He works on the straps for the saddle and the harness, the click and clink of metal and leather is heard as he works on that. She asks of the fence and he nods, "Might need ta use some concrete for the posts, since the land seems to shift a lot but dunno if that'd be enough. Or if that ground would even take. Not really in my wheelhouse, might need to bring someone in."

Sif has posed:
As he worked, Sif moved down the line to greet each of the horses already within. Since they would be locked down soon for the night. Each got a greeting, a few pets, some soft words spoken in turn. But her main conversation continued.

"I know not who would be called in Midgard but I may know some Asgardians. They may have suggestions, at the least," she said, nodding a bit to herself as she did so. It would be good to have that problem resolved. They spent far too much time dealing with the fences out there. "If you do know of someone, please call them." He knew that money wasn't really an issue so could have free rein there.

When she finished greeting each horse, she moved back over next to where Jimmy was finishing up with the mare. "I should go inside and shower. I feel as though I brought back half of Niflheim with me. We had to sludge through the cold and much." SHe made a face, showing how much she disliked that. Then she glanced down at his jeans and boots. "Though perhaps I should allow you first access. You seem far worse off than I."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Sighing as he finished with the straps then he /hefted/ the saddle off and walked it over to where he slung it over the wall that divided the pen from the barn itself. "Yeah, we had a few days of rain, which is why the fence fell apart. And why I'm covered in mud."
    As he says that he grins and steps back out, closing the door behind him. He steps past Sif and gives her hand a squeeze as he strolls by, "Or you know... we could share."
    Which has his smile curving just a little wickedly as he walks backwards toward the door of the barn, meeting her eyes with a smouldering smile before turning and heading off for the house proper.

Sif has posed:
And that earned an equally wicked smile from Sif.

"You did not tell me telepathy was one of your gifts." Then she winked since that was her way of saying he read her mind.

With that, she headed out of the barn, glancing back over her shoulder once--then sprinting for the house.