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Latest revision as of 18:05, 15 October 2022

Ain't No Sunshine When She's Run
Date of Scene: 14 October 2022
Location: Gym - Playground
Synopsis: Daisy and Jane catch up on Kora, and Jemma adds her discoveries to the pot. Plans to drink ensue. Because you need to drink after that trouble.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Jane Foster, Jemma Simmons

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It had been quite the day at the Playground. Lab explosions. Revelations. It was perhaps a blessing that most of the base was empty at this point but for some of the Secret Warriors within. It meant less of a chance for casualties and less questions raised about the dangers the Inhumans posed. Having calmed Kora until she finally felt asleep from exhaustion Daisy had done one of the things she does best.

Go vent it out on the gym.

The gym didn't ask questions, or judge her. It was just there for her to crash herself against it's shores until her confusion and mixed feelings could finally abate. Did she had a sister, one her mother had kept a secret. A sister that like her could barely control her powers. It was all too much for her to give it much thought but there was no need for thought in the gym..

A kick rings out in the air as she delivers a powerful blow to the sandbag, making it shake hard before she delivers a series of punches to it.

Jane Foster has posed:
Hallelujah, the Playground hasn't completely melted down. It may not be in the best of states, a holding cell battered and lab in a bad state. The rest provides a good space to rest, stock up a fridge with food and snacks, or otherwise lick one's wounds. Luckily for Jane, the wounds are largely significant bruising, abrasions, and a few scratches that can be patched up with a band-aid. That's the plan after she abandoned the place to go walk through the woods, finding her own peace of mind.

The gym doesn't ask questions, and it demands little except participation. Presence, then. She wanders in, wearing yoga pants and a knotted t-shirt. Daisy's offering from the previous day is neatly laundered, folded into a reasonably squarish lump. A lumpy square. Neither really announces itself as a particularly smooth shape, but she tried. She can hear the shouting in every punch, the mood in every collision of kick, crack, and smack. No need to inquire about her mood when it stains the air a rusted shade.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Casting a few further good punches to the bag Daisy eventually comes to a stop, leaning forward with her hands resting on her knees and she breathing hard. Lifting her head she turns it to look at Jane, smiling faintly her way. "Hey..." a few more moments for her to recover her breath and finally she straightens once more.

Eyes go over the injuries on Jane and she asks her, "How are you feeling?" bottle of water and towel is picked up from a nearby bench and she runs the latter over her face before taking a few good gulps from the bottle, approaching the other.

"Our guest hasn't woke up yet, has she?" her tone a touch uncertain.

Jane Foster has posed:
All is well that ends well, or ends with bruised knuckles and cardiovascular exercise. The bag never deserved such punishment but serves admirably, swaying like a drunk pigeon on an icy slope. Daisy can take comfort in defeating a majestic enemy. "I wanted to let you know I've cleaned this. Thank you, shouldn't be too much soot or dirt on it." The jacket can be set aside where it's not in the way on the bench. "How are you feeling?" It's going to come out nearly as soon as she is asked, and she will wait for Daisy's response before any concern bleeds through too strongly.

"Like a bus ran me over. A burning bus in the desert," will do for her part. "I think she's a metahuman." Deadpan delivery and all there, isn't it? "I don't know. She fled, and I stayed with Jemma. Did you recover her?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There's a blink when Daisy looks at the uniform top. She didn't really remember it and that is visible on the brief moments of confusion on her expression. Almost as if she had forgotten parts of the day, or was focusing too hard on other parts. She takes it almost mechanically and sets it on the bench, "Don't worry about it.." another faint smile that doesn't have a lot of strength behind it.

"Yea, I saw the destruction and ..." her jaw hardens and she finally says it, "You could had got seriously injured. Because of me."

Bottle is put aside, "And right now, I don't know how I am. You heard it, didn't you? The results." a beat, "That she's my sister." she leans her back to the wall. It's clear that Daisy doesn't seem to know how to handle that.

Jane Foster has posed:
Small things normalize their lives, like the business of laundry or a good workout. It can't be all strangeness and fighting monsters every other minute. Jane knows more about the nature of the physical world than the weird, most days. This might be one of them. She nods to the water. "Need more of that? I can bring along a jug if you require anything." Her lips lift in that ghost of a smile. Ghosts.

"Ah," she replies to Daisy's mentions. Her expression changes, softening. "That's a lot to take in. Did you know if...?" The question hangs gracefully in the balance, not treading further than that. She flicks a look up at the bag, then back to Daisy.

A longer pause, and then she shakes her head some. "You forget I registered the energy output. I wouldn't recommend regular exposure, but I knew the risk. You cannot take blame that I refuse to assign."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Speaking of Jemma...

There might have been a tad bit of avoidance in the British biochemist. Mostly because Jemma feels guilty. Nevermind the fact that she really has nothing to be actually guilty for. This is Jemma...she makes up reasons. She knows that Jane was caught point blank in that energy blast. Jemma also knows that Jane would not be physically hurt in it either...but it sits on Jemma's conscious that she was the reason Jane was in that holding cell in the first place. So, there is that. Not to mention the fact that she had to tell Daisy that the person who just lit up Jane like a roman candle that she was Daisy's sister. To put that weight on Daisy, that wasn't something Jemma felt she should have done. Yet...she did. And again, she felt miserable about it.

So, it was a little while later before Jemma made the journey out of the lab, in her own personal comfort zone, to look for the other two. And, judging from the sounds of punching echoing the halls, Jemma had a pretty good idea where at least one of the two she needed to apologize to where. It was only a matter of time before the brunette pokes her head in. And sees both...together. There is a moment's hesitation...before Jemma swallows and walks in.

After all, she wanted to ask for forgiveness. With all three together, there seems to be no time better than the present.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No no..." Daisy brushes away the offer for water, arms folding together and she continuing to lean back against that wall, looking down at her bare feet for a time in silence, chest still heaving up and down after all the exercise. It's only when Jane leaves that question hanging that she looks up again. "If...?" her head canting to the side, not exactly understanding the question perhaps.

"If she knew?" A shake of her head, "I don't think so." lips purse together and she shakes her head again, "She looks younger than me but .., who knows? It makes no sense, does it? My mother was under Hydra captivity for years and ..."

A look up and to the door as that familiar vibration from Jemma is felt before she is actually seen. There's a faint smile that she offers at the other Furiae.

"Hello, Jemma .." she greets, no accusation on her eyes that's for sure. But is she afraid the scientist will have such a look? Maybe.

Eyes go back to Jane and she tells her, "Sometimes we don't need others to accuse us in order to feel guilty. And often enough that's worse than if they did."

Jane Foster has posed:
"If you had family," the prompt causes a response, quietly enough. Additional family, as it is, though the clarification simmers down into silence again. The companionable sort that demands nothing, settled in with a good blanket and a cup of tea. All they need is a cat stomping and curling up to make the prospect complete.

Jane pulls her hair back from her brow, wrapping it into a lazy bun that won't stay for long. The texture is all wrong, but for now, that will work. "The Furiae are back. I expect someone's phone to ring any minute." The level best at using a bit of mirth is entirely unsuccessful, surely, but it ought to help. "Daisy's having a workout and I decided to suffer through a few chores than try to do another run around the building." Her gaze flashes beneath dark lashes and she holds up a finger, threatening to poke the Inhuman woman's side. "Your feelings are yours to have. Since my last attempt at this pep talk failed, let's see if I can try it another way. I took responsibility for my own actions. I could tell she was afraid and angry. My fault was pushing her too far instead of de-escalating, and I'm not proud of that."

Jemma Simmons has posed:

Yes, there is hesitation, there. And...talking about guilt. Wow...yeah, there was a reason these three worked so well. It is almost an empathic link. "I, err, wanted to check on you." A pause. "Well, both of you, actually. I certainly didn't make things easy for either one of you with the latest events. And I wanted to..."

A beat. Then a shrug. "You know. Apologize. I feel just awful." Again, no reason for her to be, but try to tell Jemma that. "If I didn't go in there..."

Nope...no good dwelling on that. Better for Jemma to deflect and tend to her friends. "Are you both okay?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There's a pause there as Daisy just stares at Jane. STARES. Then her smile gets a bit deeper and some of that light returns to Daisy's gaze. "If I didn't know you better I would almost say you did a Charlie's Angels joke?" oh, Daisy fully knows what she did!

"I can't help but worry. You know that's how I am. How we are." Daisy says once her expression has sobered up some, "And with it happening when I am supposed to be leading the Secret Warriors it can be.." maybe she is doubting her leading potential. But she brushes that away when she hears to what Jemma says, arching her brows. "Jemma, if you hadn't told me what you did I might had done something I regretted. I could see it there on Kora's eyes. I was ready to hurt her, and I would had just become like those I fight against. Hurting others because of what they don't understand.." she lets out a sigh.

"Of all people one would think I would know not to react like that, mmm? But I am okay now. Waiting for Kora to wake up so I can talk to her. She is stable for now.." she assures the other two.

Jane Foster has posed:
What hurt, what pain linger in the dark of the soul that some horrible 1970s television cannot reach? Forget Daisy Dukes; Daisy Angel will do much better. Farrah Fawcett hair for Jemma! It's a trend!

"We all worry too much. It's part of the human condition." An exasperated smile shows, though the woman raises her palms. "What kind of leader am I, who relies more on the abilities of certain members or who cannot talk down an unstable woman who thinks we're probably complicit in the torment she clearly suffered? I'm supposed to have some purpose other than recognizing stars or hazards like a bump in the road, and here we are. She's unconscious, you're both nervous, and I still haven't helped. Flaws and could have been are another chronic part of our condition. It shows we have humanity and care about others, that we don't lose touch with what makes us fallible creatures. That's important."

Her head tilts back and she leans against the wall, moving if she needs to. "You made the right call, Jemma. You are the least impulsive of us, I think we've demonstrated that. Your actions spared anyone sedating her or causing worse panic. Daisy, you found out some good news from a pile of bad. I doubt you would have gone as far as you think." She sounds firm in that belief. "Her path won't be easy when she wakes up. She needs a fair bit of therapy and support. She was in cryogenics for /how/ long? Months, surely. Have you seen any deterioration in her DNA or health, Jemma, and no this is totally not a self-interested question?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Oh thank heavens. Jane actually wants to talk shop. The apprehension that was in her demeanor melts away as Jemma falls back into doing what she does best. Scientific analysis for the win. Jemma pulls out her table from that labcoat pocket of hers, tapping on the screen to wake it up, then pulling up her analysis. "I didn't see any cellular deterioration. My initial concern was that, being HYDRA, they were just running slipshod amidst her genetic structure. Like they have before...introducing unstable Inhuman powers and causing the premature burn out of normally healthy individuals and death. And, apart from some minor muscle atrophy that I was able to determine from sight, there was little in the way of lasting harm to the per, err, I mean Kora's health."

A moment to pause, and Jemma flips a couple of screens up, showing comparisons between Kora's DNA and Daisy's, as she speaks to Daisy now. "I had a hunch that the two of you were related. It might have been a possible resemblance, or perhaps personality tics inherited. I just felt that there was something there, which is why I was so determined to check. It prompted my warning to you initially." She sighs softly, as she circles the percentile indicating the relationship. "When I saw this, though...it confirmed what I suspected. I had to tell you immediately."

Then, back to speaking to both. "Physically, she is better than most. Mentally, though, there is certainly trauma there. She went through a rather difficult ordeal. She is going to need whatever help she can get to help her process it and move on."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I think you trust me more than I do myself." Daisy says back to Jane. And maybe that's the problem! But then they are talking shop and Daisy is just fine with that too because she needs to put her mind away from things. Or in this case -into- things. For what happened with Kora is something that Daisy has quite the vested interest in figuring out.

Quietly enough Daisy makes her way behind Jemma to peek over a shoulder at the screen while Jemma is flipping those screens up and down, "I am not sure we are that alike ..." she murmurs back at Jemma when there's that comment about personality tics. Bit of a stubborn lip being pulled up too. "But so, it's confirmed ... 100% chance and all that. I just ..., can't really wrap my head fully around it just yet.."

Then a sharp nod. "I will be helping her with that process." no doubt in her voice. "And ..., I would be glad to have you both with me."

Jane Foster has posed:
The brunette shrugs easily enough. "That could be. I believe in you, and that's enough for me." Daisy gets put on the spot a little longer, but it's always easier to turn attention to solutions than sticky feelings and entanglements.

"I'm going to be the bearer of bad news, but if Jemma isolated your genetics, then the possibilities are high. It also explains why a device in that facility only targeted you and her. I am still trying to decipher if it only targeted your genetic signature or anything else, but some of these signals aren't obvious. You might need to run over the details yourself before we can make any conclusive findings. That said, someone was waiting for Inhumans. It didn't care about the rest of us, which could be a comfort or a lamentation. I'm sorry, Jemma, you don't appear to be a space princess. Fear not, though, there are other alternatives." Her cheeky smile is just that, a sharp thing that conceals real warmth. "As someone who is an only child and an orphan -- doesn't that sound so woeful instead of the truth of being thirty? You're assumed to have it. You're as much my sisters as Kora is actually related to you."

The hint of an edge is there again as she pushes off the wall, headed to Jemma. "Though I'm a tabula rasa biologically, so that could make me anyone's sister."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma pauses, but only for a brief moment. "Space princess? That is an option? Because, if so, then I am more than happy to pass on that." Oh, was that a joke? From Jemma, no less. Well...that seems to have lightened her mood, at the very least.

But now, the talk of genetically-keyed tracking devices pops up. "I am not exactly happy with the thought of a tracker specifically targeting Daisy's code. I would need to examine the device more to determine, but as of presently, I am not aware of a method to mask a person's specific DNA signature to prevent this device from finding him or her. It is a marvel that warrants additional research."

No, Jemma didn't just seem more energetic at another problem that she wants to solve. That was a figment of imagination. She is, however, serious.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You don't choose to be a space princess when it's your -destiny-, Jemma.." Daisy looks sternly at Jemma when she seems to deny wanting to be a space princess. Because who doesn't want to be one?! But at least there's a broader smile on Daisy's lips and once Jane gets off the wall to approach Jemma is when Daisy catches them both on a sneaky group hug. "Thank you." she says in an heartfelt manner at them.

Once she releases the two she looks at the tablet again, "That device .., yea, it needs to be studied. Perhaps it was targetting Inhumans only? Or at least awakened Inhumans?" she suggests. "It might not be something directed at my DNA." but right now all she can do are guesses.

It's when Jane speaks up those last words that she looks at her more attentively. "What do you mean with being a tabula rasa biologically? Is there something the two of you haven't been telling me?" Daisy does some suspect something is afoot considering the body they have in storage, but she never really did press much in the past.

Jane Foster has posed:
Disregard the young woman thumbing the gold bracelet on her wrist idly. Undrjarn chooses to appear as the most innocuous of objects, a thin chain no wider than a few pieces of hair. The formulaic response is stifled by a group hug, her bleat of surprise probably entirely rewarding to Daisy. Again, it's the little things. She gets an arm out to return the embrace, blinking back into the moment.

"Only Inhumans. We can agree the company who went after Kora ought to have triggered something otherwise. Few of us are biologically baseline." A polite turn of phrase follows her shifting a look to the side. "Possibly Inhumans with active terrigenesis, but to practice that theory I'd need to someone with dormant Inhuman DNA to test. Those individuals are in short supply. I have to wonder if Kora's other, missing companions in the other cryo chambers were similar. That said, the device was scanning based on some criteria and I expect to backwards engineer the device to be sure. I'm going to need to get with May for us to approve further investigation. Most important is understanding how it transmits, what triggers it, and who it broadcasts to. I don't imagine the thing is completely inert so best to avoid it. Nonetheless, I'm going to decipher the why of it."

She taps her hip bone, that poise of thought wrapped up in a tangled line of thought. "The box was pulled out of a Faraday cage, which prompts me to suggest HYDRA yet again had technology it shouldn't. Not Shi'ar, though, which is absolutely certain. I've been running through a few decryption patterns, and I want to know /dearly/ why they were trying to talk to another interstellar empire. Or if they even knew that's what they were doing. More questions, no answers."

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane Foster adds, after an appropriately long pause, "Are you sure you want to open that box, Daisy? Some knowledge isn't worth having. The choice to that's yours or Jemma's, if she wants to say anything about it."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
There isn't a bleat from Jemma. No, she is far too British for that. Keep calm and carry on, right? However, there is a sharp intake of breath, then a soft chuckle....the only indication of the surprise hug being a surprise, before Jemma returns in kind, however awkwardly that might be.

As far as tabula rasa, Jemma replies. "Jane means that she is a blank slate, in terms of her DNA. Essentially, with her extended out of body experience, her genetic composition is safely locked away in a rather secure location that I am surprised none with higher clearance know about. I would suspect that they know, but not care...but I am not about to ask Director Fury if I ever see him."

Nope. Not a chance. That would be an awkward conversation should Fury actually not know. And Jemma is not eager to find out.

"However, in regards to the device. I do not believe that you should open it, Daisy. It may be synced to your specific genome, or perhaps just to the Inhuman variant. However, since we know that you cover both aspects, it should be looked at by an individual that shares neither Inhuman nor the family Johnson traits."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Some amusement on Daisy at the surprise on her friends. Shame on them! They should be used to surprise hugs by now after knowing Daisy for so long. It's not as if Daisy does it -all- the time but .., you know.

"I believe there's more competent people to look into the device than I am." That she certainly agrees with what they say but then she looks at Jane, thoughtful. "The only thing bigger than my curiosity is the care for my friends. If there's something I can do to help you know I'd want to help, no matter how much of a pandora's box it might be knowing what is going on." even if sure, the out-of-body situation is ..., definitely something she can't explain or fully comprehend just yet.

She considers for a moment and then says to Jane, "That device is similar to the one I got on the Moon. There -could- be a connection there. It's currently on the labs, Fitz had been looking into it for me."

Jane Foster has posed:
Danger Hug, that's Daisy's new superhero name. She can expect a shirt with the new symbol on it printed up by clever marketing people in the Triskelion in the next few days. It'll be there waiting for her by Monday. Fear what a mobilized science corps can do.

"I'll need your help with the signals, at least programming for the data. I have the means to break the messages down, but not necessarily to unlock all their security measures. Some are strange; they use light extensively." She shrugs, idle at the notion, then nods once for good measure. "Less involved with private secrets, the better, as far as management goes. Some things..."

Paranoia is not just Nick Fury's choice of sweetener in his coffee. He's infected them, too. "I need to talk to Fitz about that. Fairly certain that whatever they're using to chat won't be understood by many around here."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I am not talking about the device." Daisy shakes her head at the two of them. "I am talking about you, Jane. What's been going on with you. I know there are things amiss. Probably a lot more than you are letting on. And you don't need to tell me what's going on but you should know I am here for you on what you need, you hear?"

"As for the device itself, yea, we will figure something out. I mean, we have the brightest minds working with us."

"Now ..., it's time for me to go see about Kora.." She looks between them. "We will catch up later?"

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane is probably halfway to deconstructing the device in her thoughts, figuring out weak points or where a crowbar might be applied appropriately. Alas, no such option here, since Daisy diverts her from the matter. Funny how that works.

"Yes, that. The Genetic Council's made a breakthrough or two, and you're going to need to be there for the particulars. Both of you. It's probably easier to explain over a bottle of wine or two." Not that wine does anything for her, but the taste matters! "I might consider convincing Hedla to send me off with a keg of the /good/ mead. We're going to need all that and then some."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
The biochemist blinks in mild surprise. "Are you inferring that copious amounts of alcohol is needed to make sense of the information, or that the alcohol is needed to summon the frame of mind needed to sit through the discussion?" Obviously, Jemma seems a little concerned if either option is necessary.

Still..."If Fitz is looking at the device...or devices, as it sounds like now...then that is good enough for me. I know that any biological inquiries he has will come to me. And, it gives him a little something to work on. He likes to feel needed." Yes, Jemma knows how Fitz thinks. Or...at least how she thinks he operates. "You should have seen him when I brought him in on the Jane situation. So concerned...a little miffed about keeping the secret from him, but...then so excited he got to work on finding a resolution."

Jane Foster has posed:
"It was on a need-to-know basis. The fact I'm about to be revealed to several people bound to be very hurt or very confused by the fact I've been..." The psychopomp waves her hand. "Lying under their noses this whole time is an irrefutable fact I have to deal with. I mean, how could it be any worse than being incinerated by your upset sister?" Charms, all around.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Do you really need an excuse to spend a night with friends drinking alcohol, Jemma?" Don't answer that Jemma! But Daisy smiles faintly, perhaps a bit more upbeat now. "But if you need an excuse ..., we still have to hear about what happened on your birthday." wait, what?

"If you are worried about me being upset about being lied to you don't have to. I won't be." She tells Jane with a shake of her head.

"But fine, we discuss this over drinks!"