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Clocktower Costume and Pool Party
Date of Scene: 22 October 2022
Location: Historic Clocktower - Recreation Center
Synopsis: Babs invites a handful of people over for a bit of Halloween delight, drinks are had, swimming is swam, and lots of ghostly tales are surely shared!
Cast of Characters: Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson, Mika Yang, Helena Bertinelli, Damian Wayne

Barbara Gordon has posed:
First and Foremost, the indoor pool is blood red... The waters have been dyed to be a beautiful crimson 'blood' red tonight for this gala event. Okay, this isn't really a gala, it's just a open invitation to as many of the 'in the know' types within the Bat-family, Birds of Prey, and otherwise.

Beyond that main centerpiece, the whole floor is decorated to the nines with Halloween flare. From the cheapest skeleton, ghost, witch, zombie, Frankenstein, and more decorations, to even some really high-tech and expensive ones, such as drones in ghost costumes that fly around the multi-story entertainment level within the middle of the old Clocktower. The tower has been fully retrofitted over the past many years, to specifically fit the needs of the Birds of Prey, the plans that Babs has been putting in to motion for them, and tonight, using this part of the tower to provide a bit of holiday cheer is the main goal, the main hope, and she's put a lot in to this.

Music fills the main floor area, leading out around the pool, there's been catering from Harley quinn's Taco Truck, and other local businesses. The food is spread out in the kitchen and bar area, with the television room setup to show horror movies all night, currently viewing one of the Friday the 13th films... Jason is being very very bad to sexually active teenagers!

The pool, as stated, is the main attraction though, and even the water slides are just pouring down blood red waters in to the main pool. There are halloween themed floating devices in the crimson water too, a ghost lounger, a pumpkin inner-tube, and more.

Babs is on-hand, of course, wearing a black bikini and standing off to the side where the bar is, her hand wrapped around a drink as she has her red hair tied up and on the crown of her head. She's speaking to someone behind the bar, a trusted bartender who used to work for the GCPD, he's here to help serve the guests tonight, and Babs is just sharing a bit of laughter with him in the moment as the party is just getting started.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Within the Clocktower's computer systems, someone logs in. It's a valid login with access, so no particular reason it should be of concern. Stephanie Brown's login doesn't even access anything particularly sensitive. Just the play list for the sound system at the pool area, making one addition to it. The current song eventually finishes, and then a new song starts up.


John Travolta's voice comes over the speakers:

I got chills, they're multiplying
And I'm losing control
'Cause the power you're supplying
It's electrifying (electrifying)

As Olivia Newton-John's voice begins singing in reply, the doors open and a pair walk into the party. Stephanie Brown is wearing Sandy's iconic black leather pants and tank top with the shoulder straps down over her arms, her hair done up like the movie. Beside her is Dick Grayson, wearing all black, sleeves rolled up, with his hair greased and slicked back like John Travolta. They walk in together with a back and forth step like was danced to the song.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Not everyone can be theatrical. In fact, Cass is actually just outside, in pants and a white long-sleeved shirt. She has her hair down (normal) and a soft look on her face suggesting embarrasment. This is because Steph told her 'pool party' and she knows that means a swimsuit.

She's wearing one. Under the slacks and shirt. Though it's odd that this is probably the most suited-up Cass has ever dressed, in a nice white shirt and slacks. It even looks feminine, with the top couple of buttons undone on the shirt and the slacks hugging her hips.

If only she knew where that song came from, it's so weirdly catchy.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick is obviously in the Halloween mindset, dancing in with Steph to the song. The costumes match the movie perfectly, including what must have been a couple hours work on their hairstyles. Looking around the large room, he grins and heads over to the bar to greet their hostess for the night. He keeps his arm around Steph's waist, gently guiding her along with him. It's not like she wouldn't want to go over and say hi anyway, so it's less guiding and more walking with.

    "Hi Barbara, thanks for the invite. The place looks amazing, you really pulled out all the stops. Would never have expected the red pool water, it's a really nice touch."

    He asks the bartender for a fruit punch, in keeping with the red liquid part of tonight's theme.

Mika Yang has posed:
    Well, Its the first time that Mika has met the group officially. She's the newest bird to join the Flock. As the woman approaches the clocktower, looking at her dufflebag. The woman used public transport instead of getting a ride. The woman does make sure she has the baterang. The woman takes a moment to breathe out before heading into the Clocktower. At the moment, Mika is dressed in baggy cargo pants with a flame style black hoodie. The Chinese/Japanese woman looks around as she yawns a little bit. Its been a long shift for her.

    The woman looks around though, wondering if there's anyone she'll know. Likely not. She pulls out her emergency radio from the duffle bag. "You got me covered tonight?", she asks. A voice chimes back over. "Enjoy yourself, brat. Enjoy the college party. Don't get too drunk.", comes back over. Mika smiles, turns off the radio, and puts it back in the duffle bag. Mika relaxes a little, heading over to the bar.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs looks up at the sight of the duo enterting to their own music. She has a grin form across her features as she waves at them, along with the others who are soon to follow them. "Hey, all." Barbara says before her eyes dart over to the pool. She smirks at it, before she looks back toward Dick. "Yeah, I was promised it won't dye the sides, and floor of the thing, but... I imagine I'll be filling it with bleach next..." She chides him with a continued grin.

Babs motions to them then. "I dig your style, you two." She tells them. "Especially the hacking of my music system to play your song." She says to Steph specifically then.

A wave is given to Mika next then, and Babs approaches her. "Hey, welcome to the place." She tells her. "Glad you worked up the nerve to stop by. I know this place is a bit creepy on the outside... But hey, it's that time of year, right?"

A drone flies by over Cassandra, a spooky ghost costume on it, as it utters a recorded 'Mwahahahaha' and suddenly two 3-Muskateer 'fun size' candy bars fall out from under its costume to land on Cassandra!

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Not long after Danny and Sandy make their stellar entrance. the music gets hijacked again.


There is no question the song of course. The figure that steps through the door is hardly a surprise either.

>Oh yeah, t-t-teacher stop that screamin'

>Teacher don't you see? Don't wanna be no uptown fool

>Maybe I should go to hell but I am doing well

>Teacher needs to see me after school

Helena enters, dressed as... A Naughty Teacher. A white blouse is worn unbuttoned down to her midriff, underneath is a purple bikini top. A very loosely tied tie hangs down, teasingly hiding the valley of olive hued cleavage otherwise on display. A plaid miniskirt that barely covers the lower curve of her bottom seems to be painted onto her hips. Black pattent leather pumps with five inch heels accent her hip sway as she struts in. And is that a pair of Barbara's old glasses frames perched on her nose?

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian was seated at the bar, dressed in a brown trench coat, a faded red tie, and blue shirt. He made himself familiar with an odd looking Jonnie Walker bottle while he had a small origami unicorn in the other hand.

  Not as flashy or sexually charged as some people, but the attention to detail was spot-on for Rick Deckard, he might even have that cool gun...maybe.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown is of course happy to be led over to Barbara. She grins and offers her a quick hug. "Hey, most of what I know about computers you taught me," she reminds her mentor with a grin and a wink.

"Kind of digging the hoop earrings," she says of the earrings she chose to match Sandy from the movie. Stephanie's not one to wear very ostentatious earrings normally. "And yes, the place looks amazing," Stephanie says, laughing as the drone goes by and candy-bombs Cassandra Cain. "Cass!" Stephanie exclaims, grinning over to her friend and giving the Asian woman one of those smiles of hers that could light up even in the spooky lighting of a Halloween party.

Back to Barbara, Stephanie Brown says, "This was a great idea. A chance to let our hair down a bit in a way that doesn't involve punching and kicking and batarangs."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Mika walking right past her in the doorway is no big. Cass has this minimal presence most of the time, she's used to being missed. She however got a good look at the ninja on her way in. Kind of her 'thing', observation.

Apparently the computers registered her own arrival though, and finding candy raining down on her chases her out of the dark corners, hissing and covering up. She ends up being the last one in, looking disgruntled. She even sticks out her tongue at Steph, assuming that it was her who ratted her out.

She'd planned to wallflower this entire event, but noooOOooo. Now she's got to be sociable. Ruining all my fun.

The girl stops, then looks at the pool. She thumbs at it, doing a head-tilt as she turns her gaze toward Damian. The raised eyebrow makes it into a question. Wtf is this?

No words, still able to be eloquent. It's a talent.

Mika Yang has posed:
    "My apologies, Ma'am.", Mika says to Babs. She offers a slight bow of the head. "Its been a busy time as I am in my studies, as well as working several shifts.", she tells. The woman takes a deep breath as she looks at the Tender. "Sake if available, please?", she asks. THe woman looks around, and blushes a bit. "I feel a bit overdressed, as I havn't had time to get a costume.", she says.

    Mika looks around though. She doesn't recongize many people here. The young actress coughs a little bit, and feels a little shy at the moment. The woman rubs her arm a little bit, and there's a bit of metallic rattling there. Did she really wear her chain on the bus? Yes....

Dick Grayson has posed:
    After ordering a drink, Dick leans in to give their host a quick peck on the cheek. "I'm impressed, you even got Cass to come out of hiding to attend." Looking over to the youngest Wayne, he waves and says "Hey Damian, nice to actually get a little time off, isn't it?" He turns his back to the bar and leans against it, sipping his drink.

Returning his attention to Barbara he asks, "Any other surprises in store for the evening?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli moves over to the bar and levels stern gazes at everyone. It might be obvious she actually does teach given the disapproving gaze. Or maybe not. Bursting into laughter for a moment she greets everyone.

"Steph and Dick. You look great! Love it. Thanks for helping me hack the music, Steph. I knew I couldn't ask Dinah to help me.. Hey Cass, how're you!"

She then waves to Mika, "Hi Mika.. good to see you again." A playful smile is offered, even if she hasn't introduced herself to Mika out of mask yet. Seems like tonight will be that night maybe!

A nod of appreciation to Deckard, there. Does she know Damian? If so the smile and nod are all she gives as she zeroes in on Barbara. "Hey.. you should have let me come help set up, you know that. Right?" Rolling her eyes, she easily slips her arm around the redhead's waist and leans in to kiss her. "Gorgeous even if you _are_ a workaholic."

A relaxed smile is aimed at Dick with his question about surprises..

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara grins at Helena's arrival, and steps over to her, putting one hand on Helena's right elbow, as she leans in to share a kiss with her. "You're gonna keep your students interested, in that outfit." She says while leaning back from her Birds cohert. Her eyes glance around at the place. "Ah, nah... I had Carrie helping me out, thus all the drones and such. You know how she is..."

Barbara sweeps her gaze up and watches a flying ghost drone now swoop in over Damian's head. It lets out a pre-recorded SCREAM! "AHHHHHHHHHH!' and drops a pair of chattering teeth down to land on the table beside Damian's place! The teeth hop around, chomping repeatedly, clattering noisely.

"Tricks, and treats..." Babs says with a grin.

She steps over to Mika then, and smiles to her. "You don't have to worry about anything here." The redhead exclaims, as she reaches out to pick her mouse-hat off of the bar's corner, then places it on her head. "I'm Mini Mouse." She dryly announces, hands out at her sides then for a pose.

A grin is sent to Steph and Dick then, she returns the cheek kiss to Dick before shaking her head. "Not really. BUT... you guys have rooms set aside upstairs, if you want to let loose tonight. Enjoy the food, the drinks, the movies, the games... and don't feel worried about having to get home. We got you covered here." She states before motioning to Mika...

"Hey, all. this is Mika, she's one of our newest members. She's a hell of a fighter, and a medic too. So yeah, feel free to chat her up, and get her settled in."

Babs just grins at Steph then. "You gonna hit up the pool?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie picks a candy bar off of Cassandra and then toss it over to Damian. "Hey Damian," she says to him. "Glad you made it out." She'd hope that they made it through night without a stabbing, but with Damian AND Cassandra here the odds of that weren't worth placing money non!

Mika is given a big warm smile by the blue-eyed blond. "Welcome!" she says to her. The question about the pool from Barbara gets a quick nod. "Yep, bathing suits are under the costume," she says. "Though if getting out of these leather pants is as tough as getting into them it might be a little while," she says. They are rather tight. Maybe she didn't get sewed into them like Olivia Newton-John, but it's hard to tell otherwise.

Stephanie grabs a drink, seeming to take Barbara up on the place to crash if they imbibe a bit.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass bumps her hip against Steph when she nabs candy off of her own self. She then turns, drops her trousers (???) and dives into the blood-red pool. Apparently she's not into interaction tonight.

She vanishes into the water with barely a ripple, which is a hell of a thing all on its own. Then she swims around, staying underwater for a while. Otterlike.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Taking a sip of his drink Dick replies to Helena, "Everyone needs the proper entrance music, after all. We're the WWE of superheroes." He pauses for a moment, then starts to chuckle, "You know, that actually kind of fits. We've got the villains to be heels and everything. On tonight's card, Nightwing vs. Killer Croc!"

    He smiles at Steph and asks, "What do you think, should we go solo or compete as a tag team?" Apparently he's in a particularly good mood tonight, and why not? It's not like they all get a ton of time off from policing Gotham's streets, a party is something most of them probably need very badly in order to decompress a little.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "A red Lazarus Pit, charming." He comments to Cassandra. "Or just a way to make it 'spooky'."

  He gives a nod and a smile to Helena in recognition of the costume.

  The eighteen year old takes off the jacket and tie, getting ready to take a dip in the pool. "Richard, yes. It's let me finish a..personal project of mine. And...this isn't like Father's birthday."

  "Brown." He says in response to Stephanie, looking back to her.

Mika Yang has posed:
    Mika offers a formal bow. "Thank you for allowing me to join.", she says softly. The woman takes a deep breath. "I hope that I may be of assistance.", the young fighter comments. Mika looks at Helena a moment, and then to Babs. She blinks. "Is Bat Lady and Huntress attending tonight?", she asks. Yes, Mika is seriously asking that. Then again, she has yet meet everyone out of the mask.

    "And what is...WWE? I am not familar with such a term? Are they a gang in the area, that honors one on one fighting? My apologies if my questions are offensive. My time in Japan has not done much to get me use to life in America. I was also told not every clown in Gotham is a member of a Joker gang. Not to mention that I was told there was something like 50 gangs that I need to learn about working as a EMT in Gotham?", she asks.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli says, "Oh no. I'm as prim and proper as a Coilstered Nun in class, hon. This was just for you.." she teases playfully.

Looking up at the drone, she agrees, "Yeah. Carrie's gotten the drones under control finally."

She grins as the ghost haunts Damian and drops the joker teeth. A side glance to Barbara, "That's some gallows humor right there.. perfect."

Once Minnie Mouse introduces the New Kid, Helena offers a glass of punch to Mika, "Hi there. We met in the park. Sorry I've been MIA in catching back up with you. We'll fix that. I'm Helena." Not everyone might introduce their alternate selves but it probably isn't that big a stretch to guess Helena is Huntress. At least when the Naughty Teacher reaches up and lets down the tight bun that had held her hair up.

Turning she blinks as Cass drops trow and dives into the pool. Well it isn't exactly a surprise, knowing the young woman's usual quietness. But still.

A grin is aimed at Steph for her comment about having to peel off her leather pants. "Well fortunately I don't have _quite_ that hard a time with mine." She turns, untying the tie easily. She tosses it around Barbara's neck, tugging on both ends briefly with a wink, then she leaves hanging around that pale neck. "Going to swim now or later?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara's green eyes dance over to Stephanie again, who gets a bright smile. "Well, good. I mean..." She eyes those leather pants. "Yeah, those things look like they're glued on..." She comments with a smirk given before Barbara looks to Dick.

She's about to say something to him, when another Ghost Drone swoops down, this time it cackles, and sprays both of them with orange and green silly-string.

"You'be been slimed!" The Ghost Drone announces as it flies back up in to the air and chases Cassandra in to the pool before she dives in and is gone moments later!

Babs stands there, covered in dripping silly string, her eyes closed. "Okay. Maybe the drones were a mistake." She says, her right hand coming up to swipe at the silly string dripping down over her right eye. She tosses it aside then, before she sighs sharply.

"Anyway. Yes!"

Babs reaches for her drink, takes a sip from it and then pats Mika on the shoulder. "Get yourself some food and some drinks, Missy." She says with a smile before Babs turns to Helena as she's got that top being teased at her some,"Right now, in fact." She responds with a grin, moving to the ladder of one of the bloody water slides!

Within moments, Babs has bound up it, and is jumping on to the slide, she's shouting and is soon to spin and splash in to the water!

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown grins back to Dick. "Oh, tag team is more fun," she says. "Just as long as no one jumps in with a chair later on," she says, laughing as she watches Cass leap into the water.

"Barbara, you didn't get the ill-tempered bass with lasers on their head for the pool, did you?" she asks. Yes, Austin Powers is squarely in Stephanie's sense of humor.

The drone's antics cause Stephanie to hop back suddenly so she dodges the silly string that is shot at Barbara and Dick. "I kind of figured you included them for target practice," Stephanie says. She immediately holds up her hands. "Just kidding!" she says, not really intending to mutilate Barbara's, or Carrie's drones. Unless they really were meant for target practice.

Stephanie begins pulling the silly string off of Dick, laughing as she gets it out of his hair. "Travolta is turning over in his grave," she says, before pausing. "Or, is he still alive?" It was a bit before her time, to be fair. "Ok, going to see if I can't get out of this," she says, going over to remove her heels and then start working her way out of the leather pants.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
There's something in the water with Barbara. Something ducks in near to her, the red waters reminding them of horror movies and death. When she turns, it's a shadow darting away. Someone needs to tell Cass that people can see her from the top perfectly clearly, it's only good camouflage against the ones in the water.

She has been underwater for a minute though. Must be using this as training. Which is not the goal of tonight. She's a workaholic. Planning to take over for Bruce one day probably. or Jaws, one of the two.

No biting. Yet.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick glances over to Mika, "No worries. In this case, WWE is a professional wrestling league so unless you're into that kind of thing it's not strange you wouldn't know."

    He acks as he gets silly stringed, then stands still as Steph works at getting the string out of his Travolta hairdo. "Yeah, he's still around."

    Once he has been de-stringed he helps to peel the pants off his fiancee, then carefully removes his black T-shirt, shoes and pants, revealing the swim trunks he had on under them. Moving over to the pool, he chooses the stairs as his entry method. Moving into the pool, he stops with the water about chest deep. Apparently he's not quite ready to ruin the hairdo quite yet.

    He gestures to Steph, "It may not have the charm of the lake, but you have to say something for comfortable water temperatures."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli nods to Barbara, laughing as the drone silly strings she and Dick. "Better you than me." She backs away and grins as Barbara rushes off to the water slides.

"It's chaos in here."

Stepping over to the side, she steps out of her own heels. The white blouse is unbuttoned and shrugged off to reveal the purple bikini top. She shimmies out of that plaid miniskirt, leaving the matching purple bottoms on her... bottom.

She walks over to the pool with her drink and easily drops into the shallow end where she can keep her drink on the edge but still hang out in the water too.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Surfacing again, Babs spits out some of the red pool water, and then raises her hands up to brush her now loosened hair back behind her head. She spins around in the pook, kicking her legs, waving her hands, beneath the surface, while she feels something brush past her in the water.

The sound system in the television room beside the pool on the east side, suddenly emits the Jason Vorhes themesong, as a girl on the tv screams, running from him....

Barbara leans forward and starts swimming toward a floating 'bone' that she puts her arms up over so she can rest against it, kicking her legs.

Another drone swoops down, and sprinkles Helena with candy corn before she can get in to the pool too, it then makes a cliche ghostly noise and flies away again!

"I think all of this has come out of some kind of fever dream of mine from childhood." Babs announces from her spot on that inflatable floaty bone!

Stephanie Brown has posed:
It takes a bit of shimmying and shaking, but Stephanie finally manages to get out of the leather pants of her costume. "Ok this is why I wear jeans," she says, breathing harder than if she'd just chased down Killer Moth across Gotham. She removes her earrings and peels the top off then, revealing a black bikini beneath. (https://i.imgur.com/bH265CS.jpg)

She rises and walks over to the water. "Where's Cass," she says, looking down to try to spot the submerged Asian girl. Stephanie looks to Mika Yang and flashes her a grin. "Nothing to deal with a shark like a depth charge," she says. Stephanie backs up and then runs towards the pool, leaping into the air as high as she can and doing a cannonball that should hit right beside, but not on top of, Cassandra Cain.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian looks to the chattering teeth on the bar, and raises an eyebrow, befofe slamming a fist down on the teetch to get them to stop chattering.

  He removes the rest of the costume to reveal a pair of swim trunks on under all that clothing.

  With things going as they do, Damian takes a moment to sit with his feet in the water. "It feels like something out of Doctor Dimented. Campy." He offers to Barbara, with a smile.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Emerging from the water, Cass flings her hair back. Just in time to get sprayed in the face by SOMEONE. It's not her fault she can't read minds from underwater, but she's left with a faceful of splash anyway.

The young lady wipes her face, adding water to water, and then ducks underneath to try and take Steph's feet out from underneath her.

She glanced at Mika for a moment, but there was this big distraction caused by Stephanie's butt and how much water it displaces. Which is a reasonable amount, but just noting that it happened.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick waits for Steph to surface after her cannonball and mock-seriously shakes his head, "All that time getting the hair right and now it's all wet. Oh well." With that he submerges himself and pushes off the wall of the pool, gliding along under the water until he can surface beside her.

    "There now we match again, though it's probably good that this was the only Halloween party today."

    He just smiles a little as Cass glides towards Steph under the water, not saying anything. After all Steph did start it with the cannonball, so this only seems fair. He will, of course, pull her up to the surface if the surprise dunking cases her to inhale water. Given she's kind of used to getting blindsided (All the Bats probably are by now) he doesn't expect any problems, but he's there just in case.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick waits for Steph to surface after her cannonball and mock-seriously shakes his head, "All that time getting the hair right and now it's all wet. Oh well." With that he submerges himself and pushes off the wall of the pool, gliding along under the water until he can surface beside her.

    "There now we match again, though it's probably good that this was the only Halloween party today."

    He just smiles a little as Cass glides towards Steph under the water, not saying anything. After all Steph did start it with the cannonball, so this only seems fair. He will, of course, pull her up to the surface if the surprise dunking cases her to inhale water. Given she's kind of used to getting blindsided (All the Bats probably are by now) he doesn't expect any problems, but he's there just in case.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown laughs over to Dick, "Well it is a pool party after all. Now I can just look like Olivia Newton-John in-" And then she's pulled under the water by Baby Shark Cassandra (doo doo doo doo doo doo).

The blond's head clears the water again a few seconds later, thankfully not having swallowed any water. She grins over to Richard Grayson and says, "We could use the costumes for another party though. Tough to get into, but kind of fun once it's on," she tells him.

Stephanie looks over towards Mika Yang and waves to her. "You should come in swimming. If you don't have a suit I'm sure we can find you one!"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara laughs at what she hears Damian saying from the edge of the water. "You're right." She states, her eyes going to watch the others pooling up together, as she kicks her feet under the bloody water surface, gliding across its surface on her floaty-bone.

Babs ends up near one of the corners of the pool, and turns to look at them as she tilts her head, like she's expecting something... and it's not happening.

She sighs, and looks upward. "Oracle." Babs says. "Did you process line fourty three of section eight framework I uploaded from my phone this morning?" Babs asks, nobody.

"Yes, ma'am." A voice says to the room on the whole. "I fixed a flaw in it, but I was waiting for you to review it before I replaced your block with mine."

'A flaw? How dare you." Babs says dryly back. "Uh... just replace it, it's fine. I trust you." She tells the computer AI before she floats toward one of the ladders. With some water being shed, Babs climbs up out of the bloody pool.

"Yes ma'am."

And then it happens. A massive shark head bursts out of the water, the shark being entirely moad of foam and inflatable rubber... It bursts up out of the water and bites at everyone in the water!

Not Babs though. She just got out of the pool! Almost like she was, you know... expecting it!

"I may have lied about the surprise." She says loudly toward Dick and the others.

Mika Yang has posed:
    Mika smirks a little bit as she drinks her sake. She picks up her duffle bag, and heads off to the side where she can hide for a second. The woman slips out of her outfit, and comes out with a very fashionable black bikini. She has on a black with flame moteif cover up as she heads over to the pool. There's the chain on her upper arm. Somewhere, Mika seemed to pick up a staff, and some string. The woman grabbed a candy bar, and ties it to the string.The woman moves over to the pool, and sides down on the side. She casts her candy bar bait near Cass.

    "I feel more like Shark fishing?", she comments. "I'm just glad my agent isn't around. He would be screaming about me being in a bikini right now. Then again, I'm still on the no dating rule right now.", Mika pouts a little bit.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
What to do, what to do. Cass could tell from Barbara's actions that she was planning something and it required getting out of the way. It's not rocket science. She just didnt know what precisely it was. She does, you know, mostly trust these folk though.

So when the shark comes up, Cass is only startled, not actually freaked out, and ends up climbing Mika's fishing line a little bit to get out of the way! She might end up dragging the lady into the water but who's counting.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Since he's watching and listening to Barbara as she disciplines the computer and leaves the pool, the shark is not as big of a surprise as it otherwise could have been without the lead-in to it. As it is, he looks over at Mika and calls, "Got one here for you." as he gestures at the fake shark Barbara just set off in the pool.

    As he's fairly certain that Barbara isn't out to maim her guests, his main reaction to the shark is just to move out of it's way if it heads towards him.

    "Barbara, you should probably test your surprises if the computer has a hand in it. Would have been a decent jump without the warning that something was about to happen."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli arches a brow as Barbara goes Full Nerd Mode, bringing Oracle into things. Yeah something is up. And then the redhead is getting out of the pool so quickly. She, like Dick, wasn't scared. She tensed up. Almost spilled her drink. It certainly sloshes a little. But sitting in the corner of the pool, she feels relatively safe. Stand still and they can't see you. Right?

"Where'd you get a robotic shark in Gotham? Did you steal it from GCPD evidence or something?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie can't see very well what's going on. The water is red after all, and there's spooky lighting. And she's right down at the water instead of seeing it from above.

So when the shark comes after her, there's a bit of surprise there. But not enough she doesn't react, reaching down and grabbing the shark's nose and locking her arms so the foam rubber creature pushes her away from it rather than being able to get a bite of her.

It lifts Stephanie out of the water and she plants a foot on the nose and dives, using the momentum to glide through the water across the pool to the side. She grabs hold and kicks with her feet, rising up out of the water so quickly that she can bend a knee and step out of the water rather than climb out. "Jaws isn't Halloween!?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     As Oracle comments about Babs' coding being faulty, Damian can only interject a "HA!" That is until the shark pops out of the water and starts to nibble at those in the water, luckily Stephanie keeps it busy while Damian watches from the edge of the pool. "Jaws is a horror movie, so it fits, I will allow it!" Not like he is the judge of what is and isn't halloween, but still, poeple can be afraid of a big toothy fishy in the water. Of course, if it were programmed by Damian, it might have been a /little/ maimy. "Or she should get better with her coding." He ribs at Babs, right after Nightwing gives his wn bit of advice.

Mika Yang has posed:
    Well, Mika caught her shark, but not the way she was hoping for at first. She blinks, surprised by the sudden pull on her 'line'. The woman starts to hop up, but thats exactly when Cass gets tangled up, and pulls Mika into the pool. The woman swims up to the top of the water, and looks around. She blinks a few times as her top got tied up with the staff. Crap! "Don't pull! Wait, foam shark fin incoming!", she says. The woman sees the shark is going to hit the line. Stupid evil fashion bikini! They always get tangled up in the worst ways, at the worst times! Mika tries to get to the shallow end, so she can get her chain off at least....Though it may suck if the shark gets a victim tonight due to a wardrobe issue!

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick swims over to the side of the pool and lifts himself mostly out of the water, then turns to sit on the edge, dangling his feet in the water. "We should do this a little more often, it's nice to get folks together for a gathering that doesn't start with "Well guys, there was another breakout from Arkham."

    He looks across the pool and says "I mean, you even got Damian and Cass doing something that isn't job related, which is pretty impressive to start with."

    He watches the fake shark wander around the pool as it's possible targets exit the water. "Poor thing has nobody to play with."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs is on her way back up the water slide ladder on the side of the pool she's on, grinning at the lackluster reactions that the shark gets. "I made it." She announces on her way up. "And, do you have any idea how hard it is to get things like that to work? Come on, give me some credit. Like fake jump scares, if nothing else?!" She says before coming up to the top of the slide. Her legs are swept over, and she calls out from the top of it. "What better way to spend a Halloween party with chums, than to turn them all in to a chum bucket!" She announces, before she pushes off and starts to glide down the swirly slide again! When she reaches the bottom of it, she's got her feet up in the air, her butt above her head, and she's doing a backflip, with a yelp and a cry before splashing down in the red bloody water, sending a flowering splash in all directions!

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown heads over towards where Dick is sitting on the edge of the pool. She raises her hands and does the fearful version of jazz hands. "Ah. Ooo. Oh. Eee," she says while grinning over at Barbara. "It did startle the heck out of me. But I had a great teacher whose training kept me from letting that make me freeze up," she says. Barbara, a victim of her own excellence!

The blond takes a seat behind Dick, one leg to either side of him and her arms going about his waist with her head on his shoulder. "Anyone want to give odds on whether it bites Cass or whether Cass bites it?" she asks. "Also, can the new girl swim?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli nods to Dick even as Mika catches a CassShark and the rest of the mayhem subsides for a few moments. "It is nice. And Arkham needs stronger padlocks. For the record."

Finishing her drink, she moves along the edge of the pool to the ladder and climbs out, heading toward the bar. Looking at the bar tender she grins, "I hope she's giving you hazard pay with all the sharks and drone ghosts."