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Latest revision as of 12:41, 2 November 2022

Discordants: Meeting the Crew.
Date of Scene: 01 November 2022
Location: Hyperspace
Synopsis: Thor meets Gamora and learns a bit about his place on the ship.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Elektra Natchios

Thor has posed:
    That Yondu individual had seemed nice.
    Though the ship seemed to have seen better days, and the surroundings were rough, the captain of the vessel had acted with a kindness in his manner. Or, at the least, a hint of a charitable disposition. Though after a time he had left the new voyager to himself, still in the medbay for now. It had been advised he stay there before wandering the ship since parts of it could be dangerous to the uninitiated. Though an unspoken thought had likely been that some of the crew might also be dangerous as well.
    Though the burned man seemed fine with staying in the med bay. He had drunk his fill of water, and had taken several servings of protein paste. Unflavored for now since they had no idea what his system would take, but it was still welcome and eaten. Afterward he had clothed himself in the workman's uniform, a simple blue oversuit that hung loose like a mechanic's jumpsuit. It made him feel better on some level, though what drew his attention more fully?
    Was when he washed his face and was leaning over the basin. He rested his good hand on the edge of it, then lifted his head to look in the shiny chrome mirror...
    And there he was. Torn. Ragged. He lifted a hand to run fingers over his bare head, touching the scar tissue and the malformed skin. Then hesitantly running fingertips over where his eye had once been. It had healed, but the flesh was not as it should be. Though it was still discolored, angry.
    For a time he looked as if trying to see what was there. What was behind. And found nothing.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It hadn't been -too- hard for Gamora to listen in to that talk. And was it her impression or was Yondu starting to become too soft? Like him Gamora had seen the opportunity here, someone that could survive in space without any kind of re-breathers or nano tech for it. Someone that had *no* ship debris around to explain how he had just found himself to be there. Could it be one of her Father's ploys?

No, you are starting to becoming too paranoid about it all.

But how else could she feel if not paranoid? She knew they were close to one of the Black Sectors. Maybe even within it now. Could they had known something? Sent someone to capture her back? She wanted answers, not a payout and so...---

The surveillance mic picks up a new pair of voices. "Look at that ..., the sleeping gorn is awake." that's the tall guy that speaks. And by tall we mean Thor-tall, gangly, spindly face, row of sharp teeth almost like a shark. The other 'man' with him is smaller, purple, eyes bulging and fully black with a permanent sneer to his lips. Part of Yondu's crew, "We are the welcoming kumite, you see?" the tall one looks at the purple one, "It's committee, you dunce." "Ah, shut up, you talk with him then in this Common tongue, you know I don't like it."

The tall one's attention goes to Thor again, "So, who are you?" He asks, walking into the room. The purple one adds, "We want to know where you stashed your ship." they clearly seem to think Thor is hiding his precious ship somewhere.

Gamora lets out a sigh and gets up to her feet. She begins walking to the medical bay.

Thor has posed:
    At first the man's good eye slid to the side to cast a look askance at the new arrivals. Then he straightened up and turned away from that mirror. Even with the time toward recovery the man still looked haggard, severe, features twisted and torn by whatever had blasted him. But he was tall indeed, and drew himself up even though he could feel weariness in every fibre of his being.
    "Greetings." He says at first, looking between the two. "I am afraid I recall little. Since whatever passed. Passed." He looks between the two, and seems to have no problem understanding them.
    Then he answers, "I do not know if I had a ship. Let alone where it is. But if we can find it we shall see then."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
How tall and broad Thor is gives the tall guy a bit of a pause but the purple one continues on, moved by greed perhaps. A ship, and whatever else they might fetch out of Thor. Maybe some hidden piece of tech. "Yea, that's what they all say." the purple one says. "Until we loosen their tongues." now the tall one, emboldened by the smaller guy's approach. He moves closer too.

"People don't just show up outta nowhere in the middle of space." "Without any signs of a ship." ".. or signs of battle." That Thor seems to agree in finding the ship brings a grin out of both. "Yea ..., but see, we gotta know it first.." they are ravagers but they are also scavengers, and they want first dibs on it! The purple one is close now and starts fiddling with the zipper of Thor's jumpsuit. "We should also figure out if we can find out how he was alive out in space. What tech ya got under the hood?"


The sound of someone clearing their throat is heard from the entry way. There a green woman is standing, shoulder leaning against the door frame, arms folded together. She is dressed in tight leathers. Pants, a vest that leaves her arms bare. Black and red hair held back from her eyes in a ponytail. Eyes that spell murder as her stare bears on the two Ravagers, intense and dark and a full contrast to how loose the rest of her body seems to be, relaxed. But any warrior worth their salt will know this is a tiger ready to pounce. Ready to strike.

This woman spells danger all over.

Thor has posed:
    As the Ravagers make their approach the burned man frowns though he does back up a step. Just a slight step away and to the side, to slightly put one of the men in front of the other. A first motion of a fight whenever one is facing more than one attacker. Though then the other one reaches out toward the zipper of his jumpsuit only to have that hand pushed away by the wayfarer's stump.
    "I hold nothing back from you. A debt is owed, I would pay if it I had the means." Though his left hand eases behind his back closing into a fist...
    Which is when the woman makes her appearance, clearing her throat and revealing herself to those in the med-bay. Across the distance that wanderer's one good eye focuses on her, then back to the pirates in front of him. Perhaps he knows what the language of her body says. Though these men in front of him?
    They likely know much more and first hand what she is.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Look at that, their catch wants to fight back. The smaller one seems to sneer even more deeply at that, maybe anticipating a good scuffle. But then that clearing of throat that signals someone else is there. The two Ravagers glance at Gamora at the same time. Silence abates on the room for a couple of seconds. A couple of seconds where many decisions are being taken. The purple alien licking his lips as he considers whether his greed is worth his life. The taller one tensing, perhaps considering if they should take on Tanos's daughter.

All for a cripple?

Those moments can be read by Thor, the indecision on the two. The utter impassivity from the green woman, waiting, already knowing how this will end. That full confidence of someone that knows whatever they choose she'd come on top in the end. Absolute confidence in her own abilities. Not that she seems arrogant about it, no. Because there never comes a sneer, or a smile to her lips. There's just that expectation. That wait until ---

"This guy ain't worth it." "Yea, let's go." "We were just welcoming the new guy in.." They alternate talking. Justifying themselves to Gamora. Or perhaps finding a justification to walking away without a fight. It's not usual with the Ravagers. But there's a pecking order, and Gamora is near the top. They walk out and only after their footsteps fade does Gamora dislodges herself from that doorway.

"You have good instincts." She notes, voice even, smooth. Yes, she saw the formed fist. The way he moved to stand in a position where he could fight more favorably with them.

Thor has posed:
    At first he doesn't answer her, instead watching the withdrawal of the Ravagers as they make their retreat. Not too quick, slow enough to save face, but a retreat nonetheless. He eases that fist back into a hand, and only then does he look at her once she speaks.
    Good instincts, whatever thoughts those words spur in him he keeps to himself, though she can read the hints to them in the way his gaze widens slightly then his brow knits as he looks off after the pirates depart. Perhaps he does have good instincts, but he does not put stock in them.
    "Kind of you to intervene." He states finally, "I did not know this was such a ship." Though as to what kind of ship it was, he keeps his counsel to himself.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Bootsteps echo in the medical bay as Gamora prowls closer, arms to her side, gaze studying their new stray. He had only seen him while unconscious and now she was able to see the man fully. Cautious, somehow well-mannered. Hints of nobility? There wasn't a lot that went unnoticed by that scrutinizing gaze of hers. She had noticed no recognition on him either when he had looked at her so perhaps her paranoia had been unjustified. Perhaps...

"There's little that is what meets the eye." Is what Gamora finally answers, "Including this ship. Indulge me though, where did you expect to be? A leisure cruise perhaps?" the green-skinned woman shakes her head slowly. "They are curious about you." 'they'. She says that word almost as if she wasn't exactly part of them.

"Do you have a name to you?"

Thor has posed:
    "I..." The traveler looks at her, then looks back to the door. No sign of the others remain, their retreat had been for true. Though he perhaps wisely does not imagine he is safe now, for there is an edge to the woman here before him.
    "Have little to offer, let alone a name." His tone is a little cultured, or more accurate to say... precise. As if the words spoken fit perfectly to his tongue. He turns to her and levels his gaze. She is only a little shorter than him, though he looks upon the weapons in evidence, as well as the individual before him. "I expected only to be elsewhere..."
    A slight touch of something in that good eye of his as he looks back toward the med-pod, shaking his head slowly. "I am left only with questions. And a sense I should be elsewhere."
    Then curiously he adds, "Forgive that rudeness."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
That edge is ever-present, and not only on that blade seen hanging on a leather sheath over her back. The handle is exquisite, clearly made of some alien material. And if one was to bet it's the kind of hilt made specifically for her, "Then what use are you in this ship?" is that retort. Harsh? Merciless? In this case it seems she is being realistic. Perhaps she believes this won't be the last time those two came here. Or maybe it will be others.

"It's something you should begin considering, and swiftly." No, she isn't soft-hearted like Yondu, she just doesn't want to be cleaning up a mess, and there's some curiosity on where exactly the traveller comes from.

When the traveller speaks of being elsewhere there's a raise of a dark-red brow. "Life does that, we all expected to be elsewhere but yet here we are.." gesture of fingertips to the surrounding room.

Thor has posed:
    Then what use is he?
    That is the sort of question that had been flitting through his mind now and again. What /was/ he to be doing? What is his place to be here and now? She can see it strike home when she murmurs those words and his head lifts a little. His gaze breaks from her and he turns, moving toward the edge of the med-bay to look at the small porthole that offers the room's only view of what is beyond. For a moment he raises his good hand and considers it, fingers extending, closing.
    "It is a foul thing, to know you are indebted and have no way of paying this debt back." He turns to consider her, head tilted just enough to look over his shoulder. Perhaps purposefully obscuring his scarred visage. "What can I offer? My effort, my time, what talents I hold such as they are."
    He turns back to look on her fully. "Perhaps it is a gamble on my future, but I will endeavour to make it so that you and yours are not left wanting."
    Then his consideration turns to the room as she gestures, and for a moment his lip twists slightly. Almost a scowl, or a smirk aimed inward when he repeats. "Though indeed, here we are."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
That dark gaze lingers on the traveler even as he goes to that window, when he comes to terms with what his reality is. What he can offer or not. He appears to take the way of honor, of offering servitude for the debt he owes but also knowing his purpose lies elsewhere, and not hiding so. No, this isn't someone sent by her Father. But he could be an ally in the fights to come.

When he looks back at her he will find Gamora's piercing gaze on him. Thoughts? Many are kept to herself, held on that razor's edge of someone that could be an enemy but also an ally. "Careful." she finally speaks out, the corner of her mouth curling into a faint smile. The first. "I may just hold you to that promise." is it a warning? Or something else?

Then she seems to come to a decision. "Today you rest. Tomorrow.." her eyes go up and down on the man's form. "We will see about finding your uses in this ship." gaze finally coming to rest on his hand, "For your hand isn't the type to be a stranger to a blade."

Thor has posed:
    When she speaks he watches her, gaze calm and attentive. She speaks of promises and smiles which has him returning like though perhaps sensing that a bridge has been crossed. Or a test passed. Then she speaks to the future and to today. Which he agrees to with a nod.
    "Very well," though she mentions his hand and she'll likely see his instinct is to lift the injured one as he looks to it. Which causes him to ever so slightly catch his breath. Then abruptly frown at himself. He turns back to her and covers up that reaction with a nod.
    "Of course, though I know not if that is where my talents lie." He moves over toward that med-pod and then sits upon the edge of it. "But I will rest as I can." Though sleep in a strange place may well be elusive.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Yes, we already established you do not know much of anything at this point." It's clear this green woman isn't the type to mince words. But she speaks truth, even if in a brutal fashion of sorts. Yet perhaps it's just the way of these folks up in space. Living a rough life and trying to make the best of it. This one's story though? Who knows... It's not as if she has even offered her name yet so far.

"But from someone who has seen many a warrior in this life, those are not the callouses you would find on a gardener." And there is a surety to those words, that kind of surety that tells her her judgement is right. That it is exactly where his talents lie, "It's time that you begin asking questions too. To yourself, and to others. But for now I will leave you to rest.." she turns and begins on her way out of the room pausing by the door, hand to the side of it. She looks over her shoulder, one eye visible.

"Any questions?"

Thor has posed:
    "Perhaps a very... aggressive gardener." Though as he says that the first hint of a smile rises to the fore. But fades ever so slightly. He turns and adjusts the pillow on the med-pod and then looks back across the way at her once she asks that final question.
    His answer?
    "I would know your name, if you wish to give it."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The question has the green woman remain there for a second or two. Considering. Whether the traveler deserves her name or not.

"Gamora Ben-Titan."

And once delivered she takes the final few steps out of the med-bay, the door closing behind her. Her steps are heard walking on metal for a time until eventually they fade, leaving the traveler to the silence of his thoughts.