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Latest revision as of 08:16, 5 April 2020

Coffee Talk
Date of Scene: 04 April 2020
Location: Joe's Restaurant and Cafe
Synopsis: Dane Whitman runs into Morrigan MacIntyre at the local Cafe. Coffee and Conversation ensues.
Cast of Characters: Dane Whitman, Morrigan MacIntyre

Dane Whitman has posed:
For whatever reason, it's a less-busy-than-usual Saturday Night at Joe's Restaurant and Cafe. Which isn't to say that it's remotely empty, it's just...not full. Maybe there's something else going on in town, but regardless, there IS a certain Dane Whitman seated over along one of the walls in a booth by himself, idly reading over what looks like some paperwork, with a just-refreshed mug of coffee and a three-quarters-eaten piece of cherry pie on the table in front of him. He does have a frown on his face, but it looks more like concentration than consternation. Every so often he fills out a few things here and there, eventually moving on to the next sheet.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan liked Joe's, so, she was a regular. The woman was still getting her place unpacked given the move to Happy Harbor. So cooking was sometimes not an option. Like tonight. She's dressed down in light colored jeans, brown boots and a cream colored sweater. And she looks paler than normal. She gives a smile to the waitress that comes to take her to a seat before she notices Dane seated by himself. She gives a whisper to the waitress and then heads his way, "Are you waiting for someone?" she asks as she gives a smile to him.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane looks up from the paperwork with a pleasantly-surprised smile on his face, "As it so happens, I might've saved you a seat without actually knowing you were coming." His smile grows a touch wry at that, "Evening, Morrigan. Please, have a seat, if you like. I'm not usually much for turning down pleasant company."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a chuckle to that, "I'm still trying to get to unpacking the kitchen, so, I might spend more time in here than normal." she muses to him. "And thank you then, for saving me a seat." she states as she settles in across from him. "Grading papers or writing about how horrible the first week of school was?" she teases gently. There's a buzz to her phone and she looks at what is sent and her eyes close for a moment, "I'll handle that later." she mutters.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Neither, actually." Dane replies, setting the paperwork aside for the moment. "It's nice that you ran into me, since I was probably going to have to visit you in the office regardless." Dane leans back in his chair, taking a sip of his coffee before continuing, "Looks like I'm going to be moonlighting with the uh...sponsors. They've assured me it shouldn't interfere with my day job, but I kinda suspect at a minimum it might mean you have to call in a Sub a little more often." Thankfully his class load is fairly low right now. "If you think it might be a problem, I'll understand if you'd prefer I resign." He's very matter-of-fact about it, though he doesn't sound eager at the prospect either. "It's...an opportunity to do a little more good, I suppose. Probably about to be in over my head but..." He shrugs, and grins, just a touch cocky, "Wouldn't be the first time."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to that, "Looks like we'll have all kinds of SHIELD reps at the school then." she admits to that. "Which isn't a problem, I think it's good to have." she adds. "You just keep yourself in one piece." she smiles to that. "And if you feel like you are in over your head and you need someone to talk to you can feel free to stop by the office, text or call. I don't really do much but school things and check in with the hospital when they need me." she offers. "How are you settling into things?" she asks.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"So far teenagers mostly manage to be slightly less terrifying than facing down a Saracen cavalry charge, so I guess I'm doing all right." Dane can't help but once again gain a wry expression, "Well, less terrifying when they aren't accidentally making coilguns." He rubs at his temples, "I should've been paying more attention, sorry."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a shake of her head, "No, it's not your fault. It's really my job to know what they are all up to." she tells him with a tired look. "I just got an email from Samuel. I guess there is an issue with one of the faculty." she sighs. "He's brought it to me before SHIELD. So I can try to take care of it." she states as she settles her phone down. "We have a lot of smart kids at the school...but some of them have no sense." she sighs.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"I don't know if it's the price of their genius, but that kind of seems to be a common thread among the -real- supergeniuses I've met." Dane admits, "Anything I can help with? Or did someone just catch wind of something they weren't supposed to?" He asks between sips of coffee, "Samuel is...extremely focused. I'm not a psychologist so I won't speculate any further. But I've seen some of his demeanor in...well-seasoned fighters."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"It might be, I know when I was young I did a few dumb things even with my intelligence." Morrigan chuckles to that. Then she gives a look to him, "Apparently there is a recruitment drive going on for the Titans." she states. "While this is fine, I'd like people to be up front about it." she sighs. "And yes, Samuel is a very special case. But I don't want to really go into things here too much." she murmurs.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Yeah, understandable." Dane replies to the matter of discretion, probably a bit glad to let the subject drop. "And yeah, everyone makes their youthful mistakes. At least I hope so, because I'd hate to think we're the only two that didn't get the memo when we were kids." He grins, then grows a bit more serious "So speaking of talking, If any of my uh...comments might have made you uncomfortable at the Fair the other night, I apologize. Well, just one comment, I guess, but still."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him after her coffee is delivered, "I didn't go outside a lot when I was a child sadly, but when I did...it was a mistake." she muses. "I ended up in the ICU once. I should have listened to my mother." she shakes her head. Then there's a quirk of one of those elegant eyebrows, "I don't think you said anything to me that evening that made me uncomfortable." she admits. "So it's no problem." she explains. "And thank you for the save towards the end. I was sort of spinning in place mentally and it was a great help." she smiles to that.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Good to know." Dane replies, "Because now I've also tricked you into going out for coffee with me without even asking." He waggles his brows a bit, but grows more serious at the latter bit, "You're welcome. Just trying to help and well...as crises go that was...pretty tame compared to some I've seen."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a laugh to that, "That was a really smart idea." she points out teasingly. "I'm sure you've got enough women to take out to coffee though." she muses to that as she looks into her coffee mug. She then looks back up to him, "Wait until the senior trip. That'll be a crisis in itself I bet." she chuckles. "Well, if you want to go to Spain and be a chaperone that is. No idea if SHIELD will let you go that long." she admits.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Yeah not so much." Dane replies as to his little black book with a whole lot of blank pages, though he does so with a considerable degree of self-effacing amusement. He does look interested as to the senior trip, though, "Spain, huh? Is the itinerary already set up or still in progress? I'd love to see Alhambra, and I bet most of the kids would find it at least mildly interesting. As for SHIELD it seems like my orientation will likely be over by then, and after that I'm basically "on call" from my understanding. Either way if they need to find me in Spain I'd imagine they have the means."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Well...I was just taking a guess." Morrigan chuckles to that. "And it's still being set up. I think we could fit that in quite easily. I think some of the kids would like it." she admits. "I'm going to need a really good parasol before we go." she muses to that. "We'll try not to get you into any trouble while in Spain then. I'd hate for SHIELD to be miffed at me." she smiles.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Well, I don't mind a little trouble of the type that SHIELD doesn't normally involve itself with. But if there is, it'll probably be handy to have me along. I think half the reason SHIELD wants me to keep the job at the school is for stuff like that." Dane smiles, "Besides, how could I turn down the chance to "trick" you into Tapas and wine somewhere on the Mediterranean coast?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives him a laugh, "SHIELD trains their people well and I'm guessing that anyone that is just moonlighting for them are just as capable." she tells him. "I feel like sometimes another should have been chosen for leading the school, but, we're still so new to it that I just need to stay focused." she states. Then there's a soft smile, "Ah, well, tricking someone into Tapas and wine shouldn't be too hard. As long as it's at night."

Dane Whitman has posed:
"No, I think the school needs someone that's focused on the educational side of it above all else. Some of the other teachers might be better at whatever their specific things are, and that's great for SHIELD Agents or anybody else, but You might not have to run off and deal with alien invasions or colorful fascist secret societies trying to pull off the plot of an Indiana Jones movie in real life, but I wouldn't say you're doing any less to save the world, in your own way." Dane makes a mental note, "No trickery before Sundown. Duly noted."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan watches him while he speaks and there's a soft smile to his words, "Thank you for that." she tells him softly. "And I still retain my mundane work, Mount Sinai was hesitant for me to leave entirely, so, there is that." she chuckles. There's a sad look about the sun, "Yeah...it's a long story. I can tell you sometime." she states to him. "Think I need to get a reply back to Samuel and then sleep for a few solid hours before trying to get ducks in a row for class this week, but, I'll be up for at least two more hours, could text or things like that. I know it's not the same as sitting with you, but, duty calls." she frowns to that.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"No problem, I should probably get home and finish this paperwork anyway." Dane replies, "And since I "tricked" you, the coffee's on me." He grins a bit, rising to his feet and placing enough cash on the table to cover the pair of them with a good tip on top of it. Gathering up said paperwork, he accompanies her out the door and parts with a simple smile and a, "Have a good night, Morrigan. See you on Monday if nothing else."