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Latest revision as of 08:16, 5 April 2020

First Date: Roll For Inititative!
Date of Scene: 05 April 2020
Location: Queens, New York
Synopsis: So Mary and Bart's first date... success? Success!
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Mary Bromfield

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart has gotten perfectly (not) dressed and ready for date night. Because apparently, he was going to meet the family. He had dressed himself in simple clothes...polo shirt, jeans, running shoes.

Was he ready? not at all. Would he have fun? That is the question!!

That and debating whether or not the family would scare Bart off. Using his super speed, it took him approximately three seconds to make it to Mary's house and hesitantly....

He knocks.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
The door opens, and... well, it's not Mary, but rather a cheerful looking African-American girl that's seems to be around ten years old or so. "Hello! You must be Bart! The tea party is right this way!" Wait, tea party?!?

Which is when Bart might be rescued, in a manner of speaking, by an older Hispanic man, his grin infectious, "Darla! Don't scare off the boy, that's my job!" He offers a friendly hand to Bart, "I'm Victor Vasquez, Mary's foster dad. She's just getting ready, I think. Don't worry though, no one in this house bites."

Darla pipes up, "Really, that's not what Freddy said..." Which gets a bit of a shush from Victor, as he smiles, "But seriously... ah, Bart, right? We're just a big cheerful bunch here." Well, this does explain all the siblings, anyway...

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart is expecting to see his beautiful date when the door opens, but instead there is a cute little girl waiting there in the doorway. "Oh! Hi there little lady, are you my date tonight?" Bart is just trying to be friendly and obviously not serious.

Wait, tea party??? "Ohhh I love those." Bart is following the girl when the foster dad greets him. "Oh! hello sir. uh, Bart Allen. or Bartholomew or Allen or just Bart, all crash." he smiles happily at the man and reaches for a handshake.

The watchful eye can tell that he?s shaking.

Back to Darla. "I....imagine Fred's the unique man with the plan?" Bart says with a smile at the attempt at humor.

"Personally I think its great!" Bart says with a big smile and gestures and everything. "I just hope I?m not underdressed..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Victor laughs at that, "Oh, you're fine. Heck, I remember my first date with Rosa, back in the Before Times. But yeah, Rosa's got the boys out for the night, so it's just Darla and I here chaperoning. Don't worry, you won't even know we're here."

He then bellows out, "Hey Mary, your victim... er, date is here!" Then he gives Bart a wink and grins at Darla, "Come on, let's get out of their way."

Darla, however, eyes Bart suspiciously and says, "You seem nice, but if you hurt Mary I will END YOU." She then grins cheerfully, "Have fun!" and wanders after Victor.

When Victor yells, Mary shows up a few moments later, standing in the stairwell as she's wearing a dark blue button up shirt, black skirt, and rather... comfy looking socks. She flashes a grin to Bart, coming down the stairs, "Hey, Darla didn't treat you too badly did she?" Her eyes dance a bit.

Bart Allen has posed:

Bart looks scared. But! when Darla seems to be very...protective of her adoptive big sister, he gulps. "Ah....right. promise I won't! Scouts honor." he does the salute.

Bart is not a scout.


Any thought of that seems to have been sidetracked by the arrival of his date for the evening. "Wow....you look beautiful." Bart says with a smile. "Well, Darla threatened my untimely demise, but other than that, everyone is so nice!"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "If she threatened you, that just means she likes you. Sorry, after what happened with the last boy, she's a bit overprotective." She comes down the rest of the stairs, blushing a little as she looks a bit shy, "Beautiful... me?" She sounds a little disbelieving for a second, but shakes it off, rolling with it instead.

"So, Rosa... my foster mom, took my brothers out for a night of games and mayhem. Which means Victor and Darla are doing their own thing, and we can... well, if you want I can show you around?" She grins, "It's not much, but it's home. And well, we're family here."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart chuckles a little bit to Mary. "Hah! good to know. Though she seems the 'find you while your sleeping' type." He even does a creepy voice when he says it to try and be silly.

But then he smiles warmly at her. "Most beautiful I've ever seen." He gives her a happy nod then. "Oh? the boys are gone? no escape!" He says with a big smile and a laugh.

"A tour? would love one. After you?" He starts to walk with her. "So how are you today? I think I was so nervous that I forgot to ask." he chuckles nervously.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Nah, but she's surprisingly fast when she wants to be. You'll never... see her... coming..." She then goes 'boo!' at Bart, then takes his hand and gives it a squeeze, reassuring him.

"Well, this is the living room, Victor and Darla are in the kitchen making snacks and plotting against you I'm sure." She shows off the house, "Bedrooms are all upstairs, I actually have my own room due to seniority, and Darla has her own being the only other girl, the other four boys double up. Freddie and Billy have this one, and Pedro and Eugene have that one."

With that, she opens the door to her room. It's an interesting blend of teenage girl and crazed geek. There's a few painted minis on display, plus a lot of books on the shelves. A small computer desk is in the corner by the window, the computer looking pretty out of date, but still good enough to handle the latest Stark OS at least.

Bart Allen has posed:
"Surprisingly fast, huh?"

Bart seems to smile at that, knowing full well his connection to the speed force and being able to move at hypersonic speeds. It?s just a funny thought to him, though he exhales a sigh of relief when Mary takes his hand and comforts him,something that makes Bart blush a bright red hue.

"Living room, check." Bart smiles before he is led upstairs to Mary's room and he looks around a moment. "Wow, this looks great." He notices the painted minis, before he looks at the computer, whistling at it. "Niiice! I have a similar PC. Old, but they work and that is all you need." He smirks then a second.

"Stark, LexCorp or Apple?" But he seems to be loving the geekiness!! "Man, how are you -This perfect-!?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blushes a bit at that, "Oh, it's Starktech, there's a deal with the college for getting the latest OS for cheap, so I went with that." She grins, "I started a bit early on college here, this is literally my first semester at Empire State."

She smiles, "Though, well, I can get used to someone saying I'm perfect." A soft laugh, "I'm really not, but... it's nice that you think so. Just ask the boys... I mean, I'm kindof the Den Mother here, so that gets on their nerves sometimes. Or a lot of the time."

"But hey, it runs Mass Effect and Dragon Age, so this PC has everything I need." She smiles cheerfully at Bart, "So, we have a Roku on the TV downstairs, so if you wanted to watch the episode there we can. Or... we can watch it up here, though it's a lot smaller monitor."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart doesn't seem to mind at all that Mary is in college. Just tells him that she's getting up there in the world and she's extremely intelligent! Regardless, Bart chuckles. "Seriously? Empire State? Wow, you must be really smart to get into that college. I hear its not a gentle one." He smiles at her and gives her hand a squeeze.

"Well, that should tell them that you care and care deeply. I mean, when I was growing up I wish I had someone who cared enough for me to do something like that. I dunno, but thats just my thinking." He shrugs, though he seems to not tell her his specific origins quite yet.

She mentions mass effect and dragon age, and Bart looks like he's about to ocme out of his skin, and he laughs. "You're just breaking all kinds of the mode, arn't you?" He smiles brilliantly at her. "Those are some of the best games ever! I'm still not sure about Inquisition, since I'm waiting on the sequel. You can't reveal to me the Dread Wolf and not do anything about it, ya know?!" He laughs. "Plus, Sheperd Lives!" Bart shoves his hands into the air like he's cheering.

Then he calms down. "Ahem. Sorry, I really like that kind of stuff. Video games...the whole nine yards." He smiles. "I'm quite the nerd, but maybe thats why we get along so well? As for watching the episode...how about we do it up here? That way we can just be alone and I can get to know you, if thats ok?" He asks her curiously.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins at Bart, "Yeah, I'm not sure about Inquisition, I mean... I liked how open it was, but sometimes it felt a little too big, though. And I think I'm about the only person that liked Andromeda, I swear..."

She smiles and looks over at Bart, "Well... sure. Honestly, I think Critical Role might be a bit much for Darla to overhear sometimes, so we can watch it up here. I'll just keep the door open."

She then sits down at the computer, queueing up the video to play as she looks over her shoulder, "Yeah, you're an only child, right? That's... wow, that's so crazy. I mean, before I was a foster kid, I was one too, but... well, things happened, so I wound up here. Now, I... I can't imagine being anything but the Bossy Big Sister who drives her sibs crazy." She grins, "Wouldn't change a bit of it though, my family is really the best."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart chuckles. "Well, I like Andromeda, but the character creatio nwas so wonky that I had to roll with the default guy. Thankfully, he already looks like me, well, minus the red hair." He points at his head and he smirks at her. "And sure, not like we'd be up to anything suspicious anyway." Haven't been dating long enough!

Not that Bart isn't seriously attracted to her. He pulls up a chair. "Well, I guess I was an only child. I'm an orphan really, until I got picked up by my foster family the Garricks." Which means they are likely more alike than surface value might suspect. "So...I definitely sympathize. Only I'm an only kid there too." He smirks.

"Not gonna lie, your family is pretty cool. But I think your pretty amazing all the same. Family brings out the best in us, after all. If you don't have family, what do you have, ya know?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles and rolls her desk chair back to sit next to Bart, as the video starts to play, "Right? That's the thing, it's all about family. And family is where you find it, nothing to do with your blood."

She looks over at Bart, "But yeah, the character creation was... yeah, I miss the classes, didn't feel like there was a motivation to really replay it that much with the lack of a morals system. Felt like it was just lacking, but it was pretty cool, I thought."

She hmms, and then quiets a bit, her hand resting on the arm of Bart's chair as the episode begins, and she leans in towards him a bit, settling in to watch.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart chuckles a little bit to Mary and he nods to her as he sits beside his date, a small smile. "Do I ever." He msiles at her and leans into her as she leans into him, maybe even daring for an arm to move around her to hold her close. Bart just smiled then. "Yeah, Andromeda was fun though. the action and gameplay was exciting, buuuut the characters were a little lackluster too, with only one or two of the mbeing -really- interesting."

But as the episode plays, Bart falls into silence as he looks at Mary and gives her a smile. He makes no moves though, instead just enjoying a good first date with Mary.

Not a bad first date, if Bart has his say of things. Actually...its his first date period and he was really hoping to impress. Either way, he feelsl ike he bonded with Mary much more than he had before.