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Mutanimal Monkey Business
Date of Scene: 22 November 2022
Location: Near Mutanimal Safehouse
Synopsis: While on a case in NYC Detective Chimp notices more 'animal people' and investigates.
Cast of Characters: Sally Pride, Detective Chimp

Sally Pride has posed:
A big city like New York always had places that were rundown, neglected, or just outright forgotten by the constant onward march of progress. Some people avoided them. Others thrived in them. Some... had a mixed bag, as they didn't really have a choice in places to go. You go into those places, doesn't matter if it's for a job or something else, you're likely to see some of those people who only have so many options.

Some of those folks just happen to be animal people walking around on two feet. That didn't try to draw attention to themselves, but didn't necessarily 'hide' either. At least, not in the way a certain band of brothers try to keep their existance a secret.

Following the trail of the 'animal folks' eventually leads to the outskirts of such a downtrodden area. An old apartment building, only fixed up enough to be servicable, at least on the exterior to not draw attention. Outside was parked an old supply van. And an old but in much better shape muscle car. It's the latter that Sally drops her toolbox down next to. "Quiet tonight for a change. Good time to give you a needed tune up." She gave the hood a pat before getting down on the ground and shimmying under the chassis to where her lower legs and tail were sticking out.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp was out following a husband who the wife thought was cheating, it was not cheating with a person though, the man had a drug problem, and was coming to a not so great section of town to score. Once Chimp had the proof he needed he was considering heading out, but then he gets a scene on the air. Ok, why would he be smelling a sea creature out here and it is not the shark girl he met recently. So, with help of his nose, he follows to see what is up here. from the shadows he takes a moment to watch making sure he is down wind.

Sally Pride has posed:
The sound of scraping comes from under the car, followed by a growling groan as Sally cleans off... something. Honestly, she's not sure what, and is pretty sure she doesn't want to know. "Next time we go on a job in Jersey we're taking the damn truck and it's higher suspension." That entire state is like... how do the humans stand it? "I wonder if Mondo fixed that pressure washer yet... Mm. There's a loose bolt."

Fingerless gloved hands (gotta be able to get those claws out) grab the edge of the undercarriage so Sally can pull herself back out. Flips open the tool box to get a socket wrench, find the right socket... Glances up. Odd, for a moment she felt like someone else was nearby. But she doesn't catch any unfamiliar scents. So she shrugs and slides back under the vehicle again, muttering about letting Hobb's paranoia get to her again.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will make his way over towards the building and the car. He does make sure he keeps himself out of arms reach and maybe even pounce range. He met another tiger person recently, he did not get a chance to talk to him though. So, he makes his way close enough, and the smell of a cigar being lit will hit her right before the sound of someone clearing their throat. If she looks over before sliding out she will see his feet Chimp feet as he does not wear shoes.

Sally Pride has posed:
There's an audible *clunk* underneath the car. Followed by a bit of cussing. But not very loud, so more likely striking a hand with the tool when startled than banging head against metal. This is why she wears gloves (besides the badass look that is).

The smell of tobacco is not unfamiliar. Can't say the same for the look of the feet. "What the hell do you--" And that's all the farther Sally gets as she yanks herself out from under the car again.

And finds herself looking up at a chimp dressed like Sherlock Holmes. Or close to it. The hat is a definite match. "--A primate?" she starts over. The edge tapers off her voice. "Did someone recruit a monkey and didn't tell me?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over to her, and says "I am a Chimp not a Monkey, no tail." He thumbs back behind him "And recruit me for what?" A brow raises a bit he studies the feline lady and says "Don't think we have me, you a friend of Thomas?" He asks, since he knows Tawky is, and Thomas has a thing with cats, being Catman and all. "Seems like there maybe some interesting things going on around these parts." How he smells past his own cigar, must be years of growing accustom to it.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride tilts her head a bit to glance farther back. No tail. "Apologies, I couldn't see from this angle." Probably would help to get off the ground. She rolls the other way to get onto her knees, and then stand up. Her tail gives a thoughtful twitch behind her. "Can't say I'm familiar with that name." She brushes off and smooths out her t-shirt a bit. Mmm. That recruit comment might of been snapped a little too quick, now he's asking questions. While dressed in a Sherlock approximation. 'Interesting Things'?

Her first thought is something like 'What did you do -now- Hobb?' but she quickly brushes it aside mentally. If he was expecting cops or investigators to come snooping around even he would of said -something- even if not directly.

Though convenient time for him and some of the others to be off doing other things.

"Yeah, well, things the rest of the city overlooks happen out here in the rundowns a lot. 'Interesting' isn't very specific." She crosses her arms as she leans back against the car, gives a vague nod towards the building. "This is a safehouse of sorts. For.. y'know.. us 'not human' people."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods a bit and says "You can call me Detective Chimp." He will tell her not giving his more normal name, or his real name, which is rather hard if not impossible for none chimps to say. "I have been seeing a few more non human folks about of late. I know there is a city of Gorillas, a know a Tiger guy, have heard rumors off some turtles, but not ran into them yet." He says as he studies her "But not a group really." He hmmms a bit and says "Well will ask if not the most important question first but one that is up there. "Science, Magic, or Alien?" He does not seem to put any one of the three choices above the others.

Sally Pride has posed:
City of gorillas. That's a new one. Tiger guy. Cats seem to be popular. She did meet that lady once who had a really close.. fondness for felines. Doesn't know it was Catwoman's alter ego. The last one has her snicker softly. "Heh. Turtles. You're not gonna find them unless they want to find you." Guess despite their secrecy the brothers can't completely avoid being known about these days. Still keep out of sight as much as possible though. She unfolds an arm to hold a hand up and wobble it back and forth. "More like a ragtag band with little other choices were to go."

The question gets her to pause a moment. She needs to think a bit to realize the context he's asking about. "Oh, Science, for the most part." Holds up a digit in a 'but there's more' gesture. "But technically done by a corrupt corperation secretly run by an interdimensional devil-like bitch so Alien also has a part in it." Then points the finger at Chimp. "What about you? I know monk--sorry--chimps are smart, but they typically don't talk."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods a bit to her and says "Magic, I not only can talk, but I can talk to any living beings." He gives her a quick thing about him. He does seem to think on the whole corrupt corp and Alien thing. "I have some friends who might be able to look into that some if you want them to you can pass on info to me if you would prefer to stay anonymous. He will offer "Take it you and yours are relatively new around here?"

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride ahs. "I see." Magic is not something she's directly dealt with a lot, but she knows it is a thing that exists out there. "Relatively speaking, I suppose." She rubs a finger across her chin thoughtfully. "We've.. not exactly hiding, but not exactly trying to be make any big waves either." Not that it stops some mutants from getting into shenanigans on the side. Herself included, even if she tries to avoid anything too... problematic." Another thoughtful pause. "Mmm, will think about it. It's a hornet's nest best not poked unless necessary, and they've been kinda quiet as of late."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods a bit and says "Well if you decide to have it looked into my friends are an awful big bat." He tells her. While not meaning the actual bat, he does know him too. "Well, you can get along it has become a bit easier as there are a lot more folks who know about mutants, and will assume your a mutant. Homo superier type." He will hmms a bit and says "Legal status and such can be a bit of a bitch, I have a business but can't take folks to court if they run out without paying hence I have taken to making sure any job I take get at least part of it up front.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride glances down at her car. "Yeah... makes the DMV even more of a pain in the tail than normal." Gives a shake of her head, flicking her hair a bit. "But you're right, and even if its a pain when you have to deal with people who don't like non-humans, it beats having to live hiding in fear." A visible shudder follows. "Or in cages." Ugh. Cages. She really does not like cages.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods a bit and says "Yea, I aint really had to do a cage in a very very long time, and even when I was in one was more for appearances to others than to keep me in." He admits.

Sally Pride has posed:
"So a disguise then." Still gives Sally goosebumps, but if it was by his choice for a purpose, well, that's different. "I.. guess I can see that being useful if necessary. Less suspicious. Hope you don't have to do it often." While talking she stoops down to pick up the tool she'd been using earlier and drop it back in the toolbox. "So, Chimp, did you come this way looking for something specific, or just happened to notice the weird cat lady prowling around?" She says it with a very tongue in cheek smirk. What good is life if you can't make fun of yourself a little bit now and then?

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says "Actually had a job nearby and caught the scene of sealife mixed with human, and it did not have the smell of someone just carrying home dinner, and I got curious. I take it you have some friends here who are aquatic?"

Sally Pride has posed:
So he wasn't actually looking for one of them. And Sally is willing to believe it as he hasn't done anything to indicate he was being shady about it. She gives a nod of her head. "Yeah. A couple." Between the crab and the manta ray, and a somewhat amphibious lizard. Plus there is an actual human. Who must of not noticed because she hasn't come out to be all science nerdy over the talking chimp dressed like a detective. "This ... process when done right makes 'em human enough to not need to live in water all the time." But she's not going to go into specifics of species or what not. That's an accurate but general enough answer.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, I would like to get to know you and yours a bit more, maybe introduce you to a few people. It is a good thing if we keep in touch and get to know one another." He pulls a card out along with a flask. He offers her the card and after she has it opens the flask to take a swig.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride takes the card, even though she jokes "People still hand out business cards?" She looks it over, and gives a bit of a nod. "Mutant or magical, us critter folk gotta stick together." Tucks the card into a pocket. Raises a brow at the flask, but then snickers a bit. That and the cigar are kind of cliche, but hey people do what make them happy. She is most definitely not opposed to knocking a few back sometimes. "And maybe I can meet some of these others you've mentioned, as well."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods and puts the lid on the flask and back into his pocket. "I will talk to a few and see what we can do, maybe have a monthly wild kingdom brunch, just have to make sure if we do, everyone who attends has a decent willpower, have met one shark girl who seemed ok, but have met another that was still in that It moves lets eat it mind set."

Sally Pride has posed:
"Yeah. The instincts can still be strong sometimes. Dealt with that before." Pause. "On both sides of it." Sometimes anger or adrenaline makes the feral side a bit stronger. But usually Sally keeps a handle on it, other than her general brashness into action. "Can happen regardless of which way you started." She holds out one hand. "If you lived as an animal most of the time, you're still going to think like that until you learn." Then holds out the other hand opposite. "But the human brain isn't always good at handling all those new instincts and can be overrun by them."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, a bit and says "Luckily not something I have had a problem with, but then I am still fully an animal, just a smarter, magical version of myself." He hmms a bit and says "Do you and yours need anything you aint had, I have been wondering around the human world for a while maybe able to help out some.

Sally Pride has posed:
"Thanks, but not at the moment, no." Having the one human sidekick has a few perks... when they can actually draw the gal out of her lab for errands. But Sally pats the pocket she placed the card in with one hand and smiles. "Though now I have someone to ask if something does come up, don't I?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods his head a bit and says "I'm based in Gotham, but I can get around to most places, and like I said have some friends, who I can call into help at times as well." He will nod and says "But looks like I need to get back, and inform a lady of some bad news, not what she was thinking but still not good..