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Latest revision as of 05:06, 6 April 2020

In the Cards: Relationships at Lightspeed
Date of Scene: 02 April 2020
Location: Gramercy Park
Synopsis: Julie and Marie tour the city by air and decide that they're in a relationship.
Cast of Characters: Julie Power, Marie-Ange Colbert

Julie Power has posed:
Standing outside of Gramercy Park, Julie spent hours fretting over what to wear on her first date with Marie. She finally decided on a peasant's blouse that's cropped underneath her ribs to show off her stomach and sides. She wears a flowing skirt with floral prints that hangs down to her ankles, complete with a pair of Victorian style boots, as she waits nervously.

She holds a small bundle of in season tulips of yellow, red and white as she fidgets with the flowers as she checks her phone. She expects to be cancelled on. Won't be the first time. She was rather forward. What if Marie changed her mind? All that is going through her mind as she reaches up, pushing her fingers of her free hand through her strawberry locks that hang freely and frame her face and shoulders nicely.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Talking to Jenny gave Marie the confidence to show up, even if she's several minutes late getting out of the Uber that pulls up in front of the park. She's dressed nicely, but not TOO nicely, wearing a red blouse which has sleeves that end in white ruffles, and a black skirt that near her knees, black stockings visible underneath. There's a moment of looking around before she spies the waiting Julie, who's greeted with a bright smile and the an approaching French girl.

"Mademoiselle Julie!" she greets once she gets closer... if she's not stopped, she'll even show a little forwardness, kissing one cheek, then the other. Standard friendly greeting. "I apologize for being late, I wanted to try the Ubers, but I do not think my driver knows the city too well either..." she offers, concern evident in her eyes. Hoping that Julie isn't too upset.

Julie Power has posed:
"Miss Marie!" Julie relaxes visibly when Marie approaches, and steps into the kiss, the young woman's cheeks flaring to life as she's kissed, even if it's a chaste one. "You look amazing!" she says, stepping back to look over the French woman with warm eyes. And then she remembers. "I got you these." she says, presenting the flowers to Marie.

"I didn't know if it would be too forward, flowers on a first date, but I saw these and thought of you, and just..." she glances down. "I hope it's okay."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
At the compliments, Marie's head bows forward, those red tresses falling forward and into her face a little to hide the blush that colors it. "...merci, I did my best." she answers, and then looks up again when the talk of a gift is brought up -- only to better see those flowers. Jenny /did/ say that it would be Julie's responsibility to bring a gift -- and she came through! Brightening up even more, she takes the flowers and raises them to her nose.

"Oh, they look and smell lovely!" she replies in delight, keeping the flowers close. Definitely some points scored there. "It is not only okay, but it is wonderful, Mademoiselle." she's decided. Oh! She almost forgot. "You... you look rather lovely as well." is said with some degree of nervousness. It's a true statement, but not the kind of thing she's used to saying to someone. ABOUT someone, maybe, but... that's different.

Julie Power has posed:
Julie's cheeks darken further when Marie compliments her. It's probably clear at this point that this might be the first date for both young women. After handing over the flowers, she ohs as she notices something. "You're wearing leggings?" she asks, smiling suddenly, though a little nervously as she fidgets with whether or not she should take Marie's hand.

"I suggested doing the tour thing, but I was looking at all the tours, and couldn't find one I was happy with. But if you want. Maybe..." there's a fidget as she looks up to Marie. "If you wanted, we could fly together? I can hold you without a problem, and take you up. And if you're worried about your identity, or being seen with a public maybe mutant, powered girl..." she reaches into her hand bag and pulls out a small domino mask for Marie.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
There's a slow nod to the question asked; although when the offer for an /aerial/ tour of the city comes up? Eyes widen for just a moment. Would that be allowed? Would the school be upset? ...of course, /she's/ not the one doing the flying, at least not unless she's dropped, but... she's got to consult the cards on this one. She always wears those hidden pockets in her skirts, and a hand dips in.

"...The King of Wands... reversed, he encourages risk. Impulsive decisions." Her free hand moves to the hand that holds the mask, and pushes it down gently. "I am with you today, and I care not who knows it." Smile. "I would love to fly with you. How do I...?" She doesn't really know how this is going to work, but she'll go along with it however it does!

Julie Power has posed:
Risk. This whole date started off on a risk of the cards. When Marie pushes her hand down, Julie slips the mask back into her pocket. Instead, her hand covers Marie's for a moment. And then she steps closer to the French girl. Into her personal space she steps, enough that Marie can pick up on the faint scent of the Daisy perfume that she had spirtzed herself with before the date.

"Hold onto me?" she asks, her hand moving from Marie's and around the other girl's waist. So that Marie can hold onto her shoulders and not have to touch bare skin if she doesn't want. Once she's settled. "I think this is how Superman does it." she says teasingly as she lifts into the air and starts skywards, the rainbow trail following after her and engulfing both women.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
As for Marie, she's pretty scent-neutral, other than the strawberry shampoo that she uses in the shower, though if she's close enough...

Marie breathes it in, letting out a soft sigh. Enjoying the scent of her date. That being said, when when's told to hold on, Marie acts without thinking, stepping closer and slipping her arms around Julie's shoulders and even resting her head against side of the shorter girl's. When she rides her manifestations? She gets in really close, too. So. It seems appropriate here as well, and she probably hasn't realized any other implications.

Julie Power has posed:
Not that Julie had any other implications! Up and up the pair go, the wind in the hair of the two women as it's whipped around and Julie gets them above the level of the buildings before she levels out as she turns and loosens her grip, just slightly on the other woman.

"It's okay, the rainbow can support your weight." she offers encoruagingly to Marie as the pair settle in the skies, just above the skyline of New York, allowing Marie to be able to take in the city from the view that Julie usually sees it from.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Truth be told, she didn't even realize she was airborne for a moment... being off the ground isn't entirely new.

Being close to someone who has an interest in her? /That/ is. She doesn't tense up like she does with most physical contact... that's the influence of the King, and it's the last card she dares to draw now that they're in the air, barring catastrophe.

Trying to look through both their hair as it whips around, she stares at the city below. Not fear, amazement. Her flights have been very, very controlled. Nothing like this.

"C'est magnifique!" she exclaims, giggling. "I am seeing the city with new eyes, no longer so... miniscule next to such enourmous buildings!" she exclaims, sounding pretty gleeful. It /is/ very exciting, to be frank. A lot of things are right now!

Julie Power has posed:
Laughing softly, Julie beams at the other girl before she lightly reaches to take her hand. "Hold on." she offers, a gentle tug to pull her close again before they start to fly across the city, staying away from getting too close to windows so people don't get a chance to get a picture of the pair as they go across the sky, and she takes them a bit higher as they go over the footprints of the twin towers and around the new Freedom Plaza.

"I won't get us too close to Stark or Baxter, heroes there get a little curious if you get too close." she admits with a blush. "One time I had the whole Fantastic Four come out thinking I was on the attack!" she laughs lightly, a glance towards Marie and a smile.

"You know, we haven't really had a chance to get to know each other better except in our texts, but I'm enjoying your company." There's a brief look to her, her cheeks red, not just from the wind whipping past them.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie's not at all opposed to staying close -- it's almost like dancing, except through the air. Distance is not something she's too fond of right now. Sure, the rainbow will support her... but habit is habit, and she can still see plenty by staying close! Plus, it also keeps the flowers safe between their bodies.

"Oh no!" replies to the story told by Julie, sounding rather surprised. She knows the Fantastic Four. Even people as sheltered as she was know /them./ "How did you survive such an encounter? Were you able to convince them that you were no foe?"

As forgetting to know one another? There's a merry giggle. "It would be easier to speak than to text, n'es pas? What more would you like to know?" she asks, kicking her legs a little -- it's a different type of flying than her normal brand, to be certain. "I will answer any question you have!" ...that might've been a mistake, but Marie won't realize it unless it becomes one.

Julie Power has posed:
"I don't think they ever saw a thirteen year old as a threat." Julie admits with a laugh as she watches Marie kick her legs. She's amused, her smile warm, slightly affectionate, but at the same time, she's got a momentary pause.

"You were surprised when I asked you out." she admits quietly, the nerves suddenly there. "I know I probably should have considered if you were... interested, like that. I mean, if you're not, I still think you'd be a great friend." It's a defensive mechanism, a fear that someone may not want her for her.

And her clear preference for women is usually a huge roadblock on that.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
That's definitely a loaded question, but not one she hasn't considered. Still, the discussion of /that/ particular topic does make her face flush entirely, the redhead burying her face against Julie's head for a couple moments, considering.

'Are you even interested in girls?'

She hadn't really even considered it. Those romance novels she had read, they featured strong male leads, but... it was what was on the inside that mattered most to her.

'You've been watching too many old movies.' 'If you think she's cute and you might like to kiss her, go for it.'

At the end of dates in a movie, there's a kiss. But the King of Wands demand risks be taken. So she moves back and attempts to answer that in the frankest way possible... by pressing her lips to Julie's.

Might not have been the answer she was expecting, but hopefully she takes it well!

Julie Power has posed:
They had just gotten into the meat of the date, really. Julie was leading Marie out to the Statue of Liberty in the harbor as they talked and learned more about each other. Her question wasn't meant to be loaded, she was just feeling things out.

And out of all the responses she expected from Marie - the one she didn't expect was the one she got.

Julie doesn't pull away or flinch. When Marie takes the initative and kisses her first, Julie stiffens for only a moment before she's pressing her mouth back to Marie's, eagerly, wholeheartedly, kissing the French girl back before she pulls back.

"OhmygoshIwasn'tfishingforakissbutthatwasamazing." she rattles off, remembering to keep them afloat.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
It wasn't the way she'd expected the date to, but between the King of Wands showing up in reverse, and Jenny's advice... it seemed the most appropriate response to that particular question in the moment. So the question is, did she like it?

"That... was... I liked that quite a bit." she admits after a few moments of silence, her lips curved into a bright smile. That answers that particular question for her.

A soft giggle escapes her throat, and she leans forward to rest back against Julie, relaxing in the moment. The hardest part of a date, she suspects, was just accomplished moments ago! Her eyes turn towards the Statue -- a fitting landmark, given its origin! "I am glad you approve, as well." ...at least, she's pretty sure that Julie liked it. The blonde was a little tough to understand!

Julie Power has posed:
The French model that was the basis for the Statue would have been proud of Marie's forwardness. So would the King of Wands. Julie's opinion is the one that matters though, right? When Marie leans against her, Julie hovers in the middle of the air, feeling her heart racing in her chest. It was an unexpected, impulsive thing. And when it comes down to it?

It's what Julie wanted to do, so she returns the favor, lifting on her tiptoes suddenly, pressing her mouth firmly and longingly against Marie's own, remembering to breathe this time as she trembles lightly in the French woman's embrace. Hopefully, that conveys to Marie that she liked it?

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
It's bewildering, to be sure. When she's flying, there's always effort. The flapping of wings. Right now, so far above the rest of the world? It's almost like they' rest of the world is frozen and they're alone in this moment.

Marie could get used to that.

She barely has time to think when Julie marks their second kiss, eyes wide for a moment before slowly closing, relaxing into the moment even as cheeks flush red.

Julie Power has posed:
Julie lingers in Marie's kiss for several seconds before she pulls back, and her hands move to join to hers, twining their fingers together. "Ready to head back to the park?" she asks, swallowing lightly. "I can keep flying. I just didn't know how late you can stay out." There's a sheepishness in her tone. They'd been flying for a while before the kiss, and now?

"I don't want to see you go yet." she manages. "I mean. I hope that we're..." she trails off.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie's hands in turn give gentle squeezes to Julie's, moving in to lean her forehead against the blonde girl's. Letting her eyes flutter closed for a few thoughtful moments, her lips curved into a smile. "...that we're what?" she asks, curiousity obvious in her voice. So much of this is unknown to her. Wonderful things, but very very strange nonetheless.

...as far as how late she can say out? She considers for a few moments, lips parted briefly. "I... should probably be home not long after nightfall." she admits, opening her eyes to look at Julie. Curious. "...but perhaps if our flight continued closer to where I must return, we could spend a little longer together?" She's not sure if Julie has distance limits, whether imposed by her parents or her powers!

Julie Power has posed:
"Just show me where to go." Julie says with a smile, wanting direction in more ways that one as she smiles up at Marie. She needs to be bold. She has to be bold at this moment. Isn't that what Marie's card suggested on that first meeting?

And she swallows the lump in her throat and quickly. "Will you be my girlfriend?" she asks her, cheeks dark and flushed as her blue eyes study Marie's and she forces herself not to retreat into the too soon category.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie bobs her head once, more than willing to provide direction as to where she needs to go -- maybe not directly /to/ the school, but close enough, at least. She could get a cab for the rest of the way, or even potentially walk there. Won't be a problem at all!

As for the question? Well, unlike Julie... this time Marie doesn't flush at all, instead staring ahead at Julie with an utter look of sincerity... and a little confusion. "Julie..." she trails off for a moment -- it's the first time she dropped the honoriffic with the blond, notably. "...I thought I already was, non? Did... did I misunderstand what kissing meant?" Cue tension running through her slim frame, panic starting to fill her features.

Julie Power has posed:
So the blonde's not the only confusing one here. Julie wasn't aware that kissing Marie made them a couple, but! She feels the tension in the other girl's hands and squeezes them as she looks up at her. The smile is sincere, warm and she leans up to kiss her one more time. Softer this time, just to linger there.

"Then I'm yours." There, decided. Just like that. Whirlwind romance? Absolutely.

But it's fitting of a girl calling herself Lightspeed.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
There were two ways that this night could have gone; Jenny told her as much, even if she might not have meant it that way. They could end the night as girlfriends, or Julie would be on her way to the worst luck that a different blonde could manage. It seemed obvious to Marie which of those options were being ran towards.

It's made obvious again with those words, and a kiss that makes her flush anew. "Mine." she murmurs against Julie's lips. The word sounds foreign to her, but she's obviously pleased. In a humble sort of way.

"I like the way that sounds, mon cherie." she admits, relaxing again.