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Latest revision as of 04:42, 4 December 2022

Discordants: A day in da life
Date of Scene: 03 December 2022
Location: Hyperspace
Synopsis: Thor learns where his loyalties apparently lie.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Kraglin Obfonteri, Yondu Udonta

Thor has posed:
    In the hangar bay of the Eclector there is the sound of heavy machinery and gear moving around. In the background one can see the flare of embers flying through the air as some welder fires, sizzling as repairs are made. There are aerial vehicles slowly sliding across the hangar bay carried on large vehicle hooks and claws that manipulate them to put them in place. The equipment seems to be ragged, looking like almost every piece of gear could stand a good overhaul. But there are only so many hours in a day, and only so many crewmembers.
    Such as the three that are standing in one corner of the hangar bay. A large ape-like being grunts as he lies underneath a hangar hull while reaching out for a tool with one of his feet, grabs it, and flips it into one of his hands. Near him is a tiny red humanoid in an armored vest who is holding the light by which the first being is working, allowing some illumination to be shone on the underside of that shuttle hull. The third?
    Was the visitor, who was holding up one side of that shuttle with his good arm, standing there like a human wheeljack and looking a little... bored.
    "You sure yer not gonna drop it on him, new guy?"
    "I will endeavour not to." The one-handed blond man says, frowning as he maintains his grip.

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
In another corner of the busy hanger, a tall man in Ravager red faded to the color of old blood stands with his hands on his hips surveying the ongoing work.

"Oy, get those crates stowed," the First Mate yells to the two crewman standing nearby. "We'll never get to the next planet at this rate."

The two burly crewman give him a go to hell look but go back to removing the crates to a secure area. Kraglin returns to his rounds, an eye on the one-armed man holding a weight that two normal men would be straining under.

Nearing the trio, he comes to a stop, "How's it going under there. You got all the parts ya need?" He stares for a moment at the new guy, "New guy. How's it going?"

Yondu Udonta has posed:
One thing that he had learned through his years as a Ravager captain was to make sure he was visible to the crew. This wasn't just to remind them he was there but more that he could show up at any moment. It was partially friendly. Chat with the crew here or there. Check to see what they were up to and if they needed to be directed elsewhere. Honestly, Kraglin usually had them pretty well in line so that was minimal. Partly it was to see what sort of atmosphere there was. How the crew were getting along and if there was any sort of whispering going on in dark corners that would stop when Yondu showed up.

He had two men on crew right now that he was keeping a cautious eye on. The first was Taserface. He was getting a little too big for his britches and would need to be dealt with soon. But he was liked by much of the crew so that was a tricky situation.

The other seemed to be getting used as a jack at the moment, as Yondu discovered upon coming into the area and pausing to glance around. He saw Kraglin approaching the trio so he did the same. "SteveRogers. You sure you should be doin' that? Ah mean, you were just floatin' in space a few weeks ago. Ah don't want you hurtin' yerself." Because he was such a good, kind-hearted, caring captain. Riiiight.

Thor has posed:
    Those two crewmen grumble in Kraglin's direction, but to their credit they do snap to when the first mate cracks the verbal whip. There's still the sounds of gear and materials moving back and forth, the heavy whine of mechanisms and hydraulics are loud around them.
    Under the hangar the ape mechanic growls and says simply, "Ook." As he holds a foot out and makes a flat 'hand' of it, then waggles it back and forth.
    The tiny red humanoid looks up at Kraglin, "He says three hours. Maybe two and a half." The little red creature's horns perk up a little as it looks between the new guy and the first mate.
    "Going well, First Mate Obfonteri, I believe."
    Then Yondu's arrival was noted, "Captain Udonta, sir. I fare well and am glad to be of some use. I do not enjoy sitting still while others labor."

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
First Mate Obfonteri's shoulders straighten and his chin lifts self-importantly at the greeting. "Three hours then. Good work," he adds. The horned red guy looks away quickly, hiding the smirk on his face.

"Cap'n," he gives a sloppy salute. "He seems alright. I figure he knows what he can do. Glad and all to be of use." Kraglin mutters to the Captain.

"It's lookin' like we can come around and hyper out of here in the next five hours, Cap'n. These two..ah..three are putting the finishin' touches on the loaders for when we get there. Anythin' else you'll be needin'?"

Yondu Udonta has posed:
Yondu looks over the quartet, giving a brief nod to the two working underneath the machine then focusing back on the two standing being SteveRogers and Kraglin.

"Ah wanna talk to the two of you later, when yer done with things. Make some plans on how we're gonna get SteveRogers here fixed up so he ain't dealin' with one hand." He smiled to the strongman. "Then you can hold two things up at a time." He laughed a little. "Just kiddin'. But we'll figure out some good duties fittin' your abilities that don't involve standin' around feeling like a piece o' furniture."

Thor has posed:
    One of the crewmen comes running up and calls out, "I got the counter-grav." He runs over and holds two panels. One he puts on the floor under the shuttle structure, then the other he puts on the bottom of the shuttle. He engages the power on it and the two panels repel each other as a wave of red energy flows back and forth between them.
    "There ya go, buddy," says the little red fellow. "You can let it down now."
    SteveRogers gives a nod and then slowly releases his grip on the shuttle, leaving its weight to the counter-grav device. He dusts his hand off on his red tunic and says, "I was told by one of the crew I should use a hook of some kind?" Which likely... was a joke.

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
"Sure thing, Cap'n. Whenever you need us. He'll hold a shuttle in one hand and another in the other," he snorts.

Frowning, Kraglin has taken the subject seriously, "Steverogers, I dunno. Hooks and such kinda out of style these days. Unless ya wanna make it a weapon. Jus be careful ya don't roll over on yerself one night. Thatta make a nasty kinda wound." Kraglin shakes his head at the idea.

"Nah, Cap'n has some better plans for ya, I'm sure. Being as strong as you are. They got some great hands and all these days."

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"No hooks." He points over at Kraglin when he mentions the danger to himself. "Remember Teek had one o'those hooks. Until he had an itch one night and it ended up in a place it shouldn't cause he had forgotten which was the hook and which was the hand. The crew laughed about that for a month. Probably wantin' a repeat performance. Just don't ask Teek about it. Makes him uncomfortable."

He started to walk, hooking his hand at the pair so they would follow along as he continued his rounds. Once they were out of earshot of others, then he continued. "They can replace almost anything these days. We can get you a hand, an eye. You want to change out anything else. Though eyes are harder to come by. Higher tech level than hands. But we'll get you taken care of eventually, just might take a bit. Hands are easy."

He looks to the blond and continues. "So you gettin' anything else back in your noggin? Or still all vague?"

Thor has posed:
    Steve gives a nod as he looks between the two while behind him the mechanics work on the vessel. He furrows his brow slightly and he murmurs, "Yet another thing for which I am indebted to you. I will make sure you do not regret your actions in my aid." He takes a deep breath, holds it, then exhales slowly.
    A look is given to Yondu and Kraglin in turn, nodding as he accepts their arguments about the utility of hooks and the lack thereof. And the plight of poor Teek. "Ah." He says succinctly, the tendons in his jaw bunching a little in sympathetic pain.
    As the captain signals so he follows, boot steps light in the hall. As they speak about hands and eyes he subconsciously rubs a finger over the patch over his right eye, nodding as he walks. Then the inquiry about his memory. "Very little, I believe I am right-handed, which is unfortunate." A few more steps. "I..." His brows rise, "Enjoyed a beverage I was given called Ognakin. Yet beyond that..." His good hand gestures to the side.

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
Kraglin glances meaningfully at the Captain. "Yeeeeah, the tech for hands is pretty good these days. Still costs an arm anda leg," he grins widely at his own wisecrack.

"And eyes." A finger strokes an eyebrow and he considers a moment before saying loftily, "That's pretty high level stuff. Expensive. The cap'n knows some people in the bizness. Next port, we'll give it a good look see."

He looks back over his shoulder at the man following them, "Thas, too bad about not rememberin' and all. Somebody musta had it in for ya when they put ya in space like that. I'd like to know who had it in for me if it was me."

Yondu Udonta has posed:
" 'zactly." Yondu scritches at the stubble along his jawline as he considers the newest crew member critically. "They spaced you. After they fucked you up. You were right handed and they made sure to take off that hand. Ah know some places they'll take a hand if you thieve with it. But they usually don't push you out an airlock. So Ah'm not sure what yer story is but it's got to be interestin' when we find out. Especially if that someone finds out yer still alive."

Could be trouble for the crew. Something Yondu had to keep in mind. "Ah've got a task for ya, if you can be subtle. Hearin' some rumblin's here and there in the crew. Thinking Taserface," he paused, glancing knowingly to Kraglin who was well aware of the man. "Is tryin' to sway the men to his side for a mutiny. Ah want to stop that 'fore it happens. Keep an ear out for me? Let me know if things are leanin' that way?"

Thor has posed:
    "Indeed," SteveRogers answers Kraglin with a nod as he walks, "I am troubled by my lack of memories as well. I feel as if I am at a disadvantage in a great many things of late." His brow knits as he looks past them for a moment, then shakes his head as he returns to the here and now.
    He then listens to Yondu's words about troubles that seem to be brewing and his brow furrows again with concentration and consternation. "That is displeasing news. Have you spoken to him about this?" Since obviously if there is a suspected mutiny the clear course of action is to confront the person. Yet he listens and nods a little more to what Yondu says...
    "If he speaks ill of you, Captain Udonta I will not hesitate to correct his ill-conceptions."

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
Kraglin's expression sours. "That bastard, always wankin' off about how he'd do it different. Like we don't got good spoils and all. You got it, Cap'n. We'll keep three eyes on 'em. Me and Steverogers, right?" He turns and gives the one-handed man a thumbs up, nodding encouragingly.

"Types like Taserface don't listen to reason unless you're reasonin' with a gun pointed at his noggin. He's hardheaded. I'd just as soon space 'em as keep 'em, Cap'n. He's always bellyachin' 'bout somethin'.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"Talked to him. Don't make a difference. He wants t'be Captain. Thinks Ah'm going soft. But if I just space him, those loyal to him will turn him into a martyr. So gotta play it careful."

Which might let the new guy know that Yondu is more aware than one might think looking at him or hearing the way he speaks. He knows the way the game is played and he's been one of the best players for most of his life. He just has to have the right pieces in place. Pieces like Kraglin and SteveRogers having his back.

"Only way to space him is if he does somethin' to deserve it. Otherwise, it creates a worse situation than we already got."

Thor has posed:
    A nod is given in response as SteveRogers listens, expression distracted by thoughts of so much going on around him that he is unaware of. He shakes his head at something spoken in his inner monologue but gives no voice to it. Instead he answers, "Well if I hear aught I will likely address it when matters are before me. All I know is that you have done right by me in my time of need, and for that I feel duly grateful."
    The tall man then looks curiously at Kraglin, then mirrors his gesture with a thumbs up of his own. Though at first it would have just been a stumps up. He adjusts in time, however.
    "Is there any other aid I might be?"

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
Kraglin side eyes the captain, eyes wide as he give him a minute shake of his head. Just how naive can a guy be? He turns, forces another grin back at the man, giving him a second thumbs up.

"Well, the cap'n treats those good that deserve it, he knows what to do. Reason he's cap'n," he says with conviction. "We're gonna have us a good ol' time when we get into port. Drinks and wimmin.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"Ah'm so glad you asked."

If one were familiar with foxes and hen houses, they would know that smile on Yondu's face. Because that one-handed cyclops of a hen just walked right out of the hen house and into the fox's jaws.

"First, we need t' figure out some of yer skills. Can ya fight, can ya shoot, that sorta stuff. If ya can't, we need t'get you trained up. Kraglin can help with that. We don't even know if you can pilot yet and that's kinda a big deal for us Ravagers. Time to feel out what you can do and can't. We're gonne be heading t'the nearest tradin' port, get your hand situation resolved, then we can get down to business."

And suddenly he wrapped an arm around each man's shoulder, grinning wickedly. "This is gonna be fun."