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Latest revision as of 20:07, 11 December 2022

Rich Women in the Winter
Date of Scene: 10 December 2022
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Two rich telepaths talk at the Hellfire Club while Betsy's date enjoys the fries.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Betsy Braddock, Alexander Aaron

Emma Frost has posed:
It was the beginning of winter. The Hellfire Club had some preliminary decorations up. Whatever had been involved in the last meeting of the Inner Circle had not been broadcast. So Emma Frost was eating dinner, idly snooping through passing minds to occasionally see what hse could discover. Nothing of any particular interest. Of course Shaw would have taken the time to isolate anyone who truly knew anything.. Or Tessa would have more than likely.
    But still, occasionally they might get sloppy. And so Emma would dine.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"Just a quick circuit or three to keep up appearances then we'll head out," Betsy was saying to her companion as they entered the main VIP area. She paused just within to glance around, get a feel for who was there she might know. But that pause upon entry was also to be seen. To let people know she had arrived.

Her coat had been checked at the door and she was left wearing a simple black cocktail style dress. Designer, of course. That was almost required, though not officialy.

She motioned to the bar as she looked to her companion, to confirm he was alright with that particular destination. And that's when she spotted Emma. A brief nod and a small smile offered to the woman as a polite courtesy from their distance. The path to the bar would take them past her.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The young man who moved in the wake of the model who strolled through the VIP area so easily seemed at ease with that idea. His own coat had been checked and he wore black leather shoes, black dress pants, and a fine grey collarless shirt. He had an calm stride and seemed to carry himself in a manner that was like an observer to all of life's events.
    When she spoke to him he smiled and gave a small nod, then walks along with her toward the bar. "It is terribly important to do so." He offers in reply about keeping up appearances.
    Then once they mde it to the bar he settled in not taking a stool and just leaning against it casually.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to fold her hands togehter while giving a light nod of acknowledgement over to Betsy, "Elizabeth, who's your latest acquisition?" By the tone in her voice she meant more 'boytoy' the way one extremely rich woman might inquire to the other. A light gesture of a hand given in invitation. "And have you kept up in the latest affairs, darling? It has been awhile since I've run into you. Have you had to deal with your brother attempting to sink that little family island into the depths of the ocean?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Once in range and hearing that greeting, Betsy should be taking offense. But instead, she had to smile a bit as she glanced over at Alexander. It was an understandable point of view and not necessarily inaccurate. "Alexander, I'd like you to meet Emma Frost. One of the most powerful women in the world." She said it in a casual way, as though it was just in regards to Emma's skills in business. She meant it in that way and more.

"Emma, this is Alexander Aaron. He's a member of the club on his own merits. We just met recently but isn't he just perfect? I want marble statues made of him."

At mention of her brother, she wrinkled her nose a bit and took up a spot next to Alexander at the bar. "I cannot say I've been keeping up. Work has had me in and out quite a bit, traveling. Do catch me up?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The young man turned his attention toward Elizabeth, then in turn toward Emma. He did not seem to take umbrage, even as he leaned there and gave Emma a small nod and an acknowledging wave. He instead seemed curious about the conversation tha twas likely to ensue between them.
    Though he was distracted by bartender's arrival and told the man quietly, "A whiskey sour please." Which had the man turning his gaze to Elizabeth as he takes her order as well, but then he's bustling to make their drinks.
    Allowing good Alexander to turn and look upon Emma from afar. "Good day, Ms. Frost. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over at Elizabeth and dip her head to him, "Ah, hello." She would speak over then to him and then glance back at Elizabeth, "A shame that you can't put him down at the bottom of the sea instead nad let the Atlanteans deal with him? He seems about as hard headed as thier king." Oh, to dump Brian and let Namor deal with him..
    "Oh? Then what isyour familial connection to the Club then? One of the Legacies? You don't seem like the noveau rich." She would inquire over while moving to hold her hand to gesture to put the drinks the two were getting on her tab. Going to speak telepathically over to Betsy <<The Inner Circle had a meeting recently. I'm trying to track down what scraps I can>>

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"Stubborness is a trait that runs in our family," Betsy returned, not taking up the bait about Brian. After all, she and her twin were very close. It was the other brother she preferred not to talk about. Or even think about too much because talk about issues.

She ordered a Midori Sour, in the mood for something slightly sweet tonight. Though it had a little bite to it if made right. She fell silent outwardly but Emma would hear her voice telepathically. <<Oh? I will listen as well, see what might be picked up. Anything so far?>>

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The young blond man has that easy mien and casual smile, given as if this were the most natural moment in the world for him and he looks sidelong to Elizabeth. There's a slight glance shared, then he turned back toward Emma and said, "My father, John Aaron, he has had a membership I believe for a decade or so. It is on his behalf that I've at times been sent to partake of some of the more tame festivities."
    Such gentle words, yet imparting a good amount of information, showing that he is peripheral, hardly even worth noticing. Scout's honor.
    He then asks sidelong of Elizabeth, "Is there anything you'd care to get to snack on while we're here, or shall we hold off til dinner?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would ah, "I don't believe I've met over." She would shrug over, "Please, do get whatever the pair of you might enjoy here. It's nice to have some intellectual conversation." A casual barb directed at someone else not present while she would work a bite into her own meal.
    <<None so far. Shaw's been better than I gave him credit for in blocking off anything from slipping. Or his little toy.>> Oh, she loahted Tessa nearly as much as she did Selene.. <<You're on good terms with the London branch still? You may have better luck at digging some things up>>

Betsy Braddock has posed:
At Alexander's question, she glanced over to him again and pursed her lips slightly as she considered. "Perhaps a small something to tide us over? Since that workout this afternoon was quite strenuous, I don't think it will ruin our appetites." Because truth be told, he was fun to spar with. Though she phrased it as she had to not give that part away and thus leaving it open to interpretation. Or misintetpretation as the case may be. "Although I didn't set any reservations for tonight. Though, that rarely matters." A hint of a smirk.

Still underneath all the civility was the telepathic conversation with Emma. <<I do and I shall. See if they have any info though they don't always play nice with the New York branch. We probably should try to get someone into the Inner Circle again.>>

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "That is very kind of you, Miss Frost." His smile is easily offered and just as easily disappeared as he turns back toward Elizabeth and seems to get a hint of a vibe, albeit a brief one.
    He smiles to her, "Alright, somethign small." He then turns back toward the bartender, gesturing with one hand to gain the man's attention again.
    Once the bartender is back, Alexander shares a few brief words with the man, placing an order for their truffle fries and then turns back to give Elizabeth a more open smile as he settles with his back against the bar. His drink was held lightly in one hand as he watched between the two beautiful women.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would take anotehr sip over of her drink, "Well, a pleasure to have your copmanionship even if only for a short while. I take it htat whatever your traveling about went reasonably productively then?" She would consider over while glancing through the room.

<<Yes, which makes it somewhat easier if they feel they can thumb their noses to get something down at the New World upstarts>> Politics wasa lways a rather fun pasttime, even in secret societies.
    <<Long term likely. Something to muse on sometime a bit more in depth and see whom might be best positioned that we can nudge in and that Shaw would think can be kept under his thumb>> SOmething to be schemed at more in depth most certainly.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
<<I'm not even sure who holds what rank anymore. Do we have anyone on that side at all?>> Betsy asked.

As Alexander ordered the truffle fries, Betsy glanced back at him. "Oh that sounds divine. Good choice. Did you have any preference on dinner tonight? There has to be some sort of culinary adventure out there awaiting us."

Then back to Emma, speaking outloud. "Very productive. Did a shoot over in Milan for Vogue. A couple of quick things in London, a visit to Brian. Then back over the pond and here I am."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Turning back to face the two women he smiled between them, "I was thinking Brazilian Barbecue. There's a place near my home I enjoy." He then raises his eyebrows as he looks across the distance toward Emma. "I am sure if you were interested in indulging, Miss Frost you could join us. Though I fear it is a touch more... a local taste."
    Which is when he smiles openly, as if he knew what he was saying, but not entirely so nor its implications. Perhaps he was simple.
    Though he did give Elizabeth a smile and rested a hand gently on her hip, just to have that small connection.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would muse over, "WEll, it sounds like a lovely time. You didn't do any skydiving or flying? My, are we starting to grow more cautious as we age, Elizabeth?" A tease, whether or not Betsy actually did those things. "And it is good for you to pursue things that appeal."
    "Whatever you see fit, do enjoy. I've already had my entre but if you recommend it I might try another time."
    <<Unfortunately nothing beyond after my association was terminated. Shaw's redone the organizational chart some, to what degree I don't know. If Charles or anyone else has their thumb on someone in the middle of things, I'm not kept in the loop.>>
    Emma would not dignify calling 'moving pieces around the board'. Ther ehad to be a limit on chess metaphors.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"So it isn't overly fancy and requiring one to put on airs to fit in with the shallow narcissists?" Betsy asks oh-so-sweetly. Not that she thinks that of Emma. But there are a /lot/ of those types who are membres of the club. As both of her companions well know.

"Which means Brazilian barbeque sounds fine. I don't believe I have ever done that, despite knowing some Brazilians." Roberto has failed them all with his champagne-tastes.

At the comment from Emma, she did chuckle softly. "Now, I didn't say there was nothing fun while I was visiting. I simply was keeping it focused on the basics. Not boring details."

<<Though with Selene and Tessa, it is difficult to get anyone in under Shaw's nose. Frustrating, to say the least. We'll have to confer when we can talk more freely, with some of the others. See if there are ideas how to obtain more access.>>

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Exactly," Alexander says toward Elizabeth, as if she got it in one. He then looks over toward Emma and offers, "It's called Mineiro's. It's very nice, but it does have a certain... concession toward indulgence that I enjoy." As he says that he looks back toward Elizabeth.
    Though that's the moment when their fries arrive and he thanks the bartender, then pulls the plate over between himself and Elizabeth, letting her have her pick as he takes a few in his fingers and dips them into a sour cream aioli.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Betsy, "Why dear, I thought that you hated more than anything being with your own kind." She would quip, over on the 'shallow narcissist' end of the spectrum. WHich one could often from external appearances often lump Emma in with.
    "Of course. So do you consider what else you were doring so boring that it doesn't even rate a mention beyond those photoshoots you were doing? So tedious.."
    As Alexander goes to get his food and Emma listens to the recommendations on food.. <<Long term. It's not something we're going to resolve with any immediacy. Given a couple of years to work with.. Perhpas. For now, digging up information can be done via a variety of attempts>> The mention of Selene and Tessa gets a telepathic sneer from Emma and the blonde's normal response to her nemesis within the club if left to her preferences. Eventually she would find a way to eliminate the ancient witch and make it stick.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
<<Indeed. We will find out more through our other means.>> Which meant making those circuits of the room and picking up details from people if possible. Though with Emma here, she was positive they'd already been covered. The woman's telepathic abilities were extremely impressive.

She did pick up a couple of the fries, grinning at Alexander and giving him a little bump of her hip to his. She'd scooted a bit closer to him, in the service of eating their fries since it required that right? Probably not but she did it anyway.

The barb of a comment from Emma had Betsy smiling at her, "What can I say. Like appeals to like at times. Thus why I'm still a member." Then her smile turned positively devlish. "I haven't seen Selene in some time. I hope she's well."

Emma Frost has posed:
The slow, hard way. Particularly given they had to do so without notice.. And Shaw was rather thorough at least this time at sweeping things under the rug. There were always other options.. Then again, Emma's interests were only purely as she liked to keep ahead of the curve on what the machinations were. Not that she had the slightest inkling that there was something significant afoot or a broader scheme.

<<Shaw did nearly get himself flattened by a reactivated Sentinel that I'm sure he had something to do with bringing back online, so it could veyr well be him squawking and wanting sympathy>> Oh, if only that Sentinel had been just a -smidge- faster..

"I'll have to disagree with you on that particular end, Elizabeth." No one liked an immortal witch who enslaved people and consumed thier souls for eternal life.

Well, other than the immortal witch herself.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
And that brought another smile to her face, hearing that response from Emma. She knew full well what the woman thought of Selene. Honestly, they all thought that of Selene. Thankfully the pair of them at least could shield their thoughts.

<<Why am I not surprised. It is a shame.>>

And with that she picked up another fry and ate it before pushing away from the bar. "I'm famished so I believe we are going to depart. Do keep in touch, Emma. Our chats are always such a pleasure." The proper words said in the proper way with the proper expressions.

Then that look to Alexander. "Let's go see what trouble we can get into tonight." And she reached out to catch his hand to pull him along with her toward the exit.