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Latest revision as of 20:08, 11 December 2022

In Your Eyes!
Date of Scene: 09 December 2022
Location: Xavier's School Front Yard
Synopsis: The light the heat!
Cast of Characters: Sif, Jimmy Hudson

Sif has posed:
Xavier's School was not that difficult to find when she put her mind to it. It wasn't like it didn't exist, nice sign outside and all that. In their talks, Sif had learned that was the name of the place he worked though she had never actually visited. Until today.

Things were at a place where there was not much more she could do actively. Check with the magic users to see if they had any information yet. Check with her brother daily to learn if he had seen the lost prince. Fight when the opportunity presented itself against the Dark Elves.

And through that all, she had been selfish. So focused on her own needs, her own wants to find her friend, that she had neglected someone very important to her. Though they had talked briefly, she knew she had failed in her handling of the situation.

It was time to try to fix that.

"I thank you for your hospitality," she said to the young woman leading her onto the property from the front gate. She was dressed much as she had been the first time Jimmy saw her. Black pants, boots, a white blouse that was buttoned up the front with short sleeves. A trench coat over it that was worn open as it wasn't really for the asthetics nor warmth but instead to hide her sword which she was not without these days. Her dark hair was brushing her shoulders now that it had finally grown back out and was worn down.

She chatted politely with the girl as she watched the large building coming into view, her eyebrows lifting a bit in surprise at the sheer size and appearance. She had expected the schools like she had seen in the city. This was nothing like those. It looked like a mix between a house and a castle of sorts. Quite impressive but a school?

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    It was as they approached the main manor, walking past the large garage and its white doors and brick facade, that they would see the front door open and through it emerged a tall man with brown work boots and blue jeans. His red flannel jacket served to give him some protection from the cold though it wasn't buttoned up yet, as if he had just thrown it on as he moved through the halls and toward the front door.
    When someone like Sif approaches the school it doesn't create a huge series of alarms. She is not known as a threat to Xavier's. But she is recognized, her profile processed, identity ascertained, then the faculty are given a series of popup or text alerts to let them know. Usually one of the factory claims it.
    Which Jimmy had done.
    He saw who it was and quickly hit the accept button, then locked the screen of his computer as he rose and moved down the hall. Whatever reports and grades he had would have to wait.
    Then he was out there, descending the steps as the young woman who had answered the gate smiled and stepped away. It left him closing the distance.
    She'd see that hurried rush of steps. But then he stopped himself, slowed his gait to a more even pace. Smiling a little he said, "Hey..."

Sif has posed:
Sif was looking a bit tired, a bit worn down. Dark circles under her eyes. Her gait even seemed heavier than usual. It had been a difficult time and the toll had been taken upon her.

Then she saw him and her head lifted a bit. As he approached, she actually smiled for the first time as she scanned over that face she knew so well. He was approaching with that hurried step even as she was moving toward him at a more sedate. Then it shifted. As he started to slow, she had started to speed up. Closing the distance between them with long, ground-eating strides.

As he said that single word, she was there wrapping her arms around him, pressing to him as she pulled him against her. Not roughly but it was a good firm hug that spoke volumes. She held him there for a moment then leaned her head back, wanting to claim a kiss but knowing that there were things to be said before she took those liberties.

"Hello. I've missed you so," she told him, bringing up a hand to touch his face as she looked at him as though he was the only person in the world. Then she paused and started to step back, afraid she had already overstepped.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    He was swept into the moment, laughing a little as she embraced him and he embraced her. His hands on her back and his eyes blue eyes holding her gaze. Jimmy's lip curved up as he murmured, "I've missed you too."
    And then whatever needs to be said is forgotten, if only for one moment, and if only by him perhaps. But he is swept up and he gently touches his lips to hers. A soft kiss, of welcome and remembrance. It was a short thing and he eased back to look at her.
    "How have you been? What brings you out here?" He asks even as he starts to walk with her, his hand slipping into hers instinctively. His footsteps would kick up some of the leaves that had survived the leafpocalypse recently, yet the brush of wind kicking those leaves into the air loaned something pleasing to the atmosphere of the moment.

Sif has posed:
That kiss was enough to make her melt. Which might seem strange to those that knew the Asgardian by reputation or outward appearances when at formal events at the Embassy. While her friends knew she had that soft side, she didn't generally show it around strangers.

With him, it was on full display as they were alone here. Even when they had been at the ranch, with others that helped keep the place going, she was more likely to let her hair down and not keep up that strong exterior. That was her place, her safety net so to speak. And it really was linked with Jimmy for her.

"You." It was the immediate answer to what brought her out as she fell into step with him, that pleased little smile on her face as she looked down at their joined hands. Then back up to his face as she continued. "I wanted to tell you I am sorry. For having been caught up. For not giving you the time you deserved. You mean so much to me and I... hurt you." She said the words, sure they were true though he had not said as much to her. She just had gotten that sense in their phone call. "I hope I can earn your forgiveness and I want to be sure you know how much I need you. Not just in these times, that are difficult." She squeezed his hand gently. "But always at my side."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    For a time they walked and he didn't say anything. Though he had taken a breath and let it go gently. He looked at her as they slowly strolled around the side of the mansion, then tilted his head a little. He shook it slightly... squeezed her hand.
    "Soon as I saw you, everything felt right. So you don't need to apologize or any of that stuff. The fact that you're here now is..." The words escape him as he shakes his head, eyes distancing. Then he looks back to her and smiles, shrugging a little with his eyebrows.
    "Love you, Sif. That won't change."
    Their footsteps slow, ease as he turns to her, a hand lifting to brush fingertips through her hair. Then he says with more calm and a seriousness to it as he meets her eyes. "I love you."
    Nothing more added, just those words... in the quiet between them.

Sif has posed:
The smile on her face was as though the sun appeared after months of darkness. She felt a tightness in her chest, as though her heart was swelling in size. Her eyes stung and there was a light sheen of tears. Tears of happiness as she knew that everything was going to be alright with them.

The thought of losing him too had been completely unbearable. A crushing weight on her soul. That weight was now lifted. Even before he said those words but after, there was not a single kernal of doubt remaining.

As he touched her hair, she instinctively leaned her head toward that gentle caress as she looked into his pale eyes.

Then she stepped closer, a hand coming to rest against his chest. "And I you." Then she leaned in, first to put her forehead against his as she closed her eyes, that moment of shared intimacy that was sometimes as much, if not moreso, than a kiss. Though the kiss would follow as she tilted her head just so.