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Spider Clauses Deliver
Date of Scene: 23 December 2022
Location: The Rooftops of Queens
Synopsis: Peter and Gwen deliver gifts to the children of Queens, and catch up with Mary Jane on a brief refueling stop.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson

Peter Parker has posed:
        "Twas the night before Christmas, and all through Queens,
        Little children lay in their beds, toys in the dreams.

        The year had been hard on many of the parents,
        The trees barer than usual, not as stocked with presents.

        This caused in some a sadness, in others a great dismay,
        But to some it inspired, those who would save the day.

        And so with help from his friends Tony and Ted,
        It was Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy replacing Santa's Sled.

        Collecting toys and games and puzzles galore stuffed in twin sacks,
        Spider-Man and Ghost Spider swung through the night with gifts on their backs.

        Creeping along carefully to disturb not a mouse,
        The pair flitted from house to house.

        Gliding down chimneys as fast as they please,
        The two Spiders did Santa's work with the greatest of ease.

        Halfway through their mission, the two take a pause,
        To snap a photo of themselves in the hat of Santa Clause.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
        The night before Christmas, was trouble afoot?
        Only two spiders that didn't mind the soot.

        One hat of Santa Clause for you, and another for me,
        Even the nastiest of villains could not foresee how dapper we would be.

        Taking out her phone Gwen turns it towards them for a selfie, arm going around
        Peter's waist in a squeeze,
        Camera ready, hip thrusted to the side in a tease.

        "Spideys, say cheese!"

Peter Parker has posed:
    After turning to smile beneath his mask at the selfie, Peter leans over to kiss Gwen for the next one. "We oughta leak this to JJJ somehow," he mutters, before giving Gwen another squeeze. He adjusts the sack on his back to distribute the weight a bit more evenly. "See how he handles going after Spider-Santa." He pauses. "Spider-Clause?" He rubs at his chin for a moment, and then gives up, trotting backwards towards the edge of the building before leaping up and backflipping to the next.

    "Thanks for coming along with me on this. I know it's cold and you'd probably rather be snuggled up with milk and cookies at our place, but nothing beats the stale one the kids leave out." They had certainly had their fair share over the first two hours they had been canvassing the homes of one of the poorer sections of the bureau, distributing donations from Stark and Kord respectively.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Oooh, need to be careful." Gwen lifting a finger up, "I am sure he could spin it up to make it look like you are ruining Christmas for kids..." she puts her bag on the ground, opening her arms wide. "I can already see it. Spider-Santa and Spider-elf steal Queens' kids dreams by robbing their toys..." then she scrunching up her nose. "Not sure about Spider-elf either too, you know ..?"

"Though what else would there be? A reindeer? I don't got a red nose.."

She picks up her bag again, getting a running start to jump over to the next building as well. "Have I told you about my specially designed Janet Van Dyne suit?" Yes, she has. Multiple times. Sometimes even multiple times in the SAME day. "This one is the winter version. It has a nice warm fabric on the inside that doesn't let the cold seep in ..., not too much at least." a grin, "So I am already feeling all snuggled up ..., all over." yes, of course she had a teasing tone on those last words.

"And no, thank YOU for bringing me on this tonight. It beats being home, that's for sure."

Peter Parker has posed:
"Oh, it'd be Spider-Grinch, for _sure_, in the Bugle." Peter laughs a bit. "Well, I'm _really_ sure about Spider-elf," he says, leaning in to sneak a masked kiss. "No matter what her name is."

Peter darts down the chimney and then leaps back out again, two gifts lighter. "I need to get some better friends. Why don't _I_ have a thermal suit. I'm freezing in this thing." He doesn't make the obvious joke. His suit _is_ skin tight, though. "Maybe after you'll have to share some of that warmth with me."

He pauses to watch as Gwen takes the chimney down, and when she comes up, he smiles. "Well, we get to do that too. Maybe sleep in late tomorrow. No one commits crimes on Christmas!" And then he is off to the next house, gifts in tow.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen also doesn't go with the obvious joke. Because as Peter already mentioned the suit is skin-tight. Low-hanging fruit and all that. But the smirk is _felt_ under that mask.

As she returns back from her gift delivery down a chimney she adjusts her santa hat, quirking a brow. "Like those two what's their name that were wanting to steal a truck full of kid's stuff? Which speaking of, they sent us a merry christmas card." she grins in a self-satisfied manner. "Maybe they -have- repented." heh, maybe she's pushing her luck on that one.

"But speaking of friends ..." They are arriving back at Aunt May's. And in this case also near MJ's place. "Why don't we go knock on MJ's window?" her feet come to land on the side of MJ's place and she prowls down the side to look into that old window she knows is MJ's childhood one.

And knocks!

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Aunt Anna is out and about with her knitting circle making mittens. So Mary Jane has the house to herself. She's about to rig up Tim Burton's 'Nightmare Before Christmas' when she goes to hear someone knocking at her window.
    "Who is that knocking at my bedroom door? Quoth the Raven.." She would quip over while heading over to the window and move to open it and see her visitors.
    "Hey, hope you two are okay. Not having too much of an issue with the weather?" She would gesture at the two to come in.
    "And get in here fast, it's really cold outside! I don't want to let that much of a breeze in."

Peter Parker has posed:
"Yeah, if I had a dollar for every villain who told me they were going to repent, I'd be as rich as Mr. Stark." Peter sighs deeply, because he does truly wish that it _would_ work out, some time. But alas.

He is too slow to respond before Gwen knocks on MJ's window, but he would have encouraged it anyway. "I suppose we can take a brief break," he says, tossing his sack onto Aunt May's roof and leaping in through the open window. Not that that isn't a well practiced jump on his part.

Once within the warmth of the house, he pulls the mask of his face revealing ruddy cheeks and a warm smile for his old friend. "Merry Christmas, MJ."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen is still holding her santa bag when she climbs into MJ's place, crawling up the wall a touch before flipping back to the ground, all elegant and prim, "It's christmas, and the spider-elves come bearing gifts. Well, for the kids at least." she puts the bag oun the ground and rests her hands on her hips.

"And for you too, MJ. If you have been a good girl..." A beat, "Or a naughty one. But shhhh.." she places one hand on her lips. "We won't tell." then she letting out a soft chuckle.

"Merry Christmas!" She also takes out her own mask, some of that blonde hair tumbling down shoulders. Cheeks are red with the cold as well.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would tsk, "You two must be freezing." She would go to quickly close the window, then go to grab a couple of blankets to toss their way. "Come on, I can put in some hot chocolate for you two. Merry Christmas." She would smile extra bright.
    "How goes your patrol? Hopefully nothing too bad." Christmas could be a weird time.
    "And I don't know. I suppose that with the list I'm the one that's on the 'bad' side of things." She would qiup while going to then quickly head over to get some things for hot chocolate. "And instant mac an dcheese?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Reaching out for the hot chocolate gladly, Peter grins. "Well, tonight we're just distributing gifts to the kids of Queens. I got some donations, and Gwen and I have just been handing it out." He pauses. "Well, doing the chimney / christmas magic thing." He places both hands around the mug of hot chocolate, and leans over it to feel the warmth rise up.

"Bad side, huh? You been letting your killer barbarian out to play a bit too often?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Freezing? Oh, no no. Have I told you about the winter suit Janet designed....." Blessedly, for Peter, the rest isn't heard because Gwen follows MJ over to the kitchen to help in serving p the foods and the hot chocolate. Also gossip.


But soon enough they are back, distributing warmth and all that in the manner of hot chocolate, "Peter even nailed the ho-ho-hos when we were delivering gifts... Also, I think that kid on C-block totally saw us."

The talk about the barbarian side of MJ's gets her to look over to her friend and smile faintly. "Well, merry christmas to Sonja too."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would come out and chuckle, "Sonja is very certain that Santa is an overlord of darkness and damnation. I find her logic to be somewhat telling. She may have a point. And oooh, Janet. Janet as in Van Dyne?" Lucky!
    "Mary Christmas to the two of you." Gwen and Peter are each given a hug. Instant mac and cheese comes out a moment later from the microwave. Comfort food.
    "I have some junk food but it's not quite holiday themed."

Peter Parker has posed:
Frowning a bit as the two disappear into gossip, Peter busies himself with looking over the room for a moment. And then rearranging Gwen's sack. Maybe slipping something inside for her to find at the end of the night.

His hands are free and clear when they come back, though. "I nailed _all_ the hos," he says proudly, before pausing. "Uh, that didn't come out right." He grins. "He was totally checking out your ass, babe. For sure he saw you, and he's going to have weird complicated thoughts about Santa for the rest of his days."

Rolling his eyes a bit as the talk AGAIN turns to the Van Dyne outfit, Peter accepts the mac and cheese with a gracious nod and thank you to MJ. "I'll take anything, I'm not choosey." When it comes to junk food, of course.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Big eye roll at Peter's attempt at quipping. "Keep it in your pants, Parker.." the sigh turning into a laugh when he says they were checking her out. "I think you are just projecting now." she tells Peter. "So that's why you were staying behind all the time..."

The mac and cheese is certainly accepted and she sits down to start the devouring, grinning at MJ. "Here we are, robbing you of your food instead of bringing you out for a fancy dinner out. Well, maybe not fancy, we are poor... BUT, you can still totally deliver some gifts too if you want." a grin on her expression. "Maybe hard to climb down the chimneys though, mmmm..." she jerks her mouth to the side, thoughtful.

"Well, I am sure some people at SHIELD have kids, you can bring them some.."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would just shake her head over at the two. "Your humor's gotten worse, Peter. At this rate you're going to have Shocker out-punning you. You're slipping in your old age. You're going to lose in a dance off with Hypno Hustler." She would tease back over.

"And we have priorities. Among them clothes, shopping, and outfits. It's like having Doctor Richards be your advisor for your thesis." But with fashion!

Mary Jane would pff, "Definitely not sliding down any chimneys. And I'll see what I can do for SHIELD kids. IT's not the same though when their parents tend to check them for explosives."

Peter Parker has posed:
"I'm not so sure I like having the two of you gang up on me," mutters Peter as he looks betwen Gwen and MJ. Not that it slows him down as he chows away on the mac and cheese.

"And we've already established a _while_ ago Gwen that that's the only reason you appear to be faster than me." There is a bit of a grin there before he puts a big spoonful of mac into his mouth.

He laughs as MJ mentions an explosives check. "How is it working over there? Gotta be pretty intense, huh?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"You started it, Peter." Well, maybe not this time. But there's that quirky smile on Gwen's expression as she continues to eat the food, bright blue eyes watching Peter for a few more moments, "And besides, you know I take every advantage I can get.."

"Also, you are only faster when you cheat. Which is nearly all the time." Another spoonful into her mouth. "Ok, this is delicious MJ. It may also be due to me not having eaten in HOURS. But this is great."

"Some of those were donated by Tony, right?" She looks at Peter for confirmation. "So definitely check them for explosives or crazy tech inside." a wink.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There's a laugh from MJ, "YOu can only blame yourself, Parker. You should know better." She would tease over to him while going to settle back. "Well, my plans for the evening have mostly involved junk comfort food, movies, hot chocolate, and candy." She goes ot come out and over with some Hostess Fruit Snacks.

"Presents from Tony they'd probably destroy themselves just to be on the safe side. They'd probably have fun with the explosions so I guess that would count as a present." The fruit snacks are handed over. "If you don't want them save them for facing bad guys."

Peter Parker has posed:
"Yeah yeah yeah," remarks Peter as he grins at Gwen. He puts up one hand as if to hide his mouth as he looks to MJ and mouths along with saying audibly, "She's a sore loser."

Then it is back to the mac and cheese. "Yep, some of these are Tony's. I think he said something about experimental AI, best friends, couldn't do any harm, something something." He flashes a grin as he greatly embellishes the tale.

The spoon clatters as it comes to the end of the bowl. "Wow, didn't realize how hungry I was. Thanks MJ!" He hands the bowl back to her and then leans in for a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'd love to stay and chat, but we've got a hundred or so houses left to hit before dawn. But we should plan to meet up sometime soon. I've missed you."

He steps back and pulls the mask back over his face and looks to Gwen. "Are you ready, Ghost Spider?" he asks, adopting that slight shift of his voice that he uses as Spider-man. Grinning beneath the mask.

        And just like that, they were off to the wind.
        Their bodies with deliveries would twist and bend.

        Visiting many more houses to fill with gladness and joy,
        Until they'd visited every nice girl and boy.

        And with the presents so delivered, and no villains to fight,
        Gwen and Peter retreated home, and like all, took a good night.