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Latest revision as of 06:59, 24 December 2022

Discordants: A Look Back
Date of Scene: 23 December 2022
Location: Palace - Asgard
Synopsis: A memory from the youth of Thor and Sif.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Sif

Thor has posed:
    The sword went flying across the training yard. Again.
    It whirled in the air, twisting in the sunlight, then landed point down into the dirt where it gleamed with the noon day sun. A few rumbling chuckles could be heard from the Einherjar near as they looked on, standing guard while Bjarke their captain tried his best to hide any look on his face even as he made ready for the next bout.
    The young prince? However, was not so amused. "This is pointless!"
    He proclaimed this clearly unassailable truth as he walked across the yard, his leather and steel armor creaking with each step. He had been out in this hot day for hours now, scowling to himself as he walked back to reclaim his sword for the seventh time. He continued to build his argument as he gestured back toward the gathered Asgardians, "In all the texts and all the scripts the left hand is for defense, the shield, the parry. I have done my studies!"
    He started to pick up the sword, then scowled and picked it up with his left hand. He turned and shook his head, "This just feels wrong. It is foolish to waste this time training this way when I could become an all the better bladesman with my right."
    Then he smirked, "Though I know it is hard to improve upon perfection."
    "Please tolerate this old warrior's wishes, young Prince." Bjarke said as he took up stance, using his own blade right-handed, however. "There may come a day when you find you must."

Sif has posed:
The other young warriors were ranged throughout the area, doing their own training. Amongst them was a certain shield maiden. Sif's hair was styled into two braids, hanging over each of her shoulders and wrapped with red ribbons throughout. She was dressed more casually as today they had her working on archery. Thus she was in a top that left her midriff bare along with a skirt that was made of strips of leather in a skirt style. There was a guard on her arm left forearm to protect against the bowstring when it would slice forward, so she didn't end up with bruises or worse. Leg wraps covered her legs up to above her knee, also in a matching red.

She turned at the sound of the sword landing nearby again then the outburst from the Prince. Which had her smirking. A very not proper expression when the Prince was involved but it was nice to see that he struggled just like everyone else.

Well, the others everyone else. Not her. Because she was amazing. Or so she was positive of in her brain. "We all had to learn it. Stop crying like a babe in the crib." she called over even though she knew she'd likely get a look from Thor. And Bjarke.

Thor has posed:
    "Bah, you had to learn it because if someone unhanded you it would not be the end of the world. For we have other stable hands." Thor says so rudely in Sif's direction. He smirks and she could tell that at times he sometimes hammed it up, playing the role of brat because he enjoyed the attention. Especially from Sif.
    "Were I to lose my hand in battle, truly it would be a dark day in Asgard. Her best warrior so weakened. At such a point surely we would be held low for all in the kingdom would weep." He turned and started to walk back toward Bjarke, his boots leaving a trail of footprints in the dusty earth.
    "That was unkind, my prince." The elder Bjarke said as he raised his blade and returned to stance, making ready to engage with Thor once again.

Sif has posed:
And while she knew that, the stable thing was a sore subject for young Sif. As she did spend much time in the stables. It always stung, even when she thought he was doing it to show off.

"Best Warrior?!" came the strident notes from the woman and suddenly she had her bow slung over her shoulder to her back and she was stalking toward him and the Captain. She even grabbed one of the practice swords they kept on-hand. "I'll show you who is the best warrior in all the kingdom!"

Only to find herself grabbed by the shoulders and lifted up off the ground by her own trainer, a large man who stood tall as a tree and could probably wrestle a bear while bare handed--and win. "Back t'yer training," he told her as she squirmed to get loose, glaring daggers at Thor.

Thor has posed:
    Thor turned around and feigned such an innocent look to her, spreading his hands with the sword still in his left as he affected a confused and puzzled look at her, shaking his head as if he had no idea in the world why she would be so displeased. But then he ruined it all by winking at her even as she was carried back by her trainer having to draw rein on his oh so difficult student.
    Bjarke, however, had no illusions about his charge. "Focus, my prince."
    So Thor turned back and struck his stance, raising the sword left-handed. He frowned and to his credit he did focus, and did give all his attention then to the moment and the task at hand.
    Bjarke recognized this and began the exercise. "Ready? One. Two. Three. Four." And as he said each number his own blade flashed out, striking the guard and blade of Thor's weapon. The sound fo steel on steel was heard once again as the princeling was forced to give ground after each advancing step by the older Asgardian.
    "Attack," Bjarke snapped, which was when Thor did, his own strikes ringing as Bjarke said again, "One. Two. Three. Four." Though this time for Thor's strikes.
    "Turn, counter-step. Engage." The two moved in perfect sync, twisting to the side and then re-engaging as their swords came together. The exercise progressed until again it came to the point when he tested the young warrior harder and...
    *TING!* The sword went flying again.
    There was more laughter from the Einherjar.

Sif has posed:
Sif found herself placed back on the spot she had been firing from moments before. She pulled the bow off her shoulder, having the decency to at least look embarassed that she had to be toted back over. The wink from Thor was seen but she had to concentrate on her own task.

Which had her picking up an arrow from the nearby container and drawing it back. Holding her breath as she lined up her shot. Firing the arrow which hit in the bullseye but not perfect center. It was on the lower edge of it, almost in the circle outside.

That had Sif frowning as she drew another. Three more shots fired as she listened to the instructions from Bjarke, her mind imagining each move from her own training.

Then the TING followed by the laughter. Suddenly she turned and the arrow was loosed, driving into the ground at the toe of the man who was the loudest. She let out a hissing noise as the man turned her way in surprise. "As though you did any better when you trained! I'm sure you were far worse than our Prince!"

Followed immediately by her hissing again but this time in pain as her trainer caught her by the ear. "We do not fire at other people unless we want to kill them." Then he realized that might not be a deterrent for an angry Sif and he rephrased. "And they are an actual enemy of Asgard!"

Thor has posed:
    The einherjar raised his boot instinctively as the arrow sliced into the ground so close. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, but then amusement when he saw the trainer take poor Sif to task. Though it was a sentiment that did not go unnoticed, for as Thor made that long walk back to his sword, he smiled at her a little. Apologetically even. Though this stroll was not accompanied by a speech about the injustice of his having to learn. Instead he looked back and Bjarke once he had sword in hand. He turned and made that walk back, though there was no longer a ripple of laughter, and once he drew close he regained his stance in front of the elder Asgardian captain. "Ready when you are, captain."
    But Bjarke smiled, "Enough for the day, my prince. Though I will give you one last task if you choose to accept it."
    "I shall."
    "There is a book in the Royal Library called Way of the Sword, it is written by a man named Honung. I would ask you read it before we rejoin, and perhaps undertake some of the exercises. Then we shall see if it has aided you."
    "Very well."
    And as easy as that the training for the Prince was done for the day.
    That was the last Sif would see of him for a bit. Until, of course when her training was done. It was during her way back and down the hill from the fields that she found him leaning against the wall.
    "Ho there, Sif."

Sif has posed:
Sif was practically skipping, through not literally. She was moving down the hill at a quick pace though, an extra bounce in her step. Her usual sword was at her side, slung in her belt. She had her cloak on, with the dark fur at the shoulders.

She spotted him just as she came around a corner, leaning there comfortably. She smiled upon seeing him. "My prince," she said, that hint of amusement in her tone. She liked to call him that. The possessiveness to it. Which was just silly. He was just her friend! He wasn't cute and funny and smart and a skilled fighter. Nothing of the sort. Just her friend!

"Sorry if I caused you embarassment." Because he could fight his own battles. "They just made me so mad!"

Thor has posed:
    "No, tis I who owe you the apology." Thor says as he pushes off the wall, his smile is gentle, and there's a hint of chagrin to his features. "I spoke poorly of you, rude when I felt so pressed. I am sorry to have treated you so ill. My own foolishness and ego. Just when I'm out there in front of them all I feel..."
    He shakes his head and looks away from her, then back to her. "Like I have to perform, like... I have to be something." The words escape him. He shakes his head and smiles a little, "I hope you forgive me."

Sif has posed:
"You are something." It was an automatic response and there was a hint of softness to it, affection in her tone. Which is why when she realized how she sounded, she dropped her gaze to the side and quickly turned to continue the path down the hill. She thought he would likely fall into step as this was a routine they shared most days after training. Though not the same conversations, of course.

"Nothing to forgive. They are all standing around judging when they should be training. But once we are done with ours, we will be the greatest warriors Asgard has ever seen. The songs about us will be sung for millennia!" Then she looked over at him and smirked. "Though I will be the greater, of course."