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Latest revision as of 06:59, 24 December 2022

Birdmas Cookies
Date of Scene: 23 December 2022
Location: E04 - Empty Dorm - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Dawn tries to deliver the Spirit of Christmas to Hank, who surprises her with his own nod to the season.
Cast of Characters: Hank Hall, Dawn Granger

Hank Hall has posed:
    As the holidays approach, Dawn has likely noticed a particularly interesting aspect to Hank. He is devoid of the Christmas spirit.

    He is not _anti_-Christmas. He does not yuck anyone else's yum. He does not mock anyone for watching Hallmark movies. But he does not seem to fully engage in the spirit of Christmas. Or dress in festive clothes. Or show any interest in donning a Santa beard and letting anyone sit on his lap.

    He is just approaching it like any other day.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Unlike Hank, Dawn really seems to enjoy Christmas. The idea of holidays are charming and romantic, and a lot of the choreography she's been teaching has been holiday related. So when Dawn arrives, she's got a red and green striped scarf around her neck and some kind of bakery box carefully perched between her hip and her hand.

She peeks over at Hank. "You busy?"

Hank Hall has posed:
Looking up from his laptop, Hank slaps it down as Dawn arrives. No matter how used to her he becomes, he still takes a moment to look her up and down when she arrives. Maybe it is just as some form of flattery. Or maybe he just earnestly likes looking at her. Probably the latter.

"Never too busy for you." The broad smile certainly seems to affirm that statement. "And l certainly not for..." He looks to the box in her hand. "Whatever glory is in there."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn grins, shutting the door behind her as she heads over towards him. She sets the box down on his desk before resting an arm over his shoulders and leaning in to steal a kiss. "Well, good, because I brought cookies. You don't really seem extra excited about the holidays, so I thought I'd introduce you to the wonder that is holiday cookies." She grins, then nods towards the box.

"I hope you're not trying to keep a diet right now because I got a lot of different kinds."

Hank Hall has posed:
    Laughing at that, Hank shakes his head. "Oh, you are mistaken my dear." He grins up at her, leaning in for the kiss. "I'm _well_ aware of the wonder that is the cookies." He reaches down and opens up the box, peering in.

He laughs at the second statement. "When have you ever known me to stick to a diet?"

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn leans against him a bit, glancing over to him and the box. "Hey, it never hurts to check. Maybe you've decided you're watching your figure." It's hard for her to keep a straight face while saying that. "But these are *holiday* cookies, not just *cookies*." As she gestures towards the box and he opens it, she leans over to look at the collection she'd picked up.

It's probably about two dozen different cookies, colored red and green, some chocolate with powdered sugar on top, just a collection of things just as pretty as they are likely delicious.

Hank Hall has posed:
Glancing down, and then back up again, Hank grins. "Does it _look_ like I am watching my figure?" A grin cocks. "The only figure around here I am watching is _yours_." He slips his arm around her waist as if to emphasize that before peering into the box.

He reaches in and snags one of the cookies with his free hand, taking a bite. "Tasty."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Well, I can watch your figure for you then, two can play at that game," Dawn replies with a laugh, reaching one hand up to ruffle his hair as she grabs a cookie with her free hand. She glances over at him. "I just thought it might be nice to see you in more of a festive spirit. Christmas never been anything fun for you?"

Hank Hall has posed:
Leaning against Dawn as she ruffles his hair, Hank sighs softly. Dawn probably already knows what is coming once she hears That Sigh. "Halloween has always been my favorite holiday, since I was a kid." She can likely already hear the words before they come out next. "Christmas was Don's."

Dawn Granger has posed:
That makes Dawn wince slightly, hugging him a bit against her. Her fingers stroke through his hair. "I'm sorry if I brought up bad memories of that," she says, leaning down to plant a kiss on the top of his head. "We don't have to celebrate if you'd rather do something else. Still going to give you a present, though. You don't get a choice about that. *And* the cookies stay."

Hank Hall has posed:
There is a slight shake of his head. "No, you never need to apologize for that," Hank says, his voice somewhat quiet. "And my memories of Don are all good memories. So I don't mind being reminded of him." He looks up at her, and his smile is not forced. "I still feel his spirit inside of you, in some ways, in the things that you like, in the way that you are, and I suppose that is part of what I love about you, those same things that I always admired about him."

He reaches over and opens the laptop, and with a few quick taps it wakes up to the page that it was one when he quickly closed it upon her entrance. It is a village up in the Pacific Northwest decorated with snow, elves, and candy cane lanes. The page in question? The reservation form for a small cabin.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"I'm glad that I can at least keep that little bit of him alive," Dawn smiles, stroking his hair again. When she looks at the laptop, her smile widens. "Hank, that looks wonderful. Planning a trip for us wasn't at all what I thought to expect but that's *perfect*. You're really good at this. Now I've got to figure out the perfect thing for you."

Hank Hall has posed:
Smiling back up at her, Hank sighs quietly. He is not sure quite what to say that won't make it too weird, so instead he just leans into the plans. "You already have the perfect thing for me." he says, leaning into her and giving her a squeeze. "Hope and love."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn moves so she can sit on his lap, arms around his neck. "I have that in abundance for you. It sounds like this would be a nice peaceful thing, too. I've really wanted to get away with you. Not quite a *beach*, but there's something really cozy about cabins and snow. Taking some time away could be really nice," she says, looking over at him. "I love the Titans but it's all so busy sometimes and getting to be with just you... that's comfortable."

Hank Hall has posed:
Shifting to accommodate her on his lap, Hank nods, nuzzling his chin against her shoulder. "That's what I was thinking. Beaches are nice, and all, but.." he shrugs. "I just assumed that you'd be the Christmas spirit type, and while it's not _my_ thing..." He looks up at her. "I'd enjoy sharing _your_ thing with you."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Honestly, the things I like about it are just spending time with people I care about, sitting around a fire, just... that sort of thing," Dawn replies, looking back at him. "Halloween can be about fun costumes and people, Christmas is more like being cozy and caring. So being able to share that with you makes me happy, you know?"

Hank Hall has posed:
A nod from Hank, and he nuzzles Dawn some more. "Yeah. I do." He gives her another squeeze, and smiles up at her. "You're my Christmas wish, Dawn. And all that I need to enjoy the season."