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Latest revision as of 06:03, 28 December 2022

Supers in the Sky
Date of Scene: 27 December 2022
Location: Palace - Themyscira City
Synopsis: Kara, Alura, and Monet talk about things which lay under the sea and adapting to life on Earth.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Alura In-Ze, Kara Danvers

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It was the morning over in Themyscira. The sun rising up along the Meditteranean coastline. Monet St. Croix is just floating along as she looks into the horizon, just watching along asit would flicker up. Her mind is distant, distracted. Her legs are pulled up underneath her as if she were sitting, and her hands are on her lap.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura is with several other Amazons. She has a sword in her hand and it is.. going. Not well? not badly? simply.. going. It's clear that she has never done melee combat before in her life. The sum of her combat experiences involve a Kryptonian stun pistol in her hand. Point and touch interface.

The impressively athletic amazonian woman does a spin and cuts down towards her and she does as she was instructed, lifting her sword up. The steel clashes and Alura grips the handle just a little too tight. Steel digs in to steel and for a moment she can almost feel it breaking.

The blade cracks and spins away and she turns her head tracking its spinning movement through the air. Watching it twirl in place, the world seems to slow down for her. She reaches out and grabs it along the flat of the blade where it snapped off.

The moment ends and the Amazon looks at her rather impressed. "That's not the drill we were doing, but impressive reflexes Alura In-Ze," she says in her lovely Themysciran Greek like accent.

Alura looks a touch perplexed. She brings the broken halves back in front of her and nods in recognition of what was said to her. "I guess I'm done for today then," she says in a slightly sing song version of Themysciran. "I really need to stop breaking things."

The Amazon chuckles and pats Alura on the shoulder, "It took two of us to break it, Mistress of the forge will be impressed." She takes the two parts from Alura, freeing up the Kryptonian woman to muse on this new revelation.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara hasn't been staying on Themyscira, even with her mom here. She can't just disappear from being Kara Danvers. But she has been commuting quite a bit. Her supersenses don't take long to notice Monet, and there's almost, almost, a slight groan. Her mother and her girlfriend. This is...perhaps going to be awkward. She also sees her mother training, and sees the sword break. She remembers her own version of this; almost the first thing she did when she got here on Earth. She swoops down, tapping Monet on the shoulder in a sort of playful "tag-you're-it" kind of tap, then puts on a bit of the speed, swooping down to land on the training field.

"Hello, everyone." she offers that first in Themysciran, and then in Kryptonian, adds "Hello, Mother."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix can follow Themysciran with some moderate ability, mostly from exposure and basic lessons. However, the nuances of the language are beyond her. What little Kryptonian she knows comes from the brief mind meld with Donna that she used to follow the conversation, and her memory of them. Helped immensely by the extended linguistics lessons and discussions of grammar and syntax from Alura that had been most of her time with the woman from another world.

She's glancing along the horizon as the sound of the sword breaking catches her ears, and she goes to turn along and float in that direction.. Just in time for Kara to sneak up on her and tag her to a light yelp from M. An amused one that has her breaking in a smile. "Thank you. I suppose I am. I presume that there are no tag-backs so that means I must look for someone else, then?" She would watch over at the crack of the blade. Themysciran steel and weapon making far superior to anything perhaps but Wakandan or Atlantean.

So the woman's ability to break it with but a moderate effort has her interested.

"There might be better things for you tos par with, particularly if you're still looking to help you get better control with your powers." She would float along towards Alura with Kara, likely.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura's ears twitch a little and she looks up hearing Kara and Monet above. The stereoscopic affect of the other Amazons talking even off in the palace makes her do a 360. Her eyes settle on Kara as she lands and she walks over to her daughter and wraps her up in a big hug. "Daughter," she replies in Kryptonian and rubs cheek to cheek.

Swapping now to English so all three of them can talk, the little piece of jewellery about her neck is glowing as it is very actively helping Alura with the words and translations. Alien technology, not Kryptonian - a gift from Donna.

"I have.. I've been told that it's not about the strength of the weapon but the finesse of contact. I am to blend with the attack rather than batter it as I just did." She looks a touch amused at her own failings but this martial arts stuf is new to her - even if she did take Kara to martial arts classes as a kid all the time.

"How are you?," she asks Kara in Kryptonian and repeats the same question to Monet in English, "How are you?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara smiles to Monet. "Correct. I'm sure you could find some Amazons here to chase you." She gives her a little wink, and then looks back to Alura, as she steps up to hug. She squeezes her mother in a hug, and then steps back. "They had trouble getting me through that too. Most weapons...well, really, any weapons, aren't going to hold up when we put our full strength behind them." She explains to her mother. One difference, really...when Kara got here, she already had a full dose of yellow solar radiation. She had to deal with her full powers rather than the buildup Alura is experiencing. She isn't sure which is worse.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod over at Kara and move back from the mother and daughter to let them hug. " Well, something then to help you get a better idea of how much force you are applying to give more direct feedback? or something to help teach finer methods of control via tactile connections?" Pursuing her lips as she attempts to theorize. What information she knows about how Kara's powers work and what she has scene. Eyes flickering for just a few moments while she would hypothesize.

"It is very much a matter of finesse. Adjusting how much power you have from the engagement. Focus will be your best asset. I mgiht also suggest a degree of meditation. I hope that your arts and crafts tutlage has also been going well." She would smile tenderly. "And I have been.. Doing reasonably well."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
A nod form Alura, "Finesse. Thankfully I didn't crush the handle of the weapon this time." Her words are coming easier but it's a matter of practice and she's getting less practice with English here than with Themysciran. "But I think some of these other powers are starting to come to me. Not just the strength, but I keep hearing things off in the distance and just now? everything slowed down."

"Kal did warn me about these things but experiencing them first hand is quite the mind bender. The implications alone are immense. I really do need to do some studies on it. I think the Fortress should have everything I need to build the tools I'll need to study what's going on - but that'll be strictly family business."

She folds her arms and smiles, looking relaxed, at peace, far healthier than when she first arrived on Earth. "Kara I am going to hold a .. a .." She frowns, not finding the right word for it, so she says it in Kryptonian <<Goodbye>> .. "For your father. I know he has been gone a while for you but I only just found out so.. I need to let go. I'd like you to be there. Monet can come too."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"The Themyscirans view all of this as much as art rather than anything. It wasn't the easiest to adapt to. I deal with things scientifically, and so does mom." The earth version, rather than "mother". "On the other hand, you have something I lacked when I tried this. Patience." She tells her mother with a smile.

Then she looks between Monet and Alura. "Sooo...I'm guessing you two already had some relevant conversations without me around?" She feels just a little bit like she's stepping into a trap. It's not a feeling she enjoys.

Her expression falls a little at her mother's words, and she adds the correct Earth word. "Funeral. I was...I was hoping when you made it here, there was a chance that somehow he was...still out there. Somehow."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would bow her head over at the two as she would listen and close her eyes, "It is.. Difficult. It is much the same for telepaths in ways. When your pwoers come on and you hear every thought, and you have no ability to filter them or to tell what is going on." She would muse sadly. "And it is.. The norm for powers to manifest during periods of extreme stress or agitation. So you are already upset and then you hear everyone's thoughts aruond you. The first thing one leanrs out of pure necessity is how to block the voices."

Nodding a bit over at Kara, "She.. Explained to me how your language works. It was very instructive." That is Alura's decision to elaborate on. One does not get to correct someone else's mother! A t themention of a 'goodbye' she would bow her head gently and nod.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura presses her lips together a moment and she strokes a hand down Kara's hair affectionately, "No." There is nothing more to be said there. He didn't make it. No one in Argo city did. Donna filled her in on that - the goodbye won't be just for Zor-El.

"There is no one to carry the heart of the mediators guild with them to conduct it, so I'll do my best but. Well, this is Earth, Rao does not watch over her us here. We'll say Funeral as best as we can."

Changing the subject so as not to dwell on their loss too much she smiles to Monet and then explains to Kara, "She told me you two have begun to explore a connection." She pauses and rolls her eyes, "You are dating." Earth concepts are weird.

Though Kara mentioning her lack of patience does bring a small smile to her face, as well as a flood of memories of Kara as a young girl trying to do and be all the things at once. Not that getting in to an alien mind is easy, but Monet has clearly had some practice with Kryptonians.

"As for teaching her Kryptonian - she learns fast and wanted to know what the glyphs on my bracer meant." She touches the bracer on her arm but doesn't activate it. If Krypton had survived one more year Kara would have been given one. Alura intends to make one for her using the Fortress.

Kara Danvers has posed:
    The younger Kryptonian listens, but she doesn't reply. The confirmation that there's no miracle surprise for her has her a little crestfallen. But she perks up a bit, forcing herself to, when the bracer is mentioned. "Did you have any more luck pinpointing the underwater coordinates you mentioned?" she looks to her mother. And she smiles a little to Monet. <<So do you understand this?>> she asks in Kryptonian. She knows Monet picks things up insanely fast.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod at Alura softly. Her expression smoothing. She understood sadness, even if it was something she rarely showcased herself. Or admitted that she felt openly. It was something she understood all too well. Even if she rarely shared it.

"You are here and it shall always survive in you. In your family. In your lineage and history. They will always be there and you have your planet's memories alive within you."

There seems to be a private conversation going on between mother and daughter of the small looks and smiles going back and forth. That gets a somewhat brighter smile from M. A private sort of dynamic that her two sisters shared. Her looking fondly for a moment before the conversation would go back again. "I.. Have at least some following of it. The basics of the language, at least verbally. I have not attempted reading. Between your mother's lessons adn what Donna shared with me, I can at least engage in very basic conversation so long as you do not expect fluency in technical details or exchanges."

Underwater coordinates? That was something that suddenly interested her.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura shakes her head to Kara. "No. I'll need the facilities at the Fortress to find it. After the initial signal it's gone quiet. I think that might have used the last reserves it had. When we find it we'll have to power it back up - but if what Kal tells me about our powers that won't be difficult at all."

She catches sight of Monet's face. Curiosity is a fairly universal concept and Humanity is very similar to Kryptonians in so many subtle ways. Likely because of their very very distant shared progenitor race.

"We sent with our children a .. " she pauses looking for the words again as the jewellery glows a little more trying to help, "Survival shelter? one for Kal and one for Kara. It seems the one we sent with Kara got lost along the way. We're going to find it."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara smiles at the reply from Monet. <<Then I'll do my best to keep it simple.>> She says in Kryptonian, and then looks back over to her mother's reply. "Likely not." She lets her eyes glow red a moment, and smiles. "Walking, talking capacitors. That's the entire basis of our powers." And then her eyes go back to their normal blue.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod thoughtfully as she would think the ocean. "The Atlaneans have rather good maps. You might be able to get some to use as a basis." Unless the idea is for the two to work from the FOrtress as a personal project together to spend time with one another.

Monet would look over at Kara and smile, "I can make out that much." She would reply in English, then do the same phrase in Kryptonian. Rather stiltedly, but enough to make it work. "How did she get separated from it in her arrival? Or was it separate than the stasis pod she arrived in?"

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura watches those glowing eyes, seeing something in her child she's never seen before. It's a strange thing to witness but she also knows such an ability will be hers soon too. Unsettling but that's what this world does to them. She nods her head, the nature of that capacitance has her very intrigued and she's already written down theories and notes she wants to test.

"I don't know much about the Atlanteans but I do know most of this world is covered in water. Needle in a haystack. But yes, you've asked a good question. The better question is how Kara arrived after her cousin."

It's clear that has been on Alura's mind of late. She has theories but no answers. The ship Kara came here on likely won't yield many revelations either. It wasn't exactly being sent out as a scientific mission. Jor-El planned everything to the smallest detail, which is why she doesn't understand how it is the plan failed. The man was meticulous.

"But it is what it is," she says looking slightly excited that she used an English phrase correctly. She has been studying after all and it's hard to keep an El from learning new things.

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara nods, looking thoughtful. "Donna has probably already checked with the Titans, but it would be a good idea if I follow up on it. Or with the League, or with G.I.R.L." She looks a little excited. "Keep at it, Mom! You'll have this under control in no time." And then she gets to introduce her to her Earth family. Yeesh. She looks over to Monet. "Any chance of checking it with your contacts."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would smile, "It sounds like you have a project. And I can try.. However, I have no one that I can think of what would have access to deep sea oceanic surveys. Nor particular off-planet contacts that might be qualified. I can give you some astrophysicists to talk to but they would be more into the mechanics of how it might have arrived than where it ended up." And she onl knows them by reputation.
    "And good, it is something for you to do together. And it shall be interesting to rediscover things."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura smiles. Things to do with Kara is always a good time. And getting to know Monet a bit better. She gives her daughter a shoulder squeeze and says, "Under the golden rays of Sol." A play on the old Kryptonian saying 'under the gladsome rays of Rao'.