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Moving On Up (Vivian's Song)
Date of Scene: 25 December 2022
Location: Meeting Room - GIRL Headquarters
Synopsis: Val, Viv and Janet meet at GIRL headquarters. Vivian needs a sounding board so she can start her 'life map' after graduating high school.
Cast of Characters: Valeria Richards, Janet van Dyne, Vivian Vision

Valeria Richards has posed:
Simulated canine companions had been a concurrent project between Valeria and Vivian for a while now. Project Sparky had been going great last time Val peeked in on it.

And Val's holographic canine project. That she's come to name 'Holly the Holodoggo' had been pretty sound.

Which is why Val is in the GIRL labs.

Dressed for the colder wearther, a blue woolen turtle neck. Comfy tight skinny jeans and white sneakers. The blonde is at the meeting table tinkering with her wrist computer plugged into an unpowered hover drone.

Some systems checks because some people are just always going to be working on things till the last minute. Not that she's there yet.

And she could have just invited friends back to her placve while most of the Fam Four is out. But GIRL seemed like a better idea and a reason to get rid of the lab stank.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
It's a chilly East Coast day even with the sun shining; the constant inland wind carries salty ocean spray for dozens of miles and lays down a cool front that only breaks against the Appalachians.

The on-site security hastily moves ahead of Janet to get the doors for her as she enters the GIRL headquarters. They only break off once they approach the restricted research areas that only Nadia can whitelist. Janet's in a deeply maroon silk blouse and a close-fitting skirt in a complementary shade of hunter green. Cordovan booties with a modest chunk heel are at least somewhat reliable on the ice and snow, and over the whole affair Janet's wearing a calf-length camelskin leather coat, complete with a dense white cotton neckline and cuffs.

"Hey, Val," Janet hails the blonde without preamble. "Have you seen Viv running around? I told her I'd drop by today so she could talk about some things."

Vivian Vision has posed:
With her final years exams at HHHS over Vivian has a lot more time to do science. Which is why she's been at GIRL a lot more than usual. SPARKY has been progressing well, at least for a project that complicated, and it's a good excuse to hang out and be social. Besides with the holiday season upon us most people at the school dorms aren't around.

And with her fourth birthday only a few days off the company is welcome.

She doesn't need to wrap up for the weather. But her typical outfit of yellow cargo pants and a green sweater are ideally suited for the season. Well the weather anyway. The cargo pants are not exactly festive dress. Running is perhaps an unlikely activity for her to be engaged in around GIRL. Except in the metaphorical sense. Valeria probably last saw her going through a stack of print outs from various websites. Unrelated to dogs. So clearly not research for SPARKY or Holly. Even a brief search of the computers would find an eclectic mix of college info and New York property sites.

Valeria Richards has posed:
Almost distracted enough to miss Jan's arrival the blonde peeks up and unplugs the wrist computer for the drone.

"Hey Jan, I'm sure she's about somewhere. If she's expecting you. Think she's college hunting. Still looking to have the educational life. So I figure we'll see her pledging sororities soon as summer is over as well." she guesses playfully.

The drone in thetable is collected and Valeria sets it down just on the ground by her feet where she sits, leaning over to reach the ground.

"Still working on making sure mass production can be cheap enough on this but for now. Holly, wake up!" she states and the drone starts floating on small repulsors. Likely that side of the tech was cribbed from her father's HERBIEs. There's a flicker and then soon after a holographic projection on a fully grown Husky appears. In all it's hard light floofy adorable ness.

The bark of greeting even sounds right too. As it turns to also offer a woof in henlo to Jan.

"This is Holly the Holodog! Future companion for those that could need a service animal but can't have one for whatever reason!" she introduces.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet's brows lift at Valerie's impromptu demonstration. She digs her phone out of her coat pocket (yes, it has those) and snaps a short video of the dog from two different angles. "That's... seriously cool, Val," Janet congratulates the blonde inventor. The socialite reaches out and touches the construct carefully. "Even the fur feels realistic. Is this something you're making for the Baxter Foundation, or are you going to market it through GIRL?"

At the same time she talks Janet taps out a fast text to Viv: 'im here, meeting room'.

Vivian Vision has posed:
It doesn't take long for Viv to arrive. She just walks through the adjacent wall. Straight from the office she was holed up in and into the meeting room. "Good day Janet," she greets with a little wave. "And hey Val I hope your work has been progressing smoothly." She glances around and then nods towards the meeting room table. "Is it okay if I sit?" She blinks a few times. "It seems more appropriate for important decisions to be seated at the table."

Or at least the closest to normal Vivian and her extended family might get.

"I hope you can provide some advice and input too Val. It's just... as I am due to graduate from High School I am... at a loss as to what I do next." She chews at her lip. "I'm unsure if I can legally enrol in a college and I don't really have an established living situation. Vision does not have a place I could move back into." She blinks. "Not within a reasonable commute to everyone I know anyway. I'm not keen on moving to Europe."

Valeria Richards has posed:
There is a hmmm.

Holly gets in on things, the AI simulating happy canine behaviour leans in and starts fawning over Jan for pets and attention. "I've been kinda self financing a while. This is still just a prototype. But being I am still a Richards and a member of GIRL I may if I end up finally getting these out to the public push it as a joint project. Technically I've had more help via GIRL. And it started as just something to help Viv. But I kinda saw the potential in her project as something for other people. How many folks could do with a seeing eye dog or other servive animal. But their allergic, or they can't keep live animals in their homes. Then there's also other fields like say security and law enforcement." she starts explaining.

One benefit or possible feature by omission. No doggo drool and it's coded to not lick, just head boof and nuzzle instead. More cat like but it beats making a mess of Jan's outfit.

"Technically I never went to school Viv. My education is kind of unothodox to say the least. College though. I'd suggest maybe staying in New York. ESU, Columbia, NYU. They got some pretty decent science programs. The foundation kicks in a lot of money."

Viv's worries get Holly heading over to boop and give the Synthezoid some of the same attention as Jan, trottinfg back and forth.

"Living arrangements are easy. We can set you up with a place in the city if you want your own space. Or you can crash at the Plaza. The legal thing. You got to do high school. Then you can totally do college!" she reassures,

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet backs off reflexively when the dog turns to assault her with love, and she stiffarms the projection before it can shed (virtually) on her. "Yes, good dog, no, don't come-- stop--" Janet casts around and finds a wrench someone left on a table. She offers it like a treat to the dog, then tosses it to the other side of the room. "Go fetch!"

She flicks her coat for any stray hard light hairs and opts to sit on the side of the table rather than taking a chair. She nods along with Val's suggestions before offering her own to the conversation.

"Viv, why do you want to go to college?" she inquires of the synth. "You can memorize any fact or figure you want. You reaally want to spend a few years sitting in front of an aging teacher having him tell you what atoms are made of?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Happy Harbour and a New York college are /very/ different case studies," Vivian explains earnestly. "Happy Harbour High School was, I believe, originally set up by Tony Stark. But it seems like SHIELD and at least one other intelligence agency took over the day to day running. I've been allowed to study there despite not legally being a person as much because they're worried a teenage AI could go rogue and try take over the world as for my own benefit. I agreed to this because I wanted to prove that I could integrate into Human society."

A shrug, then a casual lowering of her hand to pet the doggo.

"A major college is going to have legal questions about my enrolment. And while money might smooth those objections over I don't want to be in a position where my attending could cause disruptions to scholarships or research agreements. And if something went wrong and my being there caused a dispute..."

And then Janet hits her with the big question. Why. She pauses and frowns. "Because I want to understand what it's like to be Human? And college is how Humans learn about more complex subjects which high school is not suited to teach. I'm also unsure what else I could do with my time. I do not really need money and would only be working for the same reason I was studying."

The synthezoid pouts "I just.. don't want to be constantly standing around waiting for a crime to happen so I can punch someone."

Valeria Richards has posed:
"No shedding, no drool, no mess Jan. You could hug Holly as much as you need. The full realism is toned down. I mean I could include it but one of the benefits is that there's nothing to clean! Your outfit is saved. It won't even chew shoes. Fetch slippers but no ruining them!" Val points out.

Holly soon gets the idea and comes to lay down and appear to rest at Valeria's feet. It does simulate light doggo snoring though. Turning in a circle three times before laying down.

"Paying your way, not a problem. You're best friends and fam are insanely rich. And any school that threatens your ability to learn. The only thing they really respond to is money. They wanna keep theirs they give everyone a shot at an education. Even if you get your course work and exams done on time or early why should they care. Leaves you time to experience college like most girls. Party, dance, date, join a sorrorty. There may be paddling I hear. But hazing is like being less of a thing these days." she points out.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Yeah, any college questions--" Janet flicks her fingers near her throat to concur with Val's statement. "Make a fifty-thousand dollar donation to the school and they'll find all kinds of ways to overlook the proper paperwork," she bids Viv.

Valerie's advice largely sails past Janet's attention, and she only really relaxes when the dog curls up and 'sleeps'. Janet is very clearly not a pet person, it seems.

"College has two types of people. The ones who know what they want to do in life, and the ones who don't." Janet points at herself. "I paid cash for most of my higher education. The classes I really *needed* were, like, the fine details of business administration. Some executive leadership seminars. And working creatively, you have to have a coach to help guide you through your growth," she admits.

"But college isn't going to magically give you a sense of, uh,--" Janet snaps her fingers, thinking. "Completion? I guess. If you want to go there to learn something, something you can't pick up on your own, that's one thing. But going to school for the sake of going to school has put a lot of people into a narrow track where the only thing they learn to do is something they don't *love* to do. Get it?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"That still does not solve the 'legally I am not a someone I am an object' problem," Vivian points out. Then there's a bit of a blush and she shyly adds "As for the dating part I... might be in the process of dating again. I took some time after Kamala and I... well you know. But it's not official yet. We haven't been anywhere but. I think there are plans to do something date-like. Soon. I hope."

She coughs. Purely for show as she has no need to cough.

"That's not really the main point of why I wished to talk about things. I just.. there are billions of Humans and my entire purpose for being is to learn about you all. And I find I have no idea how to best go about it. Do I learn medicine and try to assist providing medical aid to superheroes? Finance and.. no that seems highly unethical." She drums her fingers against the table and sighs again. "As for the narrow track issue. I don't know if that is a concern for me? I can probably expect to live a vastly extended lifespan compared to a Human. Regardless of which track I pick I will inevitably want to try something different eventually. It's in my nature to want to try new things."

Valeria Richards has posed:
"The legal thing is probably going to take a long time. It isn't like it's just you and Vision senior that have that struggle. Sentient rights still got a long way. But bribery will at least get you buy for now. Greed is a pretty big facet of humanity." Val points out with a nod and a snap point oif hert fingers. "Make use of it while you can and you can do some good in the world despite the fact that greed isn't good despite what that guy said in the eighties." she adds.

The part about dating gets bright blue eyes gleaming. "Wow, awesome. I hope you're still being careful and not making some of the choices I did when I was dating. Well I mean you're not dating boys so that's a step up from my history." she adds at her own expense.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet pats the air with a pained expression. "Girls, focus, one thing at a time," she bids them. Her hands rest in her lap and loosely intertwine, a pose that is somehow very relaxed and yet would serve well for a magazine cover.

"Viv, you've got to stop defining yourself by what we need you to do," Janet tells the synth. "The whole point of the human experience is figuring out something that ..." she pauses to collect her words. "Something that enriches the body and soul. Because money absolutely can buy happiness. Now I know you've *got* money," she tells Viv. "So sustaining yourself isn't a problem. If you go to college-- and i'm not saying 'don't', I'm just--" Janet makes a gesture intended to be equivocating. "If you go, decide up front if you're going for the education or the 'experience'. Val's one of the smartest people on the planet, and she's not any worse off for havnig skipped past English 101."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I can assure you my decision isn't based around what anyone requires of me," Vivian states emphatically. "I wouldn't even dream of studying any sort of science because what a college teaches is so far behind what we do here it'd be like... like asking a cowboy from the wild west how the large hadron collider works. I just.. I want to help people in a way which is more constructive than resolving whatever immediate crisis needs physically beating up. I know there are situations where that just has to be done. But it's not enough for a life."

As Janet mentions money she gives a little wave of her hand. "I have been devoting a portion of my processing power to cryptocurrency mining. I could convert it into dollars with relative ease and route it through a holding company that could make purchases on my behalf. And I don't eat or drink. So my expenses are minimal. Except for a living space of some sort. Which can be pricey in New York. I can probably cut costs by getting a place which isn't zoned for residential use."

She looks down at her hand. Fingers still drumming against the table. "I like making art, playing chess and spending time on all of my other hobbies but none of them leap out at me as something I'm destined to do. But people in Human media so often talk about finding themselves at college is that just.. not a thing?"

Valeria Richards has posed:
"You also kind of have to worry about the possible boredom factor. Class work, lectures, tutorials, you can get most of it done in a snap. Group work might be the thing for social interaction. You'll be the smartest one in any room there so I'd suggest letting the others figure as much out as they can. They're there for their edcuation and learning. It'll be when you get through to any doctorate level studies where the fun stuff is." Valeria points out with a smile.

She might have a lot of expertience being the smartest person in the room. "Till then, just do the work you need. Fast as it's needed. You don't need to spend three to nine years waiting for everyone else to catch up."

"Finding yourself..." there's a handwaggle. "There's very few people on this planet that truly say they found themselves. Even I don't know what I really wanna do with my life cause everything I could do. Someone else is doing it, has been for longer." she says and shrugs.

"When even world domination is possible but others are doing that. The amount of things i've invented only to find out Dad or Uncle Doom did it already."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Uh, excuse me--" Janet looks at Val, points at herself. "I knew exactly what I wanted to do when I was seventeen, and I'm doing it," she observes. "And I'm really good at it. Plus I do the superhero thing on the side, which I guess contributes to keeping my moral center a little more on the 'good' side."

She looks back to Viv and spreads her hands. "Look, Vivian-- I'm not saying I have all the answers. I think people 'find themselves' because it's the first time they were on their own. Had to make their own decisions and deal with the consequences. You're a legit superhero, hon, you're going to be leaps and bounds ahead of the others in terms of maturity. If you want that college experience, like Val said-- you can do anything or become anything you want. If all you want is the peer experience, well... it's not like we can't spare the money for tuition and a nice condo near the campus."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Boredom is... Val you know how many thoughts I can process and how quickly I process them. Even when I am engaged in conversation I need to occupy myself while people are talking so I don't get bored waiting for each word to be formed. If I don't find something to take up my time that will leave me even more time to fill," Vivian points out, forcing a smile. "But maybe I need to take some time to figure things out? I do not... need to be employed or in education right away do I?"

She glances at Janet and shyly adds "I.. must admit I do not wish to disappoint you, Doctor Pym or Great Aunt Nadia. It's not my primary motivation but I would significantly prefer an outcome in which you are proud of me over one in which you are not."

"It... seems like maybe if I don't know what I want I could just... take the time I need to figure that out? Get my own place. Dabble in my hobbies and maybe travel a little while still keeping up my responsibilities with the Titans and GIRL."

Valeria Richards has posed:
Val rolls her eyes at Janet's reaction. "I said few Jan. Not none." she reminds. There's a chuckle. "So I just tend to work on whatever grabs my attention. I doubt I'm advancing cybernetics, AI development, or even holography and simpulation. But it's fun, it's actually practical and could make lives better." she points out.

Much of the flow with which she will go.

"Hey, Viv, the fact you aren't trying to subjugate the world and or eliminate all the meat bags. That you even want to protect our squishy water filled butts is an accomplishment." she points out. "Ain't no one ever disappointed!" she reassures more.

"Totally, take that time off. Work on your art and stuff. Spend time whith whomever you're dating now or at the time. Maybe the path will click in place during it." she suggests with a sagacious grin.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Some of the starch leaves Janet's shoulders and she smiles with a rueful but deeply fond expression for Viv. She's distracted by Val's playful rejoinders, and shakes her head in helpless amusement at the blonde's verbal sallies.

"Trust me, Viv, I will *always* be proud of you," she assures Vivian. "You're a remarkable young woman despite being all of four years old. You've learned a lot about being human, more than people ten times your age. The only time I'd be disappointed in you is if you made a conscious effort to NOT follow your aspirations. But I also know there's literally nothing you can't do," she assures Viv. "Whether you want to conquer the business world or help out the little guys.

"But, uh--" she glances at Val, back to Viv. "Maybe don't decide to hurtle into the next step with whatever her name is. Rushing a relationship is the one thing that is worse than rushing a career goal." A grin spreads across her face and she flickers a knowing, sage wink at the two younger women.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision nods. As much to herself as in response to the comments. "Then a gap year seems like a good idea," she decides. "It's more common in Europe than America according to my research. But I'm trying to learn about all of Humanity not just America so that should be fine. And as you rightly pointed out. I am only about to turn four. Chronologically speaking. By that point most organics are still trying to figure out basic functions."

She sticks her tongue out at Val. "The moment I mention world domination is when you know my core programming has been taken over. It's hard enough work keeping the rest of GIRL out of trouble. Trying to keep several billion people in line would be a sign I had lost all sense of reason."

She tilts her head at Janet and blushes some more. "I am unsure precisely which next step you mean," she starts. "But I don't think we'll be moving in together or anything just yet. I.. suggested we start things off casually in a more.. uh... open manner? No pressure and no commitments yet. As I said we have yet to really go on a date. She just modelled for my art and we got along very well. And intend to see where things go from there." She leaves a beats pause then adds "Also we need to get to know each other better. Make sure neither of us is secretly evil or running an international crime syndicate."

Valeria Richards has posed:
There's a snappoint and nod in agreement to Jan's advice about rushing into relationships. "So no cohabitating for a while. You should be anle to skip the hair pulling an bullying part of awkward courting as well. Four years is a lot when you also have a massively fast intenal clock speed. So don't move in with her. It's kind of a thing that happens so often with lesbians it's kind of a running gag among them. We can set you up witha room at the Plaza if you need one till you can get a place. Even use our names if you don't want the hassle of legality." she adds and grins. The blonde having switched teams herself not so long ago.

Whether that sticks remains to be seen.

"If anyone is gonna conquer the world it's probably going to be me. There are some nations where my legal name is Von Doom, including Latveria." she jokes and chuckles as she beams a grin back and forth between Jan and Viv. "You've got more humanity than a whole bunch of humans. So don't sweat the being evil thing." she adds and nods with more reassuring.