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Latest revision as of 03:24, 2 January 2023

New Year, New Checkup
Date of Scene: 01 January 2023
Location: Wellness Office
Synopsis: Introductions were made, fears were hopefully subdued and samples were collected. The mystery continues!
Cast of Characters: Henry McCoy, Razili Darnell

Henry McCoy has posed:
It's a new year, which means a new set of checkups for those students in need! A combination health and wellness checkup, along with a discussion on the control and understanding of their gifts. Some of the students weren't always able to control their powers, and that was one of the goals sought at Xavier's - the understanding and knowledge of oneself, to better control their mutations and live a safer life. Somtimes it was just working on a way to work around the powers, or protect others from them - other times it was a fine-tuning of the control of the student. Either way, Henry was one of the staff involved in reaching these goals.

Having just returned from a trip abroad for the holidays, Henry was already back to work. He'd offered up appointments on New Year's day for those souls brave enough to take them, or those who weren't recovering from celebrating the night before. He was seated at the desk in the wellness center, flipping through reports on the terminal there. It wouldn't suprise him if folks were rescheduling, given the date - but at least he has time to familiarize himself with the history of those who were supposed to attend today. A cup of hot tea sat nearby, sipped occasionally as he turns over various line items in his head.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    A zipped-up hoodie with the hood up, tearaway pants, flip-flops, glasses with no lenses, and cotton gloves arrives at the door to the wellness office. The glove raises, along with the hoodie sleeve, and knocks. "Excuse me," a girl's voice says. "Is this the wellness office?" The figure the clothes are draped on is feminine, at least, matching the voice, but there are zero visuals aside from that interaction. "I'm supposed to come get checked out to make sure I'm healthy?" There was uncertainty in that statement.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Even with the record Henry on file, it was still a bit of a shock to see the disembodied clothing appear with no one in them. Henry blinked for a moment, his brain processing what he was seeing. "Miss Darnell?" He asks, flipping back to that file on the terminal. His smile is friendly, welcoming. "Come in, come in." He offers. "Have a seat, please. I'm Doctor Henry McCoy." The introduction, needed or not, is given out of politeness.

"How are you doing? Adjusting well at Xavier's?" No real deep questions to begin, it's clear he's trying set a friendly, comfortable environment.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    One of the things that was a mixed blessing was that Razili's face was always unreadable. She'd be great at poker, really if she controlled her body language. Her smile at being so respectfully called 'Miss Darnell' was invisible as the rest of her. She walks in and sits where she thinks she's supposed to. "Hello, Doctor," she says after wiping the smile off her face. "I guess I'm adjusting okay. People stare less, which is nice. I don't think I've had to go invisible to run and hide since I got here." She doesn't explain her terminology on that one. She gets to stare, having no eyes, no matter where her face is pointing. She does take her hood down. Something about the furry, blue mutant puts her instantly at ease, which is immediately evident in her relaxed shoulders and slight slouch. Okay, maybe she shouldn't take up poker.

Henry McCoy has posed:
What little body language he can discern, tells Henry a bit about her ease level today. "That's good - one would hope you don't have to run and hide." She gets a wry grin. "Teens, however, have a way of making people want to run and hide, depending on the situation." The man gives a slight chuckle. "If you ever run into any issues, we have counselors and faculty that are more than happy to listen and help where possible." More assurances - he can only imagine how life must be when you can't see yourself on a regular basis.

"I think you will find that when people look at you here, it's out of curiousity - we all have our gifts, some manifest physically." He motions to himself. "Or ... don't in your case." A chuckle. "I am sure they are trying to understand you, as opposed to anything malicious, sinister or rude." Henry nods. "If you catch someone staring, the best method to clear things up is to talk to them."

A tap to the monitor. "We have what was provided as your medical records." A smile. "I wanted to clear up with you, as you are the one living in your body, are there special needs you have? Anything we can do to better accomadate your time here in the school?"

Razili Darnell has posed:
    "Yes, sir," Razili acknowledges as the good doctor tries to reassure her about the student body.
    When he asks about her medical needs, she considers for a moment and says, "I don't know." She clears her throat and admits, "I know that's not helpful. I haven't really had any medical emergencies. Mom and I were super careful when I was growing up." She hesitates briefly. "I don't have eyes?" she tries, tilting her head slightly to the side and shrugging slightly.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Oh! That is noted down. "How do you perceive? Can you tell?" A chuckle. "I realize this might be difficult in answering, of coure - I don't know is a completely acceptable answer." He adds, to make sure he's not grilling the young woman. "We may have access to more advanced tests and tools to help determine more about you, along with plenty of studious doctors such as myself." A nod.

"Has anything been bothering you? Feeling under the weather?" A look to the medical records. "It looks like they did send along some baseline measurements for your vital signs, so that's good."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili closes up a little bit. One thing she doesn't like is to be known. Limits and boundaries of her physical form make her feel more exposed. Being unclothed means being unseen. She's less revealed when she's uncovered. Clearly, her biology is a little different from a normal girl's, even beyond not being able to see it. "I don't know, sir," she confesses. "Nobody knows, sir." Her perception of the world around her is five senses, the same as a human, but her five senses are taste, smell, touch, hearing, and...just question marks on her medical records.
    Razili pulls a phone out of her pocket and pulls a glove off, manipulating the screen a bit before lifting it. She can at least see the screen. "Here," she says, showing a Google Doc that looks like a list of things she's noticed about herself and the world around her through her non-shared sense. When one is unique in such a way, one has to explore on one's own.
    The list is definitely interesting. Inability to see color, but can see what's on screens. Windows are weird. People sometimes glow in ways other people can't see. No difference between noon and midnight in ambient light. Perhaps most importantly: Razili can 'see' herself. She is not invisible to her own senses.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Even with her being transparent, he can sense the shift in discussion as she closes off a bit. "I'm not trying to pry, honest. We've different methods and different minds who can help you find out about your mutations, but that is at your discretion. We're not one to force such things, I promise." Henry's smile is genuine, as is his intent.

Looking at the Google Doc, he nods - bringing his reading glasses down to perch on his nose. "If you are comfortable with that, would you mind sharing that file with the medical staff here? If not, I understand as well." A slight grin at that. "You have a wonderfully unique way of viewing the world, Miss Darnell."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Raz hesitates, not really knowing how to take that compliment. She falls back on, "Thank you." She does what she has to do and shares the document privately with Doctor McCoy. She pockets her phone. It's a very cheap, prepaid phone. Not a lot of functionality there. Her clothes look worn or faded, and top and bottom are too baggy on her. She's hiding in them.
    She spends some time quietly looking over the doctor. After a little bit, she asks, "Doctor?" However, after saying this, she closes up again, shyly. She shakes her head. "No, nevermind."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The share is accepted, no further sharing needed. Doctor patient privacy, and all! "You are very welcome." He responds, still in a good mood. There's a note made in her records, to see Dr. McCoy for furter information or assistance with the young woman's nature.

As she offers over an inquisitive remark, he cants his head. Then she withdraws it, the man chuckling. "Feel free to ask anything you like, Miss Darnell. I've some things I cannot speak on, but generally I am an open book."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    "Can I feel your fur?" Razili asks. Sight is the most obvious primary sense in humans, and smell for dogs. It's not explicitly stated, but it's possible Razili's visual analogue isn't as dominant for her as her other senses. Maybe she's just curious. She doesn't really give a reason.

Henry McCoy has posed:
It's not too odd a request, it's happened before. "Certainly." Henry rolls up the arm of his labcoat, revealing his furry blue arm. He puts his arm out on the desk, easily within reach of Razili. "It has changed over time - it's always been rather thick. I think with my most recent... change in my mutation, it's certainly become more feline. I think I have a bit of an undercoat." He jokes.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili's glasses move closer. Then she takes them off. He can feel her breath to know she's still close. Also, he can now confirm that she breathes. Her gloveless sleeve raises and his fur parts as her invisible fingers touch him. She certainly feels as real as any other student! She pinches some of the fur between her fingers. "It is," she agrees, exploring a bit more. "You have really strong muscles," she points out, as if he doesn't know. Finally, she concludes with another question as her hand is retracted, the fur springing back, but the vague echo that his fur was touched remains as she doesn't brush it back into place. "Why do you wear so much? Doesn't the fur cover you enough to be decent for most of you?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
A wry grin from the man. "Part of my mutation - increased muscle mass and such. It helped me before I had fur. I was quite the collegate athelete." Henry recollects. "All the fun of playing the sport, and more advantages in doing so. It wasn't really fair on my part, but I was young and brash." Ah, the exhuberance of youth!

"Clothing? I suppose it is for modesty. Fur, while nice, doesn't necessarily completely cover one for the sake of being proper." A chuckle. "I would say it is also for the comfort of those around me. It helps remind people that I am a human being, mutant or not."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    "I think you're pretty," Razili says. From her tone of voice, she's clearly trying to reassure him. She even continues. "Maybe I'm bias, but I have no problem thinking of you as a person." She cleverly side-steps the 'human/mutant' terminology confusion. She runs gloveless and gloved hands over her head. His scans of her would show she has no hair anywhere. Rather his opposite in that way. "I have to force myself to imagine I'm pretty, too. We all need to feel like we're not ugly, sometimes." Small town she grew up in, visibly mutant children were almost certainly called ugly.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A slight blush - obvious in his posture - sweeps over Henry. "Thank you, Miss Darnell." A smile. "It's... easier for those of us who have unusual appearances to be more accepting of them, generally. "I am certain that you are quite pretty as well. Life is too diverse to attribute anything as ugly, truth be told. We are all fascinating in how we are built and grow." Henry chuckles. "I am hoping you will find your equilibrium here, of course. I am sure that any number of our socials will help make our students feel more at ease in their own skin." A tap of a claw on the desk. "That said, rest assured that the quote-unquote normal people go through these feelings as well."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili smiles. That's invisible. She also giggles a bit at making Doctor McCoy blush. That part is less hidden. The fact that she's showing him means a lot, whether he knows it or not. She puts her other glove on. She hesitates before speaking. "You could feel my face," she offers. "Like a blind person." She'd never seen a blind person do that except in movies, but he was a doctor, so maybe it was appropriate? Regardless, it was trust. Trust between potential friends.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a pause, the man thinking on that. "All right. You place my hands, though. I do not want to accidentally poke you." His sleeve is rolled back down, and those claws of his retract. While not nimble like before, he still has digits - very much more feline than not. He leans forward a bit, offering his hands to her to place. A patient smile, he waits - not wanting to accidently bonk her in the face or any such thing.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    "Good luck poking my eye out," Razili jokes. She takes both of his hands as her torso leans forward. She places her face in his hands. "I have most of the normal features," she says. "So you know. They're pretty much where they are on other people, I think." She's right, too. She has no eyes or even eye sockets, but she has a nose, ears, lips, a chin. She's almost certainly a lovely girl with a bit of uncanny valley going on with no eyebrows or hair or eyes. Still, her dental records show human enough teeth. Perfect teeth (or as perfect as they get without braces).

Henry McCoy has posed:
He shares a laugh with her, nodding as his fingers trace over her features. He's gentle and deliberate, not wanting to cause any discomfort. "You are quite unique." A slight grin. "And you have the benefit of not ever having an eyelash fall into your eye." A shake of his head. "Fur, while nice in the winter, does have it's own drawbacks. Summer is a bit rougher, and there's the shedding..." A smirk. Sitting back, once the inspection is completed, he thinks. "Have you ever had an injury? Scarring or such?" He wonders.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    "No, sir," she says, shaking her head. "I've been very lucky." Her vaccination reports are extraordinarily vague. They simply say, "Unable to administer." She's never had surgery or any kind of treatment for lacerations requiring stitches. She might be extraordinarily lucky as the child of an anti-vaxer, but there are other possibilities.

Henry McCoy has posed:
"It mentioned you've not had any vaccinations, either? Have you ever fell sick? Measles? Chicken pox?" He wonders, sitting back and thinking on the medical mystery that she is. "I'd not want you catching something and falling ill."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili's form jiggles a little, but she realizes something. She puts her glasses back on and shakes her head. "No, sir," she says. "I'm very careful. I wear gloves and mittens when it's cold out. I always make sure I stay hydrated when it's hot out." Temperature reading was another of those 'unable to administer test' things in her chart. When Hank touched her, she felt neither cold nor hot. She didn't have a temperature at all. It was like heat wasn't a part of their interaction.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod, the man tapping at his furry chin. "We'll keep an eye on that, yes? You may have a rather robust immune system, which is fantastic." A grin over to her. "I just don't want to make assumptions, for your sake and the sake of others." Henry decides. "You've had a good teacher then, to keep care of yourself. Too many people tend to miss out on the self-care, until it is forced upon them."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili nods as evidenced by her glasses. "Yes, sir," she tries. She's not entirely sure how to answer that, it's more that she's showing him the respect she's been taught as an adult and as a doctor. There are still a lot of questions, however. Invisible girls tend to raise those.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry thinks a bit more, regarding the notes and her answers thusfar. "Well, I think we can take this as a step-by-step basis. If you feel odd, feel sick, get hurt - we need to know as soon as possible." He smiles over to Razili. "My offer is there, about further testing. I would not wish to be invasive, uncomfortable or painful - any tests are at your discretion and want. You have every right to decide if or when such things would occur." A chuckle. "I completely understand not wanting to deal with it - I do."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili shrugs. "I don't know," she says. "Normally, the doctors don't test on me. They just...kinda let me be. Basic questions and let me go. But..." She hesitates. "I guess you have good equipment for maybe seeing me better? I know that's part of why Mom tried so hard to sign me up to go here."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"We do. We have the best equipment." Henry assures. "With some contacts among the Avengers, I have friends among some of the most brilliant minds on Earth and elsewhere." He's confident in that. "While we may not unravel every mystery that makes you, we can hopefully shed some light on some of the questions you may have. And it bears noting, your questions are the ones to be answers. If I have them, I will ask you - then you will decide if it something you wish to pursue."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili considers what he's saying. She can hide her excitement and if she would be blushing very well. She cannot be seen, after all. Alien and superhero tech. That's all really exciting stuff. The Avengers was a name she knew. The Spaceport is a big deal, too, and she was confident Doctor McCoy meant alien tech. "Okay," she says. "What do I need to do?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
"Well, let's decide what you are looking to learn for yourself, first. Then we'll determine if it is something we have on hand to try to test, or if we'll need to speak to others. We generally try to keep things in house, for the comfort of our students and their parents." Henry offers over with a smile. "What is it about you that you would like to learn more about?"

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili shrugs. She says nothing, but that shrug speaks volumes. She adjusts her gloves on her hands. "I'm not scared of doctors," she says. "I just...don't think about medical stuff. I'm very careful, so I don't get colds and stuff."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's another nod from Henry. "Well, let's start with some simple questions. You've never been innoculated. Has anyone ever been able to collect a blood sample from you? Or a DNA sample? Swab your cheek with a medical swab?"

Razili Darnell has posed:
    "I," Razili says. She hesitates. She thinks on it for a long time. "Nobody ever asked to," she says. "Is that important?" The tone of her voice is nervous, but she's confident enough around her new friend that it's not a huge enough deal for her to flee.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Still relaxed in his chair, he hand-wobbles on that. "Importance depends on perception. In sorting out your health, it can be very important. DNA can be critical to understanding our mutations and powers. It can give us insight into what we can do, or how we react to other things - without endangering you." A smile. "The swab doesn't hurt, I assure you - but it might be able to give us answers of any number of questions that you might have."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili didn't like her shape being known. She didn't like to feel exposed. She was very good at staying invisible if she needed to. However, this was her new doctor, and he was very nice, and she felt like she could trust him. He was fuzzy and kind. Was that important? Fuzzy? Maybe. She nods. "Okay," she says, finally. "Do you need me to do it?" She was used to having to do some things like that herself.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A chuckle. "I think it would be best - I cannot see your mouth." A nod. He turns in the desk, reaching into one of the jars containing the sterile swabs. There's a small tube as well, to place the swab in once the sample is taken, to avoid contamination. "Here you are." He points to the cotton tip of the swab. "Just run this on the inside of your mouth, along your inner cheek for about five seconds. When you're all done, put it in the tube and we'll be all set." He smiles.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili nods, as evidenced by her glasses. There's silence as the swab is lifted. As the tip is soaked in her saliva, it disappears. For a slow count of five an incomplete stick is moved up and down. When it's retracted, it's fully visible. She puts it into the tube and there it is. "There," she says. "Did I do good?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
The tube is taken, labeled, and set on a rack. "We'll have to see." He grins. "You did perfect. Your body may work differently - your saliva might not contain your DNA." He chuckles. "Our gifts are very difficult to predict. That said, that was the least invasive way of collecting a sample - so it was my first choice. Most people don't enjoy needles, even if a skilled phlebotomist is on hand."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili shrugs. "Needles don't bother me," she admits. "I don't really have bad memories of them." She didn't really have ANY memories of them. Vaccinations or blood samples are all unavailable as points of reference. She doesn't even know what her blood looks like. Is it invisible? Who knows!

Henry McCoy has posed:
The doctor nods. "Well, let's go with this first. If needed, and you're amenable, we can try a blood sample." Henry offers. "It will take a bit of time to decode your DNA if we got some, so in the mean time - is there anything else you have on your mind? Or questions you've got?"

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili rubs her forehead for a bit. There's obviously a question on her mind, but she doesn't seem to know how to ask it or if it should be asked. "When do I get super powers?" she asks. How she is is just normal for her. She can't fly, she's not super strong, and she can't fire lasers from her...well, if she had eyes. In her sight analogue, she's not even invisible. That's not a power, that's part of life. She's expecting something more coming to her. She clearly doesn't feel particularly special. It's hard to feel amazing when your whole thing is just being unnoticeable.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He understands that too well. So many mutations are flashy, full of energy. There are still many more that slip by unnoticed. Precognition. The ability to understand all languages. Photosynthesis. Any number of powers which change a person, but do not scream superhero. "Well, that remains to be seen. I would say your gift is quite useful, should you decide to work towards a greater good as a hero." Henry assures. "I will say, that secondary mutations happen." He motions to himself. "And even so, we don't know the extent of your current powers."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Raz huffs out a breath through her nose. She soon nods and pulls her hood back up. "I don't really have powers," she says. "I'm just me. I been the same since I was little. Mom says I was born invisible." She looks at the door, then back at Doctor McCoy. Tugging slightly at her hoodie, she definitely looks like some threshhold has been reached. "May I go, please? I'm starting to feel--" Exposed. Defined. Seen. "--naked."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"You will find your equilibrium, I promise." He offers, smiling over to her and removing his reading glasses. At her discomfort, he nods. "Of course you're free to leave." He says, nodding politely. "If you have any other concerns, questions or need anything, feel free to reach out. We take care of our students, Miss Darnell. We're all in this together, and we want to make sure everyone is comfortable."