Razili Darnell

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  Razili Darnell  
Razili Darnell (Scenesys ID: 4337)
Name: Razili Parokshi Darnell
Superalias: None
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: A tiny town between cornfields in Illinois.
Education: In progress...
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Xaviers
Apparent Age: 15 Actual Age: 15
Date of Birth 25 Aug 2007 Played By Isabelle Amponin (Voice)
Height: 5'7" Weight: 120 lb
Hair Color: None Eye Color: None
Theme Song:

Character Info


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The quintessential invisible girl, Razili just wants to be normal. As the genetic flux and the X-Gene seem to be survival of the fittesting the next dominant species of Earth, she just wants to get her driver's license, go shopping, eat too much chocolate, and all the other things normal kids do. Whatever soft spot she's got and willingness to try to defend others from being bullied, she's just a kid, and she'll run before she fights a god or aliens or powerful mutants, at least for now.


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* 2007: Born in Springfield, Illinois. Doctors could see her on the ultrasounds, but when she was born, immediate special measures had to be taken due to her being completely invisible. Namely, doctors and nurses kept hands on her until she had a bracelet on her ankle. Medical techs quickly discovered that she was invisible to X-rays, radio waves, infra-red, ultra-violet, and anything else that uses photons. There were newspaper stories about this.
* 2010: After several attacks by anti-mutant activists Razili's father walks out on them. Raz and her mother move to a small town in the middle of corn fields.
* 2011: Raz is given a stuffed doll of Superman. She keeps it with her at all times, because Superman will protect her. She also takes off all her clothes and runs around with Superman, making him appear to fly! Her mother curbs this behavior quickly, making her at least wear shoes.
* 2012: During her first day of kindergarten, Raz disappears for nearly an entire day. Police employ tracking dogs to sniff her out, but she shows up at home. She's given a necklace of pretty lights with a lock on it that's too small for her to take off and she has to wear to school so she can't just disappear.
* 2015: Raz breaks her arm falling off monkey bars on the playground. Her mother must go from doctor to doctor with her to get them to do anything without an X-Ray available. An older doctor with failing eyesight makes things right and puts a cast on her. Razili hates it, saying it betrays her.
* 2017: Raz and her mother flee their home, going north in an effort to escape Doomsday's projected path of destruction. Superman dies. When the two return home, Raz mourns the death of her hero.
* 2018: Given how crazy things have gotten in NY, and with no real proof things are going to get any better, Razili's mother gives her the key to her school necklace with the instructions that if anything bad happens, disappear and run away.
* 2020: After Genosha's destruction, a mutant senior at Razili's school went on a rampage, killing two non-mutant teachers and injuring dozens of students. Raz, as the only other mutant at the school, was put under surveillance. Several local news crews interview her.
* 2021: After appearing on local news, Raz becomes a niche internet celebrity on par with the woman with the longest tongue. She starts disappearing more often as well as keeping spare sets of clothes in her locker and other places she trusts.
2022: Razili is accosted by a group of high school boys who accuse her of theft and spying. They try to beat her up, but she is able to outrun them long enough to disappear. Her mother starts looking into private schools.

IC Journal

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There's not a lot in Razili's past that would lead her to be pro-bullying. She has become quite 'kick you in the balls' if you try to hurt someone weaker than yourself, provided she's on-par with the bully. If she's more in-line with the strength of those being bullied, maybe two-on-one can kick him in the balls. Maybe it's time to run and get an adult or the police or the national guard or the Avengers and get THEM to kick him in the balls. If you're a bully, she's gonna get you kicked in the balls, even if she's running away from you at the moment.

Careful By Habit:
Razili's body doesn't react much to the environment. IR travels right through her, meaning she doesn't absorb or give off heat if the environment is very hot or very cold, even to extremes. She has never been burnt by a stovetop or felt the sting of cold while packing a snowball. This is not something she thinks about, as her mother always tried to protect her like she would any normal child. Razili puts on mittens when it's cold out because her mother always put mittens on her. That's what you do when it's cold outside.

In the same way, Razili has never gotten a cut. Doctors can only look at her with an ultrasound machine, but even that is exceedingly rare. She knows she never gets flu shots or vaccinations or blood taken. She never questioned why she was never allowed to, only that it was so. She was never told of the broken vaccination needles when she was a baby. Her mother said things like, "Be careful!" and she was careful.

Razili doesn't test why the rules her mother laid down are there, especially after Doomsday's confrontation with Superman. You don't touch the hot part of a stove when it's on because that's not what we do. You don't play with knives or touch the sharp parts. You don't throw rocks at a wasp nest because they'll sting you. What does it feel like to be stung? She has no idea. The wasps wouldn't be able to sting her. She could attack wasps with impunity, but she doesn't. Why? That's just the way we behave.

No human or mutant is an island. Mutants, especially ones in rural America, have to be careful, and both Razili and her mother learned to be very careful. Unfortunately, this has meant Raz herself, an extrovert, has been unable to connect with people, making her lonely.

Raz has spent her teen years living under the fear of her mother. She's even been allowed some degree of freedom and encouragement to just...disappear if things get scary. All of this has made it hard for Raz to open up to strangers.

Razili is a teenager. She can be impatient, foolish, ignorant, hormonal, and some people think she's got a mental disability from her age. She's exploring the world that's opening up to her, finding little ways to rebel against her mother, and starting to figure out what she wants to do with her life.

Character Sheet


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Permanent Invisibility:
No photon seems to choose to interact with Razili's body. X-Rays, Gamma Rays, UV, IR, visible light, Microwaves, Radio Waves--all photons of any energy just ignore her. She is to photons what normal matter is to nutrinos.

This makes her the real-life equivalent of the invisible man from Hollywood. She's got no hair, visible or not, and she doesn't seem to shed skin. Conductive liquids in contact with her body also become invisible, meaning the old water trick doesn't work. She doesn't leave residue or sweat from her skin behind naturally. She doesn't have a natural odor. She is difficult, at best, to detect.

Resilient Skin:
Razili's body doesn't react much with the environment. She won't get burned or freeze from touching things. Similarly, she won't bleed or bruise from causes from mundane life. This includes up to the blade of a kitchen knife and being sprinted into at full speed by the captain of the Senior sportsball team that can't see her.

Being shot by even the smallest handgun would cause her pain for at least days if not weeks. Being hit by a car at city speeds would leave her limping away in pain. High calibur rifles and bullet trains would fatally damage her even without breaking the skin, especially if her body can't be found to take to a hospital that can treat her. Most people with super strength could seriously hurt her, should they choose to (and if they can find her, of course).

Sensory Mystery:
Photons cannot interact with Raz's body, which would make her blind even if she had eyes. However, she can still sense the world around her, somehow. How she does this is a mystery to her, but she can do it in complete darkness (even magical darkness). She can do whatever it is well enough that she can even use a cell phone or computer without hinderance, even if she can't play the color-based games.


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Razili doesn't sweat, nor does she give off body heat. That means a lot of things, but one thing it means is that she can run and jump and exert herself however long she wants with no real downside. She can't run at superhuman speeds, but she can sprint longer than Tom Cruise in an action movie cut. It's only a shame she wasn't allowed to get medals for that during track events.

Raz makes sounds, no doubt about that, but she's lived her whole life knowing that NOT making sounds is her only real limitation to being unfindable. Thus, she's worked really hard to become VERY good at not making sounds, at least while barefoot.


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Fight Flight Freeze Faint:
Like the vast majority of people, Razili's first instinct is Freeze. She's been trained by quite a few circumstances to pick Flight, so she runs from her problems a lot. She's doing her best to reframe things in her mind and choose to face her problems, but the instinct to run has become very strong.

Incomplete Invisibility:
Conductive fluids in contact with Razili share in her invisibility, as do solids inside her, but other things don't. Her clothes, casts, any armor, spy equipment, cell phone, and anything else she's carrying or wearing are completely visible, which ironically makes her feel more exposed.

Invisible Only To Sight:
While any sense relying on photons cannot sense her, there are some mutant and tech powers that can sense her easily. She is sensed normally by sonar, mind sense, touch, smell (though she doesn't have a natural odor, she steps in things), taste (though she doesn't have a flavor unless she gets something on her). If she touches something, while she may not leave behind fingprints from oils on her skin, if she touches something soft that can take a fingeprint, it will leave a fingerprint.

Permanent Invisibility:
No photon seems to choose to interact with Razili's body. X-Rays, Gamma Rays, UV, IR, visible light, Microwaves, Radio Waves--all photons of any energy just ignore her. She is to photons what normal matter is to nutrinos.

While this is normally fine, it's a significant problem medicinally. She's only broken a bone once, and getting that fixed properly was a challenge without X-Rays. It's also a problem with anything requiring optical scanning of retinas, irises, face recognition, etc.

Sightless Invisibility:
Raz has great senses, and can sense the world as precisely as any sighted person. However, the information she's getting isn't visual. Solid state drives make sounds audible to normal humans, but her phone's screen emits telltale somethings that she can sense well enough to use it effectively. However, she cannot see color. She cannot actually see anything. She doesn't even have eyes.

Raz's life has been filled with a lot of trauma, mostly based around mid-western anti-mutant sentiment and super-powered louts (usually from space) showing up on the news and scaring her mother. She probably needs therapy.



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Razili Darnell has 14 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
The world you call your own January 18th, 2023 Raz is visited by the Straw Man in her solitude.
Hanging out in the Kitchen! January 10th, 2023 A quick little chat.
The Results Aren't In... January 8th, 2023 More puzzles arise, and more research to be done!
Visible Or Not January 8th, 2023 Monet talks with the totally not visible mutant girl!
Not so Easy Living January 4th, 2023 Billy needs a side hustle.
New Year, New Checkup January 1st, 2023 Introductions were made, fears were hopefully subdued and samples were collected. The mystery continues!
Seeing Someone October 29th, 2022 Billy sees the Real Razili
Food for thought October 10th, 2022 Sam tries to help Raz feel more at home
Now You See Me; No, You Don't! October 10th, 2022 Billy meets Razili, despite overlooking her initially!
Cordially Invited September 21st, 2022 Karai traces Bunny to a place she is meeting Razili. She proposes they join the Foot Clan.
Birthday Blues and Cake Interrupted September 11th, 2022 Eating cake all alone on a pedestrian overpass runs the risk of cake interruptions. Raz and Rahne track down Bunny, their invitation to cake is incidental. Rahne and Bunny share some of their pasts.
Bored-Walk August 30th, 2022 Razili Darnell and Bunny Macleod make acquaintences of one another. There appears to be some tension between the two.
Worlds Made Of Diamond August 29th, 2022 Open question day turns into talk about FTL drives and the modal nature of scientific paradigms. Miss Darnell is NOT invisible at all.
The Invisible Girl August 28th, 2022 Raz meets the Popo and other people from the school


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Razili Darnell has 14 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Razili Darnell has been credited in 0 shows.

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Razili Darnell has been credited in 0 albums.

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Razili Darnell has authored 0 books.

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