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Latest revision as of 16:51, 2 January 2023

What Little We Do
Date of Scene: 02 January 2023
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Blake helps Kaida to deliver hope to those who need it!
Cast of Characters: Kaida Connolly, Blake Riviere

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Sometimes, all that it takes is just the tiniest thing to help out here and there. In a place like Mutant Town, it really can be harder than elsewhere. One can make a claim that people are less racist than they were in the past but there will always be those who want to look down on another for what they are (and not necessarily who they are). As such, things like food banks, shelters, and the like are less active in a place like Mutant Town.

It's sometimes hard enough to convince people to help the poor, downtrodden, and sick. It's another thing if those same people are also mutants. As such, a tiny figure is zipping about Mutant Town this evening doing what she can to help out the poorer folks. It took some work for sure but she was able to drag a wagon filled with various goods into an alleyway near where she wished to work and as people who look to be down on their luck settle in to various nooks and crannies, a tiny blur would drop off, deposit or place something helpful near them.

A small sandwich appears here in a blur. A bottle of water seems to throw itself into a blanket there. Just tiny things that help.

Right now a tiny figure sits on the edge of a bench, casually chewing on a piece of ham while she takes a tiny break from her tiny run.

Blake Riviere has posed:
If anyone found out a vampire was hanging around Mutant Town...they'd probably be a little worried, but the reality was Blake wasn't here simply for new 'flavors', she knew what it was like to be 'other' in this world. As far as most of the world knew Blake Riviere was some wealthy socialite sort who was here dropping off donations for some charitable thing. The more jaded might assume it was a tax deductable thing, but the woman was dressed down as she made her way to the community dropping off the boxes of good and necessities she'd brought along for the trip.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A slow sigh escaped from Kaida as she finished off her food and casually she jumped down from the bench and ran over to her wagon when she spotted Blake dropping off things for people. She grins brightly as she rushes over and leaps up on to the box that was just dropped off and waves at Blake.

"Thanks a lot for the help!" Which, under normal circumstances might seem like a nice gesture but right now a tiny mouse in loose fitting clothes is saying it. Still, she leaps down and peeks at the box, snifing at it.

"Care to help more?" She asks as she pokes at the box.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Oh! A tiny talking mouse! Not exactly normal...but then this was mutant town.

Blinking a little, Blake bends down, tilting her head to the side and resting her hands on her knees to bring herself to as close to 'eye' level as she could with Kaida on the box. "Of course," she offers, accent hanging to her tones denoting her as likely of French origin. "I only have maybe two boxes left to deliver, of course..."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Awesome!" The little mouse with a shield on her back and a sword at her hip grins as she puts her hands on her hips before pointing in hte direction of her wagon. She rushes toward it a brief moment before turning back, having traveled ten feet in a blink.

"Over here once you're done! I got a few heavy items!" She nods her head and then she rushes over to the wagon, leaping atop it with a giggle and starts to move some stuff inside around.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Well...that was fast. Certainly to a human it'd be near untraceable. Still, again Blake simply had to embrace the weird! Dropping off the last two boxes she was headed towards the wagon, tilting her head to the side. "Did you bring these yourself?

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Well, the wagon helped!" Kaida points down at it and grins, "It has a tiny engine in it that helps it to move and such." She nods her head as she walks around in it. Then she looks over at the approaching woman and smiles as she points to a pair of boxes.

"That's pizza from Giordano's!" She nods her head, "There's a family that lives in an apartment nearby that has three kids. They need food for the evening and I happen to know that they were robbed recently." She nods her head and frowns sadly a moment before smiling. She pats the box.

"It's two deep dish pizzas. One is veggie and one is meats!" She nods her head, "They'll eat really well tonight!" She gives it a tiny lift, "Except, ya know, it weighs a ton!" Which really means they weighs like 6 pounds each but that's a lot for a tiny mouse who is tired!

Blake Riviere has posed:
Truth be told, Blake could probably carry a truck over her head...but she'd rather not be showing that off or exerting herself when she wished to play normal. Taking the pizza and pausing for a small sniff of enjoyment (or at least feigned) before she makes to offer a hand out to Kaida, permission for the mouse girl to climb up to her shoulder if she wished. "Well, we can leave it for them, or ensure it is handed over."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"I prefer to leave it!" Kaida nods her head and grins, "Doing good is its own reward and too often proud people will try to pay you back when they really can't afford it." She nods her head and then points across the street, casually leaping up to Blake's shoulder, skipping her hand and grinning.

"It's that building, apartment 205." She nods her head and then looks over, "We just go, ring hte doorbell and then flee!" She grins and laughs.

Blake Riviere has posed:
'Ding-dong-ditch' or whatever the kids had called it, but with a gift of Pizza. This was certainly new, but it was very much in the holiday spirit! A shrug and Blake was on her way under Kaida's direction to the door. One Pizza set down, one knocked on door and press of the doorbell...then she was off, a brisk walk letting her flee with a little laugh before the door might be opened.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Grinning, Kaida seems to grip easily with her feet on to the shoulder she is on, smiling as Blake runs off after the pizza is left. Kaida twitches an ear in the direction in time to hear some confused people talk about a pizza being left and then talking about a note. Kaida grins wider before turning to look at the side of Blake's face.

"Awesome job! Now I know a family will be well fed despite hard times." She giggles and shrugs before she looks ahead, "Thanks for the help. I'm Kaida, by the way!"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Blake," the vampiress offers in return, her smile lacking any fangs or hints to her true nature before she folds her arms under her bust. "It is the season no? And it is a means of celebration I am quite fond of." Still she comes to stretch out a little and then tilt her head. "And now, you are planning on pulling your wagon all the way out of the town? That sounds like a lot of work little one..."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Pfft!" Kaida laughs and shakes her head, "Nah, not all that big of a deal!" She states, "I once fought a worm that was longer than most buildings are tall!" She nods her head, "This is practically easy." She nods her head, "I love doing this kind of stuff!" Kaida nods her head.

She then considers Blake a moment and tilts her head as she looks at her. She sniffs the air again before shaking her head and shrugging. She casually leaps down on to the ground and then looks back up at Blake.

"I really need to work on my PR." She giggles.

Blake Riviere has posed:
A worm larger than a building? Honestly, with what she'd seen and fought? Blake could certainly imagine such a thing. Shaking her head lightly she seems to take the comment as truth before shrugging her shoulders as they make the walk back towards their respective vehicles. "So you are one of the vigilantes then?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A grin up at her and Kaida nods, "You could say that." She then leaps up on to her wagon and strikes a tiny pose with a hand on her hip, "I'm Kaida of the Titans!" She nods her head and then she points at her, "The most powerful mouse in the whole world, I assure you." She nods her head before winking and making sure her wagon is in order.

"Always nice to meet good people who are out to help, so to speak."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Ahhh, a famous team then," Blake offers as they reach the vehicles, yet instead of heading for the driver's side Blake came to the rear passenger, suggesting there was a driver waiting to take her home. "Well then Ms Power Mouse, it has been an absolute pleasure. Perhaps we will meet again here or elsewhere, but I thank you for your own sharing of this holiday spirit and allowing me to help you."

With that and a grin on her lips, she comes to settle herself down into the vehicle, one last wave of her hands before it makes to pull away into the night.