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Latest revision as of 16:51, 2 January 2023

Date of Scene: 01 January 2023
Location: Training Facility - Historic Clocktower
Synopsis: Helena, Kate and Harper spend a bit of time in the training room. Were resolutions made? Or already broken? Was a party planned on Kate's private yacht? (it seems likely!)
Cast of Characters: Helena Bertinelli, Kate Kane, Harper Row

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Gotham City, January 1.

All is quiet on New Year's Day.

A world in white gets under way.

Helena stands in the gym, slowly unwrapping tape around her hands and knuckles, the music playing from the tower's sound system. She has her hair pulled back into a pony tail and she wears a red crop top and black yoga pants, bare foot. From the look she has just finished a workout when most others are still trying to nurse a hangover for the festivities the night before.

Kate Kane has posed:
New Years Day.

A day for reflecting on the past year. Typically, the final night of the year.

A time to cringe at vaguely remembered, blurred snippets of a night out.

Except for Kate Kane. This year. This new year. She spent her New Years Eve writing up an after action report on taking down a human trafficking ring in New York City, and cross-checking for similar incidents over the last six months.

At least until she remembered she's _not_ the best redhead in Gotham at data collection and analysis.

Which is why she's at the Clocktower looking like she hasn't gone to sleep yet. Then again, she's always a little pallid. Dark leather jacket over deep red t-shirt and black leather pants don't really help with how pale she looks. She fills the doorframe, leaning against it, arms crossing casually as she whistles out sharply, so as not to remain unnoticed, "Let me guess... new years resolution to be able to kick criminal ass even harder?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli looks over her shoulder at Kate's playful greeting. She laughs lightly. "Hey Kate. I mean, yeah, sort of? But isn't that always part of each new year for the Birds?" She tosses the balled up tape into the trash and reaches for her water bottle for a quick sip.

"SOme of us have to work that much harder just to get in the same area code as Bat Woman when it comes to ass kicking."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, lifting her hand in a little wave as she's caught... sure, it's partly because she gave herself a way, but it's not like this was some kind of training exercise. And she /is/ capable of being a normal friend. She snorts softly, head shaking as she springs from the doorframe, jacket unzipping, tossed off to the side, as she moves towards the weights.

"Hey, listen, you all just need to work harder because you've got better social skills and don't spend all your time not at work working out!" Which, of course, she's already preparing to do, adding weights to the bar for the bench press. "Besides, it's not a competition! ...I mean, okay, it /could/ be if we all start laying out bets or something. But I think we're supposed to take our duty to justice more seriously than that."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli smirks. "Barbara would probably figure out a way to outsmart us all anyway."

Turning as Kate loads up the weight. "I work harder because I spend almost nine months a year teaching middle schoolers how to speak more gooder. And without hazard pay."

"Want a spotter?" she offers as she seems happy to take a rest break in the midst of her own chosen workout.

"We need to get together more often I think. Some drills or practice fighting together. We're stronger as a team than we are alone as long as we're not stepping on each other unintentionally."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate sighs out and bobs her head, "Oh, she would. Especially now that I'm sure she knows, because she's monitoring us live or recorded."

Kate points two fingers to her eyes, then points up... at a random spot. There's no visible camera. Does she know there's really one there?

No. No she doesn't. She's just being cheeky.

Kate snorts softly and then heaves out a sigh, "I mean, you raise a good point. Teaching middle school? You are the baddest of asses, Bertinelli."

Knuckles curl, fingers flexing before she grabs the bar and huffs out a breath, lifting the weight, "Oh, I'd never turn down you spotting me. and... I... think... you're... right...!" She strains... because apparently Kate's not going for some light workout, even when she's trying to be casual, there's that ingrained drive to push herself.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper thought she heard noises coming from within the Clocktower, and as she had gotten closer, it seems like she wasn't mistaken. A smile had formed on her lips, as that part of the building had those quite excellent training facilities and peers and peeps to look up to. Recalling a recent training exercise had put a bit of a spring in her step despite the lack of sleep.

Truth be told, she'd tried to look presentable, if punkish, just in case the place was occupied. A fresh change of casual clothes and a dash in the shower. Though she'd kept on more decorative than anarchistic wrist bracelets, a choker and piercings. Must have been one of those loud parties with more yelling than screaming.

Coming in through the door with a hair-flip of her faux-hawk, she attempts a ~here's Johnny~ kind of entrance while bearing a white box of assorted bagel-things, the heat and freshness discolouring parts of the container.

"Oh! Hey!" Harper exclaims and ventures inside.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli laughs. "I think maybe it is a sign of self punishment.. so much angst and brilliance. How they're not all already solving global warming, world hunger. Poverty" she quips. Stepping over to be ready just in case (as if) Kate needs a spotter for her lifting. "Well between Oracle seeing all.. and Carrie's little drone-bot... things.. there's really no privacy in the tower, for sure" she says with a snort.

Looking up she nods, "Hey Harper. Good to see you. C'mon in if you like. Just a bit of workout for the New Year."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's breath is steady, if strained, because even her life choices that /aren't/ giving in to her vices to a worrying degree are at least a little risky. She huffs out and mutters, "I think we punish ourselves enough... running around in full body lycra and ballistic fiber costumes on rooftops in the middle of summer."

She strains to shift her head enough to see Harper without throwing her rhythm off as she works through her next set, "Hey! Welcome to /the future/!" She manages before she finishes the set, lifting the bar up until she can rest it on the hooks again and lever herself up to a sitting position, straddling the bench.

"Oh, I've always assumed if I'm within five miles of Babs she knows everything I'm doing, and /already/ knows what I'm going to do next and just isn't telling me what mistake I'm about to make so she can laugh at me."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper flashes an awkward grin. "Good to see you." she parrots before realizing, adding on, "Oh yeah? Where's my jetpack?!" She kicks off her unlaced boots, balancing the bagels and the tightly packed styrofoam cups. It's a mercy someone was kind enough to pack the parcel well enough. And on the first day of the New year no less. Unless...this is some manner of reheated leftovers.

"Oh jeez...how on earth are you two already miles ahead on the resolutions? Hey, if you need an extra challenge I could slide on a few more weights onto your barbell? These ones I got have to be about as heavy in calories."

Harper uses her free hand to rake her fingers along her scalp, eyeballing the two women overlong with something like athletics-envy. She blows out her cheeks. "Gods, you'd better be joking. If you're not, I'm inclined to try and sneak a peek sometime at how bad my report card is." Harper raises a free hand to wriggle-finger-type in the air.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli nods, "I know that's the truth" armor and bodysuits in Gotham summers. As she waits Kate work she grins, "I think usually she just snorts then adjusts her glasses in that "I knew it" sort of way."

She grins at Harper "Actually, I just carried over my resolutions from last year. That way there are no difficult expectation" she jokes.

"No one has a bad report card, Harper. But Barb does pretty much keep tabs on all of us. Because it's what she does. Because she cares."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate groans out in faux agony, "Oh god, the glasses adjustment! I didn't even /have/ a teacher with glasses and I feel like I'm in boarding school or something!"

She shakes her head at Harper and grins, "Oh, no, I haven't even made any resolutions yet. I skipped New Years Eve... well, okay, got distracted with this warehouse full of goons."

She shakes her head and snap-points at Harper, "If you ask Babs how you're doing, she's going to put up like a big poster board of all of us, with like... star stickers or something." She stands up, back arching in a stretch, hands clasping above her head, "And I was just working off... okay, like, a third of a slice of pizza... plus, I mean, every time I come in here and don't work out I figure Babs is judging me."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper furrows her brows, pursing her lips and casts a glance to this corner of the room, here and there. "If I'm going to have Big Sister watching, I'm glad it's her." Saying all that a bit louder than necessary. Chomping on her bottom lip for a good chew she pulls off her jacket to toss it over a likely piece of equipment. Stripping down to enough that's socially acceptable and acclimatize to the interior. The care package gets pushed to a table and she peels back the lid to let some heat dissipate.

"I want stars!" she exclaims and licks at the pads of her thumbs, a little sticky from moist sugar, wandering over towards the bench Kate was showing who's boss. She places her hands upon part of the barbell, brows arching at the weight and grimacing. "I think I'll do the same for my resolutions, so I'm consistent. Though that doesn't say I get a star beside each one. Jeez Kate...~distracted~? Must have been quite the mob of bozo's. Bet they've got worse than hangovers today, yeah?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli snorts out a laugh at the stars and progress poster imagery. "Oh god.. I.. think you're probably right, Kate.. With little motivational sayings. You can do it! You matter!" she teases.

"It is good to have Barbara watching over us. And out there with us. We're better as a team with her in the field."

"Going to need to work off a bagel soon, too, Kate. From the look of it.." she jokes. "They smell really good.."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate heaves out a sigh and shakes her head slowly, eyes locked on the bagel container, "Going to have to work off /a/ bagel if I'm lucky... the siren song of carbs..."

She pokes her tongue out at Helena, "Yeah, Babs is the best. Really. I know we all love giving her a hard time, but... I also know we all appreciate what she does."

Harper gets a broad smile, "Oh! You want stars? Okay, I'm sure we can come up with all sorts of tasks for you to earn stars!" She shakes her head and sighs out, "Nah, they were pretty... I mean, generic for scumbags trying to smuggle kids with powers god knows where. I just lost track of time and... I mean, despite what they claim, you /can/ be too late to be fashionably late. So once I realized I couldn't get to a party by the time midnight hit, I just took the night off. I'll just have to party twice as hard for... Arbor day or something?"

Harper Row has posed:
"Woo! Party in the trees!" Harper does a little impromptu rocking out, like the resting barbell was a railing to lean back and hang ten on. "We'll go ape...or...squirrel or something." she laughs. "But hey, that's a plenty good reason to miss a party. Made sure those kids had a better year for sure."

"Maybe we should do something for Barbara. I wonder if she even got out to let out some steam, in any capacity. Whether it's in a tree fort for Arbor day or something." she shrugs and totally tries to change the subject of earning stars for tasks to be completed. She's gonna keep thinking about it though. Harper pats at her hips and tries to figure out how many bagels equals how many pull-ups and whatnot.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli grins, "sweet, delicious carbs" she teases Kate. "You know you want one. It'll make you feel better. Everybody's doin' it."

"There has to be some bank holiday coming up you can party hard over to make up for this social faux pas" she agrees.

Lauging lightly at Harper's Arbor Day enthusiasm, she nods, "Yeah. Why so many in Gotham see fit to go after kids for their crimes.." She frowns. "Probably the crime I can forgive the least."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate just /glares/ at Helena in dour, grumpy, 'You know me too well' honesty, even as she's reaching out to pluck a bagel up and take a small bite... smaller bites mean more bites means longer savoring!

"Well, we /could/ kidnap Babs to a yacht vacation. It'd be kind of fun to use the damned thing for a reason other than international criminal hunting."

She hums softly and quirks an eyebrow, "Anyone know if Ivy's still... trying to turn over a new leaf? Maybe we could get her to help make like... an all natural tree house for arbor day! Or just a big flower that /doesn't/ try to eat people."

Kate heaves out a sigh and hums, "I mean, let's face it, I can't come up with a /balanced/ idea for a party, or I wouldn't be listening to you all remind me not to party too hard /all the time/! So clearly I'm going to need help planning all this."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper side-eyes towards Kate, her lips quirking to the side in peaked interest. "Boat." she says with gravitas. The gremlin girl goes to retrieve a piping hot cuppa something clustered amongst the carbs, bringing it up to her lips and burning them. "Fffff!" A bit of lapping and soothing of herself and she offering up a garbled, "Oh now that's a good idea as well, I mean, wouldn't that be wild. Even if people don't get attacked by salad. Of course I'll help, anything you need."

"Hey Helena, I didn't know which kind of bagel stuff you'd like, so I got a diverse, if limited, sort of...selection.. Not that I knew you'd be here today at all. I didn't have a hunch or anything. Was just...Anways! You'd know what sort of thing Barbara would like best, yeah? Oh shiiiiit..." Harper realizes where she's talking, and the idea of it needing to be a surprise suddenly becomes a thing, and not a good reason why this should matter. Her brain chews over this as she blows over the flipped up rim of her drink. "We need some sort of code. Party code talk." she waggles her eyebrows.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli smiles to Harper, "I like almost anything in Bagel form." She pulls out an 'everything' bagel out. "These? I'll put away a baker's dozen myself.." she warns.

"We can figure something out. For Kate to party over. And to whisk Barbara away to. It's more trying to keep her from working when we -do-.."

Munching on a bite of bagel even without cream cheese, yet, she sighs happily. Then she seeks one of the cups delivered as well, taking a curious sip.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate shakes her head, "No no, yacht. Boat is... like.. /small/. I mean, it /has/ a boat, you know, for going to shore..." She sighs out wistfully, probably warm memories of infiltrating far off islands and... you know, beating the tar out of criminals outside Gotham. So exotic. She bites her lower lip to stop from snorting out laughter as Harper clearly goes through the process of realizing how hard it is to plot to surprise Oracle.

She points to Helena and takes another bite of bagel, "You should do that. I will live vicariously through your eating of bagels. And, I mean, I can party over /most/ things if I really want to... and, I mean, Valentine's day is only a month and a half away now. I can always go on a /terribly/ ill-advised party spree then."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper tries to answer with a smile of her own, showing too many teeth. "Good to know. I'll bring double...triple next time. Just means more time on the mats and punchin bags, so that's kinda good, right? Obviously, it wouldn't mean that all of them would need to be eaten..." She lets that train of thought dribble away, though it would be nice if she just turned off the tap completely. A mental groan as her social skills do loop-de-loops in a rickety bi-plane.

Talk of V-day has Harper need to consider other things, because that's a date that practically looms on the horizon and filled with all manner of weird. She lifts her cup to nearly burn her upper lip off again. She tries to cover with seeming to remember something. "Riiiiight...gawd, there's another big day on the calendar. Well, for some. Pressure, am I right? I...should shove something in my locker before getting into the carbs too hard. Heh." she laugh-snorts. "Be right back!"