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Latest revision as of 21:08, 3 January 2023

The Kids are alright!
Date of Scene: 02 January 2023
Location: Living Quarters - Four Freedoms Plaza
Synopsis: An interesting conversation, and a lead!
Cast of Characters: Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin walks back into the living quarters towl on his head, and in his fantastic four outfit. He is smilling like usually, but he whistles a little as he enters the room. He had just returned from some wierd adventure again, and had an idea he wanted to bring to father eventually, but was a bit distracted. Not even noticing if anyone else is in as he is looking at the watch on his arm. Typing stuff here or there very quickly as he waves a single finger over it not really needing to type.

He makes his way through the living room by memory walking past the entertanment section, and further in towards the kitchen. Maybe he would make some popcorn or something and relax until he got his thoughts in order. It was a bit early for it, but he felt happy so wanted some snack food other then anything heavy. Besides with everyone busy it was the perfect time to snack!

Valeria Richards has posed:
The first thing that emrges from Valeria's room, Pierre, the Sequinned Doombot, carrying a load of laundry out. The second is a HERBIE with a tray of plates, bowls, and coffee mugs.

The third is Valeria herself. Oversized Footbal jersey styled top in the family colours the 4 with a black outsline front back and on the shoulders with her last name printed on the back. Yogapants covering the lower half while she is accompanies by what appears to be a german shephard dog. Well appears as it flickers and fades in and out of visiblity a moment.

Holly the Holodoggo, prototype for simulated service animals. It bads about while the blonde girl works and swipes her right hand against the holodisplay on her wrist computer.

"I finished the last slice of Pizza. So it's not hidden if that's what you're looking for." she points out rather calmly.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin looks up as Pierre enters the room then continues watching all the wal till Val makes her appearance. That chuckle turns into a grin as he actually stops at the entrance of the Kitchen right next to the door to turn. "You know there are actually people right outside those doors." pointing to the way he came in. Turning to walk into the kitchen he speaks louder so she will hear him. "Matter of fact.... I think there might be some actual wondrous ones out there." With a chuckle he searches for the popcorn, "You know I ran into her the other day.. Wonder Woman.. Actually she is a lot taller then I thought." he pauses thinking about it before returning to searching.

It doesn't take long before he is continuing again. "Did you want anything.. And tell me you didn't hide the big bowl?" he ask with a light laugh. He didn't actually blame her but it was fun giving her a hastle once in a while though usually it would just turn around on him in the end.

Valeria Richards has posed:
Said bowl might actually be on the tray being taken to the dishwasher by the HERBIE. "Big bow does not narrow things down Franklin." she states with a grin. "And yes I'm aware of the world outside my bedroom. But all my stuff is in there." she points out with a tilt of her head back over behind her.

At least she keeps it tidy. Or has the mechanical help do it.

I think Wonder Woman cheats a little by floating an extra inch or two off the ground. Pretty certain all the flying types do. Adds a kind of imposing element. At lleast until they try it on Aunt Jen. Plus it's also bait. If they float enough, they can pull the 'eyes up here' thing. Even though they literally put them in our face. It's not staring if it's our entire field of view!" she points out to her brother as she takes a pot on the couch.

Holly being the good simulated doggo hops up on the couch and rests its head on Valeria's lap, head scritches given.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin listens to his sister talk with a shake of his head. "You know.. it is that kind of disbelief in others that is the issue Val." he says as he hovers back into the room just an extra inch or two. Landing soon after with a grin at her. The sounds of the microwave start in the now empty kitchen, "I will say I was rather intimedated so I mean must be something behind it right? Oh! and I found it." looks at her for a minute then at the dog. "Getting a lot done I see. Didn't even realize your dearist favorate brother was wondering about Gotham I see."

He teases a little bit, "I was thinking about going back again, Star City too talk with this Queen person." he waves a hand a bit as he gets where he can see her, and leans against a wall wating for the popcorn not really wanting to sit down. "Been a while since we faced to faced so I wanted to check.. I mean you might be my favorate little sis too." and grins with a chuckle. "Just don't clone yourself."

Valeria Richards has posed:
"Your energy signature can be tracked pretty easily from here dear brother. Self lowjacking to put it simply. It's when I'm in Gotham that folks worry. Not like anyone should, we're totally grown ups. Long as you don't bnlow the place up or come back dating someone Mom and Dad disapprove of you should be fine." she points out with a snapp point.

"Gotta live your own life. Why I hang out at GIRL, occasionally wear something other than blue." she states.

"What disbelief, it's a good tactic. It's empowering!" she says and actually sounds a little jealous. Despite her being tall and blonde, and her mother's daughter clearly. She still has her insecurities.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin chuckles a bit and thinks about that. Would they disaprove of her, but it wasn't really like that anyway so he just pushed out the thought just as fast hopefully before his sister could read his face. "You are right of course Val, but even in my own life I got room for Family." he shrugs a bit looking at the floor. "So never think I don't.." and smiles again a bit pushing himself off the wall. "Besides I can't talk about not having my own life too much."

That little grin appears again, "Got into a litteral fist fight." he shakes his head a bit. "First since well.. Training I guess." he rubs his chest a little though he hardly felt it anymore. "Hardly think that is what the folks would of wanted for me either ya know." He gives a little shrug with a grin. "But tell me about this GIRL? Do you run it?" he decides to take a seat and listen to his sister some more as the popcorn will just cool off if he leaves it for now. He holds up a finger.. "oh! How many people do you got? Or even better, anyone I know?" and grins a bit to her.

He was always glad to hear sister had other friends out there as the times alone in the lab could get rather long for those with no friends.

Valeria Richards has posed:
"There are very few times I am not right about something." The younger sibling reminds with a grin. It's not even smug. "Fight huh? Hero stuff, or is this just primitive letting your fists dictate the event? Pretty important distinction there. You can get away with a lot more if it's 'Fighting Crime' after all." she reminds and nods her head. The doggo lets out a allegedly simulated tired whine.

GIRL, Genius In action Research Labs, yes the acronym doesn't quite fit. Nadia Pym - Van Dyne. Janet's girl, the other Wasp, she runs it. Bunch of us there. Mostly a hangout so we can talk science, collaborate. Go into space. They are awesome!" she exposites with a grin.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin Richards grins. "Wow! that does sound pretty fun, he leans back in his seat to think about an truthfull answer to Val's question though so he falls to silence for a moment. "I.. Don't know.. It depends if the light post at the end of the street is on or off today." and looks at he with a wink just messing with her. "No I haven't lost my temper do not worry. I know well what could come of that... believe me." and shakes his head at that though. "I got jumped in Gotham by like seven guys," he starts to explain. "I was going to.." he snaps a finger is example of how seven normal guys would actually do against one of them. "But I didn't.. It was so quick, and thankfully Robin swung in, but.." he shrugs a bit again.

"Life is wierd sometimes.." and pushes it off as one of those things he just needed to experience for now. "You know I am going back to check out the system at the Wayne house, I could do it... But you could do it better and faster?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. "Might be fun to get out.. Help my dearest suffering brother." and still grins obviously not suffering that bad. "It isn't space, but eath isn't so bad.. I mean its home at least right?"

Valeria Richards has posed:
"Thankfully for them Robin swung in. But if you do get mugged in Gotham. You kinda need to snap a few femurs." she dated into the Bat family a while so they might have left some influence on how she handles being confronted by street crime.

That said, they are famous and at least in New York no one is game to take a shot at her unless they're extra nuts. Or have beef with the fam. That doesn't happen often.

"You know I'm pretty certain I'm still on the approved list for Wayne Manor's security system. And I could absolutely crack it if I wanted to. But they're cool peeps even if I'm not dating one of them any more. Just knock on the door." she suggests with a grin.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods to his sister, "I don't need you to get in sister, I am perfectly able to knock on a door. Heck Damian is a friend of mine we are going to some fair next week." he just adds on, "There is just someone there I thought it might be interesting for you to meet." he holds up a hand. "It's nothing like that... It is different I can feel it ya know." he shrugs a bit. "The world is vast though what if I asked you another... different favor instead?" and smiles a bit. "I will drop asking you about the whole Wayne thing if you look up a name for me." he sighs a bit. "I only have a first name, and a brief discription." he glances at the door. "And the promise you will not tell anyone else about this." he glances back though he is grown some habits die hard.

HHe continues slowly "Her name is.." he stops thinking about it for a moment. "Neena... Yea Neena, she is about five seven to five eight.. Pale blue eyes, and coal blac hair." he goes over it like he is trying to describe a hard to reach memory.

Valeria Richards has posed:
"I dated Jason. Of course I'm not now and will probably be dating girls for the foreseaable future." she points out with a grin. "Not that the break up was that bad. He's not the reason I switched teams." she states with a grin. She may switch back but who knows if that'll be a thing.

"So okay. Neena how is it spelled? Five, seven-ish. I'm gonna guess hot? Black hair, pale blue eyes. Body type? Style of clothes?" she asks the older of the siblings with a grin as she starts punching things into her wriest computer. Which is in turn linked to the main systems in the Plaza, and linked to all kinds of databases. "More details are always handy but if you're fuzzy on them, I kinda won't be able to narrow it down. Could be millions of Ninas out there with dark hair and blue eyes." she points out.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin Richards waves his hands as she talks about Jason, and dating girls as that was not any of his information. "Whoever you chose if you chose'em your prob right." and then chuckles, "But if you want me to.." he snaps "No more Todd.. I mean.. No-one is going to miss one person right? And grins at her, is he kidding.. Let her figure that one out as he very much doubted she would let him do it anyway. He honestly trusted her vision of people way better then his own as normally the tricks they tried to pull would not work on her.

He spells out the name, and discribes a quite fetching woman with such an obvious look it could only be one person. Now if his sister knew Domino it would point only to her though strangly he doesn't say anything that happened. Anytime it seems to be a memory such as yea she was wearing this black boots, it changes to.. Black boots quickly as if he is trying to hide what exactly happened.

Valeria Richards has posed:
"Think that's a quick way to get Bruce upset. So no messing with his kids. Then from there it's like rich people feuds. Richards vs Wayne." she points out how that could be a very bad thing.

The search continues as more details are all punched in. "Okay. That'd gonna take a while. Then when it's done. It'll send details your way on your phone." it doesn't make any loud alarms though when it finishes. But what does come up totally gets an evil looking grin on the girl. "As the Goddaughter of Victor Von Doom. You can do worse. Try hanging out at Xavier's. Might be a good place to start." she states and chuckles.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin shrugs a bit, "Again your always right sister, but still.. If you asked? Maaaybe." and grins with a wink not really putting more thought into it then that. As as far as she has said he wasn't really a bad guy or nothing. "Besides you know in the end we would win, or at least you would win. Though maybe I am a bit biased?" and chuckles, "You may not hover my sister, but I have no doubt in your capabilities." then he is already walking to the door, and then stops. He slowly turns, "Excuse me.." as clearly this was a surprise to him.

He turns again, and shakes his head. "You know that might explain a lot." moving back to the door he he shake his head, "Maybe I should.. Thanks Val, I owe you one." he turns walking backwards now. "If ya ever need me at GIRLs I am there for ya because.." he uses finger guns as he says the words. "Everyone loves the powerhouse!" and laughs trying his best to do a Johnny impression. "And don't worry I got it all under control." he adds with a wink.