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Back to Work, You!
Date of Scene: 04 January 2023
Location: R and D Labs: Triskelion
Synopsis: Jemma has changed, and Jane and Daisy remain the same, ever hungry for information and Chinese food.
Cast of Characters: Jemma Simmons, Jane Foster, Daisy Johnson

Jemma Simmons has posed:
If someone asked where one could locate a certain biochemist, there would be an almost unanimous response.

'Have you checked the R&D lab?'

And, that response would be correct. For that is exactly where Jemma Simmons is at presently. In fact, given how early (or late) it is at the Trisk, Jemma may very well be the only person in the lab at the moment. It is hard to tell what time it is when there are no windows to the outside world..and the R&D lab doesn't believe in such things as analog clocks.

And what exactly is Jemma doing in the R&D lab? Judging from the amount of displays she has up presently in her workspace, at least three different things. One...biological specifications of Shi'ar anatomy, complete with genetic scans, known deviations from the human genome, and the list of various obfuscation techniques to hide said deviations from casual scanning. On another screen, Maria Hill's pet project regarding UAP sightings, with a topographical map plotting out various sightings and looking for any patterns in regards to them. Notes along the side propose some theories...mostly speculation at this point.

And the third screen? A model of a human genome. One very familiar to Jemma...as it is her own. And again notes, but these notes detailing something else entirely. Documentation of exposure levels, analysis of some sort of radiation ('Cosmic?' being written next to the spectrum analysis) and what appears to be a small list of certain feats with a single word tucked into the margins of the document.


All in all, it appears that Jemma is doing what she does best. Researching. Back to work as usual, it would seem.

Jane Foster has posed:
Arguably the one person in the building with entirely manufactured human DNA should stay well and far away from the R&D labs. On the other hand, anyone else at UNOOSA knows full well the mild-mannered brunette astrophysicist was fully willing to go toe-to-toe with a Raptor wielding a hammer very much not hers. But it's something Thor would have done without a second thought, so does that make it all right?

Consequently, Jane logs another few hours at work and turns her attention away from the endless charts, the relentless details, the constant state of doubt and wonder that teases her day after day. The deafening silence from space despite a concerted effort to coordinate her searches hasn't turned up much, and those long, lonely hours landing on distant planets to inquire probably hasn't turned up much except a certainty the Thunderer isn't anywhere he should be.

Something to write home to Nick Fury about, which is a dismal report, but useful for saying 'Have travelled' and getting those executive air miles.

All said and done, she comes bearing a tin of proper English tea -- well, Indian -- and a toasted bagel in a properly secure, hermetically sealed box. Because one does not introduce crumbs to anyone's workstation.

"You know, if you look too long at that, it starts looking back," she chimes in.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Do you know who clocked out early today? Daisy, of course! Well, not entirely. For she has a rather special mission to get to, and that involves going to a certain lab, talk to a certain scientist. And who does she ask?

Their whatsapp group, of course. And the non-response is all the answer she needs because she will know Jemma will be knee-deep in the lab. Either that or kidnapped. But she will go the former!

A few moments after Jane has made her way in so does Daisy. It's like they are in sync! "Well well well, if it isn't the usual suspects." is there ACCUSATION in her tone? Maybe just a smidge. But at least she came bearing goods in terms of chinese takeout. Look, the royal dragon makes a royal penny out of Daisy.

"Brought your favorites." she announces.

Probably to appease Jemma about all the questions she has!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma doesn't even bother to turn around. She knows that first voice anywhere.

"Oh, I know. I have been taking breaks, Doctor Foster." The resident R&D scientist turns around, flashing a smile towards Jane. "Of course, you know me. If there are questions to answer, I am going to ask those questions. And look for the answers." A hand drifts back to indicate the different monitors. "It's what I do."

Those brown eyes drift from the tea service, with a small smile, to over Jane's shoulder, with that smile widening. "And it seems that the gang is all here. Hello there, Daisy." Those same eyes observe the takeout being brought in. And....that prompts a chuckle from Jemma. "Obviously, you two are on similar thought paths. Though...slightly different executions. Shall we have tea first, or chinese?"

Jane Foster has posed:
Secret Mission: Wonton Soup. Jane makes note of this through her downswept lashes, smartly measuring and accepting Daisy's veritable claims of being in the vicinity 'just because.' Welcome to the land of spies, where just cause is an everyday thing.

"Have you? Every twenty minutes, looking for twenty seconds at something twenty feet away? Then getting up? You know I'm only looking out for you, but healthy habits count." Their health and wellness mindfulness coach is in the building, everyone.

She deposits the tea and the scrumptious toasty to the side out of harm's reach, and then conspicuously checks herself over for crumbs just in case. One mustn't contaminate the area. "We're both spending ungodly hours working? I'm sure that excites the upper echelons to see we're on salary /and/ burning the midnight oil."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Gang?" An amused grin comes to her expression. "I would do some gang signs but you know..., hands full." Daisy lifting the couple of bags and walking over to put the food on a counter. An empty one! Not with any experience running. See? She knows now. Or maybe it's Jemma that already knows to keep a counter empty for Daisy's impromptu appearances with gifts.

"Tea WITH chinese." she tells them as if it was obvious.

"So ..., what are we burning the midnight oil on..." her eyes going over to the various displays, then eyes narrowing. "Or should we talk about the last mission, mmm?" she looks between them. Oh yes, she saw Jemma using powers.

"Something you want to share with the gang?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Tea with Chinese. That sounds delightful."

Jemma does seem to be in rather good spirits...until Daisy brings up the last mission they were all on...and the question she poses. And...Jemma does something that she usually does not do.

She doesn't immediately answer Daisy. Not yet.

First...she diverts...and answers Jane. "Telling the medical doctor the benefits of proper breaks? That's novel. And perhaps a little unexpected." The smile shifts into a slight smirk. Yes, Jemma is amused by the notion.

Then...back to Daisy. "Well...I have several irons in the fire, figuratively speaking. Which 'something' do you want to know first?" Oh...Jemma knows what Daisy is asking about. Maybe.

Jane Foster has posed:
"There, your hands are free. Signs?" Jane prompts Daisy to throw Furiae gestures left, right, and center. Never perilous when dealing with an elemental, is it? Her smile brightens several shades, catching the fresh spread of Royal Dragon goodness. A curious look settles in, and she asks, "Do I need to grab cutlery from the kitchenette? It won't take but a few minutes if we need additional plates or silverware."

After all that, the cornerstone of delicious tea will be swept up and enjoyed. The little things in life matter so much, after all.

"With Agent Simmons, I can only guess. I'm trying to get a vector on some of Deputy Director Hill's work, though everything seems to be coming up SWORD the past couple weeks. We're has-beens over in WAND." Being seconded by Peggy to the agency is one thing, and she has to laugh slightly. "We might want to start with those ones, if you've got no preference, Jemma. Unless Daisy is dying to know about your new living room decor or something."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Signs.." Daisy says back to Jane. "Which speaking of..." and indeed Daisy -does- get into a little dance move that some may or may not remember from their Framework times. The infamous Skye Starr, dancing 'Uh Oh'. When she is done she grins wider and says, "I was teaching my sister the dance moves.. She took to it." the Furiae appearing quite proud about that.

Did Daisy notice how Jemma didn't immediately answer? Oh yes, she diiiiiiid. But she lets Jemma get there instead of pressing. She already aske. But when Jemma then questions what she wants to talk about?

"Oh, there's more than one secret?"

She lifts her hands up and then sighs. "I am talking about how you used ..., powers?" a beat, "I suppose it's fitting as you belong to the Secret Warriors, but that didn't seem like some tech that came out of your pocket."

"Wait, start with what?" She then asks Jane.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Ah, yes. The P word. Jemma knew exactly what Daisy was referring to. And...Jemma takes the outlet Jane offers. "Well...there is the Shi'ar that attacked during Darcy's presentation and the UAP uptick that Director Hill had spoken of before. And...yes, there is the fact that I did seem to develop a certain....talent. One that I have been more thoroughly researching." A quick glance back to Jane, then refocus on Daisy. "And I promise to tell you more."

"But first...Jane is right. We should address Director's Hill project first. That would be more important." Well...maybe to some. Jemma turns to the middle monitor, indicating the UAP patterns. "I am trying to find collations but I have not quite found anything yet. Admittedly, I am in the early stages of my research...but that doesn't excuse the fact that I have not found anything. Yet."

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane holds up her fingers, a warning she will be a minute fetching cutlery. Plastic, because SHIELD, but recyclable plastic made from bamboo or something. It takes her the promised two minutes to acquire three sets of forks, a recyclable bowl for various sauces, and a few extra napkins. You never know; they might be necessary.

She thus re-enters midway into the conversation, Jemma's explanations completed and the opening salvo of questions bound to follow. "I still need to speak with that teacher from Happy Harbour, it's on my to do list. We can add that to the end of the list, since it's a Secret Warriors matter and I already informed the Midnight King since it pertains to his line of inquiry most."

Jemma Simmons has posed:

The question is there. Jemma isn't exactly sure who this teacher is that Jane needs to speak to. "Speaking of lists, if we are adding to the list of questions to be resolved, or secrets, there is more to find out." There is a knowing nod to Jane. There is something there that Jemma knows...one more secret that Daisy may or may not be aware of.

Yet, Jemma isn't going to pry. She instead turns to the middle monitor.

Back to work, it seems.

"Anyways, I do see the increase that Director Hill was referring to. I just have yet to determine a cause for the increases."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Do you want to explain what information Director Hil sought in the first place and the time frame it covered?" Jane asks, easing into the subject while she doles out forks and napkins in three neat arrangements. Presentation counts, even as she moves on to the tea and pours two cups first. The mugs come down from a cabinet and whatever grandiose designs they bear will suit well for the heady Indian brew. "I had the impression these oddities stretch back considerably further than anyone at UNOOSA guessed. Many national contingents who sent their scientists or security leads were discomfitted to know, and naturally we got accused of hiding information. You know how it goes."

A grim reality they have to face, and not so long ago, she might have been on the other side of the divide. "Darcy came up with excellent materials for her own work, though that's /equally/ interesting. I rather would like to hear your take on it, Jemma. As for you, Daisy, there's been a spike in unidentified objects appearing and I can conclusively say... ah, they're sourced very strangely, at least the most recent batch. They're coming out of an area within the galaxy, which I suppose is a comfort. And if you start thinking little grey men for aliens, you aren't wrong. They originate out of Zeta Reticuli, at least as near as I've been able to narrow it down. Unfortunately I could tell you a whole lot less about them than, say, Kryptonians."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
By the look on Daisy's face it's clear she hasn't read the report on that particular occurrence just yet. Which is why she looks between them a little lost. But there' food, so she fetches it and starts distributing boxes! So practiced with it too. "What does Hill want to do about them? Just study them?" she asks. Then she pauses at the mention of the teacher.

"A teacher from Happy Harbor? I still got some contacts there.., what's the involvement with the secret warriors?"

Yet it's not as if that's what brought her here TODAY. Because then she is looking at Jemma with that inquisitive look of hers.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Oh...oh....Jemma knows that look.

And...there isn't much more she can do to avoid the question. Sooner or later, Jemma is going to need to answer Daisy. And...it seems that Jemma decided on 'sooner'.

The scientist turns to the third monitor. "It...took some time to determine what exactly happened. If you look at the genome mapping here.." Jemma points to the DNA model on the screen. "...it shows nothing immediately different. In fact...if we do a comparison from before, it looks virtually identical." To prove the point, Jemma pulls up a model of her genome from a year ago. Side by side, it looks pretty close.

"However...if you know where to look, there is a minor difference." With that, Jemma isolates one specific location...and yes, there is an extremely minor change. "This edit is so small that all normal genetic scans would miss this." Jemma pauses to let that sink in before she continues. "It took me some time to isolate when this might have happened. To which I tied it to our Scotland vacation. And the recovery of a certain stone from that mission." Another pause. "In studying the particular resonance of the item recovered, I determined that it was exposure to this resonance, coupled by unknown factors...that sparked a fundamental change."

"To put it simply, I found that I may be able to manipulate biological components on an almost intuitive level." Jemma levels her gaze towards Daisy. "Does that offer some answers to your questions?"

Jane Foster has posed:
For good reason, Jane isn't getting between the Daisy Look and Jemma receiving it. She has her own fish to fry when pinned down by the inquiry gaze of the hacker, and what's more, she already has plentiful secrets of her own. Like how she convinced Lockjaw to take a small Christmas tree up to the royal quarters of Attilan. How she ended up in those quarters, not the human ones, is another mystery.

"I think they're already here," she tells Daisy, "and there may be more coming. So far, unclear. I can pull up the notes taken during the meeting, it was a thorough review of the high-level materials. Hill's reasoning is sometimes a mystery, I don't work that closely with her." That's what Melinda is for.

She rubs her hand over her knee, leaning back against the counter. No twinges of age; while the others are two years older, she's biologically stuck exactly at the moment of impact. Given how great the draugr looked, she might have a few centuries before the withered skeleton-zombie style sets in.

"The mapping there isn't the Shi'ar one, is it? Unfortunately the switcheroo dynamics of the Raptor technology makes it impossible for us to actually grab the whole pilot, as far as I can tell. Just the body left behind, but the rest seems to be there. Something in common with them, maybe?" She points her fork at Jemma's screen. "Human, then, and you're implying a fundamental change in your own biological structure, give or take?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It's not like Daisy is a biologist to really follow all that's being said and done on those monitors but she gets the gist of what Jemma explains, bobbing her head a couple of times when she finishes with that conclusion about the fundamental change.

"So ...., a mutation?" She looks at Jane, then back. "It's not terrigenesis, as I don't think there was any relation to what we found in Scotland and the Kree, was there?" she still had her questions about that mission.

"Though I think more importantly is how are YOU feeling? Is everything okay?" she questions, some semblance of worry to her voice.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Rudimentary speaking? Yes. But, not in any sort of standard mutation. And no...not terrigenesis. That has specific genetic markers that are identified and known. And the same as the X-gene. I do not have either of those particular markers. So, I could be considered a mutate."

Yes...leave it to Jemma to give a proper name to things.

"As far as how I feel? I am quite well." A glance back to Daisy. "I am a medical doctor, after all. As previously established with Doctor Foster, I do know how to take care of myself." That causes a bit of a smile to appear. Yes, Jemma can joke.

Back to the matter at hand. "I have noticed that my biokinesis is related to my stamina. But, other than that, normal parameters." Then a switch to the Shi'ar bio-scans. "I was not concerned with the Raptor technology. It is more that the Shi'ar individual was masquerading as a human. This is all known obfuscation methods of the Shi'ar, derived from information obtained from SHIELD's resident Shi'ar liason. I am looking for more efficient methods to identify Shi'ar. If I was faster...we might have prevented that incident."

Jane Foster has posed:
Of course Jemma would, but Jane isn't going to argue biochemistry and genetics with an expert in the field. At least one who is credentialed as they come on Earth, minus a Reed Richards or two. The mild shake of her head to Daisy's question she follows up with, "You or Blackagar certainly would've seen something about that, wouldn't you?"

That point left on the table, she goes back to easily maneuvering around a few dumplings and enjoying herself where the meal is involved. "The Raptor technology is problematic, but not entirely so. If you can pair up the energy signature, then you have a possible way of matching it. I could tell you what they mentally feel like, but that may not be something we can replicate. Nor am I going to fry out any of Fitz's machinery trying, that just seems utterly unfair."