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Latest revision as of 23:56, 9 January 2023

A Quick visit to the school!
Date of Scene: 09 January 2023
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Sam, Franklin, and Millie discuss powers, and life!
Cast of Characters: Millie Nusia, Franklin Richards, Samuel Guthrie

Millie Nusia has posed:
New to the school Millie is one of the college age students. She's still figuring out her power and it's place within her life - like many of the students here. Some are fairly different. They have mutations or things that set them apart. She herself is a beautiful co-ed. Beauty has always been sprinkled upon the Texas cheerleader.

She's found herself in the kitchen. Normally she hungers for life energy of others. Lusting after the life they have, some people have it overflowing. It's sometimes difficult to shy away. She wants some of that overexuberant spirit for herself. However today she's just hungry for food-food. A rare occasion indeed. The blonde's wearing a light long-sleeved white tee with the words 'TEXAS' embroidered in with large letters across it in brown lettering. A pair overly snugily jeans without the 'classic rips'. Prim and proper jeans if jeans can be. A pair of brown low-cut boots. Her hair is tied off with a blue ribbon behind her head letting her hair push towards a flow behind her.

Pausing to read the note on the fridge she second-guesses. "Mmmmn. I don't know. They seem serious." Opening the door like it's a Ghostbuster's portal to the almighty Zor, she peeks inside. Like some kind of (hungry) secret agent. Something needs to pop out to her, she's not sure what to eat. And how to replace it.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin was back! He had needed to ghost them as he was called away last time so felt kind of bad for his disapearance. So he was back, and this time with cookies, as he entered the school once again. Franklin figured to set up a school for the coming year they could use some help, and he had hoped that he could do something to. Walking towards the kitchen he glances around entering with a "Hello? Anyone in here?" to let anyone in there know he was entering as he didn't want to startle someone before they got their coffee.

Franklin Richards is head to toe covered in Fantastic Four swag! From the blue and black hat with the 4 on the front, the Reed shirt, and finally down to the black, and blue pants also with the 4 on it.

He is heading to the counter to deliver his cookies, and though he would not tell anyone he was the one that made then, the shape of them might be obvious these were not store bought. Looking up he spots the other in the Kitchen, "Oh! Hey, sorry didn't see ya there." he nods to the cookies. "Cookie?"

Millie Nusia has posed:
A soft terrified murrphle. "Urk!" when someone comes in and she closes the door quickly to the fridge. "I didn't take anything, I promise!" A little jumpy. Then again she just read the note. The hand of the fridge police is long indeed?

Oh. Wait. It's that guy. He's actually kind of famous. Here in new york at least. The strech guy. "Do they make you wear all the merchandising?" She idly wonders aloud. When she was in cheerleading they certainly put the wildcats logo on everything. From outfits to skirts to pompoms to socks. Chests and butts and everywhere else. If it would draw attention - it had a log on it. That's the way it felt at least.

"I don't have to replace it if I eat one do I?" She softly teases with just a smidge of the serious. She steps closer curious blue eyes looking towards the container. "Are they shaped like 4's?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is a cop but not a fridge cop. He is walking into the kitchen carrying multiple grocery bags. It seems he is one of the ones who replenish it on the reg. He is wearing most of his normal attire, a Lila Chenney concert tee, with a flannel jacket over it, jeans and hiking boots completing the look. He looks over and nods to those who he finds in the room as he moves to set the bags on the counter "Hey, how you guys?" His own southern accent not as strong as it was years ago but still there.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin chuckles at the guilt of taking food from the fridge, and smiles at Millie, and says in a gravely voice, "The life of a fridge a cold one, but we must tow the line." ending with a grin to show he was only joking a bit as he changed back to a normal voice as he too looks at the note. "Oh that guy.. Yea he has no sense of humor." he adds with a nod remembering when Magneto and himself ran into each other last time. "Don't worry bout the cookies though, I won't tell no-one." he turns moving to the table to look outside,

"And no they don't make me." he adds with a grin again already, "The merchandise people give me tons for free, and well..." he gives a bit of a shrug, "Usually what I wear gets ruined sooner or later." he holds out the shirt a bit to look down at it instead of outside. "I got tired of getting new clothes every week." and chuckles a bit at that as it was just part of the job.

He is shaking his head at the cookies shape, "Yea.. they came like that" he fibs a bit as it embarassed him a little to admit his part in it. Looking up as Sam came in he jumped at the chance to change to topic. "Oh hello.. umm.. I am sorry I don't reconise you." he looks between the two, "Franklin Richards, fantastic four, guest, and aperently Fridge Cop." he chuckles a bit at that/ "Nice to meet you two, are you.... students?" he asks not wanting to ask anything too much as folk around this school did seem alergic to questions at times.

Millie Nusia has posed:
Millie Nusia peers at the cookies a moment "They sell them in the 4's like that? These don't seem store bought..." Still she takes one and takes a hearty bite. She is hungry after all. And being this close to him - he's filled with energy. Life energy. Better to eat the cookie then other things.

"I'm Millie. I'm a new college student here. Very new. It's nice to be peppered in with other people whom have unique problems to solve."

A look over towards Sam and she moves over to help him with the bags and get them set on a counter. Oh. Another strong person. "I'll help. Did you right the 'fridge note?" Her own accent is texas, with the certain twang that comes with it. But not quite the misformation of words that sometimes comes. Let's just say she'd say Bubbler instead of Water Fountain.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie offers a smile and says "Sam, and Ah have been around for a few years, Ah am taking a few classes, but also helping with teaching some of the new students in flight techniques." He explains to them what he does at the school. His own accent is from Kentucky. "And your a friend of Kitty's right Franklin?" Seems they have a mutual friend so he has heard of the other one.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin turns and waves, "Hello Millie! That is awesome what are you studying?" he thinks about his college classes he took back when he was kid specially made by his father to challenge him. "And welcome this is a good place here, I am sure you will like it. I still remember my time here.. Though I can only imagine it as a student." Franklin looks over at Sam, "And I am indeed, but I also did stay here for a bit." he thinks about it, "My parents go sometimes especially when I was young."

Techincally he was mutant and other then leave him alone with his sister they alowed him to come here.

He thinks about that, and starts the search for a cup as it had been a while since he was here. "Of course with a horrible sense of humor I will still take any friends I can get." grinning at Sam a bit.

Millie Nusia has posed:
"Well Hello Sam, it's nice to meet you." And then to Franklin as well "A pleasure.". Southern hospitality. It is a thing.

"I'm just doing general studies right now. Getting used to being a mutant. There are..worse things to be. So having a mutation seems a rather easy thing in comparison to others." Like being called demon with 'followers of the lord' pelting you with holy water.

"I'm kind of feeling out where my place is exactly and where my life should turn into." She starts putting away the groceries to the best as she can offer. "You're one of those famous scientists aren't you?" She asks of Franklin. To Sam she also seems impressed. "It must be nice to fly? It seems like it offers a sense of freedom and you can get out of tricky situations rather with ease."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to the others and says "Flying is cool, but took me a while to be decent at it, used to have problems turning." He admits to them. "You will find your place here, and just remember, being a mutant does not have to define you. You can still pretty much do anything you wanted to before hand, but with most thing just takes some work to get there.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods, and listens a lot of students went through a very hard time here so he didn't want to pry and embarrass themselves. It was a rough life out there sometimes, but at least here it was a safe place for mutants. He nods to Millie though as he finds the wisdom in her words. "It sounds like you are already ahead of the game Millie, I am sure you will find your own balance as long as you know to look already." he nods thinking to himself a bit om that falling to silence.

"And I only dabble in the science my sister Valeria is the scientiest." he stops and looks at both of them hesitating for a moment then getting over it. "I am more known for what I can do. I am also a mutant, but when I change things they stay changed."

He tries to brush it off as it wasn't anything big. How do you explain to someone that you change reality itself. He thinks about it for a moment, "I could tell her to give you a call if you want? If there is something you need help with or something of course."

He finally nods to Sam, "See.. now that is a School answer and why I am only the guest." he chuckles a bit giving Sam a nod for the good answer.

Millie Nusia has posed:
A wistful look from the co-ed and she shrugs her shoulders "Well, I won't say no if you want to have her call me, but I'm not sure what we'd talk about. I'm just a cheerleader from Texas. It's not that I'm used to being a mutant. I still very much struggle with that. But I've been called worse."

"My codename is Succubus and while it's not particularly kind I can't say it's horribly inaccurate. I think I have one of the more rare mutations. I would hope it's rare at least. My body hungers for other's life energy. And while heaven and hell, fallen angel or demon may not have anything to do with it - it's still life that I find myself preoccupied with. The kind of life that flows through people's veins. So..it's been a trip. A rather distracting trip. Sometimes it's like my body betrays me."

"Maybe it's good I was rather cast out of the community. I'm not a demon. Though. If left alone I might've been just as bad. A pretty face can disarm - and goodness knows I was so very hungry. I could have left a string of sadness behind me that would have made me a monster. I feel like.. it's like a tightrope walk. Between good and not. Like my body is pulling my heart to fall to darkness, and my mind tries to keep me out. And it leaves me confused teetering and almost ready to fall one way or another."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "There are a few here who might be able to help you with that as well, mutant and otherwise." He tells the young lady "And the fact your here, trying to get help shows your wanting and willing to get the life your wanting." He is putting stuff up as they talk "As for codenames, you can find the one that you like best, if you want a different code name you can find the one that you feels represents you the best.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin sighs, "Don't make me say my codename... It is so embarassing!" and he looks down putting a hand over his face. "I was a kid, and I thought it sounded cool, but powerhouse sounds so cheesy now." he admits to her as Succubus was better. He does consider it though, thinking that life energy was a neccessary part of being alive as he had cosmic energy filling him. "That is rare indeed. I have not heard anything like it, but I can see how that could be tough." he rubs his chin thinking about it.

He adds almost not thinking about it, "And I am always trying to hawk my sister on people so don't worry about it. She needs more friends to get her out of that lab.." he chuckles, and rubs the back of his head, "Though she keeps telling me to knock it off." he falls to silece after that considering her struggle silently he just nods. "Just don't forget to relax once in a while and have some fun." adding after she is done explaining.

He nods to her, "As you said yourself, only human right?" and chuckles a bit, we all had things that would change them for the worse. He remembered last time he got mad, really mad, at someone, and frowned a bit as he was glad he was able to bring them back though for a small amount of time.. technically they didn't exist. He glances at her, and nods.

"Look I was a little well... light with my explination." he felt bad now as she had been very open, and he was being shady. He glances over at her, "To be fully open.. I change reality... It isn't always on purpose, and there have been some... Mistakes I have made getting here today." he nods to Millie "Asked myself a lot of those same questions, and still not quite sure where I belong. But it does get better."

Millie Nusia has posed:
"Did you reality-change the cookie's shapes into 4's?" she asks hiding her smile behind the open fridge door putting some of the groceries away, though her blue eyes peek over it for a few moments. "That sounds like a very difficult ability to control. And letting it loose sounds just as dangerous if not more. I guess I don't have the *worst* ability. At least. It's just difficult to live with as I feel like it's trying to constantly corrupt me. And it's a real balancing act. There is a fear of what happens if I do give in? It does feel quite good to feed. But others can get hurt. It's why it's done very carefully, very clinically so far. But feeding in the wild - outside of a lab. That feels wild. Raw. It really gets the blood flowing and makes me feel alive."

She takes the bags when they are done and folds them up so they can be recycled. "Have you ever smashed into someone's house by accident, or something you didn't mean to Sam? I imagine flying took some time to get used to too?"

Millie Nusia has posed:
Millie Nusia takes some more of the '4' shaped cookies and gives a wave "Well I need to get back to studying. I hope to catch you both later!" She heads off with her pilfered treat, oddly in the number of 4 cookies shaped like 4's. Does that make it 16 somehow?

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Well they call me Cannonball, and more walls, and trees around here have been replaces, or repaired because of me more than most others. When Ah fly Ah am neigh invulnerable, so I can fly through most things like a cannonball going through them." He admits. "Part of why not being able to turn when Ah was younger flying through things and such." He admits

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin grins at that, "Okay fine. I made them... it was a cookie cutter!" he exclaims.. "I can't take it anymore I confess!" and chuckles as he finally decides to find a seat by the table instead. "The trick is there is no worse ability. We all have our own special problems to work out ya know?" he shrugs a bit, "And about my ability, well... I have gotten used to it I don't mean to complain." he nods a bit as he has gotten rather used to it. "But really that is just constant use with the team. I am sure when you find your way, whatever that may be, it will be as exciting as that so the need to feed in the wild should get easier."

He snaps his fingers thinking about it.. "How would you like to try to fly?" he grins looking back "Next time I come by I can bring my hover-board.. it repulses the magnetic..." he shakes his head realizing he had a way of over explaining things so instead starts again. "It floats, and you can control hight and speed by shifting body weight." he smiles largly, "Made it myself!" and waves as Millie leaves.

Franklin looks over at Sam, and nods getting up again. "I better go find Jean and let her know I am here. I was hoping to help setup for the new year." he starts walking out also. "Feel free to take as many cookies as you like, but be sure to share." and chuckles again giving him a wave. "If you need me for anything though Sam let me know I am always happy to help students here if I can no strings attached."