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Latest revision as of 23:59, 9 January 2023

An Accelerated Course
Date of Scene: 06 January 2023
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: Carin passes with flying colors and a super soaker!
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Carin Taylor

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord enjoys the prospect of testing metahuman abilities. Not that he knows exactly what he's doing. He's an engineer. However, yesterday Carin demonstrated her great potential. It was quite a relief to Kord. She seemed jittery at times, probably just her powers. Anyway, this test should be fun for both of them. He waits for the young cyborg with ill grace, eying a table full of something, covered with a tarp.


Carin Taylor has posed:
    Jittery is definitely a word to describe Carin. First AIM chasing her in Gotham, and then her run-in with HYDRA and SHIELD when she was trying to grab lunch. If not for her own conflicting thoughts and desire to not just do good, but be /useful/, she'd have been hiding out in her room after making it back to Kord Co. But, now she's being summoned, and perhaps defying expectations and decorum, arrives in a loose teeshirt, shorts, and completely bare feet.

    "...ah... um... why.. are you laughing Ted?" she asks, eyes sweeping over the tarp.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord blink blinks. "Why wouldn't I laugh? I'm abut to have fun and hopefully give you something to do that will be fun for you. Geeze relax. You were great in Brooklyn. I wasn't sure why you'd join SHIELD, which is pretty combat oriented, but... I like the way you approach a fight. You de-escalate things. That is rare in our community. I was impressed with you. I would like to help you get better... did you destroy your shoes, or are you just sparing them?" He points to her feet. He takes another look to see if Bailey got at them.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Huh?" it's Carin's turn to blinkblink. "...I'm relaxed..." she looks down at herself. The only way she'd be more comfy is if she was in pajamas. Though given her current wardrobe collection, these might be said pajamas. Her toes wiggle. Bailey got to them. They're painted and shiny. "No, shoes are fine! Just wanted to let my feet rest," she says, smiling up at Kord. There's pink in her cheeks, all the more acute by them being so white. "...thanks. I. SHIELD seems to want to help people? And. I've been thinking about it. I want to help. And they can help me, too." She just shakes her head, looking a bit shy at the heaps of praise Ted is piling on her.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord is done praising seeing the flush of pink. He removes the tarp carefully. The table is covered with firearms, sidearms, machine pistols, submachine guns, battle rifles, a grenade launcher. "Letting your feet rest... fair enough. Okay, Imma throw these at you. You stand there and disassemble or otherwise disable them. I will start with common street level weapons nd increase my speed (ha ha) and the complexity of the weapons. Are you ready? May I videotape this?"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The sight of all the firearms, even just laying there, makes her tense up a bit. If Ted has any sort of monitors running on her electronics, there's a clear and present ramping up of processing as everything on the table is analyzed and identified with various threat levels and database references down to caliber and penetration statistics. Carin just blinks. "Huh?" she asks, a little dumbly, and then nods. "Oh, a test? Sure. What is this for?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord's answer is simple He flings a Sig Sauer at Carin's head. "Disassemble!" He watches her reaction. For a moment afraid he's abut to knock a young woman unconscious. Speed is one thing but people do freeze. Well, better to learn this here than fighting Hydra. Does she need to ramp up to do that blurry gunsmith montage?

Carin Taylor has posed:
    It's less the throwing of the gun that jars her and more the sudden shout. "...you don't need to yell..." she winces, and her form just. Flickers. The sound barely registers as the series of slides and clicks is near-instantaneous. She and her hands had moved so quickly, the flicker and blur that was the pistol is now pieces falling to the floor.

    To her eyes, her efforts, she'd done the practiced process. Lock the slide. Drop the mag. Work the disassembly catches. Pull the firing pin. Remove the slide. Barrel. Spring mechanism. Trigger. All in the moment of a hummingbid beating its wings. She exhales a puff of air meant to dislodge a hair that had gone out of place as the collection of metal and polymer pieces land on the floor before her. She lifts her foot and catches the barrel as it rolls, then idly gives it a flick forward.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord does not relent. He starts throwing sidearms as fast as he can manage, Ruger Mark 2, .38 Special, Blackhawk, Glock, .45 Automatic, Walther PPK, a flintlock? Surely a recreation.

Then just for grins, he tosses a painted Blue Beetle Soaker Sidearm (TM). Available in the gifte shoppe for $22.95. Yes a water gun. Yes loaded. Yes he has a reason.

He's wearing old clothes and flips his goggles down. He expects to get watered.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Maybe it's worth watching the footage later, slowed down incredibly, because as much as Ted is relentless, Carin is keeping up. Almost everything thrown at her is taken apart. Almost. The flintlock? It's caught and tossed back on the table. The water gun? If it's the last in line she squints at it, gives Ted a deadpan expression, and much as he expects... she shoots him.

    "...the weapon database didn't include this," she says, casually, as she water-blasts the man.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord takes the shot. "Right. I wanted (blup) to see what you could do without the data (bluplup!) you're not supposed to shoot me when I'm explaining! Okay... put down the water gun or give me $14.90 for it. Bwa ha ha!"

Ted indicates the machine pistols. "The rest of these weapons have blanks. Try not to make them go off. I will deduct points. No seriously... I think most of the people you disarm will be carrying loaded weapons. So let us make sure you do it safely and don't shoot anyone. Ready when you are..."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "I don't have a built-in screwdriver or bolt extractor, Ted," she says quietly. "...best I can do with that is remove the actual piece of flint?" She shrugs and puts the watergun down on the table. Carefully. There's a pile of gun parts lying on the floor now, unless a cleaning bot comes in to sweep it all into a bin. Hopefully she's not going to be asked to put them all back together.

    Then she bounces on her heels a little, stretching her legs, and nods. "...right. Ready."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord bounces a little. Then he hands her a multi tool from his desk. "You raise a good point. Take this with my blessing. As for the flintlock... fire it. Okay, no live rounds and the bots are going to start collecting the pieces. Bailey is peeking and bet she's worried you drop a piece and mess up your toenail polish." He hefts an M-10 and tosses it, then flings a WW2 Schmeisser. Let's see how in depth that data base is.

Bailey floats out into plain view and begins grabbing pieces of sidearm. She brings them to the dining room table where Bobo and Bingo begin reassembling them, fast but not Carin fast.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The multi-tool is stared at and she just gives Kord this expression that can be conveyed as nothing more than 'Really?' before she bites her lip and puts it in the pocket of her shorts. She's going to need her hands free for this anyway, right? She casts a look over to Bailey and gives a half-smile, but her focus is returned to Ted. She nods, ready, and sees the weapons being tossed at her.

    The M-10 is handled easily, modern enough, if strange. She pulls the magazine, thumb dumping round after round out in a rain of brass that shines in the light. The multitool finds its way out of her pocket, if only for an instant, so she can hammer that pin out and leave the gun in two pieces.

    They are still falling when she gets ahold of the old war relic but even that, after a half-heartbeat of consideration, is field stripped. Again with the magazine first, the bolt pulled in case a round is chambered. And then, perhaps, far easier torn apart than the Mac-10 as it has no need for tool. Yank, twist, pull. Four pieces. "...I... am sure you're having fun with this... but... is.. is this truly necessary?

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord frowns as he runs out of carbines. The bots seem to be sweating electronically trying to keep up. "What? You said you couldn't unscrew things with your bare hands. I gave you a tool kit? I'm trying to help. Anyway, enough for now. You want some brunch. Bailey is busy but I can do eggs and bacon and toast."

"As for fun, yes it was. I feel I learned a few things about your abilities and hope you did. Anyway, I wired that spare brain box into a camera and I'll be checking its data over. So yeah, I had fun as in I got a load of data in an unusual way. Uhm here... this won't get police upset. He pulls a florescent yellow and orange water gun. Give me the one I painted."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "It's helpful, I think. I guess. If I'm going to.... be doing this thing more often... though I'm.. still not completely sure I want to.. or.. to what extent?" Carin admits, looking unsure. She rubs her hands slowly, not that they got too worn out. Maybe it was just the repetition while standing in one place the whole time. "Um, yes please... I haven't eaten yet today..." she says quietly. She'd left the other water gun on the table, though, and just slides it over towards ted.

    "Ah, thank you, but. It might. Melt. When I go really fast. Maybe I'll... keep it with my things?" she asks, taking the more brightly-colored one. Not like she had much like this to play with growing up.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord nods as he enters the kitchen. "Keep it to shoot at me when I get too cocky. Hey, bot kids, move to the folding table to finish the clean up." The engineer heads all the way into the kitchen. Bobo and Bingo comply. Bailey fairly streaks over to Carin. Though not to Carin's perception. She looks and probably scans the cyborg then dismisses her creator with a wave and holds out a bandana to Carin, black. Like her hoodie tent. Bailey gestures to mimic tying it around Carin's hair. She makes a wave at the kitchen again, as Ted noisily drops something.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "I'll keep that in mind," Carin says, actually laughing quietly. She watches the bots do their thing, and then blinks as Bailey zips over to her. Well, zips is a relative term. She kneels down when she sees the bandana in her grip. "Oh? Huh? Is.. this for me?" she asks, then gives Bailey a bigger smile. "...thanks..." she says. "..funny I relate better to robots.." she sighs, flexing her fingers, feeling the kevlar weave underneath her skin as her muscles pull and relax.

    Then she stands and puts on the bandana, carefully using it to hold some of her hair in place. "...maybe... we should go make sure he doesn't hurt himself..." she says quietly, and wanders off towards the kitchen.