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Latest revision as of 22:23, 11 January 2023

Story Begets Story
Date of Scene: 11 January 2023
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Franklin presents Mary with a story opportunity that she cannot resist.
Cast of Characters: Franklin Richards, Mary Bromfield

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin stood in the park smiling up at a tree he stands next to with his hand on it. He loved the park, and felt it was the perfect place to meet up with someone. It was a little cold, but the sun up there wasn't really any snow or anything all melted, as the sun beams down on it. Lightly dressed with his thin black and blue coat with a giant four on it. He had a hat, a different hat, shirt, everything was fantastic four merchandise as he stood in the park. He had programs could hack, he could take over all the cameras or knock them out in a wide area. If he got really desperate he could possibly move a satalite, but thankfully for this all he needed was google.

While looking up the event to see what was said about it and he heard about a reporter being attacked. It was a bit of a mess so it had taken him a minute to realise it, but then when he did Franklin wondered how he could of missed it. A quick search, a couple calls throwing around Richards name in New York it wasn't hard to find who it was as they apperently were doing some coverage there.

With a call to the news company, and maybe a promise of an interview personaly at a later point if they would set up a meeting with this specific person. He now waited in the park, as he did hope she would show, they were popular of course, but he never did know much about fads, and perhaps this may not mean what it once did.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
    When Mary got the message from her editor that he "wanted to talk", her heart sunk inside her chest. She thought for sure that it was something about the incident, and she worried either that someone had spotted Mary Bromfield, journalist, and her bolt of living lightning, or that her story was not up to par. Despite what she kept getting told, she worried that she was not doing well enough, and that she would find herself back waitressing.

    So when she was told that she had a meeting request from THE Franklin Richards, a request specifically for HER, she did not quite know what to say. Neither did the editor, for that matter, lacking more insight other than that Franklin wanted to meet her, and that there was a possibility of an interview on the line. And an interview from someone like that could be what leads to the sort of story like what got Lois Lane her first Pulitzer.

    Her head still swimming as she made her way back to the pool, wondering what to do, she had dropped into her chair to ponder. There were two very different schools of thought for how to approach journalism as a woman - the Lois Lane school and the Cat Grant school. She looked at the mirror that she had afixed next to her monitor to remind herself to smile, and sighed. She did not have the wordsmithing of Lois Lane. And she did not have the looks of Cat Grant. Or Lois Lane. She was just Mary Bromfield. But she had to approach this the right way, because she might not ever get another shot.

    And so it was that on this winter day, a little warmer than usual but not by much, Mary is seeking out Franklin Richards at their appointed meeting spot in a scarlet colored skirt that comes down halfway to her thigh and a pale cream silk blouse, with expertly applied make-up and her hair done slightly up, but allowing her natural brown waves to fall down to her shoulders. This was not exactly a look she was accustomed to, and she was already somewhat regretting it halfway there, but she knew she had to make an impression on Franklin. She could NOT take a chance at blowing this interview. And if she could not quite muster up the gravitas of Lois Lane yet, she could at least do her best to try to channel that appeal of Cat Grant.

    Hopefully she doesn't fall on her face along the way.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin glances over and sees the lady coming and actually smiles a bit to himself as he watches her come he does say quietly. "Goodbye friend, you must learn better jokes." moving away from the tree. He felt as she was walking towards him it might be best if he were to cut the distance down a little bit for everyones sake. He has that same warm smile on his face all the way there, as he starts up the conversation as he was, despite his look, glanced over at times. "Excuse me, Miss Bromfield?" he asks holding out a hand It is me Franklin."

He nods to one of the open benches, If you would like to take a seat I won't take up much of your time." he looked at her quietly following himself if she moves to take a seat.

He stays silent for a bit thinking about what to say to her, as it was crazy. Secret orginizations, mutants being hunted, and Mercinaries... Where does he even start, I actually think I saw you for a moment at the..." he considered riot, fight, Incident the other day. I do hope you made it through alright there was a lot of craziness out there and could get rather dangerous." he smiles a bit thinking about how delaying telling her wasn't helping him at all, but it did buy him time to consider. He does remember the face, though if he saw her it was more of a glancing view not like he saw anything as the whole thing was a bit of a mess, and he had other things to worry about.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
tSo far, so good. Mary avoids falling on her face, and reaches out to take the offered hand from Franklin. "Please, call me Mary," she says. She takes a moment to consider him, decked out in his Fantastic Four gear. Clearly deciding that he appreciates the lime light and recognition that comes with his family. Which is understandable.

    She looks over towards the metal bench and immediately regrets even further her choice of outfits today, but they said she should make an impression, and at the end of the day, that is what's important, right? "Please, you can take all the time that you need." She moves over and settles down on one side of the bench, leaving plenty of room for Franklin.

    She nods as he refers back to the recent event. "I'm surprised you would be able to see anyone there," she says a bit nervously, reaching up with one hand to tuck some of her hair behind her ear. She wonders what, exactly, he saw. And what about it spurred him to reach out to her. "But yes, I was there, and I was lucky to get out without much more than a few scrapes on my knee. A lot of people ended up a lot worse." She leans back against the bench, and immediately regrets that as well.

    Some day she will be Lois Lane. Or even a Cat Grant. But today, she is just Mary Brumfield.

    Maybe she should just give up and do it all as Mary Marvel...

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin thinks about it for a moment he looks at her, again wondering if this was a good idea. He wasn't worried about them going after her, but if it got bad he would have to protect her through all of it. With a sigh he also takes a seat, and looks down a bit reaching to the watch on his arm he swipes a finger over it. If there were any outside people trying to listen in now it would be very difficult to hear a 'wub wub' background noise specificly made to mask sounds. Someone with enhanced hearing could prob hear it in the background, but normal ears wouldn't pick it up as it was specially made only for listening devices.

Franklin starts slowly, "What I am about to tell you Mi.... Mary is not something you should repeat. You can if you want, but it would only put you and yours in danger from knowing." he turns to look at her "Had I not already have a plan in stopping them I would not be telling you this at all." he pauses again turning to look back to the ground. "There is a secret organization slightly out of Kansas City in Missouri..." he just spits it out to get it out there. "is a secret facitiy that is currently hunting mutants and making them dissapear."

He stops again turning to look at her the look on his face shows he isn't kidding, and as he isn't lieing he would look like someone telling the truth. Though he looked at her to see what her reaction to this news if it was a surprise or if this kind of organization was more common then he thought. "I can stop, if you want, this is the time to realize what that means and leave if it is too much."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
    While Mary does not exactly know what Franklin is doing with the watch, she has a suspicion. The change in his demeanor and in tone of conversation makes her suspect that their meeting is a lot more private than it was a few moments ago. She swallows, thinking of the implications of that. What exactly the message is about to be about. And what she should say in response.

    She listens carefully as he outlines the situation, and she can already feel her heart starting to race. This opportunity - to be up close and front lines for a major hero action, not as Mary Marvel, but as Mary Bromfield - excites her more than she really cares to admit. The chance to make headway into her career with her brain, and not Solomon's brain. Her cheeks start to flush a bit as she considers the fact that she seems to have this opportunity from being Mary Bromfield, and not Mary Marvel.

    And that is when she realizes she is just staring at Franklin well after he offered to stop, if it were to much. "No no, go on!" she says, with far too much hurry and excitement in her voice to play it cool.

    So much for Lois Lane. This guy is going to get the full Cat Grant.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods slowly, and looks at the ground as it just is easier to explain, "Apperently they have been doing this for a while, and while some of the smarter ones have avoided them, and me stumbling into this seemed to help lead this organization in a way they should not be looking." he stops again with a shrug quickly adding, "I am not much of a spy.. I like people too much to play all those games, so they used exactly that." he sighs getting back on point as Domino tells him he does tend to drift at times.

"Well I can't have them looking at where they are going to be looking so I was going to go to this facility, and try to shut it down with the least amount of casulties as possible." he shrugs a bit again at that. "I hope zero, but you never know what they will do." and chuckles a bit at that.. he turns to her with a grin. "What I am looking for is for someone brave enough to go with me." he holds up a hand before she can accept or reject the idea, "You would be protected by me, and your safty will be the highest priority, but things as you see can get crazy sometimes. So there is always some risk I will not lie." lowering his hand again as she had to hear that because it could be dangerous.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
    Danger. Excitement. The promise of an exclusive. What would Lois Lane do?

    "I'm in."

    Maybe she would have more questions if she doesn't know that she has a /REAL/ get out of danger emergency card she can pull. But she also trusts that Franklin means what he says, and that he would guard her safety. She nods, as if affirming what she has just said.

    "What do you need from me?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin chuckles as she is immeditly on board, but he had thought he chose the right person as she did get that last one alright. "Well... basically I figure by bringing the press two things will happen. One, I don't have to play their whole spy game, and two it should really anger that group so if any exist after this they come after me instead." the grin reapears, "I can take the heat, but others will be safe once they stop looking." he thinks about her question though before he continues.

"About what you need to do... I need you to go as public with all these secrets as you can. I do not know if you need a camera, or whatever it maybe so that when it is over there is no-one out there that doubts that Franklin Richards did this, and didn't play their game." he stops then adds at the end "And I need you not to tell anyone about this until its done. As if they know when we are coming it might make it a lot more dangerous. Not to mention if they think they can use you to get to us in the mean time."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
    Mary nods as Franklin outlines the plan. "That all makes sense to me," she says, making mental notes. He has a certain confidence to him, but she hopes it is not overconfidence.

    The idea of her having to keep a secret makes her face quirk in a smile. "You'd be amazed the sort of stuff I can keep under my hat, Franklin." She laughs softly and shakes her head. "It will be fine. No one will know about this conversation. I'll tell my editor that you're going to give me an exclusive interview, that's what this meeting was about. And we'll take it from there."

    She leans a bit to the side, against the bench, after taking about as much cold on her back as she cares to. So much regret. "Anything else I can do for you in the meantime?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin thinks about it and smiles glad to hear someone is reasonable about this, as he tries to consider anything else. "Oh.. one last thing. My friend is coming with us, and she... might not know about you coming." he grins a bit, "Don't worry you will like her, but she is deep into this spy stuff, and I don't think she likes public knowing her. I would suggest leaving her out of it though as her specialty is explosives." and chuckles again, only half kidding as she would never hurt an innocent.

He stands again and offers a hand to help her stand as well, "I can't say exactly when it will be, but very soon. I will come to pick you up, and then we will meet my friend on the way. If all works out by end day you should be safe and sound writting the story. Just be ready and don't bring more then you can carry." he chuckles a bit at that, "I am sorry, but I am not going to ask the press member to do anything extra I will leave that kind of work to myself or her. Any questions, and I do still need to get a contact number from you."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
"Just a solo Franklin Richards mission, got it." Mary flashes a smile at Franklin. "That's a lot of rules, but I think I can manage it. You won't even notice that I am there."

    She accepts the hand and rises up. "I'll make sure I keep myself ready at a moment's notice, then." She glances around for a moment, and then back to him. "No questions." Her cheeks turn slightly ruddy. "This isn't all some secret scheme just to get my phone number, is it?" She reaches into her purse.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin chuckles, and nods. "Yes it is a lot, I am sorry, but just keep in mind this is all for your safty through all this. The best way to do that is to control the conditions." he smiles a bit at that. Though he actually breaks the seriousness with a short laugh at the number question. "I don't think I could come up with something so crazy, so it must be true.." considering it for a moment with a grin as he only jokes. He glances around a bit just incase then back to her, "Do not worry Mary, I am not like. I might talk like I am a bit flighty, but my mind is on the job it doesn't have time to be rude to the one person willing to help me."

Finally he stops and actually looks at her again.. "And thank you.. You don't have to do this, and I am sure your doing it for your own reasons, but still.. thank you for doing it, and I do appreciate it."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
"You seem very authentic," Mary agrees, as she pulls her card out from her purse and hands it over to Franklin. "I was only teasing. Don't worry so much about it." She smiles warmly despite the chill in the air.

"You're welcome. The truth needs to get out, and someone needs to help the mutants. If not me, then who, you know?" She shrugs. "I do what I can."