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Latest revision as of 22:23, 11 January 2023

Queen and Succubus
Date of Scene: 10 January 2023
Location: Library
Synopsis: Millie meets Marie-Ange and Emma, a new friendship is formed and plans for shopping are made!
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Millie Nusia, Marie-Ange Colbert

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is currently settled over in the library sometime in the morning. Despite the hour, she looks completely flawless. She has a cup of tea over to the side of her and a large book over in front of her. The book is an old one, looking like it's dated back to the 1800's if one had to guess. It reads, if one were to skim the cover 'Annotations to the Origins of the Species' by a Doctor Nathaniel Essex if one were to bend down and get a full view of it. Emma sits with one leg over the other, occasionally skimming the pages.

Millie Nusia has posed:
Millie Nusia has been at school about a week. It's all so new. She was 'the normal girl' from Texas. That is until she suddenly wasn't. Mutants..she didn't really hate or dislike them. They just didn't fit into what her life was before. She didn't know a lot about them. Some people said they are just like you and me. Some said they were dangerous. She is adapting faster than she thought she would to the world around her. Though she still gets startled easily by the world around her.

With that settling in comes wearing things she feels a little more comfortable in. A floral print dress - https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/24854414/740full-neringa-krizPose has been at school about a week.  It's all so new.  She was 'the normal girl' from Texas.  That is until she suddenly wasn't.  Mutants..she didn't really hate or dislike them.  They just didn't fit into what her life was before.  She didn't know a lot about them.  Some people said they are just like you and me.  Some said they were dangerous.  She is adapting faster than she thought she would to the world around her.  Though she still gets startled easily by the world around her.

With that settling in comes wearing things she feels a little more comfortable in.  A floral print dress - https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/24854414/740full-neringa-kriz%CC%8Ciu%CC%84te%CC%87.jpg She has a couple of Xavier-issue college textbooks and settles into one of the chairs crossing her legs and putting one book on the table, the other opening up on her lap.  As mutant-y as Xavier's is.  It *is* still all about the studying as well.  Her one year of college makes her feel unprepared.

"Hello."  She offers to the elegant, but unfamiliar blonde.  Being a blonde herself she truly understands that blondes are more fun.  For however that saying is supposed to mean.  She catches part of the book's title but not all of it.  "Looks like some heavy reading.  Are you in one of Mr. McCoy's classes?"CCiuPose has been at school about a week.  It's all so new.  She was 'the normal girl' from Texas.  That is until she suddenly wasn't.  Mutants..she didn't really hate or dislike them.  They just didn't fit into what her life was before.  She didn't know a lot about them.  Some people said they are just like you and me.  Some said they were dangerous.  She is adapting faster than she thought she would to the world around her.  Though she still gets startled easily by the world around her.

With that settling in comes wearing things she feels a little more comfortable in.  A floral print dress - https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/24854414/740full-neringa-kriz%CC%8Ciu%CC%84te%CC%87.jpg She has a couple of Xavier-issue college textbooks and settles into one of the chairs crossing her legs and putting one book on the table, the other opening up on her lap.  As mutant-y as Xavier's is.  It *is* still all about the studying as well.  Her one year of college makes her feel unprepared.

"Hello."  She offers to the elegant, but unfamiliar blonde.  Being a blonde herself she truly understands that blondes are more fun.  For however that saying is supposed to mean.  She catches part of the book's title but not all of it.  "Looks like some heavy reading.  Are you in one of Mr. McCoy's classes?"C4tePose has been at school about a week.  It's all so new.  She was 'the normal girl' from Texas.  That is until she suddenly wasn't.  Mutants..she didn't really hate or dislike them.  They just didn't fit into what her life was before.  She didn't know a lot about them.  Some people said they are just like you and me.  Some said they were dangerous.  She is adapting faster than she thought she would to the world around her.  Though she still gets startled easily by the world around her.

With that settling in comes wearing things she feels a little more comfortable in.  A floral print dress - https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/24854414/740full-neringa-kriz%CC%8Ciu%CC%84te%CC%87.jpg She has a couple of Xavier-issue college textbooks and settles into one of the chairs crossing her legs and putting one book on the table, the other opening up on her lap.  As mutant-y as Xavier's is.  It *is* still all about the studying as well.  Her one year of college makes her feel unprepared.

"Hello."  She offers to the elegant, but unfamiliar blonde.  Being a blonde herself she truly understands that blondes are more fun.  For however that saying is supposed to mean.  She catches part of the book's title but not all of it.  "Looks like some heavy reading.  Are you in one of Mr. McCoy's classes?"C7.jpg She has a couple of Xavier-issue college textbooks and settles into one of the chairs crossing her legs and putting one book on the table, the other opening up on her lap. As mutant-y as Xavier's is. It *is* still all about the studying as well. Her one year of college makes her feel unprepared.

"Hello." She offers to the elegant, but unfamiliar blonde. Being a blonde herself she truly understands that blondes are more fun. For however that saying is supposed to mean. She catches part of the book's title but not all of it. "Looks like some heavy reading. Are you in one of Mr. McCoy's classes?"

Millie Nusia has posed:
Millie Nusia has been at school about a week. It's all so new. She was 'the normal girl' from Texas. That is until she suddenly wasn't. Mutants..she didn't really hate or dislike them. They just didn't fit into what her life was before. She didn't know a lot about them. Some people said they are just like you and me. Some said they were dangerous. She is adapting faster than she thought she would to the world around her. Though she still gets startled easily by the world around her.

With that settling in comes wearing things she feels a little more comfortable in. A floral print dress https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/24854414/740full-neringa-kriz%CC%8Ciu%CC%84te%CC%87.jpg She has a couple of Xavier-issue college textbooks and settles into one of the chairs crossing her legs and putting one book on the table, the other opening up on her lap. As mutant-y as Xavier's is. It *is* still all about the studying as well. Her one year of college makes her feel unprepared.

"Hello." She offers to the elegant, but unfamiliar blonde. Being a blonde herself she truly understands that blondes are more fun. For however that saying is supposed to mean. She catches part of the book's title but not all of it. "Looks like some heavy reading. Are you in one of Mr. McCoy's classes?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to close the book she had been reading. Despite the seeming age of it, she geos to fold it over and slide it to the side over on a table nearby, careful to not upset her tea in the matter, "Good morning. Miss Munsia, correct?" She would ask over to confirm, going to take a sip of her tea while gesturing at the girl. "I'm Emma Frost. I don't formally teach here very often, but I occasionally guest lecture. Care to sit and join me for a bit if you would like?"

Emma doesn't add that she's read the girl's file. That's to be presumed. But it's likely a litlte much to add over to things on what is already no doubt being an overloading adjustment as it stands. "How are you acclimating over to the school? Have you gotten settled in to your classes well so far and chosen them?" She would inquire while dipping her head over in thought. Being polite. No need to overwhelm the girl. Yet.

Millie Nusia has posed:
"Join you? Oh, yes, sure." She stands taking the books and moves to sit opposite Emma - her books on the table, her legs crossed once more smoothing out her skirt before her hands stay on them. She's close enough she can feel the energy of Emma. Her life's flow. It's strong. It's rather enticing. Her body tastes the residual flow of just everyday life when this close. Just a soft tantalizing taste. Like a scent of something delicious that tempts you when you walk by.

"Ah. Your a professor? Your so young! That's very impressive. You must be both very intelligent and very studious to be invited to teach here at such an age. I'm taking the general studies classes first. Then after I settle in a bit more I think I can decide what to do. Maybe I can find some work that's satisfying. I have a bit of a condition that means it's unlikely I'll ever have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Or children either." A soft bit of a frown. "Well. I hadn't thought about children. That's..disappointing."

Emma Frost has posed:
And Emma Frost is aware of it. She doesn't seem to mind. Or she's spent enough time around others that do similar things she has a good enough feel for how much is being taken that she can make sure she doesn't lose too much. As Millie sits down to join her Emma would smile.

"Thank you dear." Always lovely to have both her intelligence complimented and her looks. "WIth habits like that you're going to do well here with your focus." She would nod over as Millie would go on she would nod, "THere are ways that you can control your abilities and the rate at which you do things. There are some students here in the past which have had.. Not quite the same but similar ones, so it's within the spectrum of what hopefully you can help with learning to manage."

Millie Nusia has posed:
"Well..I'd like to have some semblance of a regular life, but I find my idea of what that is radically changing the more I settle in. Do you know of my abilities?" She asks curiously. She seems to know even though she hadn't commented on what they were exactly. "I draw away life energy. Kind of like blood..but not exactly blood itself. Sitting like this is fine. People give off enough just through everyday life and my body is happy to absorb it. It doesn't affect the person at all. Touching someone is where it becomes rather tricky. Harder to control. And..harder to stop myself. I'd hate hurting someone. I don't understand why my body has to go through *this* drastic of a change. I understand being a mutant, but this is just a bit too...."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over, "I've skimmed your profile and I have a baseline understanding." She would nod over at Millie, "There are other individuals within the school have had a case of.. Issues with close range physical contact and skin to skin. It's something that can be worked with. I'm sure that some of the teachers here will be able to help come up with a regimen where you can build up some control over it. It will take time, be hard, and take lots of practice."

Millie Nusia has posed:
A bit of worry comes to her face. "Well. I worry that my ability will get..stronger. Which means it could get deadlier. More difficult to stop. What if with practice my power grows stronger. It seems like others grow into their powers. And mine has just begun. I've been on controlled feedings. And it's been very.. it's been an experience. Enjoyable, and terrifying for me at least - at the same time. I desire and hate it at the same time. But not controlling it. That. That is far worse. I don't want to do that again."

A hand to her chest "So I'm Millie. This you know. What is your name? And what are the kind of classes that you usually teach? I was a cheerleader - so I'm not really skilled in any particular realm of study or art."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
The library is a nice, quiet place to visit, and when Marie doesn't prefer the sanctity of her room, or the proximity to ice cream that the kitchen offers, it's one of her favorite places to be. Marie's... dressed? This morning in a worn grey Xavier's shirt and flannel pajama bottoms, with fuzzy pink bunny slippers on her feet. Her hair's a frizzled mess, and lacking the usual careful application of makeup it's easy to see the darkness under her eyes from recent sleepless nights.

Right now? Marie just doesn't care.

In her hands, rather than the deck of cards she's almost always seen with is a bowl. Inside the bowl? It looks like a couple of toaster waffles sticking out of three scoops of ice cream, with strips of bacon on top.

And a spoon. She's not a monster.

"Bonjour, Madame Frost. Bonjour, mademoiselle." is offered by a meek voice to the other occupants in the room as she enters, scanning around for a proper seat.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Millie, "IT's something that will come with time, effort, and focus. You'll have those here who can help you figure out how to subsume it." Emma doesn't say 'control'. Tha timplies that there's something wrong with it and that it has to be stopped. It's part of the girl and something that is always going to be.

"I'd recommend as well as you get more settled in here you should talk to one of the teachers here about setting up some counseling sessions. They might help you quite a bit. But that's your entire decision on it and I fully understand if you don't feelit would be useful."

She would smile, "I"m Emma Frost. I don't teach here full time though I occasionally guest lecture. I often do business, sometimes ethics and other things. My primary focus here at the school isn't being an instructor."

She would turn her attention over to Marie, "Ah, Marie-Ange?" SHe would inquire gently, dropping the other girl's name for Millie as well. Tone gentle with a bit of concern. "Rough night?" Marie-Ange is one of those she is gentle with constantly. And Millie is an entirely new student with very traumatic abilities. Of course Emma will be kind with both.

Millie Nusia has posed:
"Which person would you recommend talking to?" She asks curiously. It certainly couldn't hurt to talk about her feelings. She's certainly terrified on some level of them. To allow herself to enjoy her mutantcy she feels would be to fall off the edge of humanity itself.

A look up at the voice and a little chuckle with a smile at the girl's state of dress. "My. Don't you look absolutely adorable. Your frizz is just so cute! And the bunny slippers, huge huge plus." There's a bit of a dubious look at the content of the bowl however. Will she get enough nutrition? Considering that probably sucks away any nutrition. Still.

"I'm Millie. Still settling in. Getting used to my own body. I seem to have different ideas on what it should be compared to what it thinks it should be. I'm certainly very relieved to have this school to come to. Would you like to join us Marie?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Non, Madame Frost. I am fine. Everything... is fine." It's a lie you don't have to be a telepath to see through. The last thing the French girl wants to do is make other people deal with her problems. It's just not her way, and never has been; she's not accustomed to having a support system.

Millie's words earn a smile from the redhead; the girl bobbing her head once in response before making her way to join the pair -- acquiring a surface upon with to feast on her breakfast at the same time! "Enchante, Mademoiselle Millie." Marie responds, voice still soft around a stranger, though she's at least making an effort. She remembers what it was like when she first arrived, and she wants to pay some of t hat warm welcome back.

Besides. Focusing on someone else's problems is much easier than your own! "It is most kind of you to allow me to join you. Oui, the Institute... is a most wonderful place. One where you can be who you truly are, without fear of being cast aside. It has become more home to me than where I grew up; I wish the same for you."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Millie, "That ultimately is for you to determine. There are a number of counselors here and one that you feel comfortable with. THe first step is to requesting if you feel appropriate a session and to talk wtih one of the teachers in charge of such things to help you find someone that's a good match to your requirements and most importantly that you feel comfortable with."

She would turn over to Marie-Ange at the words from Millie and twitch her lips upward. "I believe that we're all allowed a bit of indulgence sometimes, particularly on rough days. THe mornings are a hard time for many."

She would smile. "And it's good to have you with us. Millie is a new student here at the institute. I believe she arrived about a week ago. I'm glad that you're here to talk with us."

Millie Nusia has posed:
"Did you have a bad dream? Or just not sleep well? A shower, some conditioner, some brushing..a fair bit of brushing. And you'll be pretty as a peach!"

There's a big Texas smile as she tries to give the other young woman words of encouragement.

"It's kind of nice to have a support system. My parents were mine but that's not really something that's available anymore." A look into the bowl of Marie's "You have quite the assortment there. The bacon is unexpected. Just don't get yourself a tummyache."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Emma gets a nod from Marie, "I believe I have seen Mademoiselle Millie in passing between classes," They're both college students here afterall! "Though it is always nice to put a name to a face, to be certain."

Millie's questioning brings Marie pause, trying to decide exactly what to say. "Just a little difficulty sleeping." That's a half-truth. She didn't sleep well, but there were reasons for it! Spoon digs into the bowl, coming up with an assortment of breakfast and sweets. It's quickly gobbled up. Comfort food is comfort food! "An old friend gave me this recipe during my last breakup. It is... surprisingly good. Would you care for a bite?" she asks, inclining her head. "Are your parents... ah... how to say..." It's a delicate situation, and it's less about knowing the English words than knowing which ones to say. "...not fond of what you have become?" she asks, with a sympathetic gaze.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over at Marie-Ange and go to nod over at her, "Of course. We all have those nights." Emma's learned simply on her end to shut off those parts of her night before sleep. It works.

Most of the time.

She would glance over at Millie softly and sadly. An all too frequent occurence. Looking over at Millie gently and gesturing at her to say if she wanted to talk or not.

Millie Nusia has posed:
A little wiggle of Millie's lips. "Well. I had lots of friends in high school. And in college. I had just started really, I hadn't been in too long. And my parents were a big part of my life. They thought I was a succubus. To be fair my body now is...mmn. Well. It's not that it's not rather inaccurate. They called an exorcist and chained me in the basement."

There's a soft shake of her head. Unhappy moments. "It got out. And..it's not like I can really go back to my old life anymore in Tallahase."

"But. In finding me before I was alone too long. Xavier's kept me from feeding on people. If I did, I could have become addicted. And have become a real monster. Life is confusing. Painful. But at least I'm not hurting anyone else."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie, for her part, listens. Listens and frowns as Millie continues talking. "When I first started learning the tarot, Mademoiselle, my parents sent me to a convent." A little quirk of her lips, here. "If nothing else, the exorcist /there/ proved to me that what I do is not infernal in nature. Though it did not mean the other girls treated me any better." Quite the opposite, really, Marie was an outcast among outcasts.

"You... eat people?" Language barrier. "I thought a succubus was one that stole... ah..." Her cheeks redden as she considers how to word things. "'Energy' from men, not one that consumed human flesh." For that it's worth, there's no innate rejection from Marie! Even if she's taken the worst possible interpretation of the wording!

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over and frown softly. Her look sympathetic. "You have a place here to stay and to keep as your home as long as you like. You are safe here and you can learn to use your abilities and determine your own future. And to get to live your own life and make your own decisions."

She would smile, "And Marie-Ange is.. Among the kindest individuals I know. YOu can't go wrong with her as a friend."

Millie Nusia has posed:
Millie Nusia shakes her head very quickly sending the blonde aflight. "Oh no no. Well..not technically. I still eat food. But I do require energy. It's not..sexual, or lust, or whatever have you. It's life energy. Blood, life, essence, whatever you call it that flows inside. You even release a little just being alive everyday. That is what else my body craves. Feeds upon."

"A touch means my body will absorb more. I'm learning to control it. Somewhat at least. But it's very satisfying for me. And euphoric for the other person. It isn't actually sexual - there isn't a sexual component to it."

"My parents were very cathloc. Me, not so much anymore." A shake of her head "I only had it bad a couple of days. You had it bad..for a much longer time. I'm sorry. That they did that to you. It sucks, and it makes me angry that people would do this. But history books are filled with messed up stuff. Don't ask me to quote them though because I only got a C in history."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Oh!" Marie nods with understanding as Millie further explains her abilities. "There are others very much like you here." Jubilee, an actual vampire, and Rogue both come to mind to a degree! "It is nothing to be ashamed of, despite what.... those in our pasts might have suggested." she consoles. She'll have to remember that, though, after seeing Jubilee looking as sickly as she did before having some blood.

Though she flushes a little thinking of what happened when she did feed. Oh dear.

"I... well." She pauses, and lifts a hand up to her neck, reaching into the collar of her shirt to pull out a beaded chain -- Millie, at least, would probably recognize it as a rosary. "It seems we have something else in common." A little quirk of a smile. "My powers are... well. I can see the future, through the use of tarot cards." A pause. "I can also make the images on those cards come to life in the defense of myself and others." Though right now she's having some troubles with her abilities that she's not going to mention!

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would fold her hands over at Millie, "Religion can be such a pain. I lends itself to those that are so judgemental." But there always are exceptions. Kurt, after all, is one of the kidnest individuals one might meet in any world. She would nod over at Millie.

"You will learn more about yourself and how to hanlde it. And be abel to interact with others without worrying. And we can find ways to help you feel more comfortable with yourself."

She would nod over atMarie-Ange, quirking her brow with an 'everything all right' expression but not asking more on it or reading the girl's mind. Her smiling gently over back at Millie.

Millie Nusia has posed:
"I'm not sure how I feel. About religion. Catholocism. I was never big-big into it. But I believed. Now when I think about it - it brings me pain. It's something I struggle with a bit. Nice rosary though. I didn't get to take anything with me. My parents...burned all my things. So I'm kind of starting over."

A curious look to Marie "If you can see the future, do you never get surprised? Sometimes there's good surprises. Fun ones. Like your birthday. It would be kind of sucky to not have those little life moments that make you laugh, giggle, and feel that surprise. Though not that you cant, but sometimes it's the surprise that really makes you laugh."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Not everything I learned about adds up, but I have learned to look at things through a different lens. Perhaps Moses was the first mutant." Marie giggles a little at the thought, but puts the necklace away. "It... makes it easier for me, to believe there's something out there." Not to mention with literal Gods like Thor and the like walking among them? It's harder for Marie not to believe. "If you would like, Mademoiselle Millie, sometime we can go shopping to get you some new things? I can pay."

Between living at Xavier's cost-free and working at the Hellfire Club, it leaves her with spending money -- and she's not usually the type to spend it on herself.

"Fate is fickle sometimes," Marie explains. "I have seen natural disasters before they came, saw our enemies strike before they did. Things... sometimes change, but." A shrug. "She does not tell me everything, however, and I try not to burden her with too many questions. The important ones, mostly, and any that others have for her, so there is room for such surprises -- I do not have all the answers, only those for which I ask the questions, oui?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Marie-Ange and smiles, "I think you'l have an interesting time talking to one another." She would lean in and give a light stroke to Marie-Ange's hair. "Please do continue to alk about things. I'm having to get going to handle my affairs for the day." She would move to stand up over with a light sway in her hips as she would stand to depart.

"And enjoy your time together. I think that you would appreciate being friends with one another. And the shcool provides a clothing stipend, Marie-Ange. Feel free to help her eqiup her wardrobe. I'll cover whatever else you need."

Millie Nusia has posed:
Millie Nusia waves to Emma "It was nice meeting you." Then her attention moves back to Marie. A little giggle as Emma touches her hair. "See? The bedhead hair is adorable. No-one can resist it. You just want to touch it and smooth it down." There's a wink as she sways her top foot on her crossed legs. "Well. Are you sure? I mean I got a few essentials. I figured I'd buy more as I went. I don't want to spend your money if it'd put you out? Maybe there's something I can do for you in return?"

"Are you okay with going out? I mean you don't like see people's futures or such when there are a lot of them around do you? I'm almost tempted to ask what you see for me? But..sometimes it might be better to not know and have some semblance of hope?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Au revoir, Madame Frost!" Marie-Ange replies, offering the departing blonde a smile in return. The older woman was a mentor of sorts to the redhead, and one of Marie's dearest friends. The comments from Millie, though? They make Marie flush a little, head bowing. "I- I suppose..." she half-stammers. She's normally more put together than this! "...and it is no trouble. When I came here, I had nothing, Mademoiselle Millie. The clothes on my back. The Professor's kindness -- his and everyone else's here -- put me in a position to make better of myself, to where I live comfortably. It would be the least I can do." Plus, Emma just offered, and Marie's well aware of the other woman's wealth. "As it was told to me; one day, you will be in a position to help others, too. When that day comes? Do it. That would be more than enough." she insists, smiling.

She then shakes her head a little, "Non; I can only see by the aid of the cards. Without them... I am but a normal girl," Or so she sort-of thinks. Still a mutant, but with no conduit to her powers. "...although right now...." she trails off for a moment, biting her lower lip before stuffing her mouth full of the last bits of ice cream in the bowl. Once that's swallowed, she continues. "My powers... are not working as well as they had been, and I am not certain why. Once fate and I are again on speaking terms, though... I would be happy to do a reading for you, if you wish."

She can understand why someone wouldn't want to know, admittedly. Jenny outright refused to let Marie do a reading for her, and that was her best friend!

Millie Nusia has posed:
"That..actually kind of sounds amazing. If you dont have cards you aren't plauged with negatives. I wouldn't mind not having a thirst if I could just turn it on and off as needed. Instead it's learning how to live with it. Controlled feedings till I can handle things on my own. Understand them. Even then it might be difficult. To be able to just disconnect from that chaos. That is enviable. That's kind of an amazing power."

"We'll have to see about a reading. I'm not sure either way. Though. Maybe you have to live your life. I mean not worry about the power - and just live. Put it aside and live your everyday to your best and eventually it'll find it's way back to you? I mean it sounds like solid advice to live your life by anyway. If it was meant to be it'll happen once more? Maybe, just maybe it's trying to let you enjoy a little normal with all the weird out there?"

"When would you like to go shopping? And is there anything you need or are looking for? Are you a long shirt kind of girl? A dress girl? I like dresses myself - though I was always taught that a southern lady should dress for her femininity. Then again my parents locked me in a basement because they thought I was a demon so.... those beliefs may be a twinge out of date. Leggings, snug shirts are nice. Jeans are always great."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Perhaps..." Marie admits, the positivity of it all is pretty hard to deny, especially so for malleable Marie! "With as much as I use them, though, not knowing what comes next..." she trails off for a moment, pursing her lips. "...I imagine this is what blindness feels like, for one who could see before. Except instead of darkness, I am forced to see the present, instead." Which... honestly isn't so bad, just awkward and different and... it makes Marie feel kind of selfish, not being able to serve as the Institute's Early Warning System!

"You could be right. It... is interesting timing. A day before... this... happened, I had gone with some friends to train with the Amazons. The instructor said we had to know how to be more than just our powers, and now mine are..." Effectively out of reach. "Perhaps fate is trying to be kind to me, or trying to teach me the same lesson." She'll have to seek out more training, clearly, because she's definitely smarting from the lack of it right now! "And... if you need someone to practice on." she holds up a hand. "You may use me. If things go badly, there are none better than Dr. McCoy to rectify them." A little nod to that. She's certainly had a lot of experience with that!

As for shopping? "Hmm... soon, for certain. Perhaps tomorrow? My class load is heavy today, I fear." An apologetic smile to that -- Marie's an over-apologizer. "I could use new clothes for Spring, and perhaps a new violin." She's a music major. "I tend to prefer dresses at most times... they make me feel a bit like a Princess, n'est-ce pas?" A little blush to that. "Though I find it is important to have a mixture, clothing for dressing up, and clothing for training as well. Especially when Monsieur Logan is leading the instruction."

Millie Nusia has posed:
Millie Nusia says, "You'd let me feed from your energy?" She looks very surprised, eyes widening. "I...I'd do that. But there should be people around just in case. Somewhere public. Because..it's. Well. Feeding would feel nice for you. But it feels fantastic for me. How you feel missing your sight? It's like it comes back. It's an addictive feeling. Something indulgent. I can do things with that energy. It sustains me - I require it as well as food. But it also can be used to make me faster, or stronger. I was able to move a car the other day! That's not normal. Well, at least for me I think."

It's her turn to blush this time. "Your very sweet. I think you would look beautiful in a dress. I'm not sure where we go to get a violin or how to tell between a good one or bad one. I'm assuming the more expensive ones are better ones? But we'll go for dresses and violins."

Perhaps a snack. Especially if you feed me that day. You'll probably need a pick-me-up. Do you like coffee? That would probably do it.""

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie nods meekly, "Oui, I would. You need to learn how to use your abilities, and I... imagine that I would recover? But yes, people around, one of the teachers, perhaps? They may be able to guide you a little better in controlling... in the act, so to speak?" She suggests, lips curved up. "Besides. We are friends," She's decided as much. "Friends should help one another, when able to." ...and it's something she can do for the people of the Institute even while her second sight is on the fritz!

And blushes? They're contagious! "Merci beaucoup, Mademoiselle Millie -- and there are stores! My friends here have shown me wonderful ones, for both dresses and instruments." A nod to that. She's been before! As for coffee? She quirks a little grin. "I come from France. I had my first cup when I was six... I think it is safe to say I appreciate coffee." A playful wink, here. She's starting to get more comfortable around the other girl.

Millie Nusia has posed:
A nod "Yes, friends!" She offers her hand over, palm up. "Well. If you want to know what it feels like. Then..you can have a little taste. Just put your hand on mine for a few seconds. Five, maybe 10. I'll keep it to minimal. I can't shut the draw off entirely though. You may feel a little drowsy, if that's even at all possible after all the sugar you ate."

There's a playful sticking out of the tip of her tongue between her lips through a smile. "I like my coffee creamy and sweet. So might not be what the French consider coffee. But my friends would joke that I liked cream more than coffee. I can't say that they'd be off either." A thought occurs - she wonders if Marie put herself in danger if her powers would return. Best not to give voice to that, she wouldn't want her new friend putting herself into dangerous situations.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie looks at the offered hand, considering the offer for a couple moments. "I... perhaps not just this moment?" She suggests, "Not that I do not trust you, but... I do not quite trust myself, without a third party present to make me let go, oui?" There's a bit of a sad smile, there. She knows that she's not in the best mental state right now, at least!

"...the cream is the best part!" she agrees, actually laughing here, and letting the smile return to her face. "Oh, especially in some of the coffee shops around here... they have these fancy /flavoured/ creams and..." she trails off, then looks over at the clock on the wall. "Mon dieu!" she gasps, "I am running late for class!"

Forgivable, since she's been so out of sorts, but not really typical of Marie. Standing up, she waves her hand to the Texan girl, "I will see you again soon -- and if you ever need to talk? I am in the student directory! Please do not be shy!"

Millie Nusia has posed:
Millie Nusia gives a understanding nod - not upset at all. "That's certainly the more prudent choice. I don't think there'd be a problem with a few seconds - but then again I can't be sure of anything much. So a first time might be best supervised."

She grins "I shall be on my most bestest behavior around you Miss Marie. We shall be chaparoned for our date. I shall ask to hold your ye olde hand. And upon such we will exchange poetry on fate, divergent or the same. However it may be, however it may wane."

"I'm only a dorm away." Maybe a little more. She doesn't know. "Good luck with your studies, see you later!"