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Latest revision as of 06:33, 18 January 2023

Getting Catty With It
Date of Scene: 18 January 2023
Location: Room 703 - Talia's Suite
Synopsis: Catwoman makes a late night, unscheduled check-in with Talia Al Ghul, much to Talia's consternation.
Cast of Characters: Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle has been watching this particular apartment for some time now. No notable patterns or schedule by its sole occupant, not even any visitors. Simply learning about this place took a lot of time and more than a few favors, but the best secrets are worth keeping.

Gaining entry while the occupant was away proved to be simple enough, in spite of the simple traps and alarms that had been set. Selina... Catwoman now... has the TV tuned in to the local news to provide white noise against any conversation while she waits. Talia will hear it when she eventually returns. The woman in the form-fitting black catsuit is stretched out on the sofa, feet propped as she faces both the door and the TV set.

"Good evening. I hope you don't mind if I just let myself in. I brought a bottle of Moscato."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul has been out. It had been a somewhat productive day, running into a member of Bruce's cadre that she didn't know. Or perhaps Barbara's cadre. The two had their own separate, if cooperative cells after all. So when she goe sinto the room that she had been setup with and then sees the sofa taken up, she would be irritable.

"Well since you've brought something, it would be in poor taste of me to deny it." She would bow her head. "Give me a moment to get something to drink it with." She goes to keep ehr hands in front of her and visible as she would go towards a cabinet with some glass goblets in it. And at least three hidden knives. Her intent on getting just -one- goblet out.

Paranoia had instille dher that one made sure something cleanly offered wasn't poison after all, even if that wasn't Selina's MO.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle watches the careful, deliberate movements and uncrosses her ankles. "The bottle is unopened on the kitchen counter. Feel free to examine the cork if you want, and I'll be happy to take the first drink." she offers, without rising.

"After all, it's not every day that I have the honor of sharing a drink with THE Talia al Ghul." Catwoman pauses, the costume hood and goggles still covering above the cheekbones. Yes, she knows exactly who this is, and what they represent.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
And the two know one another by reputation, respect, and perhpas on occasion clashing agendas. There's a sigh from Talia Al Ghul, "Very well then, Ms. Kyle. What is the purpose for your visit?" Talia goes to quickly slide on a set of gloves before handling the bottle. It coulda lways be drugged along the surface of it afterall. Paralytics could be quite nasty things.

Coming forwards with it to hand the goblet over to pour Selina one. "I didn't expect you to be dropping in." Politeness.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle sits up smoothly, peeling off her cowl and goggles. Talia knows her name already anyway. "Where would be the fun in announcing my arrival?" she replies, with a smile. As she shifts the coiled whip at her hip is more apparent as well. Selina accepts the goblet and takes an immediate sip.

"I was curious, really." she offers. "Curious what brings you here to Gotham, and to these...." She gestures casually around the room with a gloved hand. "... accommodations."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There would be an irritated look on hte face of Talia, but one that would turn into a nod. She couldn't fault the other woman for that. She would slide down then to let Selina have the goblet, putting the bottle to the side. "I came here to see my son and how he has been faring since I left.. Abandoned him."

There's sincerity in ehr words as she corrects herself. That, to her, is hwo she sees it.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle lifts a dark brow at that, settling comfortably into one corner of the sofa. "Family can be so complicated, can't it?" she replies casually. "But I believe you. The fact that the room isn't swarming with assassins and you haven't yet tried to kill me goes a long way to support your story as well." Another gesture around the penthouse apartment follows.

"The decor really doesn't suit you, either. It's less... ostentatious... than I would have expected. So either you didn't choose the venue or your allowance is cut off."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would shrug, "WEll, one does wiht what one has. I've been offered here for now rather graciously, and I see no particular reason to turn down such a kind offer. It suits my needs and I have very few of them for now." Cautious over but comliant.

"And yes, family. That which makes the world both loving and difficult." Her son. Her father.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle lost her family many years ago, which removes one level of complication from her life. It also closes off a lot of emotional doors, but she didn't come here to unpack all that. Her eyes brighten and the smile becomes more playful. "So you and daddy ARE on the outs." she replies almost coyly.

"That explains a lot of things, of course, especially this quiet little hidey-hole." And the lack of assassins. "I presume that you are still waiting to see Damian?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia's features would go full on irritable at how unconsciously she had given the situation away, before her features would smooth over. "Yes, my father isn't returning my calls." Like a 'daddy has cut off daughter's credit cards' routine. But with ninjas.

"I've seen him a number of times. He's.. Been raised well, with his father. He's much better."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle tilts her head a little, looking pleased with herself and not minding if Talia knows. "You sound surprised that Damian is doing well. You really shouldn't, you know. Bruce can be a wonderful father." Like he can be a wonderful -anything- if he chooses.

"I think your father underestimates you if he thinks you're going to just sit by a phone, waiting for him to call." she offers casually. No, that's not the way SHE would play it.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would lean in over and fold her hands together. "I see such a difference between him being raised in my care and in the two years that he's been with his father and had a family." It's left unsaid but 'a real' family is implied.

"And I'm not waiting for such a call nor am I in such a hurry to have one back." She goes on, "If my father has stated I don't exist, then I might as well take advantaeg of it."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle's eyes brighten at that and she makes a low sound in her throat, almost a purr. "That's what I would have expected." she replies. "You do realize that you've got half of Gotham stirred up just by being here. Sure a few, enterprising souls want whatever price is on your head this week. Idiots. But most are looking to see what you're going to do; what's your plan. It's fascinating, really. I hope the suspense will last."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would shrug, "Yes. And there's enough things stirring up in Gotham at any time they tend to cancel one another out. AMusing, that with all the chaos and anarchy it seems like there's going on at any moment, picking one specific thing out can be quite difficult." She would shrug over and then smile.
    "Getting htat from me will require a bit more than one drink."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle smiles playfully at that. "Next time I'll stuff a second bottle into the suit before I climb up the building." she replies dryly. "But there IS a rather large gambling pool, of course. After our chat I'm going to spread the rumor that you're running for Mayor. We'll see what kind of odds you can generate."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would shrug over, "Oh, that would require me to actually want ot invest anything into here. I can't be bothered that much. Here might as well elect Cobblepot to take control of things. He acn't be worse than any of the rest of them. But do keep me updated on the odds and if they seem favorable I'll ensure that you get a solid cut of the take."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle takes another sip, deeper this time, before arching to stretch with the goblet held high. "Actually the last bit is MY line." she replies. "And have you ever been close enough to actually SMELL the Penguin?" Selina nose-wrinkles at that. "Still, he wouldn't be the first smelly politician in Gotham."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would shake her head, "No, and I don't ever intend to. And at least he's up front on the matter. Being direct in the corruption is far more efficient than all the games of pretend they do. But, less than pleasant visualizations aside.."

Selina Kyle has posed:
"Well that WOULD be a first, I suppose." Selina agrees. "A politician who is up front on anything." Tossing back the last of her wine, Selina sets the goblet down. "Well thanks for indulging me, and for satisfying my curiosity." At least part of it. "I'll keep you updated on the odds, just in case you do have a change of heart." She shrugs, then. "Wouldn't be Gotham's WORST Mayor ever."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would shake her head, "That would imply that I want the position. I don't. I'll spare you teh political drivel." She would fold her hands together. "And thank you for the updates. So, ultimately what do I owe the pleasure of your company tonight, Ms. Kyle? Something beyond just gossip or am I just a shiny thing to amuse yourself with that's new?"

Selina Kyle has posed:
"Shiny? Oh come now, darling, we're both past the 'shiny new toy' stage in our lives. Cats are curious, and you've scratched that itch." Rising, Selina pulls the cowl forward while leaving the goggles perched upon her head. "And if I think of any OTHER rumors to spread about you being in Gotham, I'll let you know." Gesturing towards the balcony, she offers. "I'll just let myself out, if that's alright. Speaking of which, you'll want to reset your traps."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would shake her head over, "Well, I suppose that I should wish you the best when it comes to what they say about curiousity.. But no matter what, you'll end up on your own feet without so much as a scratch." That was the way it was with Selina all the time. What sheer skill couldn't get ehr through, luck would. "So are you ever going to settle things wiht that.. Ripoff on the Avengers, or however she styles herself?"

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle laughs at that, settling the goggles into place now. "You mean that fake blonde? Honestly, I'm not sure what there is to settle. Maybe we'll cross paths sometime and compare notes, who knows?" Selina pauses to remove the whip from her belt. "Real lack of imagination with the name, though."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would chuckle, "One might say the same for you both.." Tha twould come out very quietly. "But still, perhpas some competition might have your attention a bit more firmly." But.. Something for the future. When she could put the actual resources into it.

Selina Kyle has posed:
"You know, that's actually not a bad idea. I normally work alone, but a partner could be appealing." Catwoman opens the tall window that she left unlocked. "Or maybe she'll visit you tomorrow, like the Ghost of Christmas Present?" She grins, and maybe is even winking under the goggles. "Enjoy the wine, Talia. Next time I'll bring a second bottle."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would just shake her head and tsk, "I suppose I'll be having to set some more htorough traps then if you're going to make coming and going a habit." She would playfully grumble. "But, thank you for a most intriguing late night visit. Do land on your feet on the way out."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle climbs briskly to the window ledge, turning to face her hostess with a coy smile. "Thank you for the hospitality. And whether it's me or the -other- Cat, I think your traps will be equally effective. Sleep well, Talia."

And with that, Catwoman just steps out of the window and into Gotham's night sky, uncoiling her whip as she falls...