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Latest revision as of 06:34, 18 January 2023

Scotts turn to be called out!
Date of Scene: 18 January 2023
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: A good conversation is had, and Scott knows who is sneaking the sugar!
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Scott Lang

T'Challa has posed:
The Avengers was always a group of individual people, as each had their own thing. Some like Cap, or Nat liked to get involved in govemental things, Tony, and Bruce with their science, and even he himself the King of Wakanda. So as each had their own thing it was good from time to time to check in with the others to make sure that, well since they are Avengers, are getting the support that they were deserved. He had slowly been catching up with them, as this time, it would be Scott that would get the call.

A very serious woman with a heavy Xhosa accent, the dialect used in Africa, would call him. She would only tell him 'hello' and that he is invited to a meeting with the king. Followed by the place and the time, and to please show on time as he is very busy. Any jokes, or quips would be ignored as the message is delivered, though she would repeat it if needed. Okoye did not get why her king 'wasted' his time with this person, but Scott Lang was the one she was told to call though she was not happy about it.

So on the given day, in the late aftrnoon, T'Challa sits in a small coffee shop in his fine custom made suit, and purple tie. He sips on a small cup of coffee as he waits for Lang to show up to the meeting. He sighs a bit to himself as he does hope she wasn't too hard on him. He didn't get why she didn't like him so much, but T'Challa did not view him the same way. Perhaps it was a good thing he did not bring her with him.

Scott Lang has posed:
In theory, America should be a classless society, but anyone who's ever been a little on the unfortunate side knows that's just not true. And even though Scott isn't living on the edge anymore, he still has the style of a man who isn't comfortable in a suit and tie. He rides his bike to the cafe, chaining it up carefully outside. He wears a hooded sweatshirt with Tweety Bird on the front of it, his hands jammed in the pockets, along with a pair of jeans and sneakers. He isn't a hero who gets recognized out in public so he doesn't worry much about hiding his face, a stocking cap pulled down over his dark hair.

He's clean shaven, though and a little hesitant as he approaches the table. Of course, T'challa isn't alone and Scott can't help but be a little nervous about the woman all looking his way. "Your, uh, Highness. Hey. Good to see you again," Scott says.

T'Challa has posed:
As Scott enters and heads over T'Challa rises from his chair and gives him a smile. He holds a hand out "Please.. We are not in Wakanda, nor the Embassy. Please just T'Challa." he would shake Scott's hand if he took it, or not if he didn't using the hand either way to wave to the open table. Strangly though there are people sitting around this table has a whole line of tables around it that were also empty. "Please, relax a little my friend. I am not here to chastise you." and nods moving to take a seat himself. "Would you like a beverage?" he asks looking at the man.

So this was the Ant-Man, he never did not look like much but apperances could be deciving. He does not say anything for a moment thinking about his words before he speaks. "I have been meeting everyone who is an Avenger, and though you are a bit seperate at times... You still have been included." he nods with a grin "I as a member as well have a responsibility to make sure the others are doing alright. So that is why you have been invited."

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott Lang returns the handshake and takes a wary seat. "It's nothing personal, man, it's just...wow. You're a King. It's like meeting the President, except the President's usually kind of a dickweed and you're, like, all cool and noble. While I still have problems with the system of monarchy, you're a really good advertisement for it, big guy."

"Oh, sure, I'll have a Sprite!" he says. "Well, I guess I'm doing okay. I've gotten Wordle right for the last twenty days straight. I haven't been arrested for a felony in at least five years. And I think one of the ants living in my house has a crush on me. But other than that, doing pretty sweet. How 'bout you?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa smiles and nods, he does get this a lot, and fully understands it so did not take it personally. "I understand, do not let it get in the way if you need to tell me something. I am a.. Cool King, but only because my people are my first responsability. Though your compliment is kind, and I thank-you" he turns and looks though there is already a waitress just waiting for any orders as they too didn't get kings that often. A sprite would be on the way without him even doing anything.

He turns back to look at Scott listening intently, "I am glad you have corrected this... Wordle, and I think that is quite intresting with the ants.. When I am around the lab at the Manson I do try to sneak them some sugar... We kind of get each other though I can not communicate like you." he chuckles a bit, but thinks about how he has been doing, and answers "I am doing well as being in the city suits me. But I miss home even though I know it is in good hands with my sister." he answers honestly as you could not connect with someone with lies.

He thinks for a moment again before he continues, "You ran a buisness.. Security? Is that turning a profit? I have heard a lot of buisness do not for many years." he looks around a bit, "This city can be rough, and though I don't mean to pry please know these questions are for your benifit. If there is something you need I am missing please be sure to ask."

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott raises an eyebrow, "That was you, huh? They said somebody was leaving them goodies. I think it made them suspicious at first but I told them it was probably just Bucky going on a sugar binge. That guy's from the forties, he never had a proper candy in his life, he probably shovels the stuff down just to catch up with the rest of us corn syrup kids," he says.

He takes his Sprite, sipping carefully from his straw as he pulls off his hat and ruffles his dark hair, "It does okay. HOnestly, I don't pay enough attention to it and I mostly do stuff at Pym Tech these days. I am technically on the payroll there, which is good because, uh, yeah, security, not so much. But that's okay, it's more for me to give a support structure to other people than to make money and it's done that pretty well, so I'm ot complaining."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa actually laughs and it is a deep laugh as he nods. "Yes.. I am sorry that was me. I am sorry to put you on guard. It was not my intention I only had it in my pocket once and they liked it so very much that I figured it was... well just what giant ants consumed." he thinks about Bucky though and smiles a bit, "And Bucky does seem the one to enjoy wierd things like that. I do not get the man myself, but I trust Steve, and Steve trust him and it has worked out well" he nods a bit at that.

T'Challa nods.. "Good.. To be honest I am glad to hear it. Some of the others are a bit hard to connect with, but that you are willing to share over a cup sprite speaks well upon your character." he nods to Scott a bit impressed. He does pull out a card that is black with gold trim, and writing. It has his name, and phone number on it. "This is for emergancies.. You get kicked out of your home, arrested unfairly... emergancies.. You may call me I will show." he nods to him.

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott Lang shakes his head, "I don't get on guard. I leave that to Jan or Nadia or Hank. They're the worrywarts. I try to keep things laid back, as much as I can, in part because guys who call themselves Captain America and Iron Man can take themselves a little too seriously sometimes. Meanwhile, I'm Ant-Man. Nobody's scared of Ant-Man," he says.

He gives a grin, "Most of the times I've been arrested, I gotta be honest, it was pretty fair. I was a thief, your highness, and a pretty good one. Well, until that one time," he says.

"I appreciate the support though. I'll keep your number on hand."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa nods, and gets that as he seems rather relaxed and he was right those two did get rather serious, as he did but those two were troubled. He gives scott a smile, "Your levity is good in the face of diversiity do not let the others get to you." he nods to this, "And do not tell them it is me with the sugar.." giving him a wink and a chuckle. They said he had no sense of humor, he actually found them not knowing quite humorous. "Also maybe you should get out there more. If you want them to fear you then you must act fearsome." he nods to Scott as this is one thing he knew. "Stop crime, or get on the missions, show them the skill I know you have and I am sure with time you could have Ant up there with Iron, or even Spider." and nods a bit at that.

He stops thinking about this mans past he nods a bit solemnly. "If a russian spy, or super weapon can change, a theif.. even a good one can change as well. Though I have heard of this wierd man.. he was called double O-seven or something like that.. Well he said some wise words.. Never say never. One really bad day can make you think you need to turn back, just remember this and know you do not."

They had been showing him films, and though he did not get all of them he had learned that was a hard truth, so remembered that part. "And you have earned my support, do not think I give it away lightly, you are an Avenger like me, and in that shared responisbility we will help each other." he tilts his head, "Do you understand? I am told our customs can be wierd sometimes."

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott Lang does his best Sean Connery impression, "I shay! I should have ordered a martini, shaken not shtirred! MISS MONEYPENNY...okay, that's all I have," he says.

"I may be an Avenger, but I'm definitely not like you. But that's okay. All of us being good at different stuff is what makes it a good team, right? That and that Captain Marvel chick. She's so hot but so scary. Don't tell her I said so. Well. Maybe tell her, if you think she'd find it charming, but if she would toss me in a dumpster, maybe keep it our secret, huh?"

"But you know what: that's not a bad idea. Maybe I should go out and...fight some crime."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa nods, "Yes that is him!" he shakes his head a bit. "They say I should I can learn from their films, but honestly most of them are things I have done before so I can not find much truth in them." he shrugs a bit missing the point of the films of course. Though he chuckles a bit, "No you are not like me, but you also have a lot less responsibility." he nods to his drink, "I have not tasted Alchol for a long time. Not because I have a problem, but a King can not get intoxicated." he smiles a bit at this, "I think you already know to enjoy your freedom not chasing after things you can not have." and nods to him as he had been listening and everything he said showed he had already learned this lesson.

"Though with Captain Marvel, I think if you wish to tell her that you will have to tell her yourself.. To be honest." he glances around though adds quietly. "She scares me too." and chuckles a bit returning to normal volume. "Be careful out there, I know you can do things and are very sneaky, but I do not want you harmed and it being my fault for putting such thoughts in your mind." he looks at him a bit as he imagined fighting this man without powers just hand to hand, and did not think it would end well. "Perhaps you should come to the mansion and brush up on your skills first? There are multiple good fighters there, many even I would not want to mess with though Banner he is the exception." he nods, as he had warned him if he did it or not it was on him not T'Challa.