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The Fast and the not so furious.
Date of Scene: 18 January 2023
Location: Central Business District - New Troy
Synopsis: Barry and Franklin meet, and discuss wierd things such as space, and time.
Cast of Characters: Franklin Richards, Barry Allen

Franklin Richards has posed:
Most people put thought space was about moving super fast for long distances, or worm-holes which was closer, but to Franklin there was only one way. Folding two points of space to temporarly overlap he can move long distances. While this was fine for him as he could shield himself in transit, it was not quiet as the waves of a space anomaly this put out would be well detected coming from the city. Visually a black circle would appear slightly above the rooftops, and a young adult would float through looking down at the city.

As this is mid-day Franklin would be able to be spotted easily as he wears a black shirt, with light grey pants, though the fabic is wierd as if he picked them up from a shop on the Hub. If one were to look into the rapidly closing hole is on the other side as the two spots were actually the same location as he released it back to normal. Looking down Franklin smiled, "Looks like it... no flying cars.. Maybe I finally made it back." as he floats over the roads, lowering himself to take a closer look descending on the side-walk as now there are people staring up at him.

Barry Allen has posed:
Metropolis was known for a great many things, foremost amongst them the advancement in technology, but the sudden appearance of a blackhole over the Business district was still a ways off from being common place. When the mini black-hole opens, it sets off several alarms amidst the populace who all whip out their phones and start taking video that quickly alerts Barry Allen, who was in the middle of getting coffee when his phone churped.

"Thanks, Rosita, I'll see you tomorrow." He said with a smile as he hurriedly made his way around a corner and crackled with lightning as he rapidly closed the distance to the source of the anomoly.

The Scarlet Speedster slides to a stop below where Franklin is descending towards the side-walk. "It's alright everybody, nothing to worry about, just your typical Einstein-Rosen Bridge." He assures the bystanders with a grin, glancing over his shoulder at Franklin, "Right? It's not going to give anyone cancer is it?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin is looking down at the phones and smiles to himself, "This many phones this must be earth, though he looks up as like a Flash there is now another person in red below him. Of course he knew of him, but not personally of course he quietly listened as he lowered himself all the way to the ground before talking. "Hello... I am sorry to be rude, but this is Earth right?" he looks down as he fiddles with his watch, and shakes his head, "No.. Different type of energy. As long as.." he looks up at the closed hole and nods. "it closes, then we are fine."

As he talks he fiddles with his watch again, "This won't hurt, I am checking your dimension readings." he says as he moves his arm up and down as if scanning him. Finally he looks up with a smile, "Sorry... Franklin... Richards, Fantastic Four. Where... am I?"

Barry Allen has posed:
Barry squints at Franklin's odd series of questions, but given the nature of his arrival it shouldn't be that far out of the realm of possibility. "Yeah, this is Earth." Said with a little motion around at all the people holding up their cellphones and the various shops lining the sidewalk. "It's not really a rude question, but you have to admit it's kind of a strange one."

Which is to say, it was strange.

Fantastic Four.

Barry inclines his head, "Relation to Reed Richards? You're not a younger him from an alternate reality are you? I really wouldn't be that surprised, if I'm honest. Lots of unusual things happen around me.." Like meeting grand children from the future, this sort of meeting is right up his alley. "I'm the Flash." Tenatively extending his hand out to Franklin, "I feel really rude not giving my government name, I hope you can forgive me."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin chuckles, as his watch beeps a confermation. "IT looks like I finally made it." though strange at least he looks rather happy about this. "And yes, I am his son. Or well the current son of this dimension and time." he points out as there were many of both of them, but that was for another time. He shakes Flash's hand enthusiastically "Of course, Flash I have heard of you who hasn't! And we are out in public so do not worry, my family is unique as we are the public family. If this were New York anyone could tell ya about me!" and chuckles a bit letting go.

He looks up again, "When I was a boy often I would call in my future self." he shrugs a bit, "Yes.. I know it messes with time I do not anymore, but it is time to pay the piper though it is easy to get lost out there." he looks around a bit, "I know this might seem wierd, but I got the time right, just not the space."

He streches his neck out a bit, "So Flash let me help.." as there is an invisable square shield around them. As the top fills, the sides change color as Franklin Explains. "You can pass anytime you want, but it is one way." as you can see other people obviously not able to see in putting their face against it to try. "No-one can see or hear us here. I figure it will make it easier then the Flash standing in public.. though I could lower it again if you wish."

Barry Allen has posed:
"Whoa, settle down.." Flash says with an air of genuine amusement at the spray of conversation that comes at him from what appears to be a rather enthusiastic young man. He pats the air and grins, "Take a breath. Jeez, I thought I talked a mile a minute." All in good natured tones, "So you got the time right, but not the place.. where were you trying to go? Back home I assume?"

Peering around at the sudden gawking faces all go slack in the slow motion way that he's quite familiar with when moving at speeds far beyond anything most people could fathom. "Huh.. and you just 'do that'?" He turns a slow circle, half leaning back to stare at the citizens around him. "It's really not necessary. I don't mind being out in the crowd. Usually." Central City was a lot easier than Metropolis. This is Clark's ballpark, after all.

"So... where were you that you had to fold space to get back to here?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin smiles. "It has been a while since I could talk... well to another human." he admits nodding as he stops to consider it, "I ended up on this place called The Hub.. A rather lawless part of space it seems. Thankfully I know how to count cards so gambling was rather easy for me." he stops and looks at him.."And I am use to dealing with these Bat people.. they are so secretive so for the Flash himself.. I will do a little to make sure we can talk freely." he lowers it again, and returns it back to normal after concentrating for a moment.

"There we go, and you really don't know me do you?" he asks a bit surprised.. "It is nice surprising someone really it is, but this is actually my normal in New York." he couldn't go into detail in public how crazy it could get, but it was his home sweet home so had to mention it.

He looks at Flash realising, "Though you are handling this time stuff way easy.." he grins a bit, "Have you had some experience in this madness?" though he chuckles a bit, as he jokes slightly.

Barry Allen has posed:
Barry snorts into an amused laugh at Franklin calling out Batman as secretive, "You got that right. I've been dealing with their patriarch for years, and let me tell you-" He lifts a finger to physically indicate he's going to make a point, "-it doesn't get easier. If anything, it only gets more complicated where it pretains to Gothams heroes." He nods then, when the shield is coming down. "Appreciate it. Makes people antsy when time shields go up, even if they may not know." That is to say, it makes him antsy.

Once more his hands are on his golden belted hips, peering at Franklin, "Sure, I've heard of you. Haven't met you yet, though. Everyone knows about the Reed family, Fantastic first family of space.. you've heard it before." Motioning in a 'I don't have to tell you' kind of way as he once again peers around.

"Something like that, yeah." Details are classified? "I've seen a few different timelines, myself... heck, you could say I've never seen a timeline I wouldn't accidentally break."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods, "Robin is a good friend of mine." knowing Damian would litteraly stab him if he actually said his name. "It is worth the hastle though because if you ever need a friend to be honest with you.. ask them." and chuckles a bit as well. Flash was a change of pace for him though as it was someone non-moody, or someone he had to fill in the space bringing up stuff. "And it is okay.. I don't mean to worry anyone. I am also one of the good guys, though usually I can't do anything like you guys can." he sounds a bit sad about it, but that doesn't hold for long as he just continues.

"Okay I was going to say, it is fine either way, but I think Johnny would be personally offended if the Flash didn't know who he was." and chuckles a bit at that. "That explains it, though.. I was wondering as usually there are so many questions.. How can your future self visit if your not even grown up yet, or about loops, and paradoxes." he chuckles a bit, "It is nice to talk to someone who knows, or knows enough to get no-way to know."

Barry Allen has posed:
"I... guess?" Barry squints again, his smile looking a little forced, at the notion that Batman might be the best option for a friend in need. "Personally, I'd rather call up Superman." He murmurs, "Don't mind me name-dropping there, no big deal, just got big blue on speed-dial." The speedster jokes, stepping over about two feet to lean against a newspaper stand. Rather than just stand there on the sidewalk. He crosses his arms and listens to Franklin.

"Sure, yeah, I know you guys. I just don't get out to New York much. Tons of heroes there, don't need one more clogging up the works, ya know?" His smile looks less fake when saying that, clear humor in his tone.

Until the last part. That he nods and gets serious, "I know enough to know that the more you know the less you wish you knew. It's all fun and games to theorize about time travels fal-..." There's a beep from his phone, another alert.

This is not just some weird event. "Hey, we'll have to table this for now. Next time, just call me up and we'll have coffee, huh?" She snap points at Franklin, grinning. "Seeya around Frankie." Then, with a crackle of yellow-white lightning, the Flash disappears from where he was leaning. Off to save... well probably not the world, but at least a bank and some hostages.