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Latest revision as of 23:14, 20 January 2023

A Lucky Meeting Turns Into Another
Date of Scene: 20 January 2023
Location: Cafe Lalo
Synopsis: Mary and Marie catch up, and end up rekindling their relationship.
Cast of Characters: Marie-Ange Colbert, Mary Bromfield

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Early evening in New York City is when the Big Apple really starts to come alive. People are starting to get off of their jobs and venture out into the city to enjoy all the nightlife it has to offer. Shopping, theatre shows, and more food options than one could reasonably shake a stick at. The evening's a little warmer than it had been in days past, but it's still Winter in New York, so not exactly beach weather, either.

After running into Mary in the Park a few days ago, Marie was nervous. She hadn't had her cards to guide her; they had recently betrayed her thanks to Mojo's machinations. So, without being able to take a look into her own future, she sought out the help of another. The result she got wasn't quite as definite as she'd hoped: Make your own decision, you'll recover either way.

So Marie, for the first time in a long time, followed her heart. A call was made, and an invitation offered to meet up and chat. There was stammering. It was probably cute.

Marie's... not entirely sure what to expect, here. For all of her ability to view the future, the seer's flying blind, so to speak. Pale, slender hands wring one another in anticipation as she sits alone in a little corner booth with menus set out, one in front of her, one across from her. She's (visibly) wearing a fuzzy black jacket with a faux fur-lined hood and an ankle-length black dress to go with it, though the hood is off because, well, it's probably easier to spy her if the red of her hair is sticking out. Makeup has been applied delicately, nothing new for Marie who has never been one to over-indulge, just to accentuate here and there. She's doing her best to keep watch of the door, even as people come in and depart. Hopeful, but definitely nervous.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Seeing into the future is not anything that Mary has ever had the chance to do, despite having a litany of abilities bestowed upon her when she speaks that one magical name. So she just muddles through life and taking things as they come. And, such as in this case, accepting an invitation.

Not that there was much anxiety about it. Mary had missed Marie-Ange's company, and running into her the other day had just reminded her of that. But the lives of heroes are complicated, particilarly globe trotting ones. Even if Mary has the power to cross the globe in seconds, if she truly wanted to. Somehow, the ability to do so made the gulf between doing so and not doing so feel all the more wider.

But the past was the past, and the future was the future. What was now was the present, and the present saw Mary arriving a minute or two before the appointed time. She did always try to be punctual. She was not /quite/ sure what all was involved tonight - was it two old friends catching up, as they had discussed. Was it a test of something more? Mary treaded the line of both as best as she could. She was wearing one of her trademark skirts, this one a red skirt that she had picked up that matched Marie-Ange's hair to a T. She had never quite gotten around to wearing it before, but tonight was certainly the night. Maybe it gets noticed, maybe it doesn't. If it doesn't, probably for the best. If it does, who knows even what that might mean. A cream colored blouse atop that, and an oversized leather jacket worn atop all to keep her warm. And, in case of snow, naturally, black leather boots that come nearly to her knee.

Stepping inside the cafe, she beams a warm smile towards Marie-Ange. "Beat me here," she says, with a bit of a laugh.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Of course, the second that Marie notices the brunette, the redhead is up to her feet; boots are the call for both of them it seems, though her own are a plusher material. Taking a breath, she raises a hand to flag the other girl down, her face lighting up like the proverbial Christmas tree. Some of the nerves fading, but the butterflies? Those are still there.

"Mary... you look amazing." There's no formal title, which is the first hint of where Marie stands. All but her closest friends have always been 'Monsieur', 'Madame', or 'Mademoiselle'. Then there's a little blush. "I mean, you always do, but you know that and--" she forces herself to stop rambling. It's a little awkward. Focus, Marie. Focus. "Is that a new skirt? It is tres magnifique!" The French girl most definitely noticed, to be certain, and with that compliment given, she'll open her arms to offer a hug. From Marie it might not mean too much, as she's definitely a hugger.

Regardless of how that goes, she'll motion to the booth and, once Mary does, takes the opposite seat herself.

"I am glad you came." she admits, reaching for the menu in front of her. "It has been some time since we really had the chance to speak, but after seeing you in the park the other day, I knew I had to reach out." To at least try. It hadn't been a hard decision, once left to her alone.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
There might be a bit of nerves to Mary's approach as well, but she manages to hide them. Mostly. There is certainl an uptick of air as she spots Marie-Ange, a flush to her cheeks at the compliment. "You do as well," she replies, leaning in to gracefully accept the hug. It probably lingers a bit longer than necessary, as if Mary were loathe to break it for a brief moment. But then it ends, and she steps back to move towards her side of the booth.

"It is, yes. You know me, I need a skirt for every piece of the palette." She laughs, nervously a bit, as she adjusts that skirt when she settles down into the seat. "I had to upgrade some of my wardrobe to be taken seriously at work, so..."

She leans back into the booth, and nods slowly as Marie-Ange continues. "Of course," she says. "Why wouldn't I come?" She says it as if there truly is no reason she could conceive of. "I'm glad you did."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
So far, so good. It was a strange feeling; not a bad one. When they were together, there was a comfort that Marie felt around the brunette. The ability to be herself, be accepted. She's not quite there, but other feelings have been welling within her. Familiar ones. Mary is still Mary, and the attraction is still there.

When she asks about why she wouldn't come? Marie's eyes go downcast. "We have both been so busy. So many pressing matters to attend to. I... only hoped I would still be important enough to make time for, even if I failed to do so myself as often as I should have, oui?" There's guilt, there. Marie has always had the habit of blaming herself for things, developed from over a decade of being blamed for everything.

"I... have learned the importance of keeping those close to you, well, close. Things are better, now. My... duties..." The Spandex variety, "...still call, but I am trying to find a balance, now. What of yourself? How have you been? Is your family well?" she asks, forcing her eyes back up with a warm smile on her own lips.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Marie's eyes downcast. Mary sees it, and knows that there is guilt there. And without much thought, her hand takes Marie's. "You will always be important enough for me to make time for," she says, offering verbal reassurance along with the squeeze of the hand. "While we both have a lot on our plates, when there is time to be made, it can be made."

Mary tries to greet the lifted eyes with a warm smile. "Those are good lessns to learn, I would say. Not always easy, but rewarding." She laughs softly, and nods. "The family has been well. I have been well, well enough at least. Like I said, trying to move ahead on a career. Trying to do something on my own, and it has been tricky. But nothing good comes easy, right?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
The touch of Mary's hand taking her own is enough to bring fire to the redhead's cheeks once again, and a slight relaxing of her posture. She's missed this. More than she realized. Things had started to brew when they had that chance meeting, but being in the same room again? There's no doubt in her mind where she stands.

"Merci beaucoup, that means a lot." She's focusing, now. Letting her gaze linger. Letting courage build. "Still following the journalism route? I recall you had secured an internship at the Daily Planet that you were very excited about..." Marie doesn't forget these things. Even when she'd more or less been cut off from the world for a while, she remembered. "You are right, though. Nothing good comes easily. I..." Does she dare? She chickens out. "...have returned to the Institute, to pursue a college degree. The apartment was nice, but, I could not afford it on my own." Plus, she missed being around people. A crowded house full of danger was better than an empty apartment any day.

She takes a breath, steeling herself again. "Are... are you seeing anyone?"

Marie knows what she expects the answer to be, and if she's honest with herself, it's not the one she wants. A wonderful, beautiful person like Mary? The odds that the other girl was single felt like a million to one, and she didn't have the advantage of Jenny's good luck disks to stack the odds in her favor. The question itself was innocent enough. Old friends catching up.

The slight tremble to her voice as it was asked? That betrays the redhead's mindset of the moment.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
There is a certain relief from Mary, as well, at that connection. Perhaps she was expecting the hand to possibly be pulled away. Or just comfort at having it in her hand.

"Yes, so I am working on that in the hopes that I can be the next Lois Lane." Mary smiles broadly. "I have not yet stooped to doing my own exclusives, but ... " She laughs for a moment. "I am fighting myself to have patience." She nods as Marie explains her current doings. "That sounds nice. It is always good to have people around. I spent so much time with my family, as large as it was, that now that I am on my own it feels very ... " There is a word she was considering using. She opts not to. Marie can likely discern it.

It makes Marie's next question cause even more of a flush on Mary's cheeks. "No, just me," she says, with a bit of a rueful smile. "You?" Is there a hint of a tone when Mary reflects the question? Unclear.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Lonely." Marie finishes. Now it's the French girl's time to give a gentle squeeze back. Loneliness had been her life for months before her readings indicated that fate had a different plan for her. She understands all too well. "Madame Lane's reporting is wonderful, oui... but I think you will find more success being the first Mary Bromfield." Marie's eyes are practically sparkling, here. It's easy to speak the positives of someone else. "I remember reading some of the stories you worked on. Your passion is without question." Then there's the briefest of winks. A little comfort returning. "Plus, it has helped my English some. I am no longer..." Of course, this is the time that she struggles. It's either nerves, or her long-held struggle with idioms. "...such a fish in a strange land." she finishes with a little confidence. 'A fish out of water' or 'A stranger in a strange land', respectively. She tries.

When the Other question is answered, Marie's brain acts before her ears, "Of course, I am very happy for you bo--" Then she freezes like a deer in headlights as her ears catch up. "--really?" She shakes her head quickly. "Non. No one." Another pause, this one sees her closing her eyes. She needs to gather up that inner strength, and it's especially hard right now. "...but I would like to." There's a visible gulp. "Would you... would you perhaps, consider, possibly seeing me again?" One green eye opens, just a crack. Just to peek. "I understand if you do not want to, of course, but..." she stammers out after.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
A slow nod from Mary, confirmation. Lonely. She listens as Marie talks up her own writing, cheeks growing flusher, and she shakes her head initially in protest. But it is hard to argue with Marie's conviction and authenticity. "Well, hopefully my style can catch up to my passion. That's me, always going for the heart and not the head." She laughs softly, and returns Marie's squeeze.

There is a bit of a giggle from Mary as Marie is already prepared with a response, wrong as it is. She almost manages to open her mouth to make a joke of some kind, to ease the tension, when Marie just goes forward with her follow-up.

It might have been fairer for Mary to answer quicker, rather than letting Marie hem and haw on her way to the question itself, and then immediately start to back track. But that would require Mary to have been prepared for the question, even though she thought it might very well come up. Nonetheless, it does rob her of a certain amount of breath when it comes up, giving Marie all the room to try to hang herself.

But not quite enough room. "Yes." Mary says, finally, cutting Marie off before she can walk herself straight out of the cafe. "I've missed you. And I see no reason why we can't see..." Now it is her turn to stammer a bit. "Well, how things might be."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Oh, she almost did. By the time Mary answered, Marie's legs had already started to tense. The want to run was fighting with the desire to still be Mary's friend if she didn't want to try to be more. It was an internal struggle, but one she was winning... until the words came out that just made her melt back into her side of the booth.

"I am not dreaming, oui?" she asks, both green eyes opening and even threatening to well up a little. "I... have missed you as well, Mary. You have made me most happy today." A pause, and a smile. Warm, sincere, and extremely relieved. "I promise you now, I will make time, and do everything I can to make this work." Then, there's a giggle. "...and if we both live alone," Marie has her own apartment in the college dorms! "We will not have Jenny making faces, or have to kiss out of sight of your siblings, oui?" She can't help but blush, but it's already a little different. Playful, maybe.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Maybe Mary sensed that, and that is why her hold on Marie's hand tightened a bit. Not to truly keep her from pulling away, but to discourage it. "You're not dreaming," she affirms, a small smile on her lips. "I see no reason to let the past, which was not even that much of a..." She simply laughs again, shaking her head as Marie goes off again.

"Marie. Calm. Please." She reaches over with her other hand to join the first, both of them holding Marie's hand now. "Let's just relax. Take a breath. You can be yourself, I can be myself. We can just be." Another squeeze of her hand. "Ok?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
There's a slight nod from Marie, but no words come immediately. She's listening. The French girl's always been a follower, and with The Big Question out of the way and in a positive light, it's especially easy for Mary to anchor her. She breathes. Giving herself time for her pulse to stop racing so. For words to come in a controlled fashion. Forcibly seizing that comfort she feels at Mary's touch.

"Oui. We can just be, Mary." Her tone relaxes here, and her other hand comes to join Mary's. Gentle. Just soaking in the other's presence and centering herself. "I know I had suggested just meeting for a meal to catch up," Not entirely a false pretense, but she did have the ulterior motive! "...but if you are free the rest of the evening, perhaps we could spend it together?" A pause, and a slight grin. "I believe the local cinema is showing..." she pauses, making sure she remembers the name of the show. "...Critical Role?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
As Marie starts to breathe more easily, Mary smiles, nodding in encouragement. "See?" she says softly, another squeeze to the hand. Mary, herself, seems to relax more as she finds she is able to settle Marie down. It does good for her, too.

As she listens to Marie expanding out the concept of her plan, Mary chuckles softly. She nods in agreement, even as Marie continues to outline the idea. "I have no plans for the rest of the evening, other than reconnecting with an old friend." She glances down for a moment, biting her lip softly, before looking back up at Marie. "So, you have me for the rest of the night. If you want me."