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Don't Ever Feed Your Speedster After Midnight
Date of Scene: 19 January 2023
Location: Level 4 - Kitchen and Dining - The Roost
Synopsis: It begins with Vegetarian Tacos in the Outsiders Kitchen as Red Robin and Balm invite Velocity to join them for a guacless meal.

Carin makes a new friend in Phoebe, who confirms that she is up for wrecking Cyberdata's' stuff, and volunteers Tim for investigating the cybernetics on Carin's head.

Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Phoebe Beacon, Carin Taylor

Tim Drake has posed:
    Is it late? Is it early? In the Roost it's hard to tell, given that the shell of whatever building it sits in blocks all possibility of windows. But superheroes, especially those of the Gotham variety, aren't generally prone to having normal sleep schedules anyway, so what does it really matter?

    What matters is the smell that has filled the hallway, strong enough to filter down through the stairwells. Is... something burning?

    It's definitely a food smell, at least, so the place probably isn't about to be evacuated by the fire department. And once you get closer to the source of the smell, the burning starts to lessen. That was just attempt #1, clearly; whatever's cooking now smells like spices, chili and cumin, onion and garlic, with something deeply umami underneath it.

    Entering the kitchen area, Red Robin is standing at the stove with a pair of tongs in hand. And it's definitely Red Robin, even though he's dressed casually in a red hoodie and a pair of black jeans; he's got the domino mask on. His hair is wild enough that he's either just woken up or just come off a long patrol, with the way it's flipped up in the back and his bangs are half-sideways. The sizzle and pop of something frying makes him reach his tongs into the pan in front of him for some quick turning action.

    "How do we not have avocado?" he asks, a gripe aimed more at the unfairness of the universe than his cooking compatriot. "We just had a grocery delivery last night with an entire case of avocados. These Gen-Zers are eating me out of house and home."

    The complaining is mostly theatrics. Though he is considering running downstairs to his apartment to find some dang avocados.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe is wearing black-on-black, pants with a gouge taken out of the hip that shows a pair of Batman-themed leggings underneath (with happy little chibi batmen and robins), as she looks over. Her domino was tucked into a pocket, the hood down and showing her stubby braids as she handles some rice and refried beans. She has a lime in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other.

    "Maybe Bart discovered how awesome avocados are? I mean, the sharkpup and sharkducks won't eat them and *I* certainly didn't inhale twenty avocados in a single evening. So we won't have fresh guac unless I portal to the Mansion or to the Curio to get avocados. We will Overcome, somehow!" she cheers him on, turning and poking his side with the spoon.

    "But man let me tell you I had some BOMB enchiladas two weeks ago."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "..did... someone say avocados...?" comes a small voice. An extremely pale, ghostly white in fact, redhead peeks in through the kitchen door. Carin is wearing the borrowed clothes she'd been blessed with, Robot Unicorn Attack hoodie and all, and has likely only been in the Roost for one, *maybe* two nights? She sniffs at the air and blinks at the Red Robin, leaning her body on the door frame on the outside of the kitchen.

    "...um... what's cooking? It... smells really good..." her eyes focus on the pan now and in her level of perception, she watches the pops and jumps of grease or oil as they leap out of the pan in defiant anger at the tongs invading their space.

Tim Drake has posed:
    "Say avocado? Yes," Red Robin calls out without turning, clearly unsurprised to have their visitor make an appearance. "Have avocados? No." His tongs go click-clack in the air as he snaps them together, casting one final considering look at whatever he's cooking before he steps away. To the counter, where the second batch of onions and peppers are resting on a plate post-saute.

    You know, the ones he didn't accidentally burn.

    He reaches past them for another plate, this one lined with paper towels. Then Red Robin's waving Carin in, gesturing for her to take a seat at one of the barstools at the massive central counter. "Tacos," he explains. "Vegetarian. You're more than welcome to join us if that doesn't put you off." Plate in hand, Red Robin returns to the stove and begins to pull out pieces of what looks like sliced fajita chicken, but given the previous explanation is probably actually mushroom, onto the paper towel to drain.

    "If you want, you can portal to my fridge downstairs and Anarky can live without his avocado toast in the morning." That's a joke. If anyone eats avocado toast, it's Red Robin.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Lies, Anarky doesn't eat avocado toast in the morning. I've been at your place for 'breakfast' and he's totally more an oatmeal guy." Phoeb pokes fun a little, though she gives a bright smile, adding lime and spice to the rice she's stirring before moving it to a bowl.

    She turns to Velocity, and she gives a bright smile -- she does look different out of her lab coat and without her glasses.

    "Hey, Velocity. How you feeling?" she asks, making her way to the center counter, pausing to take out some warmed soft tortillas from the oven on a plate, and giving a soft 'ow ow ow ow ow' as she transfers the hot plate to the table, shaking out her hand as she sets it down.

    "He's not in, is he?" she pauses, and sniffs the air, "... I could just try to portal your fridge here."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Vel..." she blinks, then bites her lip. Right. She'd given her stupid special name that Cyberdata had coded her with. It works, though. "...huh! Yeah. Yeah. I'm.. better. I... arranged a pickup..." she gives a little more of a lopsided smile now. "..we can.. call her when it's okay for me to go... um. Home." It sounds like the word feels very, very strange on her tongue, as if her lips are reluctant to form it.

    "But.. the tacos sound great! I haven't really eaten much since I got here. Anxiety?" she hazards. Then frowns as Phoebe is there playing hot potato with a plate of tortillas. "Hey is... is there anything I can do to help? I mean. I'm right here..." she bites her lip again and takes in the whole kitchen scene. Food. People. Activity. Warmth.

Tim Drake has posed:
    There's a bowl with a heaping pile of what looks like ground beef, but again, probably isn't, already on the counter. Phoebe has clearly taken responsibility for the side dishes and the tortillas, all of which are very important parts of the dish. Leaving Red Robin to man the frying, it seems.

    Well, he hasn't done too terrible at that job, aside for the one time. The fried mushrooms join the mystery grounds, and the last thing he has to do is fetch the hard shells from where they're warming in the oven, too (he uses potholders). Mm, toasty cornmeal smell. With that done, he looks over at Carin.

    "You can leave whenever you want, but you can stay as long as you need, too. And in the meantime, grab a plate and have something to eat."

    He helpfully indicates where the plates are kept by reaching up into a cupboard to get one for himself, before sliding out of the way. It seems that all there is for Carin to do to help is, well, help herself!

    Taking a seat at the counter after his plate has been made, Red Robin puts his chin in his hand. "No, he's not. But he might have some... experiments going in our fridge. Probably best not to portal the whole thing." Does he make a face at mention of those experiments? Oh, he do.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Absolutely." Phoebe replies to Carin, and she grabs *two* plates because it would be rude to ask a guest to get their own, and she sets one plate in front of the guest as she sits down herself.

    "Red's right. The best thing to do right now is to have some food and to rest up. I can bring you to a handy pick-up point if you want. As we were discussing --" Phoebe points to herself "I can portal people. Among my many other talents like cooking vegan taco fixings." she states, leaning over to grab sour cream and cheese.

    "And making things not vegan!" she gives a bright smile, and then glances to Tim.

    "Have you two met yet proper? Velocity, Red Robin -- the bossman," she introduces Tim, "-- the smartest guy in any room, and pretty much my best friend ever." she smiles, settling back down. "Red, Velocity, cybernetic fast girl and guest over the last couple of days."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe then gets a disturbed look "Are these leftovers-experiments or illegal experiments?"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "...huh?" Carin blinks. "...I thought.. I needed to stay around.. because you guys had to... I dunno... do stuff or ask me stuff or..." she frowns, not used to this kind of thing. "...I mean I'll stay for tacos..." she says quietly. "I mean. Yeah! I'll eat. And. If you need anything from me, um. I'm here. And we can... have my... girl.. friend pick me up?" More uncertainty.

    Then she shakes her head, "No, I don't think we've met..." she collects a plate and starts to collect food upon it. "Yeah, going fast is... kind of all I've got. Making fiends, slowly, too? Sort of? I was in a real bind and... thanks are owed to your team for keeping me from getting .. collected."

Tim Drake has posed:
    "If we have questions, we'll find you," Red Robin says, and there's something in his voice that implies yes, he has questions, but no, he's not going to ask them now. After all, they're about to eat. "You're a guest here."

    He, like Phoebe, un-vegans his vegan tacos with cheese, but apparently sour cream is where he draws the line for whatever reason. Either way, his plate is ready and he folds his tortilla around its innards before taking a big biting chomp. This is, of course, when Phoebe introduces him, so all he can do is offer a wave.

    Some moments later, he does say, "Pleasure to meet you." Because he has SOME manners, at least. He's quiet as he eats for a little bit, listening as Carin talks, and then he nods. "They're great, yeah. I'll pass what you said on to them, but that's what they do. Help people in need. And if there's anything we can do to help you again with your situation, I don't think I'd even need to ask them."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "No. You were injured, you had an organization that was after you, you have a different person who cares about you who is willing to come and pick you up." Phoebe clarifies, "All I wanted to do was make sure you had a safe space to recover. And make sure you know that you have people who have your back." she looks over to Red, and then back to Carin.

    "Like I said when we last spoke, there's a number of us who have grudges against organizations that take and abuse kids." she states, giving an idle scratch at her left forearm, her eyes dropping down a moment.

    "And I had a little sister. I don't think, if I knew she was in danger, that there's anything that would be able to stop me from getting to her. So... I understand the concern."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The way Tim phrases--and tones--that talk of questions and finding, though... it makes Carin freeze. She stares at him, a look of unease on her face. She calculates her exit trajectiroes and her options for some sort of departure. Even if it's a split-second of thought, there's no way that Tim misses the fear in her eyes. Run rabbit, run? But there's food. And. Now she's a guest. She's been a guest. But her guard remains up a bit more for the moment.

    For the moment. She disarms a little further as Tim gives that 'great to meet you' and she sighs, deflating a little. "...I.. mean... I'm.. out here because.. I want to help, too? I'm trying not to... be so afraid. I've got powers and I don't want to just hide away the rest of my ilfe.. and seeing people like you doing... well..." she assembles her tacos and looks at Phoebe. "...what you do. And. With... the experience you have... I'm still trying my best to not just sit idly by...?" she bits on her lower lip again and nods to the other girl once again. "Y-yeah... Toni is.. she's.. really sweet.."

    And then she promptly stops talking and silences herself by stuffing a taco in her face. NOMF. The warmth of a blush highlighting her ivory white cheeks is as obvious as the sun though.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Well, that reaction confirms a few things for Tim. Trust, but verify. He takes another bite (crunchy taco, this time) and then he nods. "We can help you with that, if you want. There's someone with your skillset on our team, I think you've met him already?" He seems to feel fairly certain in this assumption, at least.

    Plate cleared in surprisingly quick fashion for someone who has no super-speed powers whatsoever, Red Robin stands up and goes for seconds. Abnormal for him, but this is an abnormal meal at an abnormal time; fried food is not usually in his diet, but apparently some particular reason had brought this meal into reality. Even if it might have just been a "Por que no los dos?" agreement after a discussion regarding hard versus soft tacos.

    He glances over at Phoebe and tips his head while Carin is silently blushing, and then scoops another spoonful of rice onto his plate.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I remember being there when I was new to being in this business. It was difficult to adjust to things, and I got pretty lonely, especially since it felt like everyone I knew already had been at it forever. Red, in fact, tried to talk me out of it at one point saying things like 'if you're not ready it's totally okay to go back to civilian life' and 'of course I won't tell your mom that you got shot three times'." Phoebe offers as a slight joke, and she motions to herself.

    "It's tough, mentally and physically, but this outfit really helped me through a lot of things... so much of my life is better because I know Red, and Impulse, Superboy, X-23 and Honey Badger have my back." she gives a small smile.

    "So if you need us for anything, any help we can give, I think Red Robin and I are in agreement that we'll be there to help." she gives a nod, and hten consumes half her taco in one bite and chews.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin nods, "Oh, yeah. Um. Impulse, right? He uh. Lent Rave his rickshaw so she could take me home... a different night..." she frowns. It looks like if there's any debate about hard tacos vs soft, though, she's got. Like. One of each on her plate. Maybe because if there's fajita-stuff it's going in the soft shell and ground stuff it's going in the croncher. Delicious.

    "I mean..." she nomfs a bit, and doesn't talk with her mouth full, then looks to Phoebe. "I. Kind of. Want to help? Like. ...is there anything I can do...? Maybe?" she gives a lopsided little smile now. "...I'm just starting to feel like... as much as I didn't want.. all this.. I should do something good with it? I've... um. Already. Done some good things. But... it's kind of out of costume? As. The me, me. Not the ... Velocity me... if that makes sense?"

    She looks between Phoebe and Tim. "Like the two of you have normal lives outside of the.. domino masks and super suits. For me, for now, I don't.. have anything to do with the suit... at least I don't like running solo?"

Tim Drake has posed:
    Red Robin nods along to all this information as if he knew it already, while he too makes a crunchy taco with the meatless crumble (it's tofu, for clarification) and a soft taco with the fajita mushroom. More beans to go with the rice he's already placed on his plate, and there, a whole new fresh helping.

    "Right. As normal a life as you can have with a secret like a superhero identity, at least," he says with a shrug. "But it's important, for us, to keep that distinction. Safety reasons. If you need help maintaining that, or figuring out the details of a civilian identity so you can try for the whole 'normal life' thing... well, we have people with a variety of useful skills."

    Red Robin himself being one of them. Though he doesn't quite offer a secret identity to Carin right out, but there's a thoughtful quirk to his mouth, and he picks up his plate. "I have some reports I need to finish," is his explanation for the eating and running. A pit stop is made at the fridge for Red Robin to get himself a bottle of iced coffee, first. "But please, eat up. And stay as long as you need. There'll be a room with your name on it waiting for you."

    And with that he heads for the elevator.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Which kind of means you may be getting an invite to the team if you want and don't mind hanging around with a bunch of dorky heroes who occasionally get together and play D&D." Phoebe gives a small grin, and she reaches over to grab some more cheese to apply to her hard taco remains, which she ate over a soft taco in order to have AN ADDITIONAL TACO. It's like magic.

    "Red Robin runs a very creative game." she ammends with a slight grin and acknowledgement that she also plays in the games.

    "So, if you don't mind me asking -- what do your cybernetics do?"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin watches Pheebs work, and then tries the thing where you put a hard taco shell into a soft taco... and lines the inner one with cheese. Or sour cream. Or whatever soft squishy binding thing is on hand to do so! Double-decker tacooo! She assembles it while listening to Phoebe talk, nodding. "I mean... I... don't have a lot of friends and... I think even my.. civilian life is kinda.. not?" she shrugs her shoulders slowly, but even agents of SHIELD have home lives when not at the office. Even if she lives there.

    Then the question makes her tilt her head, "OH! It's. All so I don't hurt myself..." she looks down at her taco then takes a big bite. She lets that sink in a moment while she chews and swallows, then continues. "...it's all stuff to... keep me from breaking bones and joints, keeps me from uh... flaying my own skin off at high speeds.." she mumbles. "My powers didn't come with any kind of... mutant protection to my own speed... And... there's a Brain Box wired in that helps me process data and what I see when I'm going super super fast. So I don't smash into a wall or a truck or something."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... that.. is super unusual. I've never known a speedster who didn't just kinda... zip off?" Phoebe wrinkles her nose, thinking to all the Speedsters she knows of, who she knows personally. "Gods that must suck. What if something shorts out?" she questions, and looks rather worried. Healing magic doesn't generally work on cybernetics

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The redhead shrugs, taking another bite of taco. "I dunno..." she says quietly. "...the speed is, like.. my mutant power.. and.. the rest is just. Reinforced joints and..." she holds up her arm and pulls the loose hoodie sleeve back. "...I was like, super white before this but... there's kevlar under my skin now, too. Subdermal armor? So that.. the joints.. whatever they did to my eyes.. it's all, like... passive stuff? The.. Brain Box just.. helps me process information fast but if I had to I could get on without it.. not that I'm sure it can be taken out.." she mumbles, then takes another big bite. Chomp. Chomp. That taco is about done.

    Then she finishes, swallows, and exhales a long, soft sigh. "Mmmh... still, I try not to go... -too- fast? But ... I can.. uh. Regenerate. Too..."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Good gods everyone friggin' regenerates. I'm useless." Phoebe remarks offhandedly as she fills another taco with tofu. "So is Regeneration one of your powers along with the speed, or was that an augmentation?" she questions, and then gives a small smile.

    "I kind of ask out of curiosity, but practicality too. See..." she draws up her left hand, and her fingertips glow.

    "I heal. Myself and others. I'm very good at it, but there's some people who I can't heal. I can't heal cybernetics, though if they got ripped out I could stop the bleeding and encourage your skin and organs to regrow from where they were contacted." she gives a small smile.

    "Seriously, help yourself to more tacos. I've cooked for Impulse before, most speedsters have high caloric upkeep."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Everyone?" Carin asks, sounding surprised, then shakes her head, "N-no no! You're not useless! I've... I've never met a healer before...!" she says quickly, watching the glowing fingertips for a moment. "..it's pretty.." she says quietly, nodding. "But. Um. I think it's. Part of the mutation? But it's not all it's cracked up to be! I mean it...."

    She starts to fill up another couple of crunchy tacos. "...last time I got shot I ... needed the kevlar replaced in places... but I'd already healed over it... so I had to... go under again, to have the damaged plates swapped out. Those don't regenerate..." she stares down into her tacos again and then takes a bite.

    Nom. Nom. Nom. Gulp. "...so stuff can be... really problematic depending on what gets hit..."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "There's a lot of regenerating team members. I know a lot of people who magically heal themselves too. Used to be part of a different team." she gives a small grin, and she draws her fingertips in the air, showing the way the light follows her before she settles back down.

    "I would like to do some in-depth scans. Red Robin is our local tech wiz; he would be able to look at the scans and possibly reverse-engineer them in case you need replacement work. Or updates. Or... stuff that wasn't made by the group that changed you into this." Phoebe states awkwardly, and gives a breath out.

    "He made armor for me that works out really well. It was the first thing I got when I joined. When I met him... I got stuck in the middle of a Gotham Gangland fight. I took three automatic rounds to the stomach. He extracted me at his own peril, and got me to safety, and was trying to calm me own to apply first aid."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin seems to be enthralled by the light, watching it, smiling. She's a lot more relaxed now. Maybe because it's feeling so much more... friendly? "Huh? I mean. I don't mind. I um... people I work with now help with... that stuff. But having another source... wouldn't hurt..." she ponders. SHIELD can patch her up but she's not sure they'd freely do so if she was hurt doing vigilante work.

    "So, yeah, feel free? I mean Ted's got an in-depth scan already, too, but I dunno how your equipment compares to his?" she gives a little shrug, wincing at the story she's being told. "...yeesh. That sounds.. really.. really unpleasant.. but. I think that. People like yuo, that don't have... super durability or.. regeneration and stuff.. are even more amazing. Makes you even more brave.." she holds her taco with both hands and quietly nibbles.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well, that depends -- who's Ted?" Phoebe inquires, leaning back on the stool as she gives and shrugs her shoulders.

    "I have magical healing, it's what got me my ticket into working with Red Robin and Superboy." Phoebe replies with a small smile as she takes another bite of taco.

    "It sucked at the time, not gonna lie, but I was way more afraid of Red Robin telling my *mom* than I was of any sort of lasting injury. I think I still have the bullets, somewhere, like some sorta weird momento."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Huh? Oh! Kord. Ted Kord. Kord Co. Um. Blue Beetle guy?" Carin explains, pursing her lips. "...he helped me out a lot.." she says quietly. "He's woring on a new suit for me, too. One that's not.." she looks down at herself, getting a nice face full of hoodie instead of something else. "...tits out?" she gives a lopsided smile and then exhales a sigh. "...maybe more... mm.. appropriate.. if yuo guys are okay with me helping... and stuff..." she says softly.

    Then she shrugs, "...but you guys already have Impulse, right? Pretty sure anything I can do he can do better..." she trails off, wincing again. "..no bullts to remind me of the last time. Laser guns really suck.." she grouses before grumpily taking more taco.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I've heard of him, never met him I don't think I've met him." Phoebe considers, tilting her head back and trying to think of all the Wayne functions she's been to. Did she meet him?

    She draws one leg up and gives a grin, and motions down to herself. "Yeah, we have a speedster, a couple of assassins, the tech whiz-boss man, a couple really strong people, but you know what?" Phoebe brings her eyebrows up.

    "But we're not an audition, only-one-type-of-thing-per-team group. Some of us come in and out. Red Robin's a Bat. Red Hood comes in sometimes to hang out. Me? I was once--" she pauses, and then gives a slight smile, rubbing the back of her neck.

    "Not that important... but we're not going to bar you entry because we have Impulse. I think of all of us, /Impulse/ would be the most upset. He's just got the biggest heart, you know?"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "He's not a big secret..." Carin shrugs, then finishes her last taco. She eyeballs the remaining food then opts to hold off on anything further. She tilts her head and listens, then blinks. "...Well. I mean. Maybe. We can talk about it another day, yeah? We can.. get those scans done.. and.. I can get a ride back home tomorrow.. maybe save some tacos for Toni.."

    The redhead gives a little lopsided smile, "...I probably sound like a buffering video that keeps restarting but.. I really do want to help. And... I got a job with people that I can do that with... but.. this is different, too? Aaahh I hope I'm making sense..." she pouts adorably. "...not even just because I want to repay you for taking care of me."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Trust me, repayment isn't in the cards." Phoebe gives a wry smile as she leans her head on one fist, the corners of her lips curling up. "I've worked with some other groups. Who else are you part of? Strictly between you and me. I'm not about to blab things out."

    She leaves that to Honey Badger. There's a reason why she's called Gabby. A

    "We're not the Justice League, or the Titans. Red Robin manages us, mostly. With some help in the field. But we do things that the Justice League or Titans can't. Everything from bust up drug deals to deal with demons to punch ghost Conquistadores in their ugly racist faces and stop assassinations. One of the things that we have experience at -- unfortunately -- is we tend to end up dealing with organizations that abuse metahumans." she scratches at her left forearm again.

    "... a lot of us have a chip on our shoulder for ones that abuse kids."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Doesn't mean I won't try..." Carin says quietly, then laughing softly. "Oh. Other group. Um... Toni said Red probably already knows, since I guess all the Bat-folks just... know things..." there's a small shrug. "I threw my lot in with SHIELD. They've got... tech and backing.. and. I feel like I can do some good with them...? With... structure?" There's another small shrug as she leans against the table.

    "They treat me nice.. and I have a nice place to stay... and... wait..." she blinks. "Did... did you.. just say 'ghost Conquistadores'?" She blinks a few more times, losing the forest for the trees here before shaking her head. "...a-anyway... that. I guess between you guys and where my 'day job' is, I can do a lot of help?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah, they do tend to know things, and figure them out pretty easily." Phoebe gives a smile. She doesn't let on that she's a Bat as well.

    "SHIELD isn't too abd. I knew one of their former directors. Terrifying lady." She gives a rueful smile, but rests her head on her fist again as she listens.

    "Yeah. Ghost Conquistadores. You should get Red Robin to tell you the story sometime. It was a very relaxing vacation." she jokes, and she gives a nod.

    "You can do a lot of good with either or both organizations. I know I'd be happy to have you hanging out with us, but we're kinda on the quiet, hush-hush side. Kinda a dark side organization. Meaning we don't have merchandising options." she jokes, adding levity to the seriousness of her conversation.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "I mean..." Carin fidgets, "..a lot of them are scary... but... um... I think my girlfriend is Iron Patriot.. or.. I think... Iron Patriot is my girlfriend...?" she tries to figure out the right order. "...so... they're not all bad.." there's a shy laugh.

    On the subject of 'why not both', though, she shrugs. "I.. mean I don't wear the costume when I do... that stuff. With them. I've got ... gear. And clothes that won't burn off when I break the sound barrier... so. No secrets, you know? But with you guys, I could still do helpful stuff and be secret? And..." she shuffles her feet a little. "... it'd... be nice having more friends around my age.. and not a bunch of suits."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I dunno, are we still a bunch of suits if they're super suits?" Phoebe questions thoughtfully, and she gives a nod, and holds out her hand.

    "Well, you can count me among friends your age." she states, and offers a fist bump.

    "Just be appraised I'm touch-avoidant, so don't be... y'know... mad if I don't do the touchy-huggy thing."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The fist-bump is taken. "..hey, no, I understand.. I uh. I don't... get close to people. Not.. easily. Toni's ... we're..." she stammers. "...she told me she'd carry me back to the Triskelion when she comes to get me. ANd. And. I. Oh gosh. I.. that's how we figured out. You know... stuff? I'm still new to all this. And I mean -all-of it..." she rubs her face with both hands. "Thanks, thanks for... being a new friend. I should. Probably go wash my face and... fall into bed. Unless you wanna do the scans tonight?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Go wash up and get some rest. I'll take care of the dishes our fearless leader left." Phoebe gives a grin.

    "So, you want meto keep calling you Velocity or do you have something else you'd like to be called?" she questions, gathering up the leftovers to pack them away.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The redhead nods, turning and starting to head back towards the passage and lift to the residential level. "If you're sure... mmm... exams tomorrow and I'll.. help with the breakfast dishes..?" she offers, moving through the door she had come through initially. Pale fingers curl against the frame and she turns halfway around to look at Phoebe directly.

    "...I guess... if it stays a secret when we're out 'suiting'..." she considers, then nods slowly, but it's clearly more of a nod to herself. A little hint of confidence.

    "It's Carin."