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Latest revision as of 19:30, 23 January 2023

After The Party
Date of Scene: 22 January 2023
Location: Suite 9: Toni and Carin
Synopsis: After the party, Carin and Toni watch anime and cuddle. It's cute!
Cast of Characters: Toni Ho, Carin Taylor

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni and Carin went to the quarterly(?) S.H.I.E.L.D. birthday get together. It was a fine, if really tame and kind of corpo birthday party. Rounds were made, songs were sung, and then the true plan began.

Toni had acquired a couple really big plates, which she had secreted in under her shirt. As the people both began to file out, or be too drunk to care, she had begun loading them. One of them is full of nachos, piled skyhigh with chips, cheese, meat and possibly heat, she's not quite sure. The other is all cake. Cupcakes, slices of helicarrier cake. Loaded for bear, she bolted before anyone could notice.

Now, back in their room, the cake and nachos sit on the small table in front of their sofa as Toni loads in another blu-ray. "This is the end of the first season. I hope you're ready to cry. Because I am."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "I cannot believe... we got all of this stuff..." Carin was in charge of drinks. Sure she didn't get alcohol, as it was strictly regulated, but there were a bunch of specialty sodas there for the party! She managed to stuff a bunch of bottles under her hoodie with those fast hands of hers. She also snagged an ambiguously gay party hat, because that's what you do. She's arranging the bottles on the table and then flumping on the couch.

    "I never got a chance to watch this stuff growing up, cuz..." she sighs. "Reasons... you know..? So I.. never really got a chance to get into anime.. or video games.. and then when you've got powers like mine.. everything kind of already is an anime or a video game?" she purses her lips with a frown and pulls a big fluffy blanket around herself--with room for the other woman to join her in it.

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni absolutely joins Carin in the blanket, snuggling close in a warm and cozy nest. She starts the player and sets the remote aside. Before the show even starts, she's already got her head on her girlfriend's shoulder, engaging in maximum cuddling.

"I only really got into this stuff in high school. Then my roommate in college was a giant weeb who didn't mind me tagging along and going through her anime collection." She pauses. "Remind me to tell you about some of the -weird- stuff she had."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin seems remarkably happy about being cozy like this. She reaches for the plate of nachos and keeps them close on her lap. She wants to eat them before they get all soggy and weird. "I mean... it's best to have someone who can afford this stuff if you can't, right?" she asks, recalling the prices of anime last time she saw some dvd's online or at some shop in New York. "..seriously.. it's... expensive..." she sighs.

    Then a crimson brow quirks and she looks to Toni. "...uhh... weird... stuff? Like... like what?" she asks, almost afraid to have done so.

Toni Ho has posed:
The show starts, and it's the usual stuff. Love and justice, monsters being defeated by hope and feelings and friendship. Anime as hell. Toni snags a particularly cheesy nacho and stuffs it in her mouth, chewing and swallowing.

"It is expensive, which is why most of it was pirated, or just stuff not released over here." She grins, a wicked look in her eyes. "The weird stuff was, of course, porn."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Oh," Carin says, pursing her lips. Then she looks at Toni. "...why am I not surprised?" she asks softly. "...again more stuff I never had time for... but uh. I mean. I'm.. only nineteen so..." she can't help but laugh. "...anyway... you think I'd look good in that?" she gestures towards on of the Senshi on screen. "I mean, you know. Tall boots, miniskirt... is that... good for doing hero stuff in maybe? Or what do you think? I could probably move fast enough to change clothes before anyone saw me naked..."

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni looks up at Carin from her position, head lounging on her shoulder. Her tone is matter of fact. "Sweetie, I went to college when I was, like, fifteen. I'm only, like, a year older than you." Was it good that she saw what she did, when she did? No. Did it do permanant damage? Jury's still out.

Back to the screen, and the next question, Toni blushes as her mind makes images. "You would look, uh, fantastic. I don't think I'd let you outside." She shakes her head a little, snagging another nacho. "You'd look good in almost anything."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Wait, really? I just turned ninteen last month. I... didn't really get a good party or anything, either. So this was, like, the closest thing.." she grumbles a little before nabbing one of the soda bottles. A nice... blue raspberry or something, given the coloration of it. "I mean you're still a little older than me but you... you've accomplished so much..." she sounds a little envious and snuggles in tighter, closer to Toni.

    All of this to hide some of her blushing face. "...Not anything. Even some big frumpy suit coat like those older guys at the party were wearing? C'mon..." she shakes her head. "...you just want to see me cosplaying as Sailor Jupiter over there..." she wiggles the bottle at the tv.

Toni Ho has posed:
"And I turn twenty-one at the end of May. So I guess I'm almost two years older than you." She angles her head up and kisses Carin on the corner of her jaw below her ear. "Look at me, robbing the cradle," she says with a grin.

When Carin points back to the TV, Toni's eyes glitter. "How did you know? My first anime crush, right there." She pauses. "Also, girls in suits are -hot-."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Is... that so bad? We're both... really close in age still..." she blushes darker and takes another long drink of her blue stuff. "...not as weird as some other stuff I've heard..." she sighs and leans into Toni a little harder. "Really? Jupiter was your first crush? I mean... I'm not as... uhm.. endowed as she is.." she looks down at her chest, which while still considerable, isn't exactly over-filling the hoodie she's wearing. Then she slowly turns her head to look at Toni. "...girls... in.. suits? Like.. the uh.. SHIELD-issue uniform I've got?"

Toni Ho has posed:
"It's not bad at all, I'm just teasing. You make me very happy, and I wouldn't trade it for anything," Toni says, enjoying these couch snuggles. "Mako is fantastic. She's strong and fearless, but absolutely sure of her femininity. Plus, legs for days."

"The standard issue one is okay. I know you'll be hot in it, but it's not flattering on me at all. I look like a boy in it."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "I mean you saw me in it, right...? I mean... before and after I got shot.." Carin mumbles as she huddles in closer and tighter to Toni, eyes closing for a moment. "...that hurt. But. It's okay.." she chuckles softly. "..you were there, too..." she murmurs. "...so you think I look good in that, though?" she then asks, sounding unsure. "Mmmh.. I have the legs I think... but not.. the rest?"

Toni Ho has posed:
"I was a little distracted, but I thought you looked great," Toni says, just taking a moment to cuddle Carin under the blanket. This is nice. Going to parties is ... okay, but this is what it's about. The downtime. The quiet moments.

"You have, and I cannot stress this enough, fantastic legs. And everything. I think you're the prettiest girl in the world, Carin."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "You... look super nice in general... but the armor is soooo cool..." Carin laughs softly and stays all nice and huddled up under the blanket. "Mmmhn.... you can... see them all you want... promise... they're all yours..." she says bashfully and nuzzles in to kiss Toni's cheek. "..I'm tired.."

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni smiles, she really enjoys Sleepy Carin, it's so cute. "I'll keep that in mind for when we're both wide awake. But, since you're tired, we can either go to bed, or fall asleep here on the sofa. There are pros and cons to both. Pro: The bed is comfy. Con: We have to get out of the blanket. Pro for staying here: We're warm and cozy. Con: We're going to get real bad cricks in our necks."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Mmhmm..." Carin yawns softly. "....wake me up... with leg rubs?" she teases. Then she sighs, "...let's.. go to bed. More blankets there, right?" she giggles and gazes longingly at what nachos are left. She reaches out and nibbles on a few more chips, mnch mnch mnch. "...besides... after all this stuff... we uh... mmh... need to brush teefs... right?"

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni blushes a little as her thoughts wander at the teasing. She shakes her head to chase images away. "We probably should. Nacho breath in the morning would be gross." She slips from the blanket with a groan. It's not cold in the room, but it's so cozy under the blanket.

She holds a hand out to Carin. "Let's go to bed."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "It wooouuuuld..." Carin giggles. "..come on.. let's just.. do that... then.. nnmfh... sleep.." The speedster mutters and leans in to nom playfully on Toni's hand before standing up. "So tired... let's... get minty.. and... hnnmm. Sleepy."