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Latest revision as of 19:31, 23 January 2023

Two Cool Cats
Date of Scene: 21 January 2023
Location: The Black Market
Synopsis: Two cat lovers meet
Cast of Characters: Selina Kyle, Thomas Blake

Selina Kyle has posed:
The Black Market is the place where the criminal set goes to meet and mingle. Contacts are made, contracts are signed, and disputes... well, those are settled outside.

Sitting at the bar is a woman in a loose, black, silk tanktop and a pair of leather pants that look like they were applied with a spray can. Well-heeled boots complete the outfit. Selina keeps her jewelry to a minimum in this place, and a feminine-cut leather jacket is draped over the back of her seat. There's a half-empty martini glass on the bar with a few lipstick smudges on the rim.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Two hyper-muscled types are engaged in arm wrestling at a table near the door. Plainly a dispute is involved. A pair of candles are positioned to toast either's hand should they weaken.

The table weakens first. They very nearly take down the man entering, a tall fellow with incredibly broad shoulders, a narrow waist and the build of a swimmer or aerialist. He ducks aside with feline grace and winds his way to the bar. A battered shoulder bag is deposited on the seat next to Selina. He sits on the next seat. A white Russian is ordered. what did you expect Catman to drink?

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle half-turns as the bag is just dropped into the seat beside her, offering him a curious look and a bit of a smile. "Running away from home or are you planning to move in?" she asks, rolling the r's with distinctive feline emphasis. She crosses one leg over the other, the fine leather not creaking regardless of how tightly it fits.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake raises an eyebrow and turns in his seat. It strategically opens his shirt a little more. The green eyes flash, even in the dim lighting. He indicates the bag. "I have traveled lighter tan this but, no, not moving. This bag holds one of my greatest treasures -that no one here would steal. It is -a manuscript. I was seeing literary agents. My life of crime prepared me for this. So what ae you doing here? Trying to get carded?"

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle's gaze is distracted by the flash, her red lips curling into a small smile. A dark brow lifts at the 'greatest treasure' remark, nostrils flaring and pulse quickening a little as well. "Trying to get carded?" She laughs softly. "Darling, you flatter me. Your life of crime prepared you for this? You make it sound like all of that is in the past and you've turned over a new leaf, or something." She shrugs lightly, then adds. "Isn't that normally what people do before writing their memoirs?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake steeples his hands and says, "This is a work of fiction. Memoirs? I wouldn't last a week if I named names or even veered close to them. Also a number of memoirs I'll take to the grave for personal reasons."

He takes a sip of his drink. "Flattery... you know the difference between flattery and a compliment?"vH signals to the bartender to bring Selina anther martini.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle lifts her glass when the second drink is ordered, taking another slow sip of the pink martini. "It's a fine line, really. But I won't get all philosophical on you. Promise." She doesn't refuse the drink, either. "And in *our* line of work, an essential character trait is learning to keep names to one's self."

She looks curious, the. "So you've written a work of fiction based on real events, but the names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent. Is that is?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake nids. "The difference between a compliment and flattery is that you believe a compliment. I'll admit I was joking about carding you. So it was flattery. You seem pretty astute. Yes I changed a lot, but every word of it is true, the inside workings of a theme criminal -oh not so much how they use gadgets or plan crimes, but why they do what they do. You're very good at engaging me." Another sip and then he smiles over the rim of his glass. "Our line of work. Yeah, I didn't think you were a moll or did henching. I don't know anyone a woman like you would deign to be ordered by. Sooooo, this your first visit to the Market? I'm a regular and I *think* I'd have noticed you before."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle sips her martini, shrugging lightly. "Hardly my first visit, but I'm not exactly a -regular-." she replies. "But I'm definitely the sort of girl who prefers to work alone. Not because of some old partnership gone wrong or that I was betrayed in my past. It's really more that I'm very good at what I do." And for all that it sounds otherwise, her delivery is casual and unassuming.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake nods and says, "A gang is a lot to handle. I was pretty good to my guys -I bailed them out. Kept up the loyalty payments when they were in the joint... none of them ever gave me up. I'm proud of that but yeah. It is a hassle and drains the funds. I think working alone is best. I think this whole villain vs. hero business is bullshit. You steal a Stradivarius and you're a theme criminal. You rob investors of millions and you're a rich guy likely to get off. I never steal from anyone who can't afford it." He holds his glass up to toast.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle tilts her head at that, then lifts an index finger. "See? That's why I don't like working with groups. Yes, you have the whole 'family' aspect, but when somebody messes up you need to take care of them. That's a drain." She takes another sip of her martini. "Plus, I'm too easily distracted to have that kind of responsibility. I steal what I want, from who I want, and I do it on my timetable."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says nonchalantly, "I offer a variety of services. Courier, disposal and reallocation of merchandise. Big cat conservation came into play recently." He reaches into his jacket and produces a cell phone. He opens it on a picture of himself cuddling a truly huge Siberian tiger. "This is my best friend -Rasputin. I rescued him from a safari park. Not that there are tigers in Africa... anyway t was a front for A.I.M."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle lifts a brow at that. "Big cat conservation? That does sound like a cause I can get behind." she muses. Selina leans in to take a look at the picture, and her expression melts. "Rasputin? Oh, he's gorgeous!" she murrs. "I have... several... cats of my own. Of the much-smaller, domestic variety. My jobs tend to be more along the lines of acquisition and discreet entry variety."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake nods. "I am trying to eradicate white tigers from the Earth. Some people think they're a species from Siberia. Idiots. They're albinos and have severe congenital problems. Rasputin has the gene. You would not believe the offers I turned down, from private collectors to zoos to breed him. No way. I'm getting him a healthy tigress with none of that tendency when I can. His cubs are going to be healthy. But I try to disrupt the white tiger breeders whenever I can and rescue their prizes if they are treated right."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle's smile softens, less playful now as she takes a more serious tone. "You really -do- care for him. For them." she replies, looking impressed. "It's always nice to meet a fellow cat-lover. Who knows? Maybe we'll run into each other 'out there'...?" Picking up her drink, she glides off of the seat and lifts it in a toast. "Thanks for the drink as well."