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Catching Up with the Moon
Date of Scene: 25 January 2023
Location: Monitor Room
Synopsis: T'Chala and Diana meet to discuss the Lunar Colony and their people's work with the last stages of the Starport.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Diana Prince

T'Challa has posed:
Today the king walks alone as Okoye had been left with Marie to do what she does best, and so T'Challa leaves the Limo by himself though thankfully if there was a safer spot then where he was going it must only be Wakanda itself. T'Challa straightened his black tie, and made sure his custom dark purple suit, and Kufi was in order as he always had to look presentable. Reaching up he even puts on a pair of shades hoping that he would not interupt anyones time here.

Quietly he would walk in as security had probably as it was mid-day, and it was busy but as he said it was a secure place, as he walks into the Hall's of Justice proper. He quietly walks past the people, the guards, even the sign in lady as he heads back towards the entrance down. He had a meeting with Diana, and he would not be late as she was as busy as he was with Themyscira as he was Wakanda so he did not want to take too much of her time. Heading straight down he walks alone to their meeting spot a few questions in mind though always glad to see her again.

Diana Prince has posed:
What people Diana was unable to get ahold of to have in a group meeting, she was trying to meet with individually, and thus T'Chala was summoned today... or asked to come anyway. King's don't really get summoned afterall, even for a Princess!

Seated at the table inside the meeting room, the lights around the table are up, dim at least, and in the center of the table is a glowing sphere of blue holographic light distorted in to the shape of the Earth by the mechanics of the display beneath the sphere.

It bathes Diana's features in blue light as she was listening to a run down from the JLA systems about a variety of ongoing events unfolding around the planet right now.

But when T'Chala strode in, Diana looks away and stands up to her full height. She's in her Themysciran armor, though she's wearing a red drape around her shoulders that falls down in the front and back to cover up her armor mostly down to her knees. She smiles at the King and greets him with a soft. "Hello. Thank you for coming. How have things been?" She asks as well. "It has been a bit since we saw each other last at Wakanda..." She adds whilst standing there beside the table in the moment.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa walks in, and looks at the room. it was truely fascinating to see how far they had come and still had to go. He puts a arm on his chest and bows his head in greeting. "Hello again princess I hope you have been well." the greeting a bit formal, and his accent heavy, as yes they had been on friendly terms but it had been a while, and he wouldn't want to upset her. he then walks forward to greet her as they greet here in America by holding out his hand,. in truth this was a common practice the handshake. Though he would not sit down until offered standing as he looks at Diana again after such a long time.

"You look well.. It seems the Justice League has been good to you. I am well! though I am also glad we can finally meet again, as my Kingdom has kept me busy." though while formal it was a bit of an apology, as T'Challa really did hate missing meetings with the League as they were equally as influential as the Avengers themselfs.

He finally adds, "I am also glad to have the chance to catch up, as you said I have been gone. I hope to change that in the future a bit more." he noted that he ment around the League a bit more as he had left a lot of the Kingdom to his sister, and advisors, and his work at the Embasy lightening up at times.

Diana Prince has posed:
T'Chala was unlikely to upset Diana, as she considered him one of the kindest souls on the planet. When he speaks, she just smiles softly to him, before she extends her hand to shake his offered own. Her hand is wrapped around the palm with leather, though her fingers are left bare as she takes his hand to suqeeze it and shake it gently. "You never owe any apologies to me, Your Highness." She says back to him in her own Themysciran accented English.

Her hand releases his then, and motions to the closest chair. "Have a seat? Do you need anything to drink? We can have anything brought in..." She adjusts the red wrap around her shoulders and then lowers down to sit upon the edge of the seat she had previously occupied. "I like your suit." She notes, eyeing his attire. "Very sharp." She says with a slight playful grin.

The Princess' eyes go to the holographic Earth before back to his own. "Really, I just wanted to touch base with you regarding the Starport, as things finally seem to be easing in to a routine there now, security issues seem to be smoothed over. Which has all eyes going to the international efforts toward building the first Lunar Colony not far from the Watchtower upon the Moon..."

T'Challa has posed:
T'challa nods, and shakes her hand as well though he lightly chuckles. "No appology then, just know that we know you put a good deal of work into those meetings, and appreciate the cooperation." meaning we as Avengers. He nods, and takes a seat shaking his head. "No need thank you. I have stick training later with Miss. Colbert, though I had heard she trained with the amazons for a bit so I expect a good fight, and liquids are no good before a fight." and grins a bit as he would never go hard at the girl as he was teaching her as they would both know.

He smiles as he looks at the suit. "I can have one made for you, all you need to do is show up for measurements and I will have it done." he chuckles a bit answering serious as he looks at his suit. "It is my responsibility to look as an example of my people. I would much rather a.. Tee Shirt, and jeans." he shrugs a bit, "I would never let down my people." and nods as again it was most likely something she would also know.

Turning to the holographic Earth he smiles a bit, "It is easy to forget despite our issues we are just a small fish in a large pond." he took in the details, and the people as of course he knew about it, but until the instalation of the shield generator had let it go as an isolationist. It had taken a bit for the King to loosen his grip, but he trusted Diana with it as she truely understood what that responsibility was. He then just stays quiet and listens to her talk about the Colony as though he trusted her it was always nice to get information that is colaberating your beliefs.

Diana Prince has posed:
The bit about the custom suit for her made her smile softly back at him. She just drew in a breath then and nodded to the last part of what the King had said next.

"Honestly, I am feeling a bit of anxiety toward the next phase of the expansion toward the Moon. With our Kingdoms heavily involved in the creation of the Starport, the trials and tribulations of it all was on our people, and I was fully confident in them, and their abilities."

She looks toward the hologram then as the small 'Moon' comes spinning around the Earth again to face their side of the table.

"This phase, the Lunar Colony, resides heavily upon the countries of Earth to see to it that the production of the Colony goes well." She looks back to him and smiles softly. "I guess you could say that my confidence is a little less... like tempered steel, when it comes to some of the governments that are participating. But, we hope for the best, yes?" She shows a slight grin then.

"The space between the Earth and the Moon is becoming a topic of debate too, much like international waters here back on Earth... nothing can be simple, though, I suppose."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa listened quitely just watching his face not changing from the look that he had when he started this talk without a nod, or a movement as this was all important information, at least to him. After she was done though he still doesn't talk for a few moments as maybe he had not heard anything though in truth thinking over the situation. "First what you did with the Starport is well handled so I can see why you were so confident, but the expansion is quite different the resouces needed it is a surprise you have anything to be honest." he sighs a bit and crosses his fingers to look at the Lunar City silent again for a moment. "Have you talked to Tony about any of this.. A base form of his suit could make travel to the moon much easier."

He knew there were so many more issues then just that, so he falls silent and adds slowly. "Not to mention we are talking another goverment.. Who is the king, or Queen, of the moon?" and he chuckles at that thought, but that could even lead to its own issues. He is quietly thinking about it though as she talks about space betwen Earth and the moon. "About the space between Earth and the Moon... Let us hope no-one is foolish enough to start pressing the issue, and maybe stop them like the hero's do if they do?" he suggests.

Diana Prince has posed:
"I have not seen Tony since this past summer, his presentation at the Fourth of July celebration." Diana replies softly with regard to Stark. She too considers things for a quiet moment before a small, warm smile appears on her visage. "I am sure things will work out in the end. It is just political posturing, as it ever is. One nation threatens to take over half the Moon's surface area, another threatens to take over the rest, and more, and it just goes back and forth..." She trails off there before drawing a light breath.

"I would, however, enjoy having your people help with the installation of any computer technology, science hardware, and whatever else you would be up for. What was provided to the Starport was beyond helpful, and though I know many talented companies are at-work with the Lunar Colony, I would just feel happier knowing Wakanda had a hand in at least some it as well. If your people are so inclined, if not, well... I certainly cannot blame them. The Starport alone was a big stretch outside your borders, as it was for my people as well..."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa listens to that, and frowns a bit. "Though the talking gets bothersome he is quite useful at times." he grins a bit as he talks about Tony. "Would you mind if I asked him to at least get his oppion on this?" as this was her project but if it was easier for him to talk to the man he would be happy to. Though you do get a chuckle when you talk about the politics of it, and nods "You are right. Let us just hope for the best as their president is currently Lex Luthor." T'Challa did not forget him, and did not trust him.

Though he finally leans back a bit when she talks about Wakandans in space, and the lunar Colony as he frowns a bit as he considers. "In Wakanda... many have pressed about the stars and space above. But we had to keep our isolationist ways. We could learn, and watch but we could never." he holds his infront of him with the fingers rubing against the palm. "Never feel it. Always it was out there."

He looked at the space port, "I know some of my people will want to do this. And they will be quite helpfull at both locations. But I will only send those that wish to go." he turns to look at Diana, "I am sorry, but that is our way and the Lunar Colony is dangerous as it is beyond even my reach."

He nods to the project "I will help, and I will send those people who wish to help the numbers will not be small it will take a little while to gather them." he sighs and looks at Diana, "I will say if something happends to my people... We will never work with a people who used up my peoples lives. So watch them carefully."

Diana Prince has posed:
Everything that the King says is listened to closely by the Princess. At the end, she just shows a faint smile, and a gentle nod of her head. "Of course." She quietly responds.

Her eyes dance away, and then return to his, a second later. "Recently, on our island, seven hundred new Amazons emerged from what we refer to as the Well of Souls. It was the first time any 'new' Amazon has come from the blessed pool in over a thousand years, and never before have so many come from it at once..." She trails off there for just a second or two, the skip of a heart beat or so.

"Some... of my people believe that this a harbinger of ill-omen for all the work that we have been doing in the mortal world... with more Amazons than ever living here amongst those not from Themyscira's shores... But, I..." She glances at the floating image of Earth, the Moon, and then looks once more back to T'Chala. "I believe that the seven hundred women represent a gift from the Goddesses that we worship, that we strive to serve the wills of. I believe it happened, at this time, because we are pushing ourselves for the first time as a society to go beyond our shores, and work to help Humanity as a whole do what it must, to be greater than it is, to be safe and secure through it... as much as we can help with those things."

Diana smiles softly again to T'chala. "But, I thank you for whatever help you can provide, and if Tony has any wish to be involved? He is most welcome, as ever, as I do find him to be quite fun... most of the time." She shows another little grin then.

T'Challa has posed:
As he listens he smiles, as he listens he does look shocked at the numbers and that he did kind of wonder where new Amazons came from though he would never admit it. He starts of slow, "I do not wish to offend you gods, but that there is so many Amazons is truely amazing. You are no longer a tribe, but a city." he smiles at Diana, "If you need any answers to leading people I will do the best I can to answer. I truely hope that you enjoy it as much as I."

He stands, and nods to her again fist over chest. "You approach it in the right way, just remember your responsibility to your people and you will do great of that I have no doubt." he sighs a bit, "But I should be going I have much to do now, and speaking of responsibilities only reminds me of how much I need to finish."

He looks over at her and ponders something, "Sometimes to do what is best for your people you must elevate them above other people." he sighs a little bit. "It is not a choice I take lightly, but it is something that I know I must do. Be prepaired for that choice, and know what you must do."