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Latest revision as of 14:58, 25 January 2023

Phoeb and Cass
Date of Scene: 24 January 2023
Location: Gymnasium and Pool - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Cass and Phoebe in the workout room, by the pool. Cass is adorbs.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Cassandra Cain

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Sometimes she wants to train in the light.

    The Batcave may have the tech and items to make training harder. The Curio has all her magical supplies. That little side-area where the woods meet the lawn on the Wayne estate was her outdoor laboratory and workspace, and here?

    Here was where Phoebe could stretch in the light. Currently? She's stretching out, her feet and one arm on the ground, the other arm arched up and pointed to the ceiling as she slowly counts her breathing.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
A lady doesn't ask. Good thing Cassandra is no lady, though she may offtimes mimic one admirably well. She has a basket full of random vegetables that she's stolen from gardens nearby, considering it a simple enough task to bypass the security systems of herb gardeners and custodians. Munching on random bits she's decided are food, she watches the yoga variant with interest.

Innocent in every aspect, she isn't here to ogle. She's curious, and hungry at the same time. Thus multitasking, given that she was dancing a moment before spotting the stretching routine. She pauses, then with a sly grin she pops a few peas from a pod, then lobs them across the empty space.

To land softly in the center of Phoebe's back, just in the small there. They roll off, bouncing off of her head cutely. Because everything Phoebe does is cute after all.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe goes for the low-hanging fruit, and is getting pea'd on.

    She gives a flat expression, and opens one eye to turn over her shoulder, suspecting the culprit to remain nearby to watch the results of their dastardly workings!

    "Hey, Cass." she gives a bright smile, seeing the other dark-haired girl with the amount of vegetables. She looks at the pilfered produce, and then asks: "Is... that from my winter garden?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass doesn't know the answer to the question being asked, though she suspects that she's probably guilty. She pauses, clearly confused, then looks away from Phoebe toward the direction she came from. Clearly befuddled, she shrugs then looks back to Phoebe.

Walking closer, she hunches down and offers Phoebe a broccoli that she just was about to have a nibble upon herself, happy to share, but she still has these issues with ownership in her head.

"No? Yes?" she offers, trying to make herself understood. She bites her lip, then looks honestly annoyed.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "It's fine, food is meant to be eaten." Phoebe gives a small laugh, and accepts the bit of broccoli with her free hand before she pushes herself up, swinging her legs shallowly and coming to a kneel as she gives a smile to Cass. She;s jut in a pair of yoga pants (with happy goats on them) and a gray and pink tee, and she crunches on the broccoli.

    "How you feeling?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Wondering things in her head, locked behind her silent lips, Cass watches Phoebe move. She pulls out a carrot, still dirty, and nibbles on it. She's not the type to be afraid of dirt, and barely brushes it off before it vanishes into her lips. Even her chewing is quiet.

Then she looks back where she came from once more, her eyes softening, and reaches up behind herself to pull at...her bra? Whatever she's wearing under her shirt. She looks uncomfortable for a moment. To be fair, it's possible that she's grown a bit.

The motion also shows off her abs, but she's not doing THAT on purpose. Slowly then, she tilts her head to the left and slips her legs apart. Til she's in a splits, and then she leans over to the left fully. The motion is the upper-end of what Phoebe was just doing, except maybe a little showoffy.

She's still holding the basket.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... you should really wash..." Phoebe begins, and then just trails off a moment as she takes a deep breath, rubbing the back of her head a moment as she tilts her head.

    "Too tight?" she questions, motioning to where the bottom band of a bra would sit on herself, eyebrows rising up a moment as she watches Cass show off.

    "... yeah I get it, you're more flexible than me." Phoebe jokes gently.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
She looks at Phoebe, then pulls in her legs. She sits up then reaches up into her shirt.

Then without warning, she lifts her shirt off entirely, then pulls off her bra. She pulls the shirt back on quickly, but it still happened. No bra now, she wads the thing up and throws it toward the trash can in the corner.

Blink blink.

It falls short, but fabric doesn't fly well in general. Physics.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe opens her mouth, and she holds up one hand -- and then Cass disrobes. Removes the offending item.

    Phoebe still has her hand and finger up, but she's blinking as she opens her mouth, closes her mouth, and then lowers her hand.

    "Noted. Ah... if you want help with shopping, I'm down to help. I'm sure Steph would help too."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass shrugs, doing alright now that she's not encumbered. She looks at Phoebe, a tiny smile in the corner of her lips, and is so trying to hide it. She did that on purpose!

To be fair, she has ....nope. No excuses, she's just being evil.

"You okay?" she asks. Which qualifies as a full sentence.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe has to sit there for a moment after seeing Cass's face and contemplate that question. She takes a deep breath, and just sits up straight with a thousand-yard-stare looking out over the pool.

    "Probably not." she admits, giving a wry smile over to Cass.

    "Don't turn evil on me, Cass. I'd just let you kill me."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
"Yes," Cass says firmly. Which is probably not the answer Phoebe wanted, but she smiles firmly and nods the same, again.

Then she pauses, recognizing that what she said doesn't ENTIRELY make sense. She's good at seeing that look. So she sighs, then she waves for attention.

She puts her hands over her heart, which is not really supposed to draw attention to the fact that she's without a bra but right now it kinda does. Then she looks at you with a more real smile. She points to you, then taps her own head.

Which is not her best effort at being understood if I'm honest.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yes, you would just be able to kill me. I probably would thank you for it." Phoebe ruefully grins back over to the other dark-haired girl who lives in the mansion, and then Phoebe watches her movements. Hands over her heart. Generally love and affection and let's not concentrate on what is not being worn.

    Then pointing to Phoebe, and then tapping her own head.

    And Phoebe's eyebrows rise up, and she tenses her jaw a moment before she takes a breath, and then slowly lets her breath out.

    "There's a lot of things that could mean." she states, mostly to herself.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
There's that look again. The one that says she's not made herself clear. Cass deflates a little, then pauses. She clearly isn't sure how to explain. Simply repeating the same gestures isn't the solution. That's like saying the same thing only louder.

Never let it be said that Cass is not resourceful though. She rises, then she kisses Phoebe on the forehead and ...walks out of the room?


Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe sits there a moment, still kneeling on the floor as Cass makes an exit.

    And then, she announces to the room:

    ". . . I am a freaking idiot."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
"Ahem." The loudspeaker on the room says, "Miss Phoebe? Miss Cassandra is here with me. Is there a problem? She's telling me things." It is Alfred, in his butler mode. "I would take issue with speaking ill of yourself, but that would be overstepping slightly."

In the background, someone is audibly moving around.

"Miss Cassandra is trying to convey something. May I be of assistance?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Go ahead, Alfred. I think I'm at the point I could use some Cass-to-English. Seven languages and I have the hardest times, you know?" Phoebe replies.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
He sounds like he's smiling. "And yet, we still fail to grasp what is obvious. I am not familiar with the topic, but perhaps this will help." A pause, then a chuckle. "Does this make sense with your discussion? She wishes to say that, if I am correct, 'you keep her good'? Yes, that seems to be the essence. Is that helpful in any fashion?"


Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's ears darken, and she gives a smile, looking down. HEr shoulders draw up, and she brings her hand up to wipe her palm across her eyes.

    Her voice is a bit hoarse when she replies "Yes, Alfred, that's very helpful given the discussion."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
"Wonderful. There is tea if you wish it, be well." Then the speaker shuts off, offering privacy. But not Cassandra, not for a minute or two. She had to thank Alfred after all.

When she shows up again, she's blushing a little bit. And she's put on a ..yep. Alfred had a word with her about clothing options and how cold it was outside.

Well, apparently even Cass will don undies if asked by someone of his level. She gives a thumbs up with a questioning tilt of her head.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Alfred doesn't get paid enough.

    Phoebe, meanwhile, is in a lotus position on the mats, her palms up and seated near her solar plexus.

    There's in fact a little bit of a glow to her fingertips as she concentrates. Freaking mages. Cheating on all the cool stuff.

    But as Cass enters, she opens one eye and gives the other girl a smile.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cheating is fair, in this house. In this family, in this relationship. But for now it's just pride, that HER friend can do this kind of thing. Pride on Cass' features, and she doesn't want it to ever end.

She sits, getting her bottom dirty, and pulls her own legs into lotus. She smiles, palms up, and closes her eyes.

And she breathes, with her girl close by. Maybe she'll never be awesome like Phoebe is, but she has her near by.

It's enough.