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Latest revision as of 01:37, 27 January 2023

The Anxiety of Being An Adult
Date of Scene: 17 January 2023
Location: Seaside Victorian House
Synopsis: Morrigan is able to see again and hosts Balder for dinner.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Balder

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's sight had came back, but she'd not got to share that with Balder. Honestly she wasn't sure why he'd care. They were just people that knew each other over battles. Though that didn't stop her from reaching out to see how his search for Thor was going and she'd offered to cook if he wanted to socialize.

He just needed to watch out for Occam.

She had dressed in a pair of well work jeans and a too big sweater in lavender. It was comfy Morrigan as opposed to dressed up for conferences or school, Morrigan. She wasn't sure if he was going to use the door or a portal. Given his magic she was guessing he had some of the powers that she did, but she was curious to see it. For now she was manning a pot of stew in the kitchen now that bread had finished baking. The kitchen was the most used room in the house. And it had a nice view of the ocean and beach that lay beyond the back yard.

Balder has posed:
He'd responded in the affirmative, and even got her address to make sure he wasn't going to the wrong place! As was customary as a guest, he also arrived with an aged bottle of spirits - one from one of his favorite taverns in Asgard. His 'blending in' attire has changed to something more casual - a button-down shirt, jeans and boots. He'll save the suit for more formal situations!

No portal, there's no need to damage her flooring with the branding that Bifrost did, also it seemed a bit rude to just appear in a friend's house.

There's a knock on the door, the Asgardian waiting out side. "Morrigan?" He calls out, again to make sure he's in the right place. Come to think of it, it helps announce him too, in case she's still having visual difficulties.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan wasn't sure what to expect really. She didn't get a good look at him the last time she could see and who knows what might show up tonight. When she hears the sound at the door there's a bit of a chuckle and peeks her head around the corner of the kitchen door frame and straight down the hall to where the door is. She then heads that way to open the door, "Balder?" she asks as she looks up. Maybe she should have worn some shoes. She'd feel less small.

"Come on in. Feels like it's going to rain a bit." she admits. There is a loud 'mrowl' from the darkness of the stair way and a VERY large jet black Maine Coon peels itself out of the shadows. He sits and stares at the newcomer.

"Balder, that is Occam. Occam, this is Balder." she introduces the two of them. "I hope it wasn't hard to find. Old witch lives here vibes are kind of spot on really." she chuckles to that.

Balder has posed:
He cannot help the size of Asgardians! As she answers the door, Balder offers her a smile. "Aye. Rain isn't too much a concern - though it can be a bit chill these months." A glance around, before he steps into the house. The greeting from the cat, has him canting his head. His posture changes slightly, definitely sending a message to the cat that the visitor is not a threat. "Pleasure to meet you, Occam." He grins - knowing his words would be understood by the feline.

Looking back to Morrigan, he grins. "A healthy cat - large for Midgard, aye?" He comments. "A handsome one at that. It was not too hard to find. More difficult to find a method of transport that would not suffer too much in carrying me." She might have seen an Uber XL leaving.

He looks about the house, nodding. "A fine home. I am not certain if mortals would feel the same energies I do here, but I suspect they would feel something off." A chuckle. "I brought you this." The bottle is offered over - a bottle of Asgardian mead.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Occam perks up IMMEDIATELY when he can be communicated with. He trills and finishes coming down the stairs to follow after this new person that Mumther has invited over. Morrigan squints between the two of them, "Mhm. I see how it is." she chuckles to that. "Most of the time he just attacks from the shadows. Maybe he likes you." she states. "The kitchen is down this way. I have a nice booth built into the corner to watch out the window and it is made to withstand lots of things. So figured it might be good to sit in there." she grins.

"He's a Maine Coon. They are like Norwegian forest cats and things. Much larger and built for cold." she tells him. "I put a lot of work into this house to get it back in shape." she admits. She accepts the bottle and there's a dip of her head to him, "This way and thank you for bringing the drink." she tells him.

Balder has posed:
There's a hearty chuckle. "Most animals can understand me, and I them. It is a gift I've had all my life. Often when I visit Midgard, or even in Asgard, birds tend to rest on my shoulders. I am a safe place for them, it would seem." He shrugs, happy to have the Maine Coon follow along. "Built for the forest. It suits him."

A smile as he looks about the abode of Morrigan. "Are you a craftsman, then? Do you work with wood?" The craftmanship of the various furniture is examined - the Asgardian used to handworked items. As she thanks him for the mead, he grins. "It is potent, be warned. I suspect you can handle more than a normal inhabitant of Midgard, though." A wink. "How has your vision been?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Oh that's a good thing. If you stay on Midgard you could be an animal expert and tell people what their animals REALLY think of them." she tells him. There's a look to Occam and she points to her eyes, then to him. He mrowrs at her and then trundles off to go take up his spot on top of the fridge. "I mean...you are about as tall as a tree. I can see why they feel comfortable." she teases him gently.

"He doesn't really like going too far outside. Or if he does he just hasn't went that far. Hawks and things like to fly off with cats. Tends to be a downside of letting them out." she frowns at that. "But it's the natural order." she shrugs.

"No, not a craftsman. Or well, not in the sense with wood and things. Medicine is what I'm good at crafting. Cures and things of that nature." she admits with a smile. "But I did pay some people a lot to make the house comfortable and as close to the original as possible. Just with the upgrades of heat and all of that." she muses.

"Oh I have no special 'can't get drunk powers', so we'll have to watch this then." she chuckles. She reaches up and boops him on the nose, "It's doing much better. I can now see you when you give me the 'stop being mopey' face." she grins at that.

Balder has posed:
A look to Occam, then a look to her. "I imagine a collar could be crafted to help him fend off the raptors. Or I could speak with them." The offer seems genuine. "I suspect most people would be happy to hear how their companions feel about them - and those that were not treating them properly, would find themselves without the animals." Balder grins, looking back to her. "You must have very small trees on Midgard." He tease, when she jokes about his size. Clearly, he's got a good humor about him.

He runs a hand along one of the chairs. "They did good work, then. Medicine is a fantastic skill to have - many wars would not be so tauted, were there not skilled healers on hand." A nod.

"Aye, we will need to watch your imbibing. Take a few sips, then see how you feel. With food, as well." A chuckle, as he inhales deeply. "It smells wonderful - a good meal, indeed." His stomach rumbles a bit. "And I am glad you have your sight again. One hopes that I need not snap you out of your despondency any time in the future..."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I just hope that I take good care of him. He even has his own room." Morrigan states as she settels the mead down on the counter. "I hope that beef stew and bread is an alright dinner? I've been limited on cooking until now and felt like something that was comforting over all the bravado of a three course meal." she tells him. "You'd take them away? Animal control might like to have you on board." she chuckles.

"I mean, its either really small trees or men. I don't know." she shakes her head. She wasn't short either.

"Generally I stick to blood and viruses. Pathology is my main love, then Hematology." she tells him with a smile. She finds a few glasses for the mead and pours some of it before going to get the stew to laddle into bowls and she slices the bread and puts it on the table with butter and things.

"I'm perfectly capable of handling my alcohol, even if I don't have godly fortitude, Balder." she muses to that. Then there's a chuckle as she sits the bowls down on the table, "You do have that 'dad' voice down." she explains. "Humans get depressed. Telling them to just get over it doesn't tend to work." she points out gently.

Balder has posed:
Balder chuckles. "I am sure he is very fond of you. He seems content in this house, for certain." He mentions, regarding Occam. "And yes, stew and bread are a good meal. Hearty and filling, which is important. Too many times at formal meals, there are delicate dishes that have you yearning for more food not an hour after." A smirk.

The size of the men of Midgard is left alone. "I have seen the redwood trees, and the pines. I am no where near that tall."

"Humors and illnesses. An interesting passion." He admits, moving to where the table is. "It is needed, though. Knowing the methods of the viruses is the quickest method to plan their defeat."

"This is Asgardian mead, Morrigan. Made for Asgardians." He teases, clearly meant in good-natured fun. Carefully, ever-so-carefully, he takes a seat after she does. "Aye, I learned it from my Father. And I apologize for the brusque nature of my advice, but I believed you to be at the edge of a decision - not someone who was mired in depression."