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Latest revision as of 07:23, 29 January 2023

A nice night in Gotham
Date of Scene: 28 January 2023
Location: Bristol Township
Synopsis: A successful first test, with a few errors, and a unexpected guest!
Cast of Characters: Franklin Richards, Alderic

Franklin Richards has posed:
It was late at night in Gotham as the hoodlums were wondering around looking for trouble smashing whatever random things they could find on their way. There was only ten of them so it was a small gang, though they had no idea what was in store for them this late night. They walked yelling at each other breaking stuff, as they turned the corner, and stopped as standing there was a young adult standing just under 6' tall. He wore all black clothing, gloves, and a balaclava on his head. Franklin felt rediculas as he had never really wore a disquise, but figured if 'people' knew he was down here there would be some consiquences he didn't want to face so here he was.. undercover.

One of the holligans who spot him points as he stops.."What is this supposed to be!" and laughed as the rest laughed behind him as they point and start to spread out as they just sensed trouble. Franklin also had varied tech on or about his body, as he looks at them seriously he says in a tone that is a bit modulated as he had a voice changer inside the hat he wore as it was actually wired up specially for him, by him. "One Chance... walk away."

Franklin looks at them and puts his fist come together as the metal knuckles on his fists together and a spark shoots off them as he looks at the group. Aperently they were not going to walk away figuring they had the person outnumbered, and a small taser wasn't going to stop them. Thankfully none had drawn weapons yet, but some did have some though being so many versus one they had not needed to draw them yet. They still laughed as they thought this was some kind of joke the fight about to start shortly.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic spent a lot of his time prowling around the city at night. It's when most of the people he's met in Gotham are awake anyways! Tonight is no different, as the cougar roams the streets in the darkness of the spaces between buildings. It's no surprise when he comes across a group of thugs ganging up on a single person. He'd seen this before, a couple times, since his arrival in Gotham. He's figured out that this is a situation he needs to help in, and that's what he does.

    His prowling around goes unnoticed by the gang, though Frankie might notice the shape of something darting swiftly between the shadows, or the reflection of light off a pair of eyes that are too large to be a simple housecat's.

    The attack comes swiftly, from the side. It happens just as the gang is about to engage Frankie, when their leader is suddenly hit by a furry truck. Alderic barrels into the man at full speed, tackling him to the ground. "Rraaaooaaoowwwrr!" The pitched cry of the cougar echoes down the street as his claws and fangs sink into the thug, biting and tearing at his jacket while the man struggles to break free from the feline man's aggressive assault!

Franklin Richards has posed:
As the shadow prowls Franklin almost misses it at first the tan fur fitting in perfect into the night, but the eyes, the eyes give it away. He takes a small step back as the group of people think it is them they laughs. Franklin looks a little worried, but the leader just talks.. "What... is it to dangerous for little ol..." he never gets to finish as he is down, and the feline is ontop of him.

Franklin frowns as whatever that was it wasn't human, or at least fully human, as the chances of the person living through the assult are dropping every minute.

Of course Franklin doesn't hesitate anymore as he moves toward the... thing.. He yells, "Hey... Hey you!" yelling at the beast as he takes a swing at one of the hoodlums not paying attention to him in the jaw the electric shock hitting him hard as he drops kicking and spazing out a bit. Franklin looks at the thing mauling the man as he couldn't just let someone die, even if they were a jerk as he reaches behind himself, and throws something at the ground near him that once it hit the ground would pop though it would no no-real damage to that thing, or the guy under it

The thugs now moved out of their shock look at the thing and start pulling knifes. or brandishing their bats. Franklin is low priority compaired to him as a threat so it was almost like he didn't exist though they wouldn't get near him deciding to deal with him later. Franklin speaks up one last time as he hoped he got whatever it was attention, as with a deep voice he addresses it.

"If you kill that man... then you have me to face next." and looks at the thing with a seriousness as he fully intented it even though he was a bit worried whatever it was might take more then what he had.

Alderic has posed:
    Surprisingly, Alderic doesn't look to be making a fatal attack. He's holding back - at least enough that the man only gets away with some scratches and some bleeding, but he's able to wrestle himself out from underneath the cougar-man. Alderic is left with a torn piece of the man's jacket in his maw when the guy gets free. The puma looks back at Frankie, head tiling a little, with the torn piece of fabric still hanging out of his maw. "Rrrhhll?" It's a curious tone, but then he sees the other men have brandished bats and knives, and his expression becomes a sight less amiable.

    Dropping the shred of fabric, Alderic prowls closer to the group. His back is arched, fur on his neck and shoulders standing on end, making himself look bigger - not that he wasn't big enough to be intimidating already. His upper lip curls back in a snarl, and he hisses. He's definitely not a cat to mess with, that's for sure. He lunges at the group, though it's more of a warning as he swipes at one of them, just out of reach. It gives them a moment to see the large, razor-sharp claws the cougar possesses. He's got more knives than they do.

Franklin Richards has posed:
As Franklin seems to just tilt his head as it looks at him and tilts their head. It didn't pounce as he had attogonised it, and as it moves to attack one of the other makes him wonder even more as maybe it was a mutant as he had heard there were some that could not change back. It reasured him a bit as he also saw the man that was attacked rolling on the ground with a moan. Though he takes a step back as one of the holagians decide this is the time to go after Franklin, though misses as the he had already taken that step back.

Bringing the metal knuckles down on the man and though there is no shock this time there is a crunch as the metal knuckles impact the mans jaw once.,, then twice as the other hand is already coming up in an upcut. The fighting is dirty, and not really trained more then just brawling, but it seems effective as the person hit goes down like a sack of potatos. Franklink looks at his fist and frown, "I guess the charged burnt out the capaciter." to himself, but is interupted as he is hit in the back by another one with a bat.

As Franklin stumbles forward the blow coming from behind him, though it looked like the black cloathing absorbed a good deal of it not being just normal black clothing. He rubs his back with an.. "Ow.. what the heck man... Whoa.." as he has to step back as more come now. As two come after him the other five are doing everything they can to face off against Alderic as he lunges at one of them.

Franklin is backing up from the two, "Comon you don't want to do this right?" though he is stalling as he keeps an eye of Alderic. He wasn't worried about him, but that was five people so he figured he would just incase not wanting it hurt after sparing the other guy. He still looked like he was in control of the situation, and reasoning out the best path as it had not reached anywhere near the panic level now he knew the Cat-Figure was on his side... Or at least not against him.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic, intelligent as he is, still has a limited understanding of 'right' and 'wrong'. He's still operating largely on instinct, but he's had some lessons from the heroic sorts who live around both Gotham and New York. He knew an 'unfair' fight when he saw one, and a gang surrounding one person certainly qualified. It was categorized as 'wrong' in the puma's mind, and so for the time being, yes, he was on Frankie's 'side'.

    He was also giving the men fighting him a hell of a time, too. There's only one of him, but he's large and ferocious. One of them swings an aluminum bat at the cougar and, to his surprise, Alderic catches it. In his mouth. The mountain lion bites down on it, crushing the metal bat with his jaws. He shakes his head, ripping it out of the other man's grip, and sending it clattering along the surface of the street. That unfortunate fellow is the feline's next victim, as he turns to run and Alderic immediately lunges on him, driving him to the ground. He's not gentle, but he's not trying to kill him either. At worst, a few of them are going to end up in the hospital with some stitches.

Franklin Richards has posed:
As he is looking he steps back as a bat just misses him, as Franklin tells the man "The longest bat is thirty-four inches.. Your going to have to do a lot better," and reaches into a pocket throwing out something to the side of him as the other one trying to sneak around yells out. The Foam reacted to air and expanded, and was baseball shape already when it hit and stuck. As the man it hit grabs towards it, it is already too late as it is baseball sized by the time he can and his hands just get enveloped inside of it. It expands, and expands until the whole of the mans body was stuck in the ball shapped foam as it reaches its maximum size just his head poking out as he was stuck like that unable to get out til someone released him.

Franklin smiled at that, and lifted a hand catching a bat in the air he looks at the last man. "Ouch.." he says staring at the man. Most of the blow had been stoped by the metal stip on the bottom of his hand that kept the metal knuckles on, though it still hurt a little. The man who swung it was so shocked that Franklin was able to wrench the bat away tossing it away to the ground as the man started running away now without his weapon. Reaching into his pocket he tosses one last thing, it looks like a flat disk, and while Alderic could prob see it gleam in the light at night the one running did not. Strangly though Franklin let him go instead pulling out a small display turning it on to check to see if it was working.

He then glanced over at how Alderic was doing since he seemed to be just fine before so more to see if it was done or if he was still fighting.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic seems to be doing pretty well for himself. He doesn't fight with martial arts like other crimefighters around the city do. He just fights like a wild cat, and for that reason he's far more dangerous. The men get away though, after failing to get close enough to the cougar while avoiding the razor-sharp claws and powerful fangs. When the fight's finally over, several of them are stumbling away with bleeding limbs and bitemarks. It wouldn't be the first group to end up in the hospital because of the cougar. There have been plenty of reports about him, but it seems the Gotham PD hasn't managed to catch him yet.

    As the men run and stumble off, Alderic hisses at them one last time. A warning, it seems, though he doesn't chase them down. The cougar man growls and then, seeing the fight has come to an end, he settles into a crouch on his hands and feet. He starts to casually groom himself, licking at the back of his hand and rubbing it against his face, smoothing down his fur and basically tidying himself up a bit after the scuffle. He doesn't seem any worse for wear at this point - it would seem the gangs of Gotham are no match for the puma that stalks its streets.

Franklin Richards has posed:
As Franklin looks at the device, and then closes it again puting it in his pocket again, he watches the tail end of the fight though as they seem to run away he sighs a bit. Looking at his hands palm he sighs a bit as a bit of smoke comes off it as he takes the plate off the smell of burnt wiring and metal coming from it. "Dang it.. the whole thing is burnt out." he says to himself as he waves the smoke away talking to himself. He takes off the knuckles off each hand and puts them away into a pocket to look over at the other that had joined his experement and therefore helped him fight off the group.

He watches him for a moment thinking, before he takes out a thin cylindarical device and points it in the general direction of Alderic but not at him. It was a universal translator as he had no idea if it talked english at all. He looks at it and after turning it on he nods to the other, "Do you speak english?" he asks curiously though he knew after a few words the device could translate any language it heard to english if it did speak another language.

Alderic has posed:
    The puma peered at Frankie curiously for a moment when the device was pulled out and pointed at him. His ear twitched a little, his tail flicked back and forth. Frankie asks if he speaks English, and the cougar man shakes his head! It seemed he understood well enough, at least, though he only replies with a raspy "Rraaow!" It's not much of an answer, but it probably tells Frankie a couple of important things.

    Alderic's head turns, then, looking down the street. There's a sound of sirens - Gotham PD is on its way. Alderic looks at Frankie again, and gives him another brief "Rrowl!" Then he turns, and the cougar bounds away into the shadows. As quickly as he appeared, the cougar is gone. It seems like people in bat costumes aren't the only ones skilled at suddenly leaving a conversation.