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Latest revision as of 15:57, 30 January 2023

Can't Stop, Won't Stop
Date of Scene: 29 January 2023
Location: A generic NYC technology company
Synopsis: Ms. Marvel springs into action after springing into earlier action and discovers fighting Juggernaut is just as exhausting as saving people from an apartment fire. And also that one cheese steak doesn't provide enough energy to Stop the Juggernaut.
Cast of Characters: Cain Marko, Kamala Khan

Cain Marko has posed:
     It's evening in the science district! That's definitely an actual district of the city. A place where lots of small to medium tech startups are stacked up in various buildings. Their research ranges from as benign as new types of canned cheese, to ill defined but alarming meddling with natural laws. It's usually pretty quite here at this time of night. But one of the buildings has a rather obviously forced open back door, with a light visible on a higher floor and distant sounds of movement. This is a city filled to the brim with both heroes and villains, so it's not hard to guess what might be going on inside. Seems like the sort of situation that could use one of the former!

Kamala Khan has posed:
Even a superheroine has to eat. Actually, given how her powers burn through calories, Kamala has to eat _more_ than she imagines the average superheroine does. No one ever mentions Supergirl or Wonder Woman having to slam a cheesesteak after saving the day. And while the tide of gentrification never ends, there are always those little holdouts, like a no-frills greasy spoon diner lurking amongst the glass and steel of part of town that's now full of... yuppies? Are young, suit-wearing professionals still yuppies when it's not the 80s?

That's exactly what Ms. Khan is considering as she sits atop a streetlight, legs dangling, all the world ignored in favor of her sandwich.

But even in the midst of dinner, Kamala can't stop keeping an eye out for Trouble with a capital T... see? It's right back there. And a door that's clearly been pried open in an alley? Oh, that's Trouble alright! Her sandwich is finished and she springs from the street light, covering the distance to the building... and stretching up to peek in a third storey window where that light's on.

Cain Marko has posed:
% It seems to be one of a number of lab type areas on that floor. The place looks like it's been flipped, various things in disarray. In another room further in, she can see a rather large silhouette through some glazed glass, moving about in a quick, aggressive sort of way. There's a faint tinkling of broken glass, and then what sounds like a piece of machinery toppling over. She can't quite make out WHO it is in there yet, but it is clear they're still in the midst of their ne'er do well-ing. Whether they're actually trying to steal something, or just wrecking up the place is hard to say so far! Well, it's illegal either way.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala curses softly, that's... definitely a big guy. Big guys aren't scientists. Well, okay, Hulk is like... a scientist. When he's not big. And Ben Grimm's... like, science-adjacent and he's big. But still. Big science guys don't sneak into labs at night! And so Kamala zips back down to the ground and rushes through that already open door, bounding up stairs two at a time until she can reach the third floor and burst through the door. "Stop, evildoer! Stealing is wrong! Didn't you ever see those PSAs with the puppet dog?!"

Cain Marko has posed:
When the rubbery heroine burst into the lab outside and makes her announcement, the sounds of rummaging and light property destruction still in the other room. There's no response for a short time, then the shadowy figure moves to the door. She sees some red, and then the person just sort of walks through the doorframe. As in, the frame and parts of the wall to either side just crumble away when he exits. How did he get in there without doing that already? It's a mystery! When he straightens up, it turns out he tops her by a good number of feet. He's also very broad. And thick. Honestly, the numbers in every direction are pretty alarming. The worst part is, among at least some superheroes, that domed helmet and that crimson armor are pretty recognizable. Yep, that's the Juggernaut.

"Alright. Who are you? Zapparella?" There's a lightning bolt on her chest, clearly she must have lightning powers. One of the big mans fists are carefully curled into a fist around something. It's hard to make out what exactly the item is. But it looks science-y. He starts to walk towards her. "You look young, so I'll give you one chance to turn around and mosey on out of here, kid. I'm in a generous mood today." That's a deep voice. A loud bass rumble that's... not unpleasant, but not really pleasant either. Just voluminous.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala balls her fists, strikes a heroic, threatening pose! ...And then rapidly realizes the pose is not in fact probably that threatening, with her... /not/ being a towering mass of power. And that wall is moving. But it's not a wall, it's some _guy_. And then he's kind of actually visible and... red armor... big... honestly kinda goofy helmet. Awwwmaaaaaaan.

Ms. Marvel does her best not to gulp, or let her voice squeak out as she blinks, "I... hey! I'm Ms. Marvel! I'm a _big deal_ in Jersey City! And I don't think you're in a position to be mocking people for their super-fashion choices! And I'm the one who's supposed to be threatening you! Leave the... thingy behind and leave! I won't even call the police about your breaking and entering!"

Cain Marko has posed:
The giant mercenary supervillain continues to stomp towards the currently much shorter New Jerseyan. Stopping a couple feet away, looming over her. He stares down at the teenage hero silently for a time after she makes her counter-offer. Then he leans down. "Alright. I'm not dropping thingy. What're you gonna do about it?" He honestly sounds more... amused, than anything else. Not a good sign when trying to threaten somebody! He reaches out a big hand, and if she doesn't avoid it, flicks her forehead with an overly thick finger. He didn't do it hard, for him. But if it lands, it'll still feel as forceful as if somebody... smaller than him but still non-metahuman buff had given her a solid punch.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala doesn't actually sigh out at that demand not working... mostly because she knows she's going to need her breath, inhaling sharply, she crouches down, and then /springs/ up as he's reaching out, clearly to flick her in the forehead. But she doesn't just leap up, oh no, she /springs/, using those morphogenic powers to spring with far more force than a girl her size should have! And her fist grows, delivering a spinning uppercut! ...Kamala has been playing some Street Fighter recently.

Of course, it's about mid-spin when she realizes that she's trying to uppercut a guy with a helmet that's stood up to Thor before. And that blow certainly won't equal a hit from Thor. But still, it's a good showing for a novice heroine!

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain has good reflexes, but it takes him a second for the fact that somebody who's dressed like she should be a blaster is trying to punch him in the face. Also he usually doesn't bother dodging blows unless he knows they can somehow hurt him. Not even always then! The suddenly giant fist hits the front of his helmet, and and he... leans back a little. Not exactly sent flying. He considers the hit, then smiles. "Hmm. So not electric huh? Ms. Marvel. Maybe you should change it to Fisto." And then he's lunging at her! Snatching at the flexible heroine with both of his "naturally" oversized hands and trying to snag her around the waist. He's quicker than he looks. People always assume he'll be lumbering and that they'll be able to easily avoid him. But he HAS fought people like Spider-Man, and managed to land the occasional hit.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala huffs and puffs, "I... hey! Captain Marvel's old suit had a lightning bolt and no one thought she shot lightning! She punches people too!" She scowls and seems about to go on a rant when suddenly she's being grappled around the waist and hoisted up, "I... hey!!" She sputters indignantly but... well, it does give her an idea, and she's suddenly much harder to keep a grip on, body going springy and fluid, trying to slip right up out of his grasp and spring over his back to nab at the mysterious Science Doodad. She'll rescue you, little doodad! "That's a terrible name too! I'M MS. MARVEL DANGIT!"

Cain Marko has posed:
When the girl suddenly turns into gak, he tightens his fist to try and keep his grip on her and tries to shake her violently a few times. It doesn't work so well, and she ends up escaping him. He grunts in annoyance, and then feels her trying to pry his hand open. He just closes it tighter to keep the widget from being retrieved, spinning around and trying to backhand her. If that doesn't work, he'll continue to launch blows at her. Relatively fast punches that'll probably hurt if they manage to land. Though he IS holding back. He doesn't want to kill her after all. "Right, right. Ms. Marvel. I'll be sure to write that down with the hundred other teenagers who've thought they could fight me." Admittedly, using only one hand to avoid smashing his stolen target does make it somewhat easier to keep from being knocked through a wall.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala tries to grab the widget, only for that backhand to connect when she's not quite focusing on being too fluid to really absorb any impacts, and Kamala goes sailing back across the room, smashing through a cubicle and being buried in a pile of cheap plastic and fabric. Fortunately, she's able to react in time for her powers to let her cushion the impact... so rather than winding up bruised, or with broken bones, she's simply left gasping, eyes wide, a little dazed... she was already low on energy reserves for her powers, and that one sandwich didn't exactly refill them. So when she springs back up, it's much less of a spring and more of a staggering rise, huffing and shoving aside cubicle debris... very much like a young woman who hasn't got super powers. "I... hfff... told you! Just leave the... thingy behind and leave already!"

Not that Kamala's going to mention that now that she's standing in the midst of ruined office furniture, Cain's got a clear path to just.. smash through that window she peeked in earlier and _leave_. Maybe he won't realize it.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain looks at her staggering around, then he shakes his head. "Alright. You're clearly done. See you later, Fisto." Then he turns, and walks over to said window. A casual kick shatters it, and then the big man jumps out to drop down to the ground. There's a small boom as his hefty weight hits the pavement, then he just starts to walk off. Well, it could have gone worse anyway!

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala's mouth falls open, her eyebrows furrowing... she /really/ wants to yell at him that that's NOT HER NAME... but she's definitely certain she's not going to be able to go a round two, swaying on her feet and feeling dizzy. Still, he'll get his one day. When she knows the Avengers and stuff. For sure. ...Right now, Kamala rummages in her pocket for her phone... boy that protective case is earning its cost! She sighs and dials the police to report the burglary.

At least that cheap sandwich place is open late. She's going to have to make a stop.