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Latest revision as of 06:35, 31 January 2023

Want me to change the oil on that
Date of Scene: 30 January 2023
Location: Caleb's workshop. Somewhere in the Narrows, Gotham
Synopsis: Laura Kinney stops by a repair shop in The Narrows to get her bike fixed. The poor thing having been subjected to uses that void it's warranty. Caleb agrees to do some repair work on it.
Cast of Characters: Laura Kinney, Caleb Dykstra

Laura Kinney has posed:
Some people live a life that's... demanding on their things. And X-23 is a text book example of such a person. Rarely does she go a whole week without destroying something she owns. Claw holes in her shoes, bullet holes in her clothing, and all manner of other damage. So it's probably not a surprise to anyone that her motorcycles, the ideal vehicle for getting around Gotham, tend to need repairs often.

And thus she finds herself at a local repair place, having taken a route specifically designed to obscure her origin point, with a high performance street bike with... issues. Mostly scrapes and collision damage caused by the rider leaping off while it's still in motion. It's honestly a miracle the bike is still working as well as it is (perhaps she's made some field repairs!) or that the rider is alive at all...

Laura has dressed as she always does. Indistinct black pants and a leather jacket. With some cheap sneakers that'll be replaced in the not too distance future.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb Dykstra is in the middle of some welding when he hears the sound of a bike arriving. From the sound, not just your common scooter or any other street commoner's you find parked around the street; no, this one purrs like a siren's call for any mechanic to come look - and Caleb is no exception.

So, when he sets his eyes on the beauty - the bike -, he's amazed. When he sets his eyes on the beauty's bumps and scars and patchwork, he can't help but let out a 'Holy... sh...'

He turns his eyes to the owner, and with a slight deadpan, he presents himself, "Hey there! I'm Caleb!" He points at the bike. "Oil change or a complete overhaul?", he quips.

Okay, it's the shock talking, alright?

Laura Kinney has posed:
"It's in need of... a tune up," Laura says. Stating the obvious. "I require the capability to operate at high speeds on crowded streets without any performance issues..."

It's pretty clear why this might be a problem. Parts have been field repaired with what might be a hammer. Or could even just be brute force with a brick and some super strength. Certainly there's a need for new paint and love & attention.

"Money is no object so long as it's cheaper than the price of a replacement bike. In which case let me know and I can just purchase a new one. But if at all possible I'd prefer to stick with the same bike. Ideally with some performance improvements..." She pauses and then shrugs. "I'm Laura by the way."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb Dykstra starts to look at the bike, and his eyes glaze over the suspension, and something calls him nearer, "Not to be nosey or anything, but how high do you reach using with this improvised jet plane?" There, asked right off the bat. "Suspension's showing serious strain marks."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"It's better if you don't know the answer to that," Laura says with a shrug. "For legal reasons." There's a slight hint of a smile. "Sometimes my... work... requires me to get from A to B as quickly as possible. And often I do need to break pretty quickly." Or as most people would call it. Crash stop. "Or take it off road. Up or down stairs. Over fields. You know the usual."

She shrugs.

"If it's too difficult to repair though I can replace it. While funds aren't an issue I may as well replace it if that'll be more cost effective."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb Dykstra whistles, "Busy life, then." Perhaps he's seen his fair share already

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
He gets up from the spot he had crouched, "Well, it's manageable, I think" he says as he touches the chassis, "The chassis might take a while, though." He shows a hint of a smile himself, "But I can work some magic." A grin. "Wink." Yes, he said the word.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I don't generally use a contact number," Laura starts. A phrase that's usually associated with people who are paranoid, criminals or in Gotham engaging in crime fighting. Possibly all of the above. "But you can reach me on this number when it's ready for collection. Will cash payment on delivery be acceptable?"

She scribbles down a phone number and name. Laura Doe. A totally not suspicious name but which does match a very real looking drivers license. Or an exceptional good fake (the latter).

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Very acceptable", Caleb affirms. He takes the card, and reads the name. Then, a small smirk shows up. It's not like 'Doe' isn't the most common surname for when you want to have things going under the radar, after all. "Shall I forego a receipt...?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Up to you," Laura says with another shrug. "If I have any complaints with the work I know where to stop by." She seems to sniff the air. "And as I said money isn't really an issue so long as it's less than the price of a brand new bike. Of course if you're trying to rip me off... Well.. lets just say I've got a nose for a bad deal."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
It's at this point that his expression changes from light-hearted to professionally serious. "Ms. Doe, I assure you people that come here get exactly what they asked for, and their fair price. No complaints on poor job yet." He adds, "I will be in contact if anything else pops up."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney tucks a hand into her bag and pulls out a small bundle of notes. It's not a /lot/ of money, but it's certainly more than most people in the Narrows walk around with. Unless they're confident in themselves, very stupid or very well connected. Or some combination of the three.

"Here's an initial down payment to cover any parts you might need to order. And to cover any expediated shipping. Speed is a priority for my work commitments." It's probably at least half of what the final bill would look like. Given the make of bike and the extent of the damage. She's clearly not totally clueless about the state she's left the machine in.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb Dykstra looks at the amount that's pulled from the bag, and nods. "You got it." Looking at the bike, "If all goes well, I'm looking at a two-week job." Collecting the money, he says. "I'll keep in touch, though. If sooner, I'll let you know."