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Latest revision as of 02:48, 3 February 2023

Trouble in Trixietown
Date of Scene: 02 February 2023
Location: Blake House - Exterior
Synopsis: Another spell gone wrong as the young sorceress attempts t9 discern more info on a cursed helmet.
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Thomas Blake

Megan Gwynn has posed:
To be fair, she had been given access to a large library of magical reference books and objects. She was also given her own magical tutor..Only he just kinda sorta...Vanished on her one day. And left the young, largely untrained amateur sorceress with a plethora of potentially dangerous magic books. A young and very curious sorceress in training, make that.

Naturally she had taken it upon herself to get some answers out of that helmet..And the other piece of armour they had recovered. If she could get a magic reading off the helmet's history then maybe she could discern more of what happened.

So she's out in the back yard, attempting a scrying ritual with the helmet sitting on a stool within a magic ring, sitting in front of a Ouiji board and murmuring the proper words in front of fire to summon - hopefully - one of the helmet's owner's many victims.

Of course discerning with the dead is a potentially dangerous matter...Too bad no one else elected to continue her training..

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake steps out the door and stops on the threshold. aHe has no desire to distract the beautiful young Mutant. Casting a spell is sort of like disarming a bomb, You didn't want to surprise the person holding the wires. So he waits, silently. He's pretty good at remaining motionless from his hunting days.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn draws a deep breath and closes her eyes. Was there a shift in the wind? Did she murmur the incantations properly? She climbs slowly to her feet and carefully places the helmet on her head. "Come to me, guardians of the dead, tell me your story..Let me..Help you, free you! ~Za summon thee, denizens Fren ze dead!~"

Yep, that was def8nitely a shift in the wind, but...Wispy glowy green orbs of energy start to rustle from the shadows, swirling and taking form, matching towards her, slowly surrounding her. The part skeletal, armoured eerie forms of the dead bear wicked weapons as they turn angry eyes upon the fairy girl. And they don't look like they're here to talk!

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is not a coward in any sense of the word. A band of ghosts raises certain questions. Will cold steel affect them? If not there is very little he can do. Anyway, it looks like things went South already, no offense. The flick knife is in his hand and opened in a blink as he attempts to put himself between Pixie and these spirits. "Megan... are you in there?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn puts on the helmet and instantly seems to be...Somewhere else entirely. Wait, are her eyes glowing? She pays little attention to Thomas' words, summoning her soul dagger, awaiting the oncoming troop of at least six undead and angry looking spirits as they approach Thomas.

They eye the cold steel, and fae they are not, but it is fae magic that summoned them to this world. They snarl, rushing towards Thomas with glowing green blades drawn! blades that look surprisingly real, surprisingly sharp.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake meets them with a snarl. It may be pointless, but it is all he knows. H attempts to duck under a flashing blade and stab at a torso that shows bared ribs. Spirits they may be but they are no more skilled than in life and this is the battlefield he would chose. "Megan! Snap out of it!" He spares a glance back at her.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn stares thoughtfully at the incoming soldiers and smirks, stepping around Thomas to face them. "Baka! Kondo wa watashi ga taoshimasu!" she barks at them in a deep and husky voice that sounds nothing like Megan. And then she shows remarkable skill in dodging and blocking the incoming attack of two of the nearest soldiers, darting and ducking and stabbing them with her glowing pink dagger which causes them to screech in pain, scurrying back and vanishing completely from view.

Thomas' blade seems to hit its mark, although there is no blood. Still it seems to slow the fiend down, staggering back before slashing at him again. There are now four soldiers left, two surrounding and striking at Thomas, the remaining two rushing at Megan.

Strange how everyone is careful not to disturb or leave the circle created of dirt and chalk, surrounding the battle.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas presses his advantage, stabbing, always stabbing. He was teaching Megan knife fighting, but she did not reach his level, if that applies. He has n discernible style or form. He strikes at his opponent like a wild animal, all instinct. There is no magic to his blade. He has to work at it. "Let's go you refugee from a Peter Jackson movie!"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
The undead soldiers are incredibly skillful but Thomas is certainly no pushover himself. It's a bit of a struggle, but he does manage to push them back, cutting into them enough to make them screech with pain, their forms flickering and simply vanishing from sight.

Megan steps towards the two remaining solders with cold murder in her eyes. She's about to strike..When her dark midnight eyes flicker quickly back to the soft maroon faerie eyes that are Pixie. "Huh..Thomas? Wha...?!" she staggers back in utter confusion. as if awakening from a strange dream..

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake take a sudden backhanded stroke to his shoulder. It chills him. It makes him angry. He does a tuck and roll that brings him to his feet behind the wraith. He spins and buries his blade in its neck. Odd a ghost cut bleeds like an ordinary cut. "Take that damned helmet off!"

Then he's spinning around. The knife is yanked from the ghost and then thrown at its mate. "Snap outta it!!"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is definitely not as skilled as whoever possessed her in the helmet. But as Thomas takes down two more wraiths or ghosts or whatever they are, Megan yelps and staggers back, momentarily free of the helmet's influence- it's enough for her to call out to Thomas, "The circle! Break--Ahhh!"

She screeches in pain as one of the wraiths cuts into her arm, and the pain turns to rage, pink eyes burning coal black again, uttering a threat in Japanese as she meets blades with one of the remaining wraiths while Thomas' knife hits the second and last wraith in the arm. It snarls and turns to face him, rushing him with an inhuman roar, slashing at him with its sword.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gives it the finger as he breaks the circle. "Break the circle, keep the circle. Who keeps track of this stuff??" He kicks the circle again. Then he makes a stab (figuratively) at yanking the helmet from Megan's head. He does not like that black-eyed look.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
The wraiths that were 'defeated' are already reforming..Until the circle is broken, and with a screech they vanish instantly. However, Megan is still struggling with the spirit of the helmet, still possessed. She turns to face Thomas, pointing her soul dagger at him.

~Baka! Watashi wa so kantan ni haken sa remasen! Kono karada wa mo watashi no monoda!~

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gives it the possessed Megan a wide berth but lowers his knife. He struggles to remember the Japanese he'd learned from Saeko. Their conversation topics were kind of narrow...

"Konbanwa kami-san. << Thank you for helping my lady. What now do? Kitsune my friend. >>" Yeah sounds right.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at his broken Japanese, and is only briefly distracted before rushing at him again with an inhuman roar. Megan Gwynn is certainly not stronger than Thomas but with those wings she may well be stronger - and under the possession of a legendary Japanese warrior, she is certainly a force to be reckoned with, especially as she flies at him brandishing the soul dagger, moving with expert precision as she attempts to stab him in the heart with it!

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake steels himself for the shock. He felt it before. It's like his mother dying all over again. Worse. It's like she died and yet was there to watch him shoot Reese Blake. It's horrible. He tanks it, somehow. Love? Sociopathic tendencies? Why not both. He takes the hit because it is unexpected and his best shot at yanking the damned helmet off her head as she flies by. This might lead to him getting clipped by her wing. He takes that chance.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is fast but Thomas is smarter. He manages to clip her wing, catching her off-guard. She crashes into him with a Yelp, although that wing is tougher and sharper than it looks. They will probably go tumbling into the ground either way, the strap on the helmet loosening somewhat.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake tries not to be too rough on her, something new to him. "Sorry, baby." He doesn't wince as the wing cuts him across the ribs, shredding his shirt. He attempts to get her in a headlock, and pull the helmet forward and ff her pretty head. He's already had enough of this. There is a savage strength in his arm as he digs in his heels to avid being bowled over. Her wings produce an immense amount of thrust.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn shrieks as if removing the helmet hurts. And indeed there is a rush of energy felt as he tugs it off, and her eyes go back to dark pink, before she slumps forward, exhausted, in his arms.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake sinks to the floor of his back porch, the beautiful Fae in his arms. He's very bloody at the moment but the bleeding is stopping so no huge deal. He definitely needs the first aid kit. He tosses the helmet aside a little angrily. "The shit you get into. We're outsourcing on this. I had enough of you going black-eyed!" He cradles her had and stroked the black and pink hair. Despite the anger in his voice, his green eyes are warm.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn seems out of it for a bit, too much to understand his anger at her, but eventually she blinks slowly up at him, a bit drunkenly, tired, and pouts, curling against him. "Thomas..What..?" she blinks, peering around and sighs, "I messed up..I'm sorry..You're hurt cuz of me.."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks down on her. The bloodlust and the anger fades fast. "Not mad. Just coming down. I don't like when your magic goes South. I know there's nothing I can really do. But... I can ask Saeko to help us. It might be... awkward. Long story. I'll talk to her." He gets up, pulling his shirt up and off to wad it and jam it into the cuts to his side.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and sighs, "I thought my magic was better than this. I thought I had it under control..Guess I still need more tutelage. " she smiles, "You think Saeko will help me? She seems nice and wise.." she nods tiredly, looking ready for a nap.