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Your Delivery Has Arrived
Date of Scene: 02 February 2023
Location: College House - First Floor
Synopsis: T'Challa brings Marie some equipment to continue practicing his instruction, and training continues as student and teacher learn more about one another.
Cast of Characters: Marie-Ange Colbert, T'Challa

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
It's a typical night at Xavier's; classes are over for the day, many students are up in their rooms and working on homework -- or in some cases very purposefully avoiding said homework, but not all of them. Down in the Main Foyer sits one Marie-Ange Colbert, seated in a comfortable looking chair with a violin and bow in her hands; there's a few students around who seem to be watching the impromptu concert by the seer, who was doing her best attempt at a cover of 'Build Me Up, Buttercup' by the Foundations, and getting to the last notes of the song. Translating the rock n' roll of the 60s onto a classical instrument? Yeah, that's a project for the music major, and it's not half bad.

Although, one of the 'audience' members yells out, "Play Freebird!" as she finishes that song, to some laughter from the group. Marie? Marie doesn't get it.

She's dressed for warmer weather -- or for staying in, anyways. A yellow silk blouse over a black skirt, hair tied back with a silvery ribbon and short black heels on her feet. At the moment, she seems fairly wrapped up in her performance... but there's rarely a time that the future-focused girl does something without a reason to do it. It was just a matter of why.

T'Challa has posed:
The limo pulls up outside it is the usual buisness vehicle of the embassy of Wakanda as he knew no-one would stop him as he had just gotten done with another long day of paperwork, and discussions. Sometimes he wishes he could punch something, not out of anger just as it was easier to handle things you could punch over the politics of goverment. Though as they pull in T'Challa smiles as he is able to push that out of his mind as they were actually here. He looks over at Okoye, and nods as the car stops, her opening the door he gets out wearing a dark puple suit, and black tie though no sunglasses at night.

He straghtens his suit a little before moving to the trunk that is already opening. Okoye talks to him in Xhosa <Majesty as I said let me cary it> though T'Challa looks at her with a patient look also speaking the same language, <No, the gift is mine, and I will carry it. No more please> and they fall to silence as T'Challa reaches in pulling out a large pole like structure with a large flat bottom, and holes for something. As he lifts in onto his shoulder moving it to one hand he reaches in and grabes what look like pegs though padded just slightly.

Okoye shutting the trunk with a sigh as T'Challa often made it more difficult to protect himself leads the way all the way to the door even giving the knock. The knock which would of woken up the dead, or sounded like the police as it was three very serious pounds, T'Challa looks at her <Please do not take your anger off me out on a poor door.. It is okay we are safe here> then smiles a bit. the woman relaxes... a little, but is still with that serious look on her face for whoever is the poor soul that opens the door. Thankfully it is followed by T'Challa's smile so hopefully it won't be that bad.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie's about to start up another song when the knock interrupts the momentary chatter. A couple of the younger ones even scatter because, well, who knows who could be demanding to be let in! The seer herself, though? She doesn't scatter at all. Violin and bow are returned to their case and shut, and long legs take her across the foyer to the door, which is pulled open without even an ask of 'who's there?'

Fortunately for some of the others who might have run in terror, it's Marie who's opening the door. Okoye's fierce look is greeted by a bright smile to rival T'Challa's. While not an 'easy' teacher by any means, Marie most definitely has a humble respect for the woman -- but no reason to fear her, or the King, for that matter!

After all, the cards didn't predict that today would have any tragic events... or cliff-flinging, for that matter!

"Madame Okoye, Monsieur T'Challa, welcome." she greets the pair -- although she's quick to move to open both doors to make T'Challa's entry with the large item a little easier! She's quick to add, "Do you need assistance with that?" She's not entirely sure what it is, at first glance, just that it looks heavy! It'd be impolite not to offer aid, and while she'll dispense with some formality as was requested of her, that politeness is just a part of who she is.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa smiles a bit more when he sees it is Marie opening the door, because of course she would be. He glances over at Okoye, saying something in Xhosa quickly (My Win) though turns quickly to look at Marie again thanking her as he carrys in the thing. Okoye follows behind him and nods to her, and in English adds, "I have reminded him of his resposibility.. He will not threaten again." she says a matter of factly as now inside, and off to the side T'Challa sighs. "Look she got what I ment.. Will you tell her it is all I hear now." he waves a hand over towards her with a chuckle.

He looks around a bit and lower the platform down somewhere, and though he tries gently it makes a bit of a boom as it hits the ground as it was actually quite heavy. Nodding to it T'Challa continues seriously, "It is heavy because it is supposed to be. This was made for sticks not hands." he nods to it again, "And these go in there but only after you tell me where you want it... Though I would warn you to be sure as after I am gone you might have to ask someone here to move it again." and chuckles at that

The thing was heavy though pushing even Marie could tilt it eventually only being a couple hundred pounds. He pats the thing, and smiles. "This... this a wakanda Warriors dummy." he stops and considers it a bit with a smile remembering his time with one kind of like it. "It is not difficult to use if you remember your forms, it is just so you can practice puttng them into your mind so no matter what is happening your body will react."

The thing wasn't fancy or look very expensive, and up close it was definetly not new, but the marks are recent if one could tell it has been in use recently so as to explain how he got one over here so quickly. T'Challa waves his hands.. "What is the words your magicians use... Open Seseme? No... Tada! That is it."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie lets out a soft giggle, "It is perfectly alright... my English is better than it was when I first came to this country, I understood what he meant." she offers, smile never faltering. The redhead wasn't like most, and had a certain wisdom to her beyond her years. Though, that was likely because of her abilities, as well.

As the training dummy is set down, Marie examines it. Despite -- technically -- coming from wealth, she grew up in a way that made her appreciate everything. No, it wasn't new, but in truth that was better for something like this. This, she's certain, was battle-tested by someone with more strength than she had... so it would suit her needs more than fine. Plus, with a vivid imagination and a generally studious demeanor, it's easy for her to picture herself using the thing, seeing how the various forms might strike the areas where sticks would be, well, sticking out of.

"I am most honored by such a wonderful gift, T'Challa. I have been practicing the forms you and Madame Okoye showed me, but this will make it much easier!" she means it, too. As for where to put it? She considers for a moment... and then nods to herself. "In my apartment would be the best place," she suggests. "There is plenty of room," because she doesn't own a lot of things, "...and if I need to move it I can ask my girlfriend, or some of my friends here for aid." Mary, she's sure, could lift the thing on her own. Heck, even her own creations might be able to manage it!

"If you would follow me?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa nods his thanks, "We." he looks at Okoye before continuing "Thank you for your understanding as always besides I think those reporters Miss Dyne was talking about are closer to cliff-side." and grins at her with a chuckle, as he reaches over picking up the dummy again as if it were nothing. Thankfully he could lift past a ton so this was nothing to him, but he was not unique in that aspect here so it would not be difficult to find someone else who could do the same.

He continues as if he were not lifting anything "I am glad to hear this. It was going to be the original thing for the spear back before we decided to show you our ways." he chuckles a bit looking at it. "I am glad we decided to share as by itself it is not that good." and grins following where Marie lead themm.

He smiles a bit, "And this girlfriend, is she an Amazon as well or just born with such powers as I would always like to find a new sparring opponent to change things up." He gives a shrug, "Though not everyone gets enjoyment from it so I only ask as curious."

He doesn't pry or anything more as he would quietly listen to any response only curious as thier was a few good fighters out there, and he enjoyed fighting them as he had even gone a few rounds with Logan back when Ororo was his focus on coming here. Je g;amced around a bit realising that she did still go here, and hoping not to run into her again as he usually did when he was here though he doesn't say anything just keep a weary eye out.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
That comment draws a bright laugh from Marie, "Tabloid reporters are not to be taken seriously... my friend Jenny used to read their stories all the time. It is... how you say... like 'fiction books, but trashier'?" She thinks that's how Jenny put it. "Not for me, though. I prefer to experience life, rather than read about it." The only news she really needs is either from her cards, or just too overwhelming to ignore like Braniac's invasion, or the Angel attack.

Once T'Challa has the dummy up and stable, she's going to work her way up one of the staircases -- occassionally looking back to make sure he's coming along alright -- and down the hall. Past a few doors, and then stopping at one. Key goes into lock, turns, and the door is opened wide.

Marie's apartment at the school is a reflection of the young woman herself. Everything's neat and tidy, and well-organized. It's also very spartan... she has the furniture that, quite literally came with the place, but the only personal touch that she's added to the living room/kitchen area is the photographs that line the walls. Some with her in them, some that were just taken with friends -- most of them recognizable from the school. She tends to keep her memories in physical form, reminders of where she's been and the people she cares about.

Pointing to a fairly open part of the living room, she suggests, "Perhaps over here?" Her guests would know better than she the movement required around the training tool, afterall. "A gift is a treasure regardless, T'Challa. Most gifts have an immeasurable amount of thought put into their giving," Or at least her own do! "and are almost as though sharing a part of one's very soul with the recipient." A pause. "Though, I am most grateful for what you have offers me." Another pause as she tries to put her feelings into words. "Sometimes, I find myself feeling... well, only worth as much as my abilities. A tool, more than a person." She doesn't sound terribly offended by that, but not pleased either. "...but when I am training, bettering myself... I know my worth is improving." At least her self-worth! Which means something.

Asking about Mary gets a rosy blush brought to her cheeks, but the smile that accompanies it? Oh, Marie's pretty clearly in deep. "Non, non," A gentle shaking of her head. "Like myself, she is a normal girl, not an Amazon -- well, perhaps more normal as she does not see the future as I do." Xavier as a school for mutants, after all, isn't public knowledge... and she's not going to out her classmates, nor Mary herself as having beyond-human abilities without permission. "She just... inspires me to do great things, oui?" A look towards the dummy, "and if we two could not lift it, there are others who would help. What is that saying... it takes a village to move a sofa?"

Not quite, Marie. "I do not believe she knows any self-defense techniques, however."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa grumbles, "I get it but to those individuals nothing is sacred because they want to know before everyone else. And what they can't find they make up... Those type are truely my weakeness as they infuriate me when I know they shouldn't." though he smiles with a shrug, "Though I too rather enjoy life by living then reading, but I have found many interesting lives in stories. The history of my people is a story, as well as the ones the spirits tell me." he nods thinking about it he looks at her, "That answer surprises me though. I don't mean to sound rude but sometimes you act rather shut off other then experiencing." he says though he lowers his tone not to be over heard as someone might misunderstand.

T'Challa has no issues bringing up the heavy dummy as they go up stairs, and down hallways though sometimes he needs to be carefull as the akward size might hit a wall if he is not. Though no accidents are had, and his guardian follows behind to oversee, and make sure as they get to the door.

T'Challa chuckles, "You are more like my sister then you may think.. She also has lots of pictures on walls though I never understood it." he shakes his hea as he waits for Okoye to enter first before he goes in though more out of respect of it being someones personal quarters and he did not want to be rude. After looking at the photos he smiles, "Though I must say most of hers are other other people... Strangers she has never met though looks well upon." though he gets a throat clear from Okoye before he grins, "Right.. sister does not like me talking about her personal things to others. Doting brother that just embarasses her." he chuckles, and starts heading towards where he is going to put it with a nod. "Do not tell her what I have said or we both might be facing a cliff." and actually chuckles this time

As he places it he starts getting the pegs out and attaching them into the holes as he listens, and nods a bit. "At this school I am sure they explain how your powers are a tool?" he smiles looking at the dummy, "You are not your powers, but a good.. albet shy individual that we have decided deserves such gifts." he pauses with a smile before he adds "Not because of your powers, but because of your own Merit. I hope you remember that when you look at this. Though I still think you should eat more.. Too skinny." he says giving a downs thumb with a smile as he looks back joking.

"And that is alright as after we are done I hope one day you will be fighting me." he adds as he stands the pieces in he starts streching a little. "Remember Merit.. not powers is what makes someone important, so normal or not if it makes ya happy then good for you." nodding as he took it as maybe she was just really strong, but human normal now picturing some seven foot muscle-woman and it made him chuckle just a bit.

He holds out a hand, and Okoye hands him a pair of sticks, "Well perhaps if you keep practicing you can protect her one of these days. Though don't go jumping bad guys in alleys just yet. When you can fight me evenly you will be ready not until then." he holds up a finger as he means this his tone serious, though with a nod he turns and looks at it. "So are we ready?"

He takes the sticks, and goes through some forms as he stands infront of the thing. When he extends out the poles in the proper form it is as if he were striking the counter as they did in practice. "I will show you how I remember." and grins, as he hits the training dummy in a quick succession. "Wham.. Wham,Wham,Wham... Wham wham wham!" as the last one he hits it so hard it vibrates a little on the floor. If you have ever heard eye of the tiger you would reconise the rythum as T'Challa grins looking back at her. "It is only using the forms I have tought you. Want to give it a shot?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie bows her head slightly, "You do not sound rude." she tells T'Challa, letting that smile fade for a moment. "and perhaps I should clarify. For one who can see past the veil, and understand the plan which fate has in place for us? I... look at life a little differently. I know what opportunities are beyond my reach, and therefore don't reach for them." Which can make her seem closed off. Also, she's naturally shy and slow to warm up around others, so repeated exposure to the King and his guardian have helped her to open up, too. "...but when I can do things, I do. I live every moment allowed of me, because the next turn of the cards can change things."

Like those darker days the last couple years that saw her ostracized from most of her friends and otherwise.

As for the photos? That's bringing the smile right back. "I try to surround myself with happy thoughts, and keep as much positive energy flowing as I can." She explains, though decides to expand on it further, moving over towards one of the photographs. "This is from when Monsieur LeBeau took us to a Star Trek convention..." Yes, many of them are in cosplay, Marie included. "...and this is my best friend Jennifer and I, celebrating her birthday..." There's a touch of sadness to her voice there. She hasn't seen Jenny in far too long. "...and this is a picture of Mary and I, from our first date!" A trained observer might notice that Marie looks younger in many of the photos than she does now; far less recent shots dot the walls.

Though, a grin dots her face. "I do not know your sister, but I will carry these secrets to my grave. You have my word." she offers with a wink. "Though, she should be grateful to have a brother who cares for her so, oui?" He goes on to talk about the school and powers and... well. It begs the question, "T'Challa... forgive the question, please, but prior to meeting me, did you visit Xavier's often?" Monet and Tabby seemed to know him, but Monet knows everything and everyone and Tabby, like herself, had been introduced to him by Roberto. Still, he talks about it like he knows the secret, and she's going to try and find out just how open she gets to be. Though, she can't help but laugh at the 'too skinny' comment. Looking around for a moment, she walks over to another photograph and points to it. The picture's from her first day in America, with a couple of the longer tenured teachers around. It's hard to tell it's Marie because her head's down and her hair's in her face... but it's very red hair. /This/ version of Marie, when she was seventeen, isn't just skinny but malnourished. She's put on weight since she got to America and had people care about her!

...she just has a good metabolism and doesn't overindulge!

"I would like that very much." Getting to the point where she can protect Mary. Can do so without her mutant abilities. Because who knows when they might be accosted and her powers might not work and the other can't say the magic word! These things happen. "...and, when that day comes, I would be happy to serve as a sparring partner for you, T'Challa." When, not if. Marie speaks in absolutes. Sparring partner is also empathized; not opponent. There's an important difference there! Asked if she's ready, Marie responds with a nod. As the demonstration goes on... well, she lights up.

She knows 'Eye of the Tiger'. She's dating a girl from Philly. Of course she knows the Rocky theme! Besides that, as a music major T'Challa has made a connection between something she knows -- rhythm -- and something she doesn't -- fighting. Grinning with a newfound, albeit possibly brief confidence, she extends her hands towards T'Challa for the sticks. "Oui, c'est vous plait." Translation: Yes please. She actually believes she can /do/ this.

T'Challa has posed:
At first he just listens, and nods slowly, "I do not know what it is like to see the future so I can only guess how that would change my outlook on things." he thinks about it for a bit before he continues, "Though I can see why you would not try things you are destined to fail at one might worry that you are might depend on that prediction over your own skill. Though if you saw it then it had already happened.." he sighs a bit, "And I though magic gave me headaches." he shrugs a bit "Just try not to live by the cards too much.. Sometimes it is better to experience failures despite knowing they are coming, as that is how we learn." and nods a bit as that is as close to sense as he can make it.

He looks at the photos and smiles a bit "So you just dress up like these creatures? Like Halloween just in these centers?" he raises an eyebrow at this.. "Interesting though much has changed since I have been in Wakanda." he then stops, "Wait Marie, and Mary." he chuckles a bit though he notices the ages he doesn't say anything. It wasn't his place to pry into these thing perhaps it was long distance, but one thing he learned with his sister there were landmines about, and relationships were one of them. So he only states, "You look quite happy with her though you have changed a lot, do you still take pictures?" and internally he thanked the diplomats for they had tought him something of avoiding landmines like that

When she mentions his sister he does light up again, "When she visits next you will have to meet her. I am sure you two will get along well." though he is then quiet for a moment as she asks him about the school the chance sudden as the memories come back as they often did in here which makes him frown a bit. Even Okoye steps forward before he puts a hand up to stop whatever she was about to say before he responds, "I used to come here a lot." he is quiet as he thinks how to explain. "I assume you know Ororo.." he looks away a bit "We were serious... once. But my people came first, and it wasn't right to her.. So I do not come here that much anymore," he says a bit sadly.

He listens a bit more and nods to her sparring, but he doesn't say anything the thoughts of the past stuck in his mind though he hears her, and nods as it was true he too would like to one day spar with someone he tought he is silent for a few long moments before he can put those thoughts away being here at this school didn't help thought it had been a while ago he had still missed her even if he would die before admiting it. Though finally when she says she can he snaps back into it as he had enough time to morn he would do it no more.

He shakes his head, and puts on a smile, "Patience.. I must tell you something important first." though he does hand her the sticks. He puts his hand ontop of the dummy. "This training dummy is much like a Wing Chun dummy though different places made it, it was for the same reason." he stops and shows a quick move or two hitting the pegs with his arms with a small "wham" as he did it. "Ip Man or whatever they called him was an excellent fighter he realised multiple impact fighting." he showed a punch, and kick at the same time hitting the center then stoped bringing his leg back to stand normal. "Though he did this with his body you are to do it with the sticks. Same concept... Just keep that in mind. Strike with both, make the rhythm" and with that he steps back and waves a hand for her to go ahead.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"That is the thing... if I am destined to fail at something, it is meant for me to fail, not to simply not attempt." Marie points out; there's a subtle difference, really. "...but there are certain issues that I have found I prefer my fate to surprise me, instead." Okay, so there's one, anyways. She's... slowly working on becoming lewss dependent on her cards for every day decision making, but it's a slow process. "...and I will look forward to meeting your sister! If there are any other topics I should not speak of with her, please let me know."

"Oui, sometimes. It is... an interesting American custom, but it is entertaining." As long as you don't get possessed in the process, like happened to her last time! There's a happy little nod to the 'Marie and Mary' comment. Yes, their names are similar. It's fun! The other question, though... that darkens her mood, though only for a moment. "I take pictures of the happy times, T'Challa... the sad ones I would prefer to forget." Then, he's talking about his relationship with Ororo, and there's a nod of affirmation when asked if she knows her; she does! Both sticks are moved to one hand to reach out and pat the man's shoulder with an empty one, if she's allowed.

"If I may." It's more of a Marie thing than a 'bow in the presence of greatness' thing. She's polite to a fault. "Mary and I began to date over two years ago... it was most wonderful, even if we were new to it." She pauses, taking a breath to steel herself before continuing. "Our paths led in different directions. She had her career, education, family and friends pulling her in one direction... and my cards told me my fate was meant in another direction. We parted ways as friends, and would eventually lose touch."

There's an intentional break to let the words sink in. She understands the way something that's a core part of a person can pull them away from who they love. Then, she continues. "A couple of weeks ago, though, our paths crossed again in the park. We made plans to catch up, and..." Well. The smile returning to her face and blush to her cheeks? Finishes the story before she can. "...so perhaps your path and Madame Monroe's will come together once again... if it is meant to be." He has a reason to come visit again, after all. "If not? Remember the happy times. Try to forget the sad, oui?"

Speech made and story told, she repositions the sticks in her hands. Heels are kicked off towards a corner -- bare feet will have an easier time, she's sure. She readies herself as she listens to the instruction... and while her violin has no direct comparison to what T'Challa speaks of, she can relate it to percussion. So the concept is there, but the habitual execution will take time. The King might notice, though, that as she's striking... even if her aim isn't perfect, or timing isn't the strongest, it's decent. She's keeping herself on tempo by humming the rhythm to herself. She's also going full-force, and judging by the tone of the humming, it's not out of a place of anger... almost out of a place of peace, instead.

There was a reason she chose music as a collegiate major.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa listens, and nods to her as this was a topic he knew little about. Sure there was magic the spirits could possibly tell him about glimpsing the future, but they never had seen the need. Now he was kind of thankful for that as he did not know how he would handle it. He finally speaks up again, "You are stronger then I am, as the curiousity if not need to know would trump what I wanted." he smiles at her, "It would be difficult to break away from, though if you are getting more and more successfull then I guess it is possible." though he smiles after this, "And no other then my constant need to embarass her I share no other secrets from her. She must know many things to lead in my stead as I am here and she is home."

"We do different things for fun in Wakanda, lots of games of skill more then chance like gambling or such things. We have a day every year we dress up in masks to scare away the evil spirits that has covered the land in the past year." he shrugs, "Many do no understand and call us superstitious so I will not judge your fun in this."

He sighs a bit, as he takes a step away, "My time with her is done, as I am afraid if we were to reconnect I fear it would end the same way as nothing has changed." he smiles a bit with a flat chuckle, "A king is ment to stand alone as his people are his highest care, and anything that takes away from that is but a distraction." he sounds a bit cold on this fact as it though dificult had been his resolution from the point when Ororo left the determination clear on his face as the emotion on it disapears behind the poker face.

He does look at the picture of Mary again he talks a bit slowly as if noting things, "I am glad to be honest. That you were able to reconnect with her. There are some around here that would misinterupt why I am helping you." he shrugs a bit, "I am glad to see you are not one of those people as I am only a friend, and a tutor." he gives a bit of a smile, "I mean no offince in this of course, but that is all it will ever be, and you are not just a replacement for her." he puts honestly as no-one accused T'Challa of not getting to the point.

He does not at the wall though, "I hope to see new pictures of you and this Mary though next time I am here. As a happy life is important to learning." he chuckles again finally as he looks at her. "Even if they do share as simmular name I truely hope you two are happy." finally he turns to look as she takes up the form and hits the dummy

"It is a good start as your form, and balance are good as well as the tone." he looks at her with a smile. "Though can you hear it? The timing is still a bit off. It takes time, and I am sure you will get there with practice, but I like to see you got the idea of it is always a strike." he nods to Okoye, and she hands him her spear. "Please step back I will show you why it is important." stepping forward he hits the dummy with the spear. The form is form three, but since it is one solid piece other then two sticks the double strike motion moves the staff in just a blur as it rings against dummy hard. "I used almost no strength, and yet the impact was still what you seen because I used what I learned." and smiles noding to her to try again as he tosses the spear back to Okoye.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"The need is... incredibly strong." Marie agrees, "Knowing what comes next can make the happy times happier, and helps you brace for the sad times, and as one fate has allowed to see the next pages of her story, I feel a certain... responsibility to act in the ways that have been chosen for me." Bowing her head slightly, here. "Mary... is the one area where I choose to rebel, to not look ahead. I do hope that my ability is not taken from me for this," Is she talking about her mutant ability? Can that even happen? Still, she looks up again, smiling. Determined. "She would be worth it, though."

She listens as he talks about the customs of Wakanda, taking it in. Taking the opportunity to learn. Frowning a bit at the end, "Your country sounds wonderful, T'Challa... and people often call superstition what they do not have the capability to understand." She's been the target of that before. "My grandmother taught me of the spiritual world, when I was little. There are still many things I do not understand... but I know it exists."

Marie won't try to play matchmaker between T'Challa and Ororo, or anyone really -- not unless her cards tell her it must be -- so she moves onto the next topic, shaking her head. "Oh... oh no. Perhaps years ago I would have made such a mistake, but... I have come to realize better when people are attempting to pursue me for such things." Not that it happens that often, which she's thankful for. "There is no offense taken, truly. I am, to you, precisely what I wish to be. A friend and humble student. If others, or tabloids believe otherwise?" She gives a shrug. "The people who are important know the truth, and that is all that matters."

Hanging out with Jenny for so long has given Marie a little bit of emotional toughness. A bit of ability to ignore what's said about her... especially if it's said behind her back. To her face is a little harder. "I think you will, it is just... a matter of time." A romantic at heart, she's got ideas to be sure.

Marie does not to her timing being off, "I can. It... feels much like learning an instrument. My body is learning to have my limbs move in certain ways at just the right times... but oui, practice is most important." Now, she has a tool to conduct that practice with, too, on her own free time!

She takes a couple steps back to watch the demonstration with the spear... and green eyes widen in surprise. That... that does take it up a level. "Mon dieu... that is most impressive." she replies, trying to picture herself doing that. She's not there yet, she knows it. She can see the building blocks that go into it, though, which is important. So she tries again! Her results?

Well. They're similar to her last attempt. A little more fluid, but not quite there. It's the kind of thing that takes repetition, and moreso than she's managed so far. Every attempt is an improvement over the last, though, and while she seems to realize when her timing's off -- trying to adjust mid-form -- she doesn't seem to get discouraged by her failings.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa nods, "I wonder if it happends because you see it, or it happends therefore you see it." and thinks about it, "I guess it all depends if a falling tree makes a sound if there is no-one there." and he chuckles again as percieved reality and determanism is a bit beyond his understanding. "though if such fates could deem you unworthy for chasing your heart then pehaps they are not the fates you should be listening to anyway." and nods as he ;ooks at her, "Though not all would give away everything for someone.. They must truely be special."

With another nod T'Challa moves to stand back a bit, "Spirits exist, I have had conversations with the spirits of my ancestors, as not all are evil just those will ill-content in death." he nods a bit to himself, "Your grandmother must of been very wise to know about such things as very few have realised this since I have left Wakanda, and the evils spirits of this land are everywhere." he sighs a bit, "Though it is not my place to do the clensing."

He smiles as she accepts what he was telling he as he knew she would, "I know it is akward, but I thank you for understanding. I just did not want to mis-lead you into thinking this was something it was not." though he grins a bit, "Though if anyone gives you trouble over me let me know and I will show them to the implied cliff, as Miss Dyne said I can not directly threaten people anymore." and chuckles a bit at his joke. He wouldn't throw someone off a cliff, but if someone picked on his student because of him.. He would not be kind. "I am glad to know it would not bother you, but still it is not acceptable so please do not keep it to yourself."

With a sigh, and a shrug "I do not believe so but it is kind of you to say. I have no time, nor the patience for Americans. Pehaps that is why I care for my sister so much as I believe she is the future for our line." and thinks about it for a moment before shaking his head, "But I am the tutor and you the student.. I worry about you not the other way around." and smiles to her at that. He knew she was still young, and had not been to jaded as much as T'Challa and it made him feel old for a moment.

He nods to Okoye, "The spear is the final step, and you will get there eventually. Once your body knows the movement, and the timing we will show you do not worry it is a process which we know the steps very well." he holds up a finger and repeats what his trainer told him, "You learn the spear slowly for skill comes from not skipping steps." and grins, as Okoye frowns also hearing the same thing from her tainer. "It took me a long time to get as good as I am, but you will get there with time. as you have an excelent teacher." and chuckles a bit more.

Finally T'challa sighs, "Keep practicing my time here is done as I have other buisness to get to. Keep practicing, and Okoye will continue to train you as she has done." he nods to her, and she nods back in agreement. "I will be in contact again soon to check on your progress, and keep in contact as you are now my favorate student." though he chuckled at this as she was his only student.