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New Year's Night Watch
Date of Scene: 07 January 2023
Location: Times Square
Synopsis: Harper and Cecily spend New Year's Eve overwatching Times Square in case of any anomalous occurences or villainous presences.
Cast of Characters: Harper Row, Cecily Winters

Harper Row has posed:
It's quite a few years since the first ball drop in Times Square. Decades and decades of the tradition to donk out the old and fireworks up the new. The streets are packed and spirits are high and flowing. Atop this building, there's almost enough height to reduce the sounds from so many mingling bodies.

Harper would traditionally be in Gotham where the festivities would be grand in their own way, but not much can compare to the Big Apple. And coming to New York means she can ring in the new year with Ms. Winters. And keep out a watchful eye to protect of course. To this purpose Harper has come wearing her Bluebird outfit, because if there's a need to leap into something, she won't be able to waste time. She's brought a dufflebag with her, filled with gear to assist. Railgun and gadgets slung over another shoulder in case rapid ascents or descents are needed.

Closing the access door to the roof, she wishes she'd brought more to keep warm, hydrated and sheltered from the gusts of wind that may occur. Her mask is on and she scans for Cecily upon this high vantage, lots of HVAC and utility cabinets providing a sometimes maze-like collection of silhouettes to obscure a good read on the rooftop.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    With the decidedly bizarre technology-related threats in the last month or so, there's no bad reason to be on a stakeout in the cold on New Year's Eve. Thousands of people with cell phones, hundreds of cameras on everything and everyone, the media circus that is the ringing of the New Year in New York. If something bad was going to go down, it would be here, and, well, within the next hour or so. Ms. Winters is more than happy to be up here in the cold, far from the crowd, even if her sharp ears can pick up the dull roar.

    She'd been able to bring heavier artillery this time around, pre-planning if something the size of the last one she and Harper had seen shows up. No messing around. Though. Collateral would be the issue. She prays it doesn't come to that. Still, she's got the massive 20mm Anzio rifle unpacked, bipod resting on the edge of the roof, barrel pointed skyward. She'd already sent word to the NYPD about her presence, just in case the beat cops and security around the massive event see her up on the roof and call foul. She'd made extra sure to alert the good eggs she knows were still on the force, anyway.

    And what else? Blankets, of course, and a bag with thermal canisters of hot tea and cocoa. As well as a metal kettle and a sizable cooler of clean water. Wouldn't do to be dehydrated while on task. She isn't hard to find, either, closest to the edge where the party is going on. Nine tails are fluttered out, she's got a tarp laid out across the roof so the wet surface doesn't soak into supplies, clothes, or blankets.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper settles her gaze on Cecily's unmistakeable form. The sight of all those tails being allowed to swish and just ~be~ is enough to make her start grinning. With a light step, she hurries on over, favouring one shoulder until she can deposit it near the thoughtfully placed tarp. "Cecily!"

The mask she wears allows for her faux-hawk to get toyed with by the wind, but obscures much else. Reaching up to remove the mouth guard, the Bluebird ventures closer after a quick gawking peek at the equipment that the Goddess of Gunsmoke has lugged herself. The big rifle in particular gets a wince. But she reins herself in, because she's bumped into things with the Kitsune that definitely warrant substantial impact. Harper's trenchcoat is caught by a particularly strong gust, which is nice when one wants style points, but less so for keeping warm.

The Bluebird reaches forward, just short of combing her fingers through the tails. The desire is there, for tactile rewards, but instead, she goes to the edge and intends to rest a gloved hand on Cecily's shoulder to squeeze. "You're better armed and more punctual than me. Everything okay so far?" It must be the effect of costume, Harper's attempt at being professional. She's sort of glad the outfit obscures some of her face. Showing up is kind of like show-and-tell when she meets for Cecily to protect or get to the bottom of a tricky situation. Dress to impress.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Finally, a sound that isn't the crowd below or the howl of wind at this altitude. Harper's voice. It brings a smile to the fox's chilled lips, her tails waving a little more energetically when not being played with by the wind. She leans over the edge, peering down for a moment, then up, before backing away towards the tarp. Just in time for Harper to intercept her, and that gust of wind sends her tails waving around. Despite the cold, she's clad in, well, mostly her usual. Her skirt. Her vest. A long coat is worn this time, of course, with a slit in the back for her tails to escape. She's likely got on thicker stockings for those legs of hers, too. But she's still as professional as always.

    "I'm always on the clock," she says, which might as well be the woman's catchphrase by now. And as if her tails detect that 'urge', a few of them wrap around Harper's form. Maybe to warm her. Maybe to tempt her further to touch them. Soft, silky, fluffy tails. She nods at the question. "...so far, so good. Nothing on the radio bands except for drunke revelry. A trend that's going to carry long into last call and beyond..." she says with a quiet sigh. "And you? How are you, Bluebird?" she asks, using the girl's codename.

    She turns to face Harper, just barely having a couple of extra inches on her. "I see you've brought some things of your own. I made sure we had blankets. Cocoa and such. I can heat water for us if we need it," she nods. There's a noise that comes with the wind. A hum of wire tension. A creak of metal. It's just the vertical antenna on the roof and the cables holding it upright. "Miserable night for a party, but everyone with dedication to getting hypothermia is out here tonight to watch the ball drop..." she mutters.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper's hand swishes through those nearby tails, and it's like a kid at Christmas. The girl is far too enraptured with it, and consistent at least. With this assumed permission, she strokes lightly, akin to petting. Feeling sensation at the tips of her fingers moreso than the press or movement through the protective palms and knuckles. Cecily's catchphrase tugs upwards at her mouth. Her eyes search out Cecily's as she listens, Bluebird lenses covering her peepers against the wind. So very superhero chiche.

"The temptation to bring something bracing occurred, but perhaps after we're sure...y'know...we could..." Bluebird trails off, professionalism on a slippery slope and she's only just arrived. "Not important at the moment." Turning to peer over the side, that long drop down and the mobs mingling and desperately trying to give the year a good send off has her quirking her lips.

The sound of the wind trying to bully and batter antenna and other fixtures makes her cock her head but not enough to jumpscare. "Now I wish this came with an insulated cape, but thank you for slogging up some blankets. That'll help when all my superheroic resolve breaks down and my teeth start chattering. I'm doing alright. I've been looking forward to visiting...the big apple again, yeah. Not exactly my backyard but finding myself in the area more and more often. I'm alright, been busy, but alright. I think I'm fully back up to speed again after my recovery. I have you to thank for that."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily unfortunately doesn't have proper eye protection against the wind. She's just got her glasses on. They're certainly ballistic-rated to keep powder and casings from hitting her in the eye, but against the chill they're not so great. Dedication to a look, perhaps. Or she's just hot-blooded. When she gets a proper look at Harper, though, she does a double-take. "..you look.." her eyes sweep the girl's form. Not in a leering way, more of a tactically appraising way. "..amazing," she settles on a word and nods. "Very appropriate. Very tactical. You've come prepared, dear," she says, smiling warmly. "Not so good for the cold, perhaps, but... beautiful."

Her approval is nodded, her eyes sweeping Harper's form again before she quirks a brow. "...there's a bottle of Irish cream in the unlikely event nothing is going to happen that needs our intervention tonight," she states, nodding to the bag she'd brought. If anything she only had her sidearm, her massive rifle, and maybe a secondary rifle. Room for warm things. And she's quite the strong fox, too. Lugging the stuff wasn't exactly an issue. "If you would like to sit down and we can keep our eyes on the sky..." she gestures to the cloud cover, the sky heavily pregnant with another promise of snow. "...we can at least keep warm for the moment, right?" she offers.

    "It is wonderful to have you here again. You are free to stay with me anytime you would like, also, but I understand your job largely keeps you confined to Gotham, right?" she asks, tails enjoying the touches, hugging around the girl with the mask and cute faux-hawk. Just more encouraging of touches, those fluffs.

Harper Row has posed:
Thankfully a byproduct of getting all those steps in, rather than cheating with the elevator, has given the Bluebird a healthy glow on her cheeks. A nice warm up that makes her calfs and legs complain but not tap out. No need for stretching. Harper takes a moment to unsling her railgun and provide a little mock pose of 'no frigs given', and then Vogues a cheeky flexing with her head turned. She laughs and goes to lean her weapon next to Cecily's larger more devastating calibre. Side by side, at the ready whenever the need may arise. Bluebird comes to the edge again next to Cecily, so that there too there can be an echoing of that side-by-side. "You really did think of everything. No wonder you're the best at what you do. Yeah, Gotham keeps me hopping. If there's aid to the other Birds needed, I try to be only a ride away. But I can always make excuses for some NY trips. Reasons...not excuses."

The bluebird returns the favour by giving Cecily an appraisal. "You're looking mighty capable and professional." And. "And...I was gonna say amazing but fabulous and devastating would be better. "I appreciate your giving me a once-over, because if anything, the stuff we've run into, and seeing how you deal with it, made me think I'd better up my game. Nothing wrong with my unform, but...you said very tactical? That's what I was going for. I wanna be more tactical. See this...and goons will have second thoughts and wonder if they updated their living wills, right?"

Harper takes the suggestion to have a seat, and the newness of some of her threads and composite make little noises as things are stretched or shifted. "The stairs certainly had a few pointers for the soles of my boots." Bluebird twists at the hips, working out a few kinks and making some muscles get a bit of a stretch. Some impromptu bending and pulling at limbs before settling proper and looking up to the night sky.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    The vixen is, of course, always cheating. Body repaired and enhanced via gene modding and science. She has to keep it in some level of shape, of course, but her regeneration at such a high level keeps her from having too many issues. Like she's 'stuck' at a point in time. She watches Harper deposit her things, setting up next to her twenty-mil, and laughs quietly. "...again, in the unlikely event of tonight ending up as the result of us being paranoid... we can at least enjoy New Year's Eve together, right?" she gives a warm little smile. Terribly unprofessional, really. But even Cecily can't be all serious business all the time, despite her own claims to the contrary.

    "Excuses to come see me?" she gives a playful wink, showing that the serious 'agent' can still be delightfully coquettish at times. She even gives a little pose for Harper when those eyes wander her from from beneath the mask. Same great fox, just additional jacket. "Tactical is good. Easier to hold things you need. Practical, too. Good style. You might consider a plate carrier unless that jacket and dragon scale are armored already," she muses. Then she moves to take a seat herself, settling onto one of those cheap foam 'stadium cushions' so she's not planting her butt on tarp-covered concrete. There's one for Harper, too.

    "The devil is in that one," she sighs, "...good shoes are impossible... it took me some time to find ones that worked, especially while sticking to a certain uniform..." she shakes her head, peering up at the clouds. "...it's why you'll find me barefoot at home."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper takes a cue from Cecily to reach and snag the foam cushion. A bit of this and that and she's got it more comfortably under her derriere. She gives a little shake of her head and a small laugh at the small but very useful addition to what Cecily packed. "Yeah, wouldn't that be a shame if we get a night off." A wry grin and she gets comfortable.

"I haven't tested out the new duds just yet, but I've been promised that it comes with better protection. But obviously, what's a better test than a field test, right?" Harper runs her thumbs along the less flexible parts and squeezing along those that stretch over where they need to. "It'll be scuffed and scratched in no time. Probably as soon as I step foot in Gotham in it." Bluebird reaches up and adjust a setting to remove the blank white eyepieces, so that her own eyes can peer out and feeling the wind. She side-longs to Cecily, "We could maybe do a little shopping or practice on the range before I head back. Whenever I visit, I always seem to go home having learned something new or picked up a new trick."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Perhaps by design, Cecily had set up the little 'camp' up against one of the building's giant HVAC units. There's some heat coming off of it, for sure, but the big important thing? It gives some level of backrest as well for the pair to lean on. So cushions for bums and cold metal ductwork for leaning on! It's not perfect, but whatever. It's something. It's a surprise she didn't pack a tent, too. Building security would probably frown on that, though, and there's probably more than enough people visiting the city trying to do that sort of thing. Urban camping in the snow.

    "Well, if something happens and you do get hurt, I'll take care of you, I promise," Cecily says kindly to Harper. "Carry you to the hospital myself, or back to STAR if you need something more... secret and secure..." she offers, giving a lopsided smile. Then she laughs softly, "...are you planning on staying the whole weekend, then? We can do breakfast tomorrow, go shopping, hit the range. Just tell me what you'd like. I wish I had you over for Christmas. It was a..." her smile is a little more rueful. "...lonely one..." she sighs.

    She starts to unfold one of the blankets, focusing more on draping it around Harper. "...I'm not one of those 'I work alone' types, but outside of my professional relationships... I'm often alone anyway."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper rests her back against the heat unit, approving of the protection against the wind and the support. Offering a sigh as she gets settled just right and they have a lovely vista to peer at while the clock counts down. Propping up her forearm on a raised knee, she adjusts a belt.

The offer of assistance has her smile growing until her teeth show. "Sweep me off my feet?" Her eyes widen at the addition of the rather noteworthy lab and she coughs out a small chuckle. She rakes a free hand through her hair. "If you could put up with me, I'd like it. I don't want you to think I'm a mooch, and on such short notic-" She pauses.

Peering at Cecily while she's made more comfortable and warmer as well. She says quietly, "I wish I'd been over as well." Harper blinks and her smile fades and she seems to consider her words carefully, or at least awkwardly trying to find her voice. "Hey, that's not right." She clears her throat. "Listen, that'll be last time it's a lonely one, yeah? It's times like these I wish I could go back in time. Listen, you come over to my place, or I'll come to yours. I've had a bunch of low key holidays, but I had my bro Cullen to commiserate with. In fact, you should come and meet him. He'll be blown away. Or I'll bring him. He's always pestering me for more about who Ms. Winters is and why I can't shut up over cereal about you. No more lonely calendar days...and other days...like that. When you /don't/ want solitude." Harper thinks furiously, furrowing heavily beneath her mask.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "You do seem to like me sweeping you off your feet..." Cecily says softly, playful lilt in her voice. "...and I enjoy doing it to you, too. Notions of romance aside, we also work well as a team together, I think," she nods, eyes still on the skyline. She situates the blanket around Harper a little more, then adds her tails, too. She doesn't seem to be blanketing herself just yet. Instead, she sets to pouring a cup of hot tea while Harper goes on about future holiday plans.

    Cecily's cheeks turn a bit more red, and not just from the cold this time. "...you... gush about me over breakfast?" she asks softly. "..did I really make that much of an impression on you, little Bluebird?" she turns her head, cradling a large tin camping cup in both hands now, the scent of hot green tea rising as steam fills the air near the fox's face. "I guess... we're starting that already, mm? New Year's Eve and we're not alone, and it's you, and I," she chuckles quietly. "I suppose you're staying the weekend here in New York with me, then, after we deal with whatever horrific thing comes out of the clouds tonight..."

    She gives a little shrug and blows on her tea a little, while revelry continues in the streets far below.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper feels herself being insulates in multiple layers. Not heavy or suffocating, but comforting. The blanket cutting out the worst of the wind and tails adding that unique touch. As close fitting as her costume is, it's an odd but welcome feeling. Like hiding out a downpour from within a small protective alcove.

Harper seems to realize she perhaps gave out a bit too much information, whether it's betraying poor Cullen's curiosity or concern, or its just Harper's own tendancy to obsess, it's up for grabs. "Yeah, I guess we kinda are. A new tradition or custom, like family and friends do. Our family could stand to make some new ones. A lot of years could stand to be dropped along with that big lit up ball in the Square. Dropped, replaced, erased..."

The comment about something just waiting to emerge and threaten the city has her offer a long groan and lopsided grin. "Hey, are you sure you're not cold? I'm snug as a bug." Harper lifts the edge of the blanket to offer a portion, making it look like the Bluebird is gently flapping one wing.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    If there's something Cecily is good at, it's bringing warmth. If not her fluffy tails, then her flames. Only one of those (Or nine?) are actually in use at this very moment, however. She does laugh, though, "...still, it tickles me that you think so very highly of me. Surely your brother must get bored of hearing about me? I'm not that interesting. There are far more curious curiosities in New York alone. I'm just a fox woman with a gun," she states, seriously downplaying herself. The giant rifle sitting nearby seems to indicate how good she is at being subtle, too.

    "Mmm?" she asks, sippping her tea, and turns her head. She watches Harper 'flap' adorably at her and she can't help but laugh. "..well.." she starts, considering, and carefully scoots herself closer until her cushion bumps into Harper's. Her tails slip under the blanket, too, to wrap around the girl. She sighs and settles in, closing her eyes. "...perhaps we can find some pizza on the way home after this, provided there isn't too much trouble..." she muses, unable to keep from snuggling up to the other woman. Almost on reflex.

    She checks the clock. It feels like they've not been there too long, but time has a habit of slipping by. Half an hour 'til the drop, at best, perhaps?

Harper Row has posed:
The two probably would make an odd sight, sharing a blanket and huddling close. Vagrant vigilantes of a sort. Sitting side by side is enough to make Harper threaten to break out into a dorky smile, with the blanket though, it's verging on slipping into girl-giggling territory. There's no smell of alcohol on Harper though. "It's practically a sleep over then." she muses and plays out enough blanket to share in some sanctuary.

"Absolutely." Bluebird scooches a bit closer until hips and cushions are making contact. "Pizza on the way home." she repeats. Harper turns to view Cecily taking sips from her carefully held tea. She doesn't say much as she looks, watching the steam curl up to seemingly, to Harper's eyes, to rise up to touch the Kitsune. Drawn to or pulled, visible in this air will-o-wisping with what ambient light is available. It's probably not the smoothest she's ever been, decked out in her duds, slipping one arm around Cecily's waist and hugging as she stops rudely oogling and peering towards that skyline. "Cecily, you're more than interesting. Cullen I think maybe lets me go on a lot, because he knows the signs." Harper dips her head to hide her face as she smiles guiltily. "When something gets its claws into me. When I obsess about something. This time...it's a about a person? Anyways..." she trails off. "When I think of New York, it's not about the sights to see, it's about whom I can see."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily seems to be remarkably, well, stoic about this. She's smiling, of course. She's basking in the warmth of her friend. More than friend. It's complicated. Cecily is rather complicated in general. But she has a simple outlook. Vagrant vigilantes indeed, though. She works on keeping Harper warm while they keep their watch. It's not too long until the big event happens. Plenty of time for doom and gloom to descend from the skies. But there's no... tension. It's just. Joy and revelry down below. And up here? Warmth. Comfort.

    "A sleepover sounds nice," she says quietly. "...my bed is plenty big and warm..." she then adds. Her breaths come in, drawing the steam from the tea closer, and then it puffs out, wisps waving around until the wind catches them and scatters it all. She takes another long, slow drink as she's hugged. "...the signs?" she asks, cheeks still pink some. "...well, I am a fox but I'm not sure about claws..." she muses, amused, but continues to smile.

    "It's me. You're obsessed with me. Your... dream goddess...?" she asks softly, not making eye contact. "...silly of you... I'm nothing special. But I'm glad. I like that I'm... special to you? Even if I don't feel remarkable myself? In a world filled with gods and titans, angels and demons, things that warp and bend reality... I'm just a strange fox that was given a second chance at life."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper reaches up to rubs the sides of her temples, forgetting for a moment most of her mask is still in place. Her finger encounter that manufactured shape of stylized mask. She shares the warmth and her attempts to portray just camraderie are strained. How she wishes she had Cecily's composure sometimes.

Harper doesn't interrupt or try and protest, and she stares ahead at the skyline. The thousands of people on the streets might as well be on another planet. She knows she's surrounded by a city of millions, but this feels even more removed. So many stories up, so many stories being written below. "One up here, right here." she murmers.

"Well, you're remarkable to me." Harper whispers and squeezes. She leans her head gently towards you resting cheek or temple against. "Reality doesn't need any upgrades. You're here." She closes her eyes and breathes in and out a sigh. Letting herself drop all the bravado and demeanor that she feels a need to broadcast when swinging or standing heroically. Things could be alright tonight maybe. Whatever timer is counting down might just be about the New Year and not some New Doom. Harper harbours a crazy thought if there's any such thing like karma, the thing that could get in the way would have to counter-balance how good this feels to share this rooftop. Anything less than a cosmic invasion wouldn't measure up. "If I am being silly...I don't wanna be smart. But I know what's special when I see it and feel it."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    One story here. One story, with connecting lines and a spiderweb of intertwined moments, organizations, and individuals. But right now, this story. Harper and Cecily. And Cecily, one couuld be forgiven to think that she never smiles. Never /feels/. That the cool, professional exterior is everything to her. And to some extent, maybe it is. But in a city like this, a mask is common. Painfully common. But for Harper? The fox doesn't mind letting it slip. Moments like this, far from the cameras or prying eyes or sharp ears. Just the two of them, in the cold, waiting for a disaster. A disaster that in the back of her mind, in the depths of her heart, she hopes doesn't come.

    She gives Harper a firm hug, not just with her tails, but one of her arms, too. The other is, of course, holding that cup of tea. A cup of tea that the wind is ripping the heat out of. A wind that's making the fox cuddle that much closer to her companion, perhaps unconsciously. "I'm glad you thik I'm special, love," she says quietly, staring down into her tea for a moment before taking a slow sip.

Harper Row has posed:
    Harper watches Cecily sip the tea, listens respectfully and offers an encouraging smile. The odd thing about Harper while in costume, is she's frequently showing her pearly whites. Moreso than when she's out and about as Harper Row, Gothamite. Sister and respectfully employed at the Power company. The cheerful or smug bravado she feels easier to project when identity is obscured. So maybe that's why there's a bridge between Harper and Bluebird when sharing a private moment.

    Bluebird leans her head to the side as she hugs closer. "Do you remember that time at the shooting range?" A pause as Harper herself dwells upon it. "I'm no stranger to training and trying to improve. You have a gift for what you do. You have an excellence, and what's even more rare is how to communicate that in a way to help another. Whenever I need to make a difficult shot, I remember what you told me, how to stand, how to grip...how to breeeeeathe." she enunciates like she's filling and emptying her lungs in preparation to fire off that big hand cannon. Raising one arm, making the blanket drape as her fingergun extends towards the horizon. "And if I need to concentrate and pull off a miracle, my nose smells all those scents again, and my arms can bear a heavier load."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily listens, and she blinks. Maybe the fox is a little dumbfounded that she had this much of an effect on someone. That she could linger in someone's mind so much that their senses are taken for a trip when they need that little boost. Her ears are perked up the entire time, even in spite of the wind trying to drive them back down against her hair. "...really?" she finally asks, when Harper is finished taking her on a little journey of imagination.

    But she smiles. The fox smiles. "...I don't... often train people... I'm a security consultant, not a firearms instructor... but... right place, right time...?" she hazards playfully, giving her companion a lopsided little smile. "...I'm just a girl with a gun that likes to help people. And I suppose I helped you too. Just. More than I thought I did..." she says, trailing off, and looks to her cup of tea. It's half-empty now and a bit on the cold side. She can't help but exhale a small sigh and concentrates a little.

    A small rush of that purple-blue foxfire spirals down her arm, embers dancing and wrapping around her tea cup. It isn't long before the directed heat starts making it steam merrily again. "...dreadfully cold out.. I hope you're comfy?"

Harper Row has posed:
    Harper grins wider when she see's your smile again. "Right place, right time." she echoes and then bites her lip when she notes your ears. Enamoured with your mannerisms and expressions, especially the times when some become more prominent than others, amidst that professional calm and collected demeanor.

    The mystical appearing manifestation casts a lovely ambient glow. More substantial and lingering to Harper's eyes than a firework popping off. "Oh sure, just a girl with a gun that likes to help people." she gives a small laugh. She practically hiccups with a thought that blooms in her head. "That reminds me..."

    Harper flaps the blanket with her elbows as she searches herself. Her body shifts against and away as Bluebird gets at her more secure utility pockets. "Sorry...just one...more...sec...Aha." A box is removed and the lid used to help offer forth the open-faced gift. Raising a hand, she holds up a small box to you. "It's the holidays, and I saw something while I was in the market area. I'm a bit late in getting it to you. To be honest I was a little worried it wasn't something you'd want and I should take it back...exchange it...or just return it...Nnnnngh." Harper dorkily grunts, realizing she's rambling. She turns towards you, trying to position herself to not completely ruin the comfy wrap of blanket to keep out the cold.

    The box contains a hair pin stilleto bearing jade, and asian hairclip that bears a fine metal crafted blossom. The kind that trails thin beads and thin tassels.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "It's true, is it not?" Cecily asks, taking a slow drink from her freshly-warmed cup now. The flame doesn't extinguish, though. It stays coiled around her arm like a snake--or a fiery tail, and provides mellow warmth for both women. "...just a girl with a gun and I like helping people..." she says, then grins, idly nodding towards the oversized rifle she'd brought to this particular tea party. She can't help it if she's rather fond of, well, large guns! Then the girl is rambling about gifts, and she blinks, looking down at Harper some and watching her fumble through her pockets.

    "Little bird.." she says quietly, "..you didn't need to give me anything, and you never will need to... I'm more than content to have you and your pretty little heart..." she says softly, sincerely. But her voice trails off and she reaches out to open the box, blinking at what it contains. Her cheeks remain a warm shade of pink and she exhales a quiet sigh. "A-ah... for a moment. I had.. thought you were planning on proposing to me..." she laughs, her smile wobbly. Maybe she had wanted that? Not that people in their line of work get those kinds of happy endings.

    "...not that I'd have minded... even if it's a bit cliche on new year's eve..." she rambles a touch herself, then regains her composure and carefully extracts the pin. "It is, admittedly, not quite my style for everyday wear but... I think, when you and I see fit to spend evenings out together... I will be sure to wear this. Because while it may not suit my... business affairs..." she again gestures to the rifle and her attire. "..it's beautiful. Thank you, little bird..." she whispers and leans in to kiss Harper's forehead.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper opens and closes her mouth. If she's blushing or flushed her mask will hide it quite well. In the light of the foxfire she blinks rapidly and clears her throat. The kiss is placed upon her and she stays still for it, her mind going around and around. A bewildering amount of thoughts. Things she could say, should say, and the absolute barrel full of those that she shouldn't. The span of time seems to stretch out for minutes, but it surely must only be seconds.

Harper offers an awkward laugh. "Yeah, that would fit this night in particular, wouldn't it? I'm not really good at gifts." Speaking of cliches that can crop up at times...She actually really does reach up and run her gloved hand through her head. Harper settles back next to Cecily while her breath steams out. "I do love your style. Professional, but I also find it bold. There's nothing to improve upon. Everything else would be window dressing."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Maybe Cecily wanted Harper to respond. To say one of the silly little things on her mind. She'd never been proposed to. Never had interpersonal relationships that were quite /that/ close. Always work, always something on her mind. Never while a cop, and now, a lot of that personal time is usually spent in short term... entertainment. A ring, though, would have been a treat. Still, the fox with the fire coiled around her arm is examining the jade pin.

    "It is a night for celebrating, though, isn't it?" she asks, soft and unsure. "...wash clean the old year and its sorrows, welcome the new one with open arms and hope in your heart..." she sounds wistful, then takes a long drink from her tea. "...who knows though. How hopeful it's worth being. Always something to happen, always someone to cause trouble..." she exhales a sigh, her tails hugging more snugly around Harper. But she gives the girl a smile at the compliment.

    "I do my best to give good impressions. That first look always matters."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper snatches another glance towards Cecily. Her wry grin emerges now and then. There's some personal introspection available to delve into. "Yeah." she answers, and nods.

"I suppose things would be boring if there weren't any goons anymore causing a fuss. Or weird terrible floating things doing weird dangerous things. Kinda like being able to dress up and be heroic." she offers a small chuckle and has a thought.

"Well, if you didn't have to rely on your guns anymore...what would you do?" Harper nods towards the Square. "If that ball falls and things are all cleaned up for the new year...we're not needed to give hope to those that aren't strong enough to protect themselves, what do you think you'd do, Cecily? And I mean...the sky is the limit, or isn't. You can do anything you want. What would you do in the New New Year?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "People like me would be out of a job..." Cecily laughs. "...people like you at least have engineering work to fall back on. Me... well... maybe I could retire and live on an island somewhere..." she says quietly, getting comfortable. The questionof what they'd do right now, in the immediate, though? She purses her lips.

    "Then we do the cliche thing and share a kiss for the new year, and look forward to spending it together? In the good times and the bad?" Cecily asks, offering a gentle smile to the punkish beauty next to her. Sure Cecily's taken to caring for her as a sort of mother or mentor. But. Her feelings are quite well known to the Bluebird, too. She's not tried to hide them.

    "And then maybe take the week off..." she chuckles. "Stick to the warm interior and enjoy some much-deserved rest time .... perhaps together?"

Harper Row has posed:
Harper lets her imagination drift towards an ideal island getaway. But she's drawn back to how to cap off the old year and roll in the new. A slow smile spreads across her lips again. If she were wearing her face piercings, they'd probably glint with the ambient light sources.

The costumed crusader turns her face fully towards Cecily. "How could I say no to that? You made this year special, and you make me look forward to so much. You're the perfect person I'd want to do that with." She reaches under the blanket to reach for Cecily's hand. "If you'll let me, I'd like that a lot. It'll be like...something we could do...regularly?" Harper anxiously starts and stops, looking to find the words.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    It's so easy to forget the chill like this. Cozy under a blanket, next to a warm fox who has those silky soft tails coiled around onself. Cecily's got a couple around herself, too. Convenient, really. Another long, slow sip as she just savors the ambience. That is, the sound of people far, far below and the hum of the HVAC unit. To say nothing of the woman next to her.

    She blinks, feeling her hand taken, but gives it a squeeze. She's warm through those fingerless gloves of hers. "...regularly?" she asks, her head tilting to the side, ears perked up some. "...are you suggesting..." she starts, wry grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. "...that we go on little dates in 2023, little bird?" she asks, teasing but... sincere. And so much of that bright smile. A smile people rarely getto see.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper feels the squeeze of her hand, hidden from view. Like a clandestine little gesture. It's not needed so high up on a roof with only the two of them to see, but it feels like a pleasant little secret to share. Cecily's grin is infectious, and Harper smiles wider and a bit awkward in that way youth can sometimes be forgiven for.

"Yeah. I mean..." Harper drops her chin, letting her hair fall some. "If you'd like that. I liked going to the range with you, sharing a meal, and we're a heck of a good team when trouble happens, right? I'd like to know more about you, and for you to know more about me. Regularly. Like the regular folk do."

She offers you a hopeful grin in return.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Tangled fingers far from prying eyes. Not that Cecily would mind holding hands amidst a crowd, either. Her other arm is occupied, cradling her tea as she empties it slowly, one warm sip at a time. Steaming and delicious, as always. She's watching Harper's face, though, only sparing enough attention to the goings on elsewhere for her sharp ears to listen for any strange cries from the crowd below or the tell-tale hum of something descending from the skies. Thislets her keep an eye on Harper's and carry their conversation.

    "Regular folk..." she muses, pursing her lips. "...right. The sorts without ears and tails or masks and costumes..." she chuckles. "...aren't you worried about being seen in public, as your... Harper self... with me? I'm a known quantity..." she sighs. "...but I'm not saying no. I haven't been on any sort of date in years... outside of what you and I have done.. this is the closest thing since our little dinner and trip to the range..." there's a quiet, but warm laugh.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper's lips twist and turn as if she were trying to sign her name with a pen in her mouth. "Ahhh." A hiccup of mental brain waves as her clever mind is reminded its not at brainac levels. "Right."

Harper takes in a deep breath and gives that some serious though. "I suppose that would complicate things." Harper gives a squawk. "Not that I'd care if we're seen in public together. Hey, there's very little that's gonna make me squirm. You can ask my Bro about that when you come visit. When it's involving someone I care about, friend or family...Cullen can confirm." Her grin is back. "But I dunno, if this'll mess with your business, then you don't have to worry. You're very professional and this is your Rep you're talking about. Don't worry, I know how some things take priority. I've left many a dinner or concert when the call goes out. That being said, there's always a way to make things work, I bet. Says the workaholic that jumps rooftops after hours."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Doesn't really complicate things for me..." Cecily laughs. She finishes her drink and sets the cup aside near the bag she'd brought it all in. "I don't have the secret identity, you do..." she tsks quietly. "It wouldn't be the first time I was seen in public with a pretty girl, and it sure as hell won't be the last..." she winks.

    "So you..." she leans over, hooking her arms around Harper and just starts to boldly pull the girl into her lap. "...are the one to be worried, not me. I don't want to bring any trouble to you or your jobs, dear," she says quietly. "...and maybe, just maybe, it might be nice pretending to be 'normal' now and then?" she hazards, poking her tongue out playfully, wrapping the blanket tighter around the two of them.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper is drawn into the warm embrace, and it's a visual she'd never dream up on her own. Not while in costume. "That's very thoughtful of you." she says, with mirth in her voice. "You're right of course. I guess I should really put some hard thought into it."

"Yeah, it would be nice. I could use more convincing like that to help me make up my mind." she playfully posits and makes her tongue stick out as well. Gee, it's very comfy here and now compared to that initial biting wind. Nothing has dropped from the sky neither.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    With the warmth and the coziness and now the fox lap, time seems to have been going by far, far too fast. "More convincing like what? Like this?" she asks, giving Harper a little squeeze. Cecily smiles, too, though, and sighs, eyes drifting up towards the sky. The only thing that seems to be coming down now is a light dusting of snow. "Just. Take your time. And think about it. You seem to want this at least as much as I might, don't you..." she murmurs.

    Even without the cup to be warmed, the fox's flames remain coiled around her arm. She lets them wander, like a sentient tubefox, chasing around Harper's limbs until it finally dissipates. Nothing burning, nothing too hot. Just a little external warmth and light that goes away. "...it's getting late."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper gives a quiet chuckle. "Yeah." she adds almost as softly. Her attention drawn to the flames until they self-extinguish, but while they're active, so very entrancing. There's a lot of mystery that she's not got talents to unlock, but that's okay. Maybe. Her brain is a bit of a Terrier on certain things.

Harper turns her head to look to the sky, the passage of time difficult to tell. She turns back, and shifts so she can face you nearly nose to nose. "Has the countdown started? Are we too late?" An arm curls around Cecily and she says huskily, "How about some fireworks?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    There's a loud -SHUNK- as spotlights engage on the ball across the square, the crowd cheering. Cecily blinks, then her expression softens. "...I think we're just in time..." she whispers softly. "...no problems, no threats, no doom from the skies tonight for once. Just us. Right here. Tangled up in the night..." she murmurs, leaning in and brushing noses with Harper. The vixen's sharp ears can catch the countdown as it begins from twenty. She mouths the numbers, a hint of a whisper chasing the breath.

    "...just in time..." she exhales.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper blinks and turns her face towards your shoulder to muffle her delight in the timing of the world. Some snickering and shoulders hitching as she composes herself. When she draws back, she's blushing and her eyes are twinkling. A little nose nuzzling and Harper breathes in and out. "Just in time."

Harper isn't getting the numbers via sound, but she has the delight of reading them off Cecily's lips. And she's committing it all to memory, sharing the moment. She echoes the numbers under her breath, and when it's about to hit 1, she boldly leans in to plant a kiss.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    No more words. Just the soft breath of unspoken numbers with every little exhale. The passing of heartbeats. Then it's time. Three. Two. ... ... Maybe Cecily's pushing in first. Maybe they get there at the same time. But the result is the same.

    The result is the last kiss of the year, and the first of the new one. A kiss that Cecily doesn't just 'touch', but press. She leans in, pulling Harper tighter to herself with her arms and her tails. The other girl wanted fireworks? She's going to give them.

    The kiss from the fox is a breath taking, eye rolling, toe curling sort of kiss. The talk of washing away the old year and filling it in with the hope, magic, and promise of the new? It's in that kiss. That contact. Her eyes fell shut before they'd even sealed lips, just having the sound and the sensations guide her into that moment. The cheers and shouts and songs from down in Times Square are a world away entirely, because right now, the little Bluebird is the fox's world.